`xÄut ]âÇ|ÉÜ fxÇ|ÉÜ [|z{ fv{ÉÉÄ October 15, 2014 Calendar NEW STAFF MEMBERS October 23-24 ParentTeacher Conferences October 17—Fans with Cans Food Drive November 3—FAFSA Information Night November 8—Community Craft Bazaar November 11—Veterans Day Breakfast and Assembly. November 14—FFA Harvest Dance December 5—PAC Christmas Party Don’t Miss: ♦ Football Senior Night October 17 ♦ First day of Wrestling October 20 ♦ Senior Project First Draft Due October 30 ♦ Haunted Halls—HS Games—Elementary October 31 6:00-8:00 ♦ BPA Dues—$25 Due November 1 ♦ First day of Boys Basketball November 11 PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES Melba Junior/Senior High School has changed the format for Parent Teacher Conferences. Teachers will be available Thursday evening, October 23, 2014 from 4:00—8:00 and again on Friday, October 24, 2014 from 10:00—1:00. If parents are unable to attend conferences during these times, and would like to talk with one of the teachers, they should contact the office for an appointment or email the teacher. It is important to take this opportunity to meet with your student’s teachers. If you have questions, please contact the office at 495-2221. Melba Greenhouse Melba School District is excited to break ground on their new greenhouse. The $8,000 grant from Monsanto helped kickstart this project and it is hoped the foundation will be poured this month. Building and establishing a greenhouse has been a vision for the district for some time. The greenhouse project has a three-fold mission. • To enhance our students’ Have you met: Mr. Derik Lindquist, Spanish Teacher from Maricopa, Arizona Ms. Sarah Anderson, Band and Choir teacher from Utah Mrs. Natalie Welch, English teacher from the University of Idaho by way of Coeur d’Alene. Mr. Sherm Blaser, Conditioning teacher from Nampa Mr. Casey Clark, Junior High Social Studies teacher from Weiser. Mrs. Gayle Young, Special Services teacher from Nampa These men and women are a great addition to our staff her at Melba and we invite you to stop by and meet them. Junior High Football Banquet 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Harkers Red Barn on Melba Road Potato Bar A-M bring Potato Toppings N-Z bring a Dessert R.S.V.P. Michelle Martinez 230-2534 education through the use of cutting-edge technology, allowing student to apply what they are learning in the classroom to the environment where they live. • • To help our local farm community by collecting and analyzing data to address current issues. To provide produce and products that can be dis- tributed to the community. Jake Silver, Melba’s Ag Advisor stated “This greenhouse will provide the next step in the education of our agriculture students. We greatly appreciate the support from Monsanto & our community.” Please check out our website at melbaschools.org for up-to-date information about events and news of the students of Melba. Melba Jr./Sr. High School Page 2 Football Field The Melba Football Field is lookin’ good! You probably have noticed the numerous improvements to the field and track area: Sidewalks and pavement have made it handicap accessible, a new ticket booth has been added, the entrance has been graded and leveled, the ’frame’ stating “Home of the Mustangs” is dramatic and new gates will be added in the near future. These improvements have been a joint venture with several Eagle Scout projects. Scouts Adam Saurey, Kaden Pieksma, Calvin Preisler, Cody Holiday Craft Bazaar November 8, 2014 9:00—2:30 Svedin, Devin Edmiston and Jake Woodruff worked with administration and our Maintenance Staff to complete these upgrades and their donation of time and talent is greatly appreciated. The district would like to offer a big thank-you to Reese Leavitt of Leavitt Engineering who helped oversee these Eagle Scouts and to Eric Clark and James Magsamen whose cooperation and expertise was essential to the success of the project. Tutoring If your student needs some additional help in their English Class, Mr. Sessions is offering after school Junior High Language Lab in his room Monday through Thursday from 3:45-4:30 p.m. If you have questions, please call the office at 495-2221. Math Night National College Fair Wednesday, October 29th Parental Permission slips are due by the end of the day on October 28th. Do you have questions about Math? You are invited to a Math Night showcasing the junior high curriculum, Common Core and a question and answer period. Thursday, October 23, 2014, 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Library. Senior Project Field Trip Melba Seniors were able to visit the State Capitol and meet with Senator Patti Anne Lodge from District 11. She answered questions about upcoming legislation and taught the students how the process works in Idaho. Finally, she took them to the Senate Floor so they could have first-hand experience of the legislative procedures. CWI Dual Credit money is due on December 16th. For students in the Fast Forward program, parents will pay the fees and Melba High School will reimburse the parents. Fans with Cans Rake Up Melba Veterans Day The Melba Senior Center Food Bank is in desperate need of supplies! In answer to that need the Student Council is sponsoring “FANS WITH CANS”. Bring your canned food or non-perishable item to the front gate at the football game on Friday, October 17th and we will deliver your items to the Senior Center. They will also accept cash donations. In Melba we pride ourselves on taking care of our own people, so be generous! Student council will be doing Rake Up Melba again this year on Tuesday, November 25th . If you know someone who we should add to our list to rake their yard please feel free to contact the high school or student council advisor, Ms. BoschWilson (kbsochwilson@melbaschools.org) so we can get you on the list. This is a huge community project that the entire school takes part in. Student council would gladly accept any community trash bag or chili donations to help aid us in that day. On Tuesday November 11th Melba Jr./Sr. High School will be hosting the annual Veteran’s Day Assembly. We would love any Veterans and their families to attend. At 9:00 a.m. our local FFA chapter will be hosting a breakfast for all Veterans and their families with the assembly to follow. We would love to have as many people as possible at both events. If you are planning on attending the breakfast please RSVP with either Mr. Silver, jsilver@melbaschools.org or Ms. Bosch-Wilson, kbosch-wilson@ melbaschools.org by November 4th.
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