GLOBAL LEARNING CONSORTIUM (GLC-VANCOUVER.COM) 세계 교회와 화해된 한반도 1 일 컨퍼런스 (6 월 20 일, 토요일, Regent College, 5800 University Blvd, Vancouver) 주 제 강 사 08:30-09:00 am 등록 진행부 09:00 – 09:30 am 찬양과 소개 진행부 09:30 – 10:50 am 평화, 예수 그리스도의 길 Jonathan Wilson 교수 성경적 평화(샬롬)에 대한 신학적 조명을 통하여 본 한반도의 화해에 관한 메세지 (Carey Theological College) 10:50 – 11:00 am 휴식 11:00 am – 12:20 pm 캐나다 교회의 북한 협조 (사례 1) Susan Ritchie 대표 1903 하디 선교사의 원산 회개 운동에서 2015 년 캐나다–북한 교류까지 (First Steps Canada) 12:20 – 01:30 pm 점심시간 01:30 – 02:50 pm 캐나다 교회의 북한 협조(사례 2) Hannah Dissen 21 세기 청년들에게 주는 도전 (First Steps, 알버타 지부장) 02:50 – 03:15 pm 휴식 03:15 – 04:00 pm 패널: 모든 강사진 국제 화해 사역에 있어서 지역교회가 맡은 소명 04:00 – 04:30 pm 찬양과 마침 기도 진행부 참가 등록 신청서 -----------------------------------------------------------------(절 취 선)---------------------------------------------------------- 이 름 : _______________________ (영문 이름: ____________________________) 연 락 처 (주 소 /전 화 /이 메 일 ):_____________________________________________________ 소 속 교 회 및 직 분 : ____________________________________________________________ 컨 퍼 런 스 등 록 비 : (6 월 /16 일 이 전 등 록 해 야 점 심 식 사 포 함 ) _____ C$ 40.00 (일반인) _____ C$ 40.00 (단체 5 인 이상 등록 시) _____ C$ 30.00 (학생 & 65 세 이상 ) _____ C$ 45.00 (당일 현장 등록시) 등록비 보내실 곳: 105-2935 SPRUCE ST. VANCOUVER B.C. V6H3N6 Payable to (체크 받는 사람): GLOBAL LEARNING CONSORTIUM FOUNDATION 메모 란에 “CONFERENCE FEE” 라고 적어 주십시요. 문의 사항: 컨퍼런스 자세한 안내 및 인터넷 신청 접수: GLOBAL LEARNING CONSORTIUM (GLC-VANCOUVER.COM) The List of Conference Speakers’ Bios Jonathan R. Wilson (Ph.D.) is Pioneer McDonald Professor of Theology at Carey Theological College and Teaching Fellow at Regent College, Vancouver, Canada. Prior to joining Carey, he taught at Westmont College in California, USA and Acadia Divinity College, Nova Scotia. Between study at Regent and Duke, he pastored a Baptist congregation in Burnaby, BC. He has authored several books including the award-winning “Why Church Matters: Worship, Ministry and Mission in Practice” and “Living Faithfully In a Fragmented World” which sparked the New Monasticism Movement in North America. His most recent book is “God’s Good World: Reclaiming the Doctrine of Creation.” In addition to his work with several local congregations in Vancouver, Jonathan chairs the board of CityGate Leadership Forum and volunteers with REED (Resist Exploitation, Embrace Dignity). Susan Ritchie (Founder & Executive Director – First Steps, Canada, Vancouver, Canada). In 2000, Susan Ritchie traveled to North Korea as an interpreter with a Canadian fact-finding delegation. On her trip, she encountered a nursing mother Kim Soon Nyo, who didn’t have enough food to feed her twins. As a mother with an infant son herself, Susan was deeply moved and made a commitment in her heart to serve the Lord in North Korea. On her return to Vancouver, she along with a few volunteers, launched First Steps and have been helping mothers in North Korea ever since. Hannah Dissen (ESL, Teacher training in North Korea & First Steps Alberta Regional Staff) has her MA in TESOL and has worked off and on for more than 10 years in North Korea. In North Korea, she has been involved in pioneering teacher-training courses, has provided English training for North Korean diplomats, and was one of the first foreigners to teach in a Pyongyang middle school. She is currently a regional coordinator for First Steps, working in Alberta to raise awareness and support for needy children in North Korea.
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