Reedsville News April 2015 5th Annual REEDSVILLE FIRST RESPONDERS FISH BOIL BOOYAH FOR SALE Sunday, April 26 10:00 until gone Reedsville Historical Building 617 Menasha Street Homemade Torte/Desserts Also for Sale Friday, April 3, 2015 Reedsville Fire Station Serving 4 til 9 p.m. $9.00 Advance $10.00 at the door $7.00 Children $3.00 Hot Dog Plate -Carry-outs AvailableTickets available from any First Responder, Valu-Pro Power Center or Jim’s Golf Cars. Proceeds to benefit continued training and equipment. Reedsville Sportsmen's Club Youth Trap Program Starts April 21 through May 12 Starts at 6:00 P.M. Shells and Birds provided Open to kids 6th grade - 12th grade Call Gerald Fischer @ 920-901-3907 For MORE INFO Holy Week Services Maundy Thursday April 2 - 7:00 pm Good Friday April 3 - 1:00 & 7:00 pm Easter Sunday April 5 6:00 am ( Song Service) 8:00 & 10:15 am (Regular Worship Services) Easter Breakfast Served from 7:00-9:30 am in School St. John- St. James Ev. Lutheran Church (Wisconsin Synod) 219 Manitowoc Street (754-4568) T-BALL REGISTRATION The Reedsville Athletic Association will be sponsoring a t-ball league this summer for boys and girls ages 5 to 9 years old. Four year olds are allowed as long as they have a parent/guardian helping out the team all season long. T-BALL REGISTRATION REEDSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL COMMONS AREA April 20th, 2015 5:30PM-7:30PM Thank You Becky Grimm (920) 716-0361 Reedsville AMVETS Brat Fry Saturday, April 18th 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. At the Knights of Columbus Clubhouse located across the street from the Denmark State Bank. Serving Steak Sandwiches, Burgers and Brats. Proceeds go towards the AMVETS Memorial Scholarship Fund. Support your AMVETS!! Sump Pumps: No discharge or overflow of storm water shall be permitted upon any street or public way from October 1 to April 1 of each year. Cat & Dog Licenses: Unspayed females and unneutered males are $10.00 each. Spayed females and neutered males are $5.00 each. You must show proof of a valid rabies shot. A late fee of $15.00 shall be assessed per dog or cat for failure to obtain a license by April 1, 2015. April Election: There will be a spring election on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 for Justice of the Supreme Court, Village President, Village Trustees, School Board and a State Referendum Question. Polls will be open at the Reedsville Municipal Building, 217 Menasha St., from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm. Open Book: The Village of Reedsville Assessment Roll will be available for examination on April 16, 2015 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm in the hall of the Reedsville Municipal Building, located at 217 Menasha Street. To schedule a time to discuss an assessment with the Village Assessor, please contact the Village Clerk-Treasurer at 920-754-4371 during normal business hours. Cell Phones vs. Land Line Phones: Many people no longer have a land line (Frontier) phone in their homes. Cell phones are used in place of regular phones. If this is the case, please call the Village-Clerk’s office at 7544371 and let us know your phone number. Even if you have a land line phone and a cell phone, it would be helpful to have both phone numbers on file in case of an emergency. Chipping will done the 1st & 3rd Tuesday in the months of April thru October. Clean woody vegetative material no greater than six inches (6”) in diameter, and not less than four feet (4’) in length can be shredded. Lumber (treated and untreated), skids, and other construction and demolition waste can not be shredded. Place near curb with cut ends facing street. If you are interested in the wood chips, the pile is located near the compost area. Chipping for April will be April 7th and 21st. Compost: Yard waste such as grass clippings, leaves, and yard & garden waste shall be disposed of by composting the material or leaving it at the Village compost site. Items NOT to be put in the compost are: stumps, roots, shrubs with intact root balls, animal waste, and sod. A sign will be erected by the compost that is ready to be used by the public. Vehicle Nuisance: It is illegal for any partially dismantled, non-operating, wrecked, junked, unregistered or discarded vehicles to be placed or stored on any public or private property within the Village limits for a period of longer than five (5) days, unless said vehicles are stored within an enclosed building. This ordinance does not apply to property zoned for the sale or repair of vehicles. Having a vehicle behind your garage or under a tarp does not meet the requirement of an enclosed building. Recycling Pick-Up: April 10th and 24th. Preservation of St. Mary’s News Things are off and running this SPRING. The Reedsville Historical Group is planning a variety of activities for the community. Sun., April 26 – Booyah Sale at the Historical Building from 10:00 AM until it’s gone. It will be $2.50 a bowl or $20.00 a pail. Homemade tortes and desserts will also be sold. Plan now to eat in or carry out. Weekend in May – Rummage Sale and Bake Sale the weekend of the Village Wide Rummage Sale. Watch for date. Are you interested in having an anniversary, birthday or shower party this summer? The Historical dining hall is available for a fee. Contact 754-4370 for available dates. Reedsville Country Store will once again be having PAINT A POT & PLANT A FLOWER just in time for Mother’s Day When: May 9th 7:30—11:00am Cost is $4.00 (includes paint, pot, soil & flower) Give us a call (754-4322) to reserve your pot by Sat., May 2nd. We would like to have enough pots for everyone. We will have a few extra just in case. Hope to see you there! Fun with Froggy Friends Program Friends of the Branch River Watershed group are hosting a hands-on youth program, Randy Korb’s “Fun with Froggy Friends,” on Saturday, April 11 at the Reedsville Elementary School. There will be two shows that day at 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. with registration starting at 10:30 am and 12:45 pm. If the first session is full, overflow attendees will have local activities until the 2nd session at 1:00 pm. Back by popular demand Randy Korb’s “Fun with Froggy Friends” program is a live demonstration that allows kids to handle many of the 12 Wisconsin frog and 7 salamander species. This program encourages parents and their children to explore the natural wonder of these amphibians and learn about their habitats. Kids of all ages are welcome to attend. Webster's INN on THIRD STREET Kayla's Hair Clips & Consignment Shop 215 Main Street, Reedsville, WI 54230 New spring hours Saturday 9-2 or by appointment call 920-754-1127 All Stanley Fuller items 25% off, all hair clips and tutus 20% off, and all Frozen sweatshirts and t-shirts 20% off for the month of April. (Excludes all special orders.) New Willow Tree items are here! Easter items are 90% off. New vendors, check out our Facebook page to see all new items coming into the gift shop, and never miss a sale. Come see what you've been missing at Kayla's & Kay's Consignment Shop. 304 Manitowoc Street, Reedsville APRIL SPECIALS Monday Closed Tuesday Chicken Stir-Fry served over rice with egg rolls Wednesday Blue Gill or Popcorn Shrimp Baskets Thursday Broasted Pork Chop with choice of potato Friday Perch and Blue Gill All Day and SEAFOOD BUFFET from 5pm - 8pm Saturday Steak and Seafood Specials Sunday Brunch Served 9am-1pm Broasted Chicken Available Every Day (920) 443-3001 HOURS: Monday 1-7 Tuesday—Friday 9-5:30 Saturday 8-2 19926 HWY 10 REEDSVILLE 920-754-4000 I am the bread of life. -John 6:35 Were you wondering who is buried in the cemetery on Menasha St.? John Vondrachek and his volunteers have made a map of those buried. John will make available this map with the names at the Preservation of St. Mary’s Historical Building. He and his volunteers – Georgia Rabideau, George Shamburek, Jeff Vondrachek, Ken Brochtrup and Dave & Miriam Meier helped with this bit of history. A list of names are also in a book at the Manitowoc Historical Society listed under St. Mary’s Town of Maple Grove (but really it’s in the Village of Reedsville). If you have questions please call John at 754-4527. There are 226 names listed on the map. 304 Manitowoc Street, Reedsville (920) 443-3001 Reedsville Area Garden Club Webster's INN on THIRD STREET SHANE WENDT TRUCKING LLC SHANE WENDT 1-920-323-9177 CHAD WENDT 1-920-858-0687 SERVICES OFFERED ⇒ SNOWPLOWING ⇒ HAULING (3 YARD LOADS OF ANY MATERIALS NEEDED) ⇒ FREE PICKUP OF SCRAP METALS AND APPLIANCES IN THE VILLAGE OF REEDSVILLE (THERE IS A CHARGE FOR ELECTRONICS AND ITEMS WITH FREON IN) Reedsville Area Garden Club People are getting excited for planting. EASTER SUNDAY We are planning our planter schemes. BRUNCH However, we are looking for the following INDOOR & OUTDOOR STORAGE/PARKING From 10am – 2pm this spring: SPACE AVAILABLE 1.Plants—We are dividing for our upcomCALL FOR RATES CLOSING AT 3PM ing plant sale. If you need pots – call CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 754-4370 and we’ll have some for you. Call now for Reservations 2.Old Work Shoes—Don’t throw them away! We can use them to plant in. REEDSVILLE “PINES” RUMMAGE SALES 3.Old Kettles/Wooden Boxes, Small Barrels, etc.—Don’t throw them away. We can use ONE DAY ONLY them. Saturday, April 18th 8:00 – 4:00 4.Old Chairs – We are trying to put the antique look into our gardens this year. Ten Houses If you have questions – Call 754-4370. APRIL IS HERE AND SO IS WARMER WEATHER!!!!!!! Hustler Zero Turn Reduce Mowing Time For More Leisure Time 0%/48 Months ( limited time offer) Starting at $2899.00 345 Main Street Reedsville WI. 920-754-4400 Kids & adult clothes, baby items, smart cycle, toys, books, household items and much more…. Gently Used, Name Brand, Reasonably Priced! Are you planning on getting out to exercise? Planning on getting healthy? Why don't you come and check us out? TOPS is a support group that meets every week at the Reedsville Village Hall on Tuesday nights, PRIVATE weigh-ins at 6pm with the meeting starting at 6:45pm. Your first meeting is always free. We are growing but always have room for more! Reedsville is 10.7 pounds lighter! April 7th is voting so we won't have a meeting. If you have any questions, you can email or call or text 920-905-1280. HOPE TO SEE YOU OUT THERE WALKING!!! VOLUNTEER NEEDED Reedsville Lioness The Aging & Disability Resource Center of the Lakeshore is looking for a volunteer dining site manager willing to staff the Reedsville Senior Dining Site and Meals on Wheels program on Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Duties include receiving the hot food, packaging the home delivered trays, serving the congregate meal, clean-up, and minimal paperwork. Training will be provided. The congregate and home delivered meal programs are very important to the community. These programs provide socialization, interaction, nutrition, and in the case of home delivered meals, they make it possible for some seniors to live independently in their community. For more information about this program, or if you would like to give some time to this worthwhile endeavor, please contact Alyssa Weber, Nutrition Director, at the ADRC of the Lakeshore, 920-683-4180. The Reedsville Lioness will hold & conduct the annual Reedsville Wide Rummage Sale in May. The date will be set at the March 19th meeting. So call 754-4370 to find out the dates and sign up for this big Reedsville event. A brat/burger/ steak fry will also be held on Friday/Saturday of the Rummage Sales. We hope you’ll join us at this event. Make it truly a Reedsville Community Affair. Fees will be charged for ad placed in the newspaper. A special decorative sign will be available for each home. MORE ON THE IN.FORM PROGRAM Questions & answers with Dr. Pacheco. Q. If I am overweight, where should I begin? A. One of the biggest challenges I see in my patients wanting to lose weight is trying to figure out how and where to get started. With so many fad diets and "miracle cures" being promoted, it's easy to understand some of the confusion. The program I have been most impressed with is Nature's Sunshine's IN.FORM weight management system. IN.FORM is a cutting-edge program that has been developed by PhD's, physicians, nutritionists and other wellness practitioners with many years of experience. IN.FORM is the number one program I recommend. Luis N. Pacheco, MD, FAAFP is an Emmy award-winning family physician and is Board Certified in Family Medicine. He received a CAQ in Sports Medicine and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Medicine. Dr. Pacheco is a member of Nature's Sunshine's Worldwide Medical and Scientific Advisory Board. Ronda had this to say about the IN.FORM program, "My metabolism changed and I am proud of how good I feel. Every day is a new day, and it doesn't have to be about my's now about my health." Remember..the IN.FORM program is about health..not just weight management. April special at Roadway To Health - 25% off the retail price of any product that is in my stock. Contact me at: 920-772-4135 IMPORTANT NOTICES ♦The Manitowoc County Shingle Recycling Site has been closed. For more information on where to take shingles, please call the Recycling Center. ♦2015 Manitowoc County Drug Collection locations & events are available by contacting the Recycling Center. Recycling Center—920-683-4333 or 6th Annual Gridiron Golf Classic Spring is just around the corner and it’s time to start shining up the clubs and gearing up for the 6th annual gridiron golf classic supporting the Reedsville football program. We are hoping to fill the course again this year so we are only allowing the first 144 golfers to register. You can register as a foursome, twosome, or as a single and we will pair you up. Event Details: Cost is $50 (includes 9 holes, cart, buffet and free tap beer 5:30-8:30) What: 6th Annual Gridiron Golf Classic Shotgun start: 3:00 p.m. When: Sat May 16th 2015 Picnic Buffet: 5:30 p.m. Where: Wander Springs Golf Course Grand Raffle: 7:00 p.m. Format: Four-person 9-hole scramble Registration: 2 p.m.-2:45 p.m. If you can’t make it for golf and still want to come and join us for the meal and raffles its just $10 for the buffet. If you wish to make a monetary donation or a raffle item donation it would be very much appreciated. Any questions or to sign up for the outing please contact Aaron Fredrick at 920-418-4686 or email me at Thank you for your support and hope to see you on the 16th!!!! Reedsville News Deadline The next deadline for the May Reedsville News will be April 10. Submissions can be e-mailed to or dropped off at the Reedsville Village Hall during normal business hours. Thank you! Amanda Schrubbe Recycling Workshop 633 Manitowoc St 920-754-4214 Hours: Mon - Thurs 8am - 5pm Friday 8am-12pm Top Prices Paid REEDSVILLE AREA SENIOR CITIZENS The Reedsville Area Senior Citizen's Meeting will be on Tues., April 21, 2015 at 1:30P.M. in the Community Room at the Reedsville Manor. All interested area Seniors are welcome to join us for an afternoon of fun, socializing, and playing cards and sometimes interesting guest speakers. A tiny orange sticker can save a life Despite continuing efforts to educate the public, misconceptions and inaccuracies about organ and tissue donation persist. It’s important to learn the facts about organ, eye and tissue donation, so you can make an informed decision about becoming a potential donor. Currently more than 123,000 men, women and children are awaiting organ transplants to save their lives. Thousands more are in need of tissue and cornea transplants to restore their mobility and sight. Transplantation is one of the most remarkable success stories in the history of medicine. However, the need for organs and tissue is vastly greater than the supply. Transplantation gives hope to thousands of people with organ failure and provides many others with active and renewed lives. The Wisconsin Donor Registry opened about five years ago. In addition to having the orange sticker on your license, you are encouraged to register on the Wisconsin Donor Registry at: Although you can register at the Department of Transportation/Division of Motor Vehicles when renewing your license or ID, Wisconsin has an eight-year renewal process, so registering online today ensures that a person’s wishes will be honored immediately. Anyone older than age 15½ who holds a Wisconsin driver’s license or State identification card can register. Signing up on the online registry means you authorize the gift of your organs, tissues and eyes upon your death for the purposes of transplantation, research and education. Denise Brilliant, NP, is a nurse practitioner at Aurora Health Center in Reedsville. To schedule an appointment, call 920-754-4337. REEDSVILLE BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES - REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 19, 2015 The regular meeng of the Reedsville Board of Educaon was called to order at 6:33 P.M. by Board President Andrew Maertz. Present: Board Members – Andrew Maertz, John Ebert, Jeff Deprez (absent), Cory Kiekhaefer, and Vicki Petska. Administrave Team Members – Tony Bu4urini, Michael Nate, Angie Sanderfoot; Others Regina Olson, Dana Kornely, Ann Marie Kulas, Lynn Stetson, Carrie Boldt, Michael Boldt, Zach Boldt, and Maggie Berkholtz. Mr. Tony Bu4urini announced that proper legal noce of the meeng had been given. I. Opening A. Moon by John Ebert to approve the agenda, seconded by Cory Kiekhaefer. All ayes. B. Pledge of Allegiance. II. Public Input None III. Reports A. District Administrator/High School Principal Mr. Tony Bu4urini reported as follows: 1.Moon by John Ebert, seconded by Vicki Petska to approve credit approval. 2. WASB convenon. 3. Water heater issue. 4. School Board candidates. 5. Legislave report. 6. Insurance meeng. 7. Panther for a Day. B. Elem/MS Principal Mr. Michael Nate reported as follows: 1. Enrollment numbers Elem/MS 2. Reedsville readers. 3. 2015-2016 scheduling. 4. Observaons. 5. Second grade community service project – eye glass collecon. 6. E-mail from student teacher, of our school. Andrew Maertz felt we had great discussion of alternate compensaon at meeng. IV. Old Business None V. Consensus Acon Items A. Approval of minutes from December 15, 2014 regular board meeng. B. Discussion/Acon payment of bills. Moon made by Cory Kiekhaefer, seconded by Vicki Petska. All ayes. Moon carried. V. Discussion Items A. Discussion held on alternate compensaon meeng. B. Cha4erbox – Discussion on possible proposal for before and aEerschool daycare. C. Informaon: Noce of School Board Elecon Incumbents: Jeff Deprez– Plus vacant 3 year posion and 2 year posion 2014-2015 Elecon Timetable April 7 – Spring Elecon April 27 – School Board members take office VI. Discussion/Acon items A. Annual Meeng Time. Moon by John Ebert for annual meeng to be Monday, September 21, 2015 at 7:00 PM. Seconded by Vicki Petska. All ayes. B. Moon by Cory Kiekhaefer, seconded by Vicki Petska to approve the Technical Excellence Scholarship Policy (Second Reading). All ayes. Moon carried. C. Employment Recommendaons – Moon by Vicki Petska, seconded by John Ebert to approve recommendaon for Ashly Coulter as Special Educaon aide. All ayes. VII. C. School Psychologist/Supervisor of Special Educaon Ms. Angie Sanderfoot reported as follows: 1. Budget – MOE staffing changes. 2. Children with Disabilies. 3. Child outcomes. 4 ACT. 5. Badger Exam. 6. School based billing. 7. Staffing D. Board Members Cory Kiekhaefer commended Panther for a Day – Great DVD. Nice projecon Adjournment Moon by John Ebert, seconded by Cory Kiekhaefer to adjourn at 7:08 PM. Moon carried. Meeng adjourned. Cory Kiekhaefer, Clerk CORNER HOUSE NEWS Spring starts March 20th and the Corner House is starting all kinds of plants/seeds for the upcoming planting season. However, we have many valuable plants NOW– tulips, kalanchoe, lilies, daisies, daffodils, and many more. These would make wonderful Easter items or just thinking about you gifts or surprises. Come in and see. April 5 – Easter: Will have fresh cut flowers of all kinds for centerpieces, gifts, baskets and surprises. Call ahead for items or come in the week before. Plants are also available. Give someone a corsage for Easter. April 11 – Reedsville Prom: Call as early as possible for those special corsages and boutonnières for the big event. We are offering a big variety of flowers as well as designs. Call 754-4370. Maybe you would like a hand bouquet for the event. It’s something new and different. This would make a big HIT for that special date. April 22 – Professional Day (Secretary’s Day): Remember those who keep you on track for those special meetings, events and activities. They do so much for you. This includes secretaries, but wives and girlfriends or others too. Call 754-4370 for your needs. Remember Birthdays/ Anniversaries with flowers or plants. We do our best for your loved ones or special friends. Don’t forget sympathy flowers TOO! They may be big or small pieces. Unusual or casual arrangements. We do them all. Look at our Facebook Page Reedsville Corner House and Garden Center for new ideas and tips! SUNRISE HORSE FARM, INC 17226 Limekiln Road, Reedsville, Wisconsin 54230 920.772.4135 This month we are featuring another volunteer and this is what she had to say about being a volunteer here at Sunrise: I volunteer at Sunrise Horse Farm because I have time, knowledge, and talents to share with others. Volunteering has expanded my knowledge of horses and created a companionship with other volunteers and the horses. The opportunity provides an investment in our community and supports the youth who live in it. This unites people from diverse backgrounds to work toward a common goal, building camaraderie and teamwork. ~Marie This poem is from Corrina who started coming to Sunrise in 2008 and she is now a college graduate: Not all that glitters is gold. But did you know? Mark your Calendar! Not all that is gold, glitters. Summer Gallop Sunrise Horse Farm looks July 25, 2015 like all the others, yes. But to tell a true diamond, and real gold from fools... you must get close. You must stop, listen, feel. Once you do, you will see the glitter at Sunrise Horse Farm, and it is beautiful. There are several youth organizations that desire to use our program here at Sunrise...we have many available volunteer openings that have to be filled. Give us a call, send an email..we can work around your schedule. Proceedings of the Reedsville Village Board February 5, 2015 A meeting of the Reedsville Village Board was called to order on Feb 5, 2015 at 6:30 PM by Village President Andy Bubolz. Present were: Bob Campana, Ryan Lorrigan, Jerry Reis, and Jack Siebert: Also present were: Brad Busse, Leroy Krepline, JoAnn Mignon, Bill Lorrigan, Craig Schuh, Randy Pingel and Joe Tisler. The minutes of the previous meeting of January 22, 2015 were approved as presented. A motion was made by Reis and seconded by Lorrigan to pay the accounts payable in the amount of $184,547.53. Motion carried 4-0. Pingel gave an update on what Rural Insurance can now offer regarding insurance coverage for the Fire Department. Bill Lorrigan presented a proposal to remodel the Firemen Park Restrooms. A motion was made by Reis and seconded by Campana to amend the agenda to have the First Responders, Police, Utility and Fire Department reports before the closed sessions. Motion carried 4-0. No one present from the First Responders Mignon gave an update on the Police Dept. Busse gave an update on the water breaks and sample testing concerns. Busse presented the 2014 Fire Department Report. He also expressed the need for a new water softener and heater at the Fire Station. A motion was made by Campana and seconded by Reis to allow Busse the authority to replace these with whomever has the best price quote. Motion carried 4-0. A motion was made by Siebert and seconded by Lorrigan to purchase hand dryers for the Fire Station from Quill in the amount of $399.98. Motion carried 4-0. A motion by Reis and seconded by Siebert to purchase boots and flashlights for the Fire Department from Jefferson Fire in the amount of $1,096.50. Motion carried 4-0. At 7:18 pm a motion was made by Campana and seconded by Reis to convene into closed session, pursuant to WI Statute Section 19.85(1)(f) to consider data of specific persons. Motion carried 4-0. At 7:25 pm a motion was made by Reis and seconded by Campana to reconvene into open session. Motion carried 4-0. At 7:25 pm a motion was made by Siebert and seconded by Lorrigan to convene into closed session, pursuant to WI Statute Section 19.85(1)(c) to conduct business which requires a closed session to consider performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Motion carried 4-0. At 7:40 pm a motion was made to reconvene into open session. Motion carried 4-0 A motion was made by Lorrigan and seconded by Reis to put a reminder in the Reedsville News regarding the placement of Solid Waste and Recycling containers. Motion carried 4-0 Mignon will review the state statues regarding snow being blown on the streets. A motion was made by Campana and seconded by Siebert to approve the Operator License Applications from Jessup Bubolz, Jacob Glasow, Michael O’Connell, Michael Ott, Mike Pautz and Brad Busse. Motion carried 4-0. A motion was made by Reis and seconded by Lorrigan to approve the Tempo- rary Liquor License Application from the Reedsville First Responders. Motion carried 4-0. A motion was made by Reis and seconded by Lorrigan to approve the Soda License Application from the Reedsville First Responders. Motion carried 4-0. The 2014 Bridge Inspection Reports by SMI were presented for review. A motion was made by Campana and seconded by Reis to approve Pay Request #3 from Feaker & Sons Co in the amount of $89,799.03. Motion carried 4-0. Correspondence was presented from the WDOT regarding speed management on USH 10 thru the Village of Reedsville. A motion was made by Siebert and seconded by Campana to send a letter to them requesting a new speed study. Motion carried 4-0. A motion was made by Campana and seconded by Siebert to hold the Board of Review on May 12, 2015 from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm. Motion carried 4-0. A discussion on the vacation and probation policy was held. Krahn will make changes in the policies for approval at the next Village Board meeting. The Appreciation Dinner will be scheduled for this fall. A motion was made by Lorrigan and seconded by Siebert to approve the Rural Insurance proposal. Motion carried 4-0. Department Heads must review their vehicle information for accuracy and get any changes to Krahn by February 12th. . Upon reviewing the Restroom plans, a motion was made by Siebert and seconded by Reis to advertise for the Park Street Bathroom Remodeling project. Bids to be submitted to Krahn by 11:00 am on March 3rd. Submitted bids received will then be reviewed at the March 5th meeting. Motion carried 3-0 (Lorrigan abstained). Upon reviewing the applications for the Part-time DPW position, 2 applicants will be schedule for interviews. Following a discussion, a motion was made by Lorrigan and seconded by Siebert to schedule the Village Board meeting only once a month (1st Thursday) on a 6 month trial basis. Motion carried 4-0 Department Heads were reminded that if they cannot attend the monthly meeting, they need to have someone else from their department attend. At 8:40 pm, Bubolz turned the meeting over to Lorrigan to discuss the Deerview Drive Extension Project. A motion was made by Campana and seconded by Reis to extend the 1 year lateral hook up to 3 years for the property involved. Motion carried 4-0 Time starts upon signature on the certified letter receipt. A motion was made by Campana and seconded by Reis to have Feaker and Sons install the storm sewer in the least amount of money and have the Village Attorney contacted to create an agreement with the current property owners. The agreement would be that the cost of the storm sewers will be reimbursed to the Village upon selling of the lots involved. Motion carried 40. A motion was made by Campana and seconded by Reis to obtain samples ordinances pertaining to the installation of storm sewer with new development. Motion carried 4-0. Lorrigan turned the meeting back to Bubolz at 9:35 pm. The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 6:30 PM. A motion was made by Reis and seconded by Lorrigan to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:36 PM. Respectfully submitted Mary Jo Krahn Clerk/Treasurer
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