What Do Leading Brand Executives Really Think? PANEL MODERATOR AND SURVEY ADMINISTRATOR DR. LARRY CHIAGOURIS Professor of Marketing Lubin School of Business Pace University PANELISTS ALAN ANTIN STEPHANIE FIERMAN CHRISTINE FITZGERALD BRIAN HARRINGTON VP Professional Markets Nuvita Chief Marketing Officer MediaCom Worldwide Director, Member Communications and Engagement Nurtur Health, Inc. Chief Marketing Officer Zipcar Marketing pulse survey A brief exploration followed by qualitative discussion ! 272 senior marketing execs at large- and midsized companies Comparison to consumer responses on same issues ! 1,036 consumers Internet panel survey completed May 7 2015 Marketing pulse survey topics #3 #2 Mobile Marketing Privacy #1 Social Media Key challenges facing senior marketing execs #4 Customer Service #5 Findings Social Media Senior marketers are divided on their ability to act on social media data “Most information available from monitoring social media is not actionable” 39.20%& Agree/Strongly&Agree& Neither&Agree&or&Disagree& Disagree/Strongly&Disagree& 23.35%& 37.44%& Senior marketers generally agree that social media outreach can be intrusive “Companies too often use social media in a manner that is intrusive to consumers” 54.62%& Agree/Strongly&Agree& Neither&Agree&or&Disagree& Disagree/Strongly&Disagree& 22.03%& 23.35%& Consumers generally agree that social media is intrusive “Companies too often use social media in a manner that is intrusive to consumers” 54.62%& 51.54%& Agree/Strongly&Agree& 22.03%& 32.82%& Neither&Agree&or&Disagree& Disagree/Strongly&Disagree& 23.35%& 15.64%& Senior Marketing Professionals Consumers Customer Service Marketing executives and consumers agree that most companies try to provide a positive experience “When designing their marketing and sales programs, most companies provide a positive customer experience” 66.96%& 64.77%& Agree/Strongly&Agree& 25.11%& 28.28%& Neither&Agree&or&Disagree& Disagree/Strongly&Disagree& 7.93%& 6.95%& Senior Marketing Professionals Consumers Mobile Marketing Senior marketers are ready to engage the more than 65% of consumers who use mobile devices to find product information SENIOR MARKETERS “My company is ready to engage and 67.26%& provide a good customer experience through the mobile marketing channel.” CONSUMERS “When looking for information about a company or product, I usually use a mobile phone or tablet.” 21.68%& 67.26%& 47.38%& Agree/Strongly Agree 11.06%& 21.68%& 11.06%& Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree/ Strongly Disagree 21.30%& 31.32%& Marketers must balance their readiness with consumer resistance to receiving unsolicited offers, even at the point of sale “I am willing to receive unsolicited text messages with coupons and offers on my mobile phone… …when walking down the street.” 29.95%& 29.95%& Agree/Strongly Agree 21.37% 21.37%&& 48.69%& …when I enter a retail store.” Neither Agree or Disagree 48.69%& Disagree/ Strongly Disagree 34.79%& 20.08%& 45.13%& Privacy Senior marketers and consumers agree that most companies are not doing enough to safeguard privacy 60.62%& 57.91%& Agree/Strongly&Agree& Neither&Agree&or&Disagree& Disagree/Strongly&Disagree& 22.57%& 29.54%& 16.82%& 12.55%& Senior Marketing Professionals Consumers Consumers are less willing to give companies personal biometric info in exchange for higher levels of data security “I would be willing to share my finger prints with companies to access their services if it made my personal data more secure.” 49.12%& Agree/Strongly&Agree& Neither&Agree&or&Disagree& Disagree/Strongly&Disagree& 34.04%& 26.11%& 21.11%& 24.78%& Senior Marketing Professionals 44.85%& Consumers Key Challenges Faced by Senior Marketing Executives 3/4s of senior marketers agree their job is to generate data-driven insights to tell a brand story “A primary responsibility of marketing professionals is to generate data-driven insights about prospects and customers, and then create a brand or sales story based on those insights.” 75.66%& Agree/Strongly&Agree& 19.47%& Neither&Agree&or&Disagree& Disagree/Strongly&Disagree& 4.87%& Marketing teams are not adequately prepared to leverage digital marketing to accomplish this objective “Most of the members of my marketing team are not as skilled in the use of digital marketing as they need to be.” 56.20%& Agree/Strongly&Agree& Neither&Agree&or&Disagree& Disagree/Strongly&Disagree& 17.70%& 26.10%& Brand managers and agencies also have more work to do How&well&do&brand&managers&integrate&storytelling&into& markeFng&materials?& 74.8% How&well&do&most&ad,&PR&and&ad&tech&agencies&help&clients& integrate&storytelling&into&markeFng&materials?& 73.1% How&well&do&most&brand&managers&use&analyFcs&to&assess& markeFng&campaigns?& 78.1% How&well&do&most&brand&managers&monitor&social&media?& 79.2% How&well&do&brand&managers&integrate&offline&and&online& markeFng&iniFaFves?& (Based on a 1-10 weighted average multiplied by 10) 76.5% Senior marketers must do more to nurture their C-level relationships “Marketing managers should have more access to the CEO’s office.” 51.54%& “Constraints imposed by CFOs and financial personnel limit the development of brand equity in my company.” 51.54%& Agree/Strongly Agree 35.68%& Neither Agree or Disagree 12.77%& Disagree/ Strongly Disagree 31.72%& 16.74%& If I knew then what I know now… “If I were to start my career over, I would have chosen a different career direction.” 44.25%& Agree/Strongly&Agree& Neither&Agree&or&Disagree& Disagree/Strongly&Disagree& 29.20%& 26.55%& Parking Lot Issue: Among Tech Competitors: Who Do Consumers Trust? Consumers overwhelmingly trust Amazon for product information vs. other online resources “Among the following major brands that provide product information online, this is the one I trust the most for most products” 52.98% 10.83% 8.78% 13.95% 5.07% I don’t trust any of these… 8.39% Thank you! The Marketing Executives Networking Group (www.mengonline.com) For questions about the survey, please contact: lchiagouris@pace.edu
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