Melba Voice April 24

Melba Voice
24 April 2015
Terry Bennett
Assistant Principals
Ms Carol Ashton
Mr David Lees
Junior Campus
Croydon Rd, Croydon Vic 3136
9725 8277
9723 6375
Senior Campus
Brentnall Rd, Croydon Vic 3136
9870 4551
9870 1784
Absence line – both campuses
9539 2345
Important Dates
4 May – Open Night from 7pm
Students dismissed at 1.30pm
7 May – College Athletic Sports
26 May – Year 7 Pancake
School Term dates 2015
From the Principal
Welcome Back
I extend a very warm welcome back to all our students, families and staff for Term 2 and hope you all
had an enjoyable and relaxing break and that the students are ready for an exciting and rewarding term.
Presentation Ball
Our Presentation Ball was held
on Friday 27 March at The
Grande in Wantirna.
Congratulations to all the
debutantes and their partners for
the manner in which they
conducted themselves. They
were all a credit to themselves,
their families and the school.
The students were presented to
David Hodgett our local State
Member of Parliament. David
was very impressed with our
students and asked me to pass
on his congratulations.
Term 2 13 April - 26 June
Term 3 13 July - 18 September
Term 4 5 October -18 December
I would also like to thank all the
family, friends and staff who attended and made the night so successful. I would particularly like to
thanks Ms Deb Stacey who co-ordinated the night.
Parent Teacher Student Interviews
Parent, teacher, student interviews were held this week at the junior campus. Parents and guardians can of course contact teachers
at any time to seek information about their children’s progress and make an appointment. The quickest way to contact teachers is
through the Compass portal on the website
Information Evening Year 7, 2016
Our Information Evening for prospective Year 7 students for 2016 will be held on Monday 4 May 2015 at 7pm in the school hall on the
Junior Campus. Parents and guardians who are considering Melba College for their children are encouraged to come along on the
evening hear to about the school and the great curriculum and programs we have to offer. Further information is available on the
College Athletics Carnival
Our school Athletics carnival will be held on Thursday 7 May at Proclamation Park in Ringwood. Parents and Guardians are invited to
come along and support the students.
ANZAC Parade – 24 Years of Leading the Parade
The school’s Marching Band will once again be at the head of the ANZAC parade on Saturday in Melbourne. They have been
involved in the parade since 1991 and this is testament to the high regard they are held in by the organising committee. Thanks to all
those students who will be involved, to the parents and the staff especially Ms Viv Doolan who will organise the event.
ANZAC Assemblies
We also held school assemblies yesterday to commemorate the 100 years of ANZAC. Mr Michael Sukkar, Federal Member for
Deakin, spoke at the senior assembly, Mr Tom Cavanagh a retired Corporal Infantry soldier who served with the 6 Battalion Royal
Australian Regiment in Timor-Leste, Iraq and Afghanistan, spoke to students at both assemblies.
Melba College Rebuild
Parents and Guardians should have received a letter this week from the Council President, Philippa Rowlands and myself giving an
update on the Melba College rebuild. We are now eagerly awaiting the State Budget which will be released on Tuesday 5 May. A
copy of the letter is on the College’s website under Latest News.
Chaplaincy Committee
The Chaplaincy Committee oversees the raising of funds to support the employment of our chaplain Chris Waddell. Chris is a
member of the well-being team at the school and works across both campuses.
Chris is also a trained Youth Worker and his role in the school is one of pastoral care and does not include any form of religious
instruction. I would encourage parents to support the work of the Chaplaincy Committee when they have fund raising activities. If
you are interested in helping please contact the Junior Campus on 9725 8277 or the Senior Campus on 9870 4551.
Terry Bennett – Principal
School Council
At the end of Term 1 we had our Annual General Meeting. Reports on school performance in 2014 (Annual Implementation Plan and
School Report) were tabled, accepted and discussed.
The meeting also provided us with an opportunity to bring up any other issues with School Council. Our normal School Council
meeting followed. The situation with the rebuild was discussed and we look forward to hearing about the outcomes from the meeting
with Minister Merlino, and possible favourable State Budget announcements in early May.
The marketing sub-committee has been working on flyers, brochures and postcards to advertise the school, and these were
presented to Council. These will be sent out to our feeder primary schools and used to assist in promoting awareness of our school
and the programs we offer.
Our next Council meeting is scheduled for 26 May, following a special meeting held on 14 April. We still have vacancies for parents
on the Council. If you want to have a say in the way the school is run, or just want a better understanding of how decisions are made,
please consider applying to join us.
Thank you
Simon Parker – Parent Representative -
Student Absences Junior & Senior Campuses
Parents are requested to ring the college on 9539 2345 if your child will be absent or late (due to illness or for any other reason) and
leave a message on the absence line outlining the reason, and if known, the length of time your child will be away.
Please also be aware that we mark the roll every period electronically and it would be helpful if parents could notify the school of
absences in the morning. However, if you are unable to do so, the absence line is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your
Alternatively you may log into your Compass parent portal and self-approve absences. If your contact details have changed please
advise the college as soon as possible.
Student Voice and Co-Curricular Programs
Student Voice Update
In the last week of Term 1, the Junior Student Voice Representatives were announced. Congratulations to all the students that
participate. I have included a list of the elected Student Representatives for each form below:
Armani Ravendran
Isabel Feller
Jack Tassell
Bailey Fitzpatrick
Sam Thomas
Tayla McGrath
Kathryn Port
Cody McGrath
Alex Forth
Anjali Nautiyal
Sophie Doyle
Cooper Schweiger
Ashleigh Kempster
The Student Voice Representative Office Bearers were also elected at the end of Term 1. The Student Voice Chairperson for 2015 is
Katie Smith, the Vice Chairperson is Joshua Kirkwood-Parker and the Secretary is Changkuoth Chuol. Student Voice meetings will
take place on both the Junior and Senior Campuses over the next few weeks.
The students have now completed two rounds of debating. The first round saw our A Grade Team debate in the negative that
Fracking should be permitted. The C Grade team were also the negative team and had to debate that we should have compulsory
military service. Both teams were required to do some intensive research and they prepared well thought out debates. Although they
debated well on the night, they were unlucky to lose by only a few points.
Round 2, saw our A Grade Team debating in the affirmative and their topic was that indigenous communities should be allowed to
administer traditional justice. The C Grade Team debated in the affirmative and their topic was that all educational institutions should
reserve places for indigenous students. Both teams debated well and demonstrated their abilities in public speaking, think on their
feet and create well thought out arguments. The A Grade Team won their debate and Tamika Kelly was named the best Speaker.
The C Grade Team lost their debate, but again, by only a few points. The A Grade Team members are Amy Sanderson, Tamika
Kelly, Gaby Simmons and Sui Men Hliang. The C Grade Team members are Liam Pearce, Stella Black, Liam Ball, Alicia Randle,
Jess Scott, Sean Sanderson and Josh O’Sullivan. Congratulations to all the students for their hard work and continual commitment to
the debating team.
Cathie Lange – Student Voice & Co-Curricular
Programs Leader
Junior School
Rotary ANZAC Memorial Service
I had the very great pleasure of accompanying a group
of 16 Year 7 students as they attended the annual
Ringwood Rotary Club ANZAC service. The service was
attended by 26 primary and secondary students from
schools across the Maroondah region. The service was
opened by the Ringwood Pipe Band and students had the opportunity to witness the traditional formalities performed by the ADF
guardians of the memorial. Students were also able to hear the first- hand account of a World War 1 Gallipoli veteran as recounted by
his grandson. The
students were
ambassadors for Melba
College and relayed the
fact that this had been an
incredibly moving and
informative event to be a
part of. These are some
of their comments taken
directly after the service.
I thought the ANZAC Day excursion was very inspirational and I learnt a lot from it – Chantelle Jenkins, 702
I thought the speech about Ted was very inspirational and made me think about the soldiers that fought. I also liked the bagpipes
that were played by the band. Joseph McDowell, 702
I liked the ANZAC Day excursion. I really think the speech about how Ted was telling the story about his experience in the war and I
liked the bagpipe band, they were good. Aira Mina, 702
I thought that the Anzac excursion was very powerful because everyone had to talk to over 600 people there and it was very
respectful. Aaron Panza, 702
I thought the Anzac excursion was great because so many people came to remember the fallen. I also enjoyed it because people
shared their stories which could be painful for them. Bailey Fitzsimons, 702
ANZAC Assemblies
Commemoration assemblies were held at both campuses this week to acknowledge the centenary of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli.
It was wonderful to see our students give their undivided attention and respect to the guest speakers and to hear the wonderful
tributes and poem readings from our Year 9 students. It is important that students understand the sacrifice of Australian lives which
was made and the significance of this event as a part of our identity and heritage as a nation.
NAPLAN testing will take place for all Year 7 and 9 students from Tuesday 11 to Thursday the 14 of May. Students will take part in
the scheduled exams prior to lunch time but will need to be prepared for normal timetabled classes during other lessons on those
days. Exam catch up sessions for those students who are absent will be held on Friday 15 May.
As always, a students’ participation in NAPLAN testing is by parent choice. Parents or guardians may choose to make their children
exempt from testing, however, there is a process which must be followed in order to obtain an exemption. If you are considering
having your child withdrawn please contact the Junior School Leader, Alison Steele, to organise a consent form. An alternative
program will be run for those students not completing the NAPLAN tests. Please feel free to contact Alison Steele or Carol Ashton at
the Junior Campus for further information.
Alison Steele – Junior School Leader
Year 7
Welcome back to all families of Year 7 students. It has been wonderful to see so many students and their families at the
Parent/Teacher/Student conferences this week. This is a very important time of the year, when students are able to get some
feedback about how to improve their educational outcomes. It is also very important that families continue conversations about
learning all year, not just at report times.
Many classes are beginning to work on CATs again. These tasks are common throughout the Year level and contribute to our ACE
point system. It is evident that we need to continually teach our students to embrace good work habits. A reminder that it is beneficial
to have a set homework time each day, which can include set homework, catching up on any unfinished classwork, revision of times
tables, reading of novels, revision of the day’s work or even reading the newspaper. This can help students when the workload does
Deb Stacey – Year 7 Leader
Year 9
A big welcome back to everyone after the holidays! I hope that everyone had a lovely break and has returned ready to work. It was
great to see so many parents coming in for Parent Teacher interviews. If you weren’t able to make it, please don’t hesitate in
contacting any of the teachers via Compass.
A special mention to our Year 9 Leaders who ran the Anzac assembly on Thursday, and the year 9 students who read pieces aloud –
everyone did a great job!
Sarah Cultrera – Year 9 Leader
Senior School
Welcome back to our students and their families for Term 2! We hope you had a restful and relaxing break, and that students are
rejuvenated and ready for a busy term ahead.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews were held on Monday 20 April. These interviews are an important opportunity to foster a common
understanding of expectations of students and are particularly important for Year 12’s as they work towards the conclusion of their
Unit 3 studies. If you were unable to attend these interviews, I encourage you to make contact with your child’s teachers to discuss
their progress and performance so far this year.
Study skills and Exam preparation
Year 11 students are provided with 1 study period per week (Wednesdays Period 3). During these sessions, it is an expectation that
students are practising effective study strategies. This does not mean the completion of homework! Students are expected to revise
for each of their subjects, particularly with upcoming SACs and Exams. For further strategies, Mr Mellow has compiled a Study Skills
booklet with detailed information for each Year 11 subject.
Year 10 Semester 2 & Unit 2 subject changes
I am now taking requests from students who wish to change their subjects for Semester 2. Although students are given the
opportunity to make a request for a subject change, given the number of students enrolled in classes, these cannot always be
granted. Should any Year 10 or Year 11 students wish to discuss making a subject change for Semester/Unit 2, they are
asked to come and see me over the next 2 weeks.
Adriana Box – Senior School Leader
Melba College Senior Campus - Homework Club
All Melba College all students are welcome to attend the Homework Club on Tuesday and Thursday evenings after school until
4.00pm in the Senior Learning Centre. We will provide students with staff support, computer access and afternoon tea.
This is a great opportunity for students to catch up on work and receive any assistance they may require. Attendance is optional and
students are free to leave after completing their work.
Jennifer Peters - Teacher Librarian Senior Campus Learning Centre
Year 10
Welcome back to all members of the Year 10 cohort. I do sincerely hope that you and your families enjoyed a peaceful and relaxing
RACV Keys Please Session
During Period Three on Thursday 16 April the Year 10 group attended the RACV Keys Please session in the Senior Campus Library.
This initiative, conducted by Vic Roads in partnership with the RACV, discussed issues such as the 120 hours, common mistakes
young drivers make when recording their 120 hours, the need for driving partnerships between parents/guardians and their children
and how, ultimately, the objective is to ensure that they remain safe on our roads. Students were given additional information to take
home with them.
Irabina- Autism Services
Immediately following the Keys Please session the students listened to a presentation from a representative of Irabina. This
presentation concentrated on topics such as what autism is, how it impacts on people and the services available for those individuals
with autism. In the coming weeks, there is also a plan to hold a ‘Superhero’ Day to raise both awareness of, and funds for, Irabina
and autism. More information will be provided on this ‘Superhero’ Day in due course.
Isaac Tupou
From Thursday April 23 to Thursday 7 May Isaac will be representing Victoria in the Australian Boxing Championships.
Congratulations on your selection Isaac and I wish you every success in this tournament.
Work Experience
Students who have yet to arrange their Work Experience placements need to do so as soon as possible. Once your documentation is
completed, please ensure that you submit this information to Mrs Arambasic.
Exams/Outcomes There will be plenty of outcomes this semester and, in due course, exams will follow. For both outcomes and
exams students need to be well prepared, consult with teachers when content is confusing and fully understand both the general
exam conditions and the specific information being assessed in each task.
Michael Benjamin – Year 10 Leader
Year 11
Melba College is in full swing again for the Year 11’s.
In the last week of last term, we had the Volleyball teams go out and represent the school, and they put in a great effort and
thoroughly enjoyed the day. We have also had the Presentation Ball, where all the young ladies were presented, and the young men
escorted them wonderfully. They all looked terrific and soon relaxed and smiled as they completed their dances with confidence and
grace. The many family members attending will no doubt remember the evening fondly for a long time to come.
This term a number of Year 11’s have been on a couple of very interesting excursions. This week a group of twenty Legal Studies
students visited the courts to see the judiciary in operation. Then another twenty students were privileged to see ‘I Call My Brothers’
at the Lawler Theatre by the Melbourne Theatre Company.
The debating team has also been out this term, with Year 11’s Gabrielle, Sui and Tamika doing well representing the school with
quick thinking and articulate, logical arguments to help gain a win for Melba. Well done to all our students who represent the school
so well when out in public.
Andy Lockey and Greg Mellow – Year 11 Leaders
MTC Young Ambassadors Program
Calum Eerden has been chosen as one of 25 Year 11 students from all schools across Victoria to be part of
the Melbourne Theatre Company Young Ambassadors Program.
As one of the MTC Ambassadors for 2015, Calum will be embarking on an extension program that will offer
insights into the world of professional theatre. Each month he will attend an MTC production, meet with
artists and staff, and share his experiences of theatre with like-minded peers.
I look forward to Calum sharing his experiences at MTC with our Melba school community.
Marg Henley - Drama Teacher
At the end of last term Melba College students in Years 7 and 8 participated in a round robin competition against other schools from
the Maroondah District Sports Group. This was the culmination of their Sport Education classes which had been conducted weekly
throughout Term 1.
Year 8 Softball
The day started with the news that Norwood had withdrawn, leaving Melba
and Ringwood to slug it out for the title. It was decided to play 2 games. Some
great batting in the first game opened up a big lead which Ringwood could not
make up, even with an extra inning. Final score was 11 – 10 to Melba. The
second game was tight all the way, with Ringwood just pipping us 11 – 10. We
then played a golden inning. Melba batted first and was only able to score 1
run. Some tight pitching and fielding under pressure dismissed their first 3
batters, leaving them scoreless and giving us the win. Overall it was a great
effort from the girls, displaying skill and spirit. They go on to represent the
Maroondah Division at the Eastern Region competition in November.
Peter Coventry - Coach
Year 8 Boys Baseball
Baseball was popular amongst the Year 8 boys, with Melba entering two teams in the round robin competition. The teams were split
evenly to give both teams a chance on the day. In a great result, one of our teams’ went through undefeated, and like the Softball
girls, they will represent the Maroondah District in the Eastern Region competition in Term 4. The winning team narrowly beat
Norwood 16-15 in the first game, defeated the other Melba team in the second game and then played very well in their last game to
beat Ringwood 14-8. Melba’s other team started very well by beating Ringwood 14-8 in the first game before losing their last two
games. It was fantastic to see the boys improve during the day and the competition provided them with a great opportunity to put into
practice what they had learnt during the term in Sport Education. The following players represented the College on the day: Marcus
Clavant, Cody McGrath, Adam Wiltshire, Matt Fayers, Liam Devlin, Ethan Newton, Thawng Thawng Thawng, Ethan BrinkhuisTurnball, Mark Perry, Adam Tuituiohu, Lah Sru Thomas, Lian Te Lal Lian Lala, Bart Maneekan, Eh Tha Twa Hei, Nay Say Htoo,
Bailey Stelfox and Eh Klu Soe
Paul Durrant - Coach
Easter Region Sports
Senior Girls and Intermediate Boys Volleyball Thursday 26 March
After being crowned top of our Maroondah Division our senior girls and intermediate boys were ready to tackle the top schools in our
Eastern Region. Playing in a highly competitive pool, both teams had last years’ State Champions (Kew High School) in their draws
and pushed both sides, actually leading at various points during the sets. With our school having no club players, this is a
tremendous achievement and a credit to the lunch training sessions they attend both with and without their coaches.
The senior girls’ results were as follows:
Melba vs East Doncaster: Draw 21-25, 25-17, 7-3
Melba vs Wellington: Win 25-21, 29-27
Melba vs Kew: Loss 20- 25, 16- 23
The intermediate boys’ results:
Melba vs East Doncaster: Win 25- 17, 25-21
Melba vs Wheelers Hill: Loss 25- 20, 15-25, 15- 9
Melba vs Kew High: Loss 13-25, 22-25
Congratulations to the following participants:
Intermediate boys: Eh Kler Soe, Isaac Tupou, Ceu Hlawn Ceu, Peter Mual Cin, Yasar Win, John King Bol, Kennedy Htoo, Tahso
Senior Girls: Eh Kler Paw, Sui Men Hliang, Sung Sung Khi Teng, Sereana Qoro, Nan Sensuk, Sui Kheng Lawt, Ywa Hiy Tha Po Toe
Carla Bourne - Coach
Term 2 Sport dates:
Tuesday 5 May
Thursday 7 May
Friday 15 May
Thursday 21 May
Monday 25 May
Friday 5 June
Wednesday 7 June
Years 7-9 Girls Football/Boys Netball
Melba Athletics Proclamation Park, Ringwood)
Maroondah Division Cross Country
Years 9/10 Round Robin (Soccer, Netball and Badminton)
Years 11/12 Round Robin (2) (Basketball, Table Tennis and Hockey)
Year 8 Maroondah Division Round Robin
Year 7 Maroondah Division Round Robin
The Melba College Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday 7 May at Proclamation Park in Ringwood. It is a whole school activity,
with the expectation being that all students attend on the day, dressed in their house colors. Students are to attend their respective
campuses in the morning, from where they will be transported to the venue by bus. The day requires a number of jobs to be
performed by students who are not competing and by performing these duties students are able to earn points for their house which
count towards the final result. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Any queries should be directed to Carla Bourne
(Senior Sport Co-Ordinator) or Paul Durrant (Junior Sport Co-Ordinator).
Carla Bourne – Senior Sport Coordinator, Paul Durrant – Junior Sport Corodinator
Presentation Ball
On Friday 27 March, we had our annual Presentation Ball. Twenty three couples arrived looking beautiful, behaving exquisitely and
dancing the night away! Bianca Swaine and Aaron Stewart attended on behalf of the college, to make a presentation to our
distinguished guests, David Hodgett and his wife. It was then time for the Presentation, with each couple, walking down the stairs,
being presented and taking the spotlight.
The room was erupting with applause and oohs and aahs, noticing how gorgeous they all looked. After the formal presentation, the
traditional (and not so traditional) dances were done. Their smiles, relaxed manner and level of fun was evident. They performed for
their crowd, with many marvelling at how much they could accomplish in only six rehearsals!
This year, Jade Triangalo and Jayden Hutchinson were chosen to make the speech on behalf of the Debutantes and their partners. It
is fair to say, and evident to all those that attended, that their speech was the best that has ever been given by the students.
Congratulations and thank you to the two of you.
After a well-earned meal, the couples, their families and extended guests danced the night away. It was wonderful to see another
successful Melba College Community event that I am sure will stay in our memories forever. Thank you to a very special bunch of
Deb Stacey – Coordinator
VPYC Sailing camp- 20 - 21 April, 2015
As part of the course for VPYC the students had two days sailing at the Victorian Sailing School in Geelong.
After an early start, a bus load of excited and slightly apprehensive students headed to Geelong to sail.
With fantastic conditions for sailing, the students had a lesson with Bill and Dave (sailing instructors) on parts of the boat, wind
direction and important tips to help make sure that they didn’t capsize. And then off we went to choose our boat and crew (teams of
three), set up the mainsail, jib and boom, and learn how to put down the centre board and how to use the rudder.
The first step was to sail off the beach using all of our new skills we had been taught. This was very stressful as we were near the
marina and there were lots of boats to manoeuvre around. With the guidance of Bill and Dave who were in a motor boat and had a
one way radio we all survived and had our first experience of sailing a boat. Then we were off into the harbor to have some
excitement and fun.
Over the two days we had three capsizes, one skipper fall over board,
lots of near capsizes, we laughed and screamed heaps and had a
fantastic time, plus we were challenged heaps and learnt lots of new
Thanks to Bill, Dave, Kev and Mrs Lees for giving us this wonderful
Duke of Edinburgh
On Tuesday 24th March the Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh class spent an entire day learning CPR and bandaging techniques for various
injuries/ailments as part of their Level 2 first aid certification. All were taught proper techniques and application skills for both areas of
first aid. All students are to be commended for their behaviour and endeavour on the day.
Surf Camp 2015
Once again Melba Surf Camp is done and dusted with some very happy students as well as staff.
The surf conditions were ideal for students this year, starting with small party / beginner waves on the first sessions to big
gnarly waves on the final morning. The final session was so good we had difficulty getting students out of the surf and one staff
member, not mentioning any names. Year 12 students attending Surf Camp for the last time were Rosie Hoinville, Andrew Booth,
Emily Ceccomancini, Bay Clay Chit, Rebecca Cumming, Ella Hopkinson, Blu Doh Htoo, Nakkhasit Sawetwong, and Annie Thomas.
These students have made surf camp a quality and enjoyable experience for all with their leadership abilities and their enthusiasm.
They will be sorely missed.
It was once again pleasing as a staff member to receive comments from the general public members commenting on how well
behaved and pleasingly presentable our students were. Our students are wonderful ambassadors for Melba College and they also
look smart in their surf gear. Thanks go to other staff members, parents and students for making this activity possible and a success.
Till the same time in 2016. Thank you to Megan Aberle of Year 10 for the great photos.
Max Bryers Camp - Organiser.
Privacy Information
Occasionally at school we capture the memory of special events and activities with photos of the students and staff participating. These photos may
then appear in the local education community – for instance in this newsletter, in newsletters of local primary schools, or on display in our corridors
and rooms. Students are not usually identified by name, but sometimes first names may be included. (No widespread distribution of these photos will
ever occur without the specific permission of parents or guardians). If you object to local distribution of these photos occurring, please advise me by
email using the format below or telephone me to discuss the issue. ,
Mrs Carol Ashton – Assistant Principal
I withhold permission for any photos of my child to be distributed in the local education community
Name of student ……………………………………………………………………….Form…………………………….
Parent/Guardian ………………………………………………….
Battle of the Bands
Melba College is holding a competition to find the best musical band in the school. The competition is open to any group of students
who would like to form a band. The band can play any kind of music; rock, jazz, pop etc
The bands will perform on Tuesday 19 May at the Senior Campus and a trophy will be presented to the band that
is judged the best.
So, get together with some friends and start rehearsing!!
You can register your band at the General Office and GET INVOLVED!!
Year 10 Work Experience
A quick reminder that all Year 10 students will be participating in Work Experience from 22 – 26 June 2015. Parents are asked to
assist their child in finding a work placement. Often family members, friends or associates are willing to take on a student for work
experience. Parents, your ideas and contacts are vital in this process as students attempt to source placements! All Work
Experience placement forms should be returned to school ASAP to allow sufficient time to process paperwork. The Work Experience
Form is available from the School Resources tab, Work Experience folder, in the Year 10 section on Compass.
News from RMIT University
Big Picture Experience 2015
RMIT University offers a number of free events designed to give students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to engage in real hands-on
workshops, explore life on campus, and get behind the scenes. These events will run during the upcoming Term 2 school holidays.
These activities are free but students are encouraged to register early as numbers are limited and these workshops are very
popular. The following ‘Experience Days’ include –
Health and Medical Sciences
Justice and Legal
Music, Sound & Live Production
Advertising, Marketing and PR
Art and Design
Project Management
10, 11 & 12
11 & 12
10, 11 & 12
10, 11 & 12
10, 11 & 12
10, 11 & 12
10, 11 & 12
11 & 12
10, 11 & 12
10, 11 & 12
10, 11 & 12
Monday 29 June
Monday 29 June
Tuesday 30 June
Wednesday 1 July
Wednesday 1 July
Wednesday 1 July
Thursday 2 July
Thursday 2 July
Thursday 2 July
Friday 3 July
Friday 3 July
City Campus
City Campus
Bundoora Campus
City Campus
City Campus
City Campus
City Campus
Bundoora Campus
City Campus
City Campus
City Campus
To register or to learn more, visit Big Picture Experience Days.
Science in the City Lab Tours
Students, parents and teachers are invited to visit RMIT’s cutting edge learning laboratories and discover the range of programs on
offer including: biology, biotechnology, chemistry, environmental sciences, food science, nanotechnology and physics.
Tour dates:
Monday 29 June 2015, 11.00 am to 2.00 pm - Monday 21 September 2015, 11.00am to 2.00pm
The VCE & Careers Expo
All VCE students are encouraged to attend the upcoming VCE & Careers expo at the Caulfield Racecourse from 7 – 10 May 2015.
There will be exhibitors with Information and resources for the VCE
 Information about university, TAFE and training courses
 Career advice
 Study advice
 International exchange and gap year programs
There will also be over a 150 seminars on topics including –
 VCE subjects including English, Maths, Biology, Business Management, Psychology, Health and Human Development
 Tertiary courses
 Careers
 Gap year options
Tickets are $10 per person and are valid for all four days. Visit The VCE and Careers Expo to find out more!
Women in Firefighting Careers.
Ever thought about a career as a firefighter? The CFA is always keen to increase the number of women amongst its career firefighter
ranks and actively encourages women to apply.
An interesting link that addresses a number of frequently asked questions is Women in Firefighting.
The CFA is hosting an Information Session whereby female students can learn more about the role; learn from current firefighters,
and learn about the recruiting process.
Saturday 9 May 2015 - Time: 10.00am
VEMTC Bangholme, Cnr Thompson and Worsley Roads in Bangholme
To register for the Information Session and to reserve a seat, please register at CFA Women Career Firefighting Info Session
From job interview techniques and exam tips, to how to find graduate employment and to help students with difficult accounting topics, the
Institute of Chartered Accountants provides vodcasts from the world of study, business and Chartered Accounting.
Watch these vodcasts at Institute of Chartered Accountants Vodcasts
Dee Arambasic - Careers Practitioner/VET Coordinator
The Department of Education and Melba College do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is
accepted by the Department of Education or Melba College for the accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by
Melba Secondary College
Chaplaincy Committee
23rd May, 2015
Doors open 7pm - 7.30 pm start
Melba College Library
Croydon Road, Croydon
$20.00 adults & $15.00 students/concessions
Come along and support our chaplains
Great prizes, raffle, games & auction
Supper with tea & coffee supplied
Bring along your own glass, nibbles & drinks
(Cans of soft drinks & soft lollies available for sale)
To Book a Table please contact Chris Atkinson
9726 6769
or Carole Turner 9726 0273
Entertainment Books Are Now Available For Sale For Chaplaincy Fundraising
Only 2-3 vouchers need to be redeemed to cover the cost of the book $65.
When ordering your book over the Internet where it asks about postage (click on pick up) it can be picked up from the school when a
copy of the receipt is shown or we can organise delivery by contacting Chris Atkinson on 9726 6769, 0432546591 email:
If you do not wish to use the Internet you can purchase a book from the school offices or contact me as above.
From every Entertainment™ Book and Entertainment™ Digital Membership we sell, $13 goes towards
Chaplaincy Committee Fundraising! The more Memberships we sell, the more we raise – so please forward this
email to your family and friends.
The new Memberships are available now and are packed with thousands of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers.
For just $65, you'll receive over $20,000 worth of valuable offers.
Use just a few of these offers and you'll more than cover the cost of your Membership!
All Past and Present Members of the
Defence Forces Ride Free!
ANZAC WEEKEND: Friday 24th April – Sunday 26th April
There is also a 50% discount on the Unlimited Ride Tickets for their family
ADF ID Card Holders need to show their card at the ticket box on the day they visit.
Friday 24th April: 7pm
Saturday 25th April: 11am
Sunday 26th April: 11am – 8pm
Maroondah Rugby Club
Ages 6 to 16
Rugby Union is a great team sport, fun and energetic.
It’s a great way to learn new skills, make new friends
and improve fitness.
For more information contact:
Ian on 0424 322 566 or
Robyn on 0411 477 306 or
Visit our website at:
Come down and give rugby union a try!
Every Monday & Wednesday nights from 6.00 pm
Griff Hunt Reserve, Lyons Road, North Croydon