Featuring September 26th & 27th, 2015 Sponsorship Opportunities The Memphis TN Airshow, Inc. is a NON-PROFIT organized to bring quality family entertainment to the midsouth and to raise funds for 501(c)3 organizations in our community. We would like to offer you the opportunity for involvement in this major family-oriented and tourist-friendly aviation event. Join us as we celebrate the Memphis Airshow on September 26th and 27th, 2015 featuring the U.S.A.F. Thunderbirds at the Millington Regional Jetport. Just follow these simple steps to get started. Step 1 Learn why you should sponsor Step 2 Select your sponsorship level Step 3 Select additional features Step 3 Complete the application Step 1 Why sponsor the Memphis Airshow Sponsorship of this one of a kind event will jet-propel your company to broad community awareness, unique marketing opportunities and prominence in a $100K+ advertising campaign. The Memphis Airshow draws LARGE crowds of demographically attractive spectators. Memphis Airshow has attracted over 80,000 over a 2 day period. ●Nearly two-thirds (62.6%) report a household income of $50,000 and more and 40 percent report income of $75,000 or more. ●Over 80 percent (80.1%) of air show spectators have at least some college education. More than 40 percent have at least one college degree. ●Almost two-thirds (64.3%) own their own homes. People are bombarded with advertisements from the moment they wake to the moment they go to sleep. Air shows provide a new and unique opportunity for marketers to escape the clutter and project their messages in a landscape that is not yet crowded with mass advertising. For a period of time measured in hours and minutes rather than seconds, customers and potential customers are exposed to comparatively few messages. Air shows are world-class entertainment in a festival environment, organized by the community and for the community, and they provide companies with: ●Title sponsorship opportunities. ●Unmatched density of exposure. ●Intense fan loyalty. ●Ideal consumer demographics. ●Unparalleled sampling, couponing and product give-away opportunities. ●Exclusive brand sponsorship tied to on-site sales. ●Cross promotions between brands and area retailers. ●Partnerships between non-competing products and services. ●One-of-a kind VIP hospitality. ●Identification with popular charitable causes. Step 1 Why sponsor the Memphis Airshow The Memphis Airshow attracts an affluent spectator base unlike that of any motor sport event. Recent surveys have consistently shown that the average spectator spends more than four hours on the air show grounds watching, talking, listening and buying. Step 2 Select your sponsorship level PRESENTING SPONSOR Sponsor Benefits: Naming Rights : The name of the airshow will incorporate your company name prominently featured in all the advertising , airshow signage, continually throughout the airshow. The show will be titled, " The Memphis Airshow presented by (YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE)". Exclusivity in your category of business. Advertising & Publicity: Sponsor's logo will appear on official airshow poster, program logo on sponsor's page, as a link on our website, television, billboards , radio announcements, Facebook page and more. Recognition: Sponsor will receive recognition each day during the airshow by the Master of Ceremonies. Signage: Sponsor may provide up to (25) 3' x 10' banners to be displayed at the airshow site and delivered to Memphis Airshow no later than 9/21/15. Program: Full-page color advertisement on the back page of the souvenir program. All color separations and camera-ready copy to be supplied by the Sponsor - due 8/30/15. 10,000 programs to be printed. Hospitality Chalet: Sponsor will receive 100 Chairman's Club one day invitations to the Chairman's Club Chalet with 50 VIP parking passes for either Saturday or Sunday. The Chairman's Club is an exclusive venue with first-class catering and a fully stocked open bar. You and/or your guests will have the opportunity to meet airshow performers and celebrities, as their schedules permit. Social Functions: Sponsor will receive 50 tickets to the Friday evening Performer/ Sponsor/Media party with the U.S.A.F. Thunderbirds and other airshow performers. PRESENTING SPONSOR FARE: $100,000 Step 2 Select your sponsorship level PLATINUM SPONSOR Sponsor Benefits: Exclusivity in your category of business. Advertising & Publicity: Sponsor's logo will appear on official airshow poster, program logo on sponsor's page, as a link on our website, television, billboards , radio announcements. Recognition: Sponsor will receive recognition each day during the airshow by the Master of Ceremonies. Signage: Sponsor may provide up to (25) 3' x 10' banners to be displayed at the airshow site and delivered to Memphis Airshow no later than 9/21/15. Program: Full-page color advertisement in the souvenir program. All color separations and camera-ready copy to be supplied by the Sponsor - due 8/30/15. 10,000 programs to be printed. Hospitality Chalet: Sponsor will receive 50 Chairman's Club one day invitations to Chairman's Club Chalet with 25 VIP parking passes for either Saturday or Sunday. The Chairman's Club is an exclusive venue with first-class catering and a fully stocked open bar. You and/or your guests will have the opportunity to meet airshow performers and celebrities, as their schedules permit. Social Functions: Sponsor will receive 30 tickets to the Friday evening Performer/ Sponsor/Media party with the U.S.A.F. Thunderbirds and other airshow performers. PLATINUM SPONSOR FARE: $30,000 Step 2 Select your sponsorship level GOLD SPONSOR Sponsor Benefits: Advertising & Publicity: Sponsor's logo will appear on official airshow poster, program logo on sponsor's page, as a link on our website, television, billboards , radio announcements, Recognition: Sponsor will receive recognition each day during the airshow by the Master of Ceremonies. Signage: Sponsor may provide up to (20) 3' x 10' banners to be displayed at the airshow site and delivered to Memphis Airshow no later than 9/21/15. Program: Full-page color advertisement in the souvenir program. All color separations and camera-ready copy to be supplied by the Sponsor - due 8/30/15. 10,000 programs to be printed. Hospitality Chalet: Sponsor will receive 30 Chairman's Club invitations to Chairman's Club Chalet with 15 VIP parking passes for either Saturday or Sunday. The Chairman's Club is an exclusive venue with first-class catering and a fully stocked open bar. You and/or your guests will have the opportunity to meet airshow performers and celebrities, as their schedules permit. Social Functions: Sponsor will receive 20 tickets to the Friday evening Performer/ Sponsor/Media party with the U.S.A.F. Thunderbirds and other airshow performers. GOLD SPONSOR FARE $20,000 Step 2 Select your sponsorship level SILVER SPONSOR Sponsor Benefits: Advertising & Publicity: Sponsor's logo will appear in the airshow program sponsor's page, as a link on our website, television ads. Recognition: Sponsor will receive recognition each day during the airshow by the Master of Ceremonies. Signage: Sponsor may provide up to (10) 3' x 10' banners to be displayed at the airshow site and delivered to Memphis Airshow no later than 9/21/15. Program: Half-page color advertisement in the souvenir program. All color separations and camera-ready copy to be supplied by the Sponsor - due 8/30/15. 10,000 programs to be printed. Hospitality Chalet: Sponsor will receive 10 Chairman's Club invitations to Chairman's Club Chalet with 5 VIP parking passes for either Saturday or Sunday. The Chairman's Club is an exclusive venue with first-class catering and a fully stocked open bar. You and/or your guests will have the opportunity to meet airshow performers and celebrities, as their schedules permit. Social Functions: Sponsor will receive 6 tickets to the Friday evening Performer/ Sponsor/Media party with the U.S.A.F . Thunderbirds and other airshow performers. SILVER SPONSOR FARE: $10,000 Step 2 Select your sponsorship level BRONZE SPONSOR Sponsor Benefits: Recognition: Sponsor will receive recognition each day during the airshow by the Master of Ceremonies. Signage: Sponsor may provide up to (5) 3' x 10' banners to be displayed at the airshow site and delivered to Memphis Airshow no later than 9/21/15. Program: Quarter page black and white advertisement in the souvenir program. Cameraready copy to be supplied by the Sponsor - due 8/30/15. 10,000 programs to be printed. Hospitality Chalet: Sponsor will receive 4 Chairman's Club one day invitations to Chairman's Club Chalet with 2 VIP parking passes for either Saturday or Sunday. The Chairman's Club is an exclusive venue with first-class catering and a fully stocked open bar. You and/or your guests will have the opportunity to meet airshow performers and celebrities, as their schedules permit. Social Functions: Sponsor will receive 2 tickets to the Friday evening Performer/ Sponsor/Media party with the U.S.AF Thunderbirds and other airshow performers. BRONZE SPONSOR FARE $5,000 Step 2 Select your sponsorship extras CHALET VILLAGE Enjoy a unique, affordable, family-friendly outing in your own Hospitality Chalet. Your company or group can offer clients, employees, family and friends, a day full of exciting aviation action. We can also create a customized program for an employee event (i.e. Company Picnic or Family Day)! Chalets are located directly at the flight line consisting of a private tent, tables, and chairs. FREE VIP parking included. Catering costs will be built in this year offering an "A" or B" menu choice Please contact us for catering options with our designated caterer. Price includes non-alcoholic beverages. Keg beer may be purchased . Restroom facilities exclusive to Chalet Village provided. Onsite banner placement in the Chalet area. Star Level Guests Per Day Chalet Size VIP Parking Passes Cost Per Day CHALET VILLAGE VIP Party Invitations Worker Passes Step 2 Select your sponsorship extras NAMING RIGHTS The following opportunities are available to allow companies or organizations to build brand awareness and participate in supporting the 2015 Memphis Airshow. Sponsors may provide 3' x 10' banner(s) to be displayed at the airshow site and delivered to Memphis Airshow no later than 9/21/15 based on the chart below. Deadline to appear in the program is 8/30/15. NAMING RIGHTS Step 2 Select your sponsorship extras BARNSTORMER EXHIBIT SPACE "Airshows are likely to grow even more popular with marketers as they learn of the events' unusually broad-based demographics and fan loyalty." - Adweek Magazine *Space cost includes an FAA approved tent. *Custom space is available on a per sq. ft basis, please call for details. *No Vehicle Parking on Ramp during show and all vehicles MUST be off the ramp by 7:30AM on show days. *Any display vehicles need to be inside an allocated space and require prior approval. BARNSTORMER EXHIBIT SPACE Step 2 Select your sponsorship extras SOUVENIR PROGRAM Provided with your advertisement: Back Cover: 2 Chairman's Club Tickets and 2 VIP Parking Passes. Inside Front Cover: 2 Flight Deck Club Tickets and 2 VIP Parking Passes Inside Back Cover: 2 General Admission Tickets and 1VIP Parking Pass Camera ready art must be provided by the Advertiser before the due date (tentatively August 30, 2015). SOUVENIR PROGRAM Step 2 Select your sponsorship extras TICKET DISCOUNTS Sponsors will receive a 40% discount off general admission and 25% off VIP tickets. General Admission Tickets: Adult General Admission at the Gate - $25 Youth General Admission at the Gate - $15 Military Discount - Youth Rate with l.D. VIP Ticket Options: Flight Deck Club (Ages 8 and Up) - $100 online Upgrade General Admission to Flight Deck Club at the Gate - $80 Upcharge. Kids in VIP area under age 7 are free. Area offers premium flight line seating, covered tents and tables, free parking, exclusive restroom facilities, food and non-alcoholic beverages are included. Beer may be purchased . Chairman's Club (Ages 8 & Up) - $200 Kids in VIP area under age 7 are free. Exclusive chalet tent, fully catered with an open bar, premium flight line seating, free parking, outside tables & umbrellas, as well as VIP restroom facilities. TICKET DISCOUNTS Step 3 Complete sponsorship agreement Sponsor Agreement Sponsor Type Amount Select $100,000 □ Platinum $30,000 □ Gold $20,000 □ Silver $10,000 □ $5,000 □ Presenting Bronze Company Name: Company Address: Phone: EmailL Authorized By: Title: Total Amount Due: 50% Deposit due immediately with net payment due in 30 days. Please attach a check made payable to Memphis TN Airshow, Inc. and mail to PO Box 1327, Cordova, TN 38088 or complete online: https://universalfairs.formstack.com/forms/airshow_sponsorship_chalet_exhibitor Step 3 VIP Chalet 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star Select sponsorship extras Select $4,500 $8,000 $11,000 Souvenir Program Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Full Page Half Page Quarter Page □ □ □ Select $1,700 $1,400 $900 $600 $400 □ □ □ □ □ Naming Rights Venue Performer Party Volunteer Services Photo Pit Kid's Zone Information Booth Lost & Found Amount $7,500 $5,000 $3,000 $1,500 $1,000 $1,000 Select Barnstormer 10 X 10 10 X 20 20 X 20 Amount $650 $1,100 $1,450 Select □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Company Name: Company Address: Phone: email: EmailL Authorized By: Title: Total Amount Due
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