Menifee Valley ARC Subject: Business Meeting for March 5, 2015 Attendees: Allen Fletcher - AE6QN, Phil Hogan - W8PNZ John Pashley - AG9PZ, Jeff Doll - KE6LOQ, Eric Holmquist - W6ETR, Larry Garrisi - WB6AZB, Griff Hamlin - W5VSP, Rob Schulze KM6SC, Pat Reilly- N6WHZ, Gary Barton - KK6JGD, Larry McCuistion - KK6EPF and Guest, Amelo Zandonatti The meeting was called to order shortly after 7:30 PM by President Holmquest, who led in reciting the pledge of allegiance. Pat Reilly read the monthly Treasurers Report. The report was seconded and voted on by the membership, passing unanimously. John Pashley inquired into the present method of accounting employed by the club Treasurer. Pat Reilly, outlined the current method. John Pashley suggested a spread sheet be adopted into the present method of accounting and reporting of the clubs finances. He will develop a draft spread sheet in Microsoft Excel and provide the draft to Mr. Reilly, for review. Jim Ramsdell led discussion on the upcoming “Menifee Half Marathon.” During the course of the meeting, individual photos of each club member were taken by Ted Davis and Larry McCuistion. There was a discussion on shirts, hats etc. with the club logo on them. Jim Ramsdell will provide information on this matter in the future. The revised MVARC Articles of Association, adding a fifth board member, were discussed by the attendees. One minor “Red Line” change was made by Eric Holmquist. The change was initialed and dated by all board members. The change eliminated the wording “normally shall consist of five board members” from the document and added the wording “shall consist of board members.” Allen Fletcher noted there was a quorum present. The amended Articles of Association were voted on by the membership and passed, without dissention. Phil Hogan placed the name of Ted Davis in nomination for the position of 2nd Vice President. The motion was duly seconded and voted on by the membership. Ted was elected by overwhelming majority. The possibility of MVARC being required to file State and Federal tax forms was discussed. Pat Reilly indicated Provident Bank had indicated to him that no filings were required. A motion naming Gary Barton as independent liaison between MVARC and the Sun City Civic Association (SCCA) was made . The motion was seconded and voted on by the membership, passing without dissent. A motion to adjourn the meeting was presented, seconded, and voted on. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Phil Hogan, Secretary MVARC
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