First Congregational United Church of Christ 420 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 (715) 235-5838 The Bell e-mail: website: April 2015 April Events Lent 4/1: 4/2: 4/3: 4/4: 4/5: 4/9: 4/12: 4/14: 4/15: 4/19: 4/22: 4/26: NO supper or Confirmation 7pm Maundy Thursday service 1pm Good Friday service 1:30-3pm personal prayer time in sanctuary 10:30am Family Easter service rehearsal and Easter egg hunt 8am Family Easter service 8:30-9:45am Easter breakfast 10am Festival Service 5:30pm Executive committee meeting 7:30pm Men’s Inner Life Conference minister Rev. Franz Rigert – guest preacher 2pm Spring Arts Showcase (sanctuary) 9:30am WIGC breakfast and books (Golden Leaf) 6pm Church Council 1pm Women’s Fellowship dessert and program 9am Breakfast Club Camp Sunday Family Night Annual meeting and potluck Please Note: Susan will be on vacation April 6-12 and at Lay Academy April 24-25 Holy Week & Easter for Families Holy week begins with Palm Sunday (March 29) and is marked by special services on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon. Saturday morning (April 4) we have a time of preparation for children, youth, and families as we do some rehearsing for the 8 AM Family Service. At 11:30am the youth host an Easter Egg Hunt for PS5th graders. We hope you will join us on Saturday and Sunday! Spring Arts Showcase - Sunday April 12 2 pm Church Sanctuary Don't hide your talents! Bring them to the UCC Spring Arts Showcase on Sunday, April 12, at 2pm, in our sanctuary. We are looking for displays of visual arts as well as performances of instrumental and/or vocal music and performance arts, and our church family includes and is acquainted with so many talented people - time to celebrate! To be included, please contact Ellen Ochs (715)235-0412 or Deanna Schultz Contact us soon! 1 Worship In April Thursday, April 2, 7pm Maundy Thursday Communion/Tenebrae service Ushers for April April 5: Alan & Deb Benoit, Lori Anda & Gail Skamfer, Jane Slupe, Jena Benoit April 12, 19, 25: Alan & Deb Benoit, Lori Anda & Gail Skamfer Friday, April 3 1pm Good Friday service 1:30-3pm Sanctuary open for personal prayers Coffee Hour Server(s) 4/5: Easter Breakfast 4/12: Kate Kramschuster and Barb Schmelzle 4/19: 4/26: Annual Meeting/potluck Sunday, April 5: 8 & 10am Sacrament of Communion 8am Family Easter Service 10am Festival Service Music: Sr. Choir, Bell Choir, Trumpet 8:30-9:45am Easter Breakfast Nursery Helpers 4/5: 4/12: 4/19: 4/26: Sunday, April 12: 8:15 & 10am Conference Minister Rev. Franz Rigert Scripture: Acts 4:32-35, John 20:19-31 Reader: Jay & Owain Collins Music: 10:30am Children’s Sunday School Fellowship Hour after Worship Bell Ringers 4/5: 4/12: Owain Collins 4/19: 4/26: Henry Ropella Sunday, April 19: 8:15 & 10am Camp Sunday Scripture: I John 3:1-7, Luke 24:36-48 Reader: Youth Music: Sr. Choir 9am: Adult Sunday School 10:30am Children’s Sunday School Fellowship Hour after Worship Flowers** 4/5: Easter 4/12: Heifner 4/19: Dittmann/Porter 4/26: Ropella Sunday, April 26: 8:15 & 10am Annual Meeting and Potluck Scripture: Acts 4:5-12, John 10:11-18 Reader: Carol Ropella Music: Sr. Choir 10:30am Children’s Sunday School Meeting and Potluck following worship **Please note: we request that flowers be here for the 8:15am service on Sunday. Information for the Church bulletin should be given to Deb Wesolek (235-9360) or the church office (235-5838) one week prior. Nursery Volunteers Needed Please consider volunteering in our church nursery this month. This is a great opportunity to get to know some of our young families and to support our "Safe Sanctuaries" program. A paid staff member is present, but an adult volunteer is also needed each week. Thank you! Communion Servers for April 5 Paul Mommsen, Jeff Lund, Jill Schwebs, Brian Sandness, Jeff Jevne, Jane Culbert, Emily Billingsley 2 Church Family News From our Minister Sisters and brothers in Christ, During the last few weeks several church members have commented to me that they/you have found this year’s Lenten devotional booklet particularly meaningful. I have too. The fourteen or so UCC clergy who wrote the daily devotions are faithful, insightful, funny, heart full and gifted writers. We bought more booklets than usual this year and they were scooped up quickly. Next year we will have to order more. I have to say that I frequently read ahead in the booklet. I do so in part because I am personally gripped by the reflections and also because it offers fodder for my own writing. I read ahead to the Holy Saturday page and found the words there remarkably similar to discouraging words I hear in our world today. So, spoiler alert, I feel compelled to reprint them, particularly for those of you who didn’t get to the table before all the booklets were gone. Keep in Your Prayers: Wendy Dittmann Liz & Aanders Dommer Nancy Woodard Liz Strachan Peggy Kothmann Doris Lowry Lois Randall Terry Ingram Our Sympathy: To Aanders and Liz Dommer on the loss of their baby, Lucan Jarl Dommer in February. To Heather Jerrie and Eric Youngquist, Eric’s sister, Heather’s Aunt, Irene, passed away in March To Lori Anda, her aunt passed away in March. To Matt Flug, his biological father, Vern Gruenwald, died on March 23. It is Holy Saturday and today, I have all the answers. Today, I can see that violence will always decide who is right and who is wrong. Today, I can see that the tomb is victorious and the cradle empty. Today, I can see that only the dead moon looks down from Heaven and all my prayers are wasted breath. Today, I can see the tomb of hope and I can see the way that the world killed Him. Today, I can see that what has been shall determine what will be. Today, I can see the oceans rise and I know the atmosphere will choke. Today I can see the fires of war and I know they will never stop burning. Today, I can see the sick and I know they will always be degraded. Today, I can see the elders and I know they will always be warehoused without dignity. Today, I can see our children and I know they will always have to fight one another just to be able to survive. Today, the most I can do is nothing at all. Today, I need God, and every scrap of reason I can muster tells me that God is not coming. Today, I know that there is nothing that tomorrow’s dawn will bring, other than more of the same tired old world. Today, I am tired of it all, because today I know that God is dead. By John Edgerton Celebrations: To Korey Maves and Julie Bates-Maves, Benjamin Maxwell Maves was born on March 6. To Michelle Thierer, she was baptized on March 15. Thank You: To Adrianne Harmston for filling in for Teresa when she was on vacation To Wendy Dittmann for filling in for Karolyn while she was on vacation To Deb Wesolek, Carol Schuler and Jane Hoyt for ordering and putting out the Easter flowers Margy Ingram for her generous donation of fabric for our pageant costumes. Terry Nelson for putting up our new roomdarkening shades in Room 2. To Terry Nelson and Jeff Huenink for installing new shelves in the kitchen. Our Monday Muffin bakers (Lyn Collins, Ruth Morey, Judy Muller, & Joy Smith) Joy Smith and Andrew Welsch for help with the Muffin Ministry to UW-Stout. This is the fullness of Holy Saturday but we know Easter is still to come. We can feel the depths of Holy Saturday, but we are Easter people. Faith is about having wide open Holy Saturday eyes and singing on Easter morning. Christ is risen - Rob 3 Mission Statement Official Call to the Annual Meeting of First Congregational UCC, Menomonie Sunday, April 26, 11:15 AM Background: At the 2013 Annual Meeting of our church, our congregation voted to become recognized as an Open and Affirming church of the United Church of Christ. Since this 2013 vote the ONA Coalition of the UCC has indicated that being recognized as an ONA church in the UCC requires the inclusion of particular language in our official church Mission Statement. Over the past three month our Church Council voted to make the changes to our Mission Statement according to our church constitution, and these changes are being brought forward to our 2015 Annual Meeting for a vote of the congregation. The words to be added are below in bold, italic letters: All members and friends are invited to come together to give thanks to our church leaders and support the work of our church by attending our Annual Meeting. At each Annual Meeting we take opportunities to hear from our lay leaders who are involved in all kinds of work and ministry in our church. We vote on our church budget for the upcoming fiscal year and elect new church leaders. Annual meeting information: Annual meeting booklets are available two weeks ahead of time--April 12th. Please pick them up, browse/read through them, and bring them with you on April 26th. Mission Statement of First Congregational UCC We are called together: to celebrate God’s presence; to help each person to grow in his or her relationship with God; to create a welcoming and supportive community of all God’s people, affirming the diversity of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender expression and identity, social and economic status, and the differently abled; to observe and share life’s passages and our faith traditions; to reach out in love seeking justice and peace; and to tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love. Plan to attend the meeting after worship: Extended childcare will be available so that when children are finished with Sunday School they can enjoy a snack and wait for parents. Potluck: After the meeting we enjoy a delicious potluck dinner in Fellowship Hall. Please bring a dish to share and your own place setting/tableware. Everyone is welcome to join in this time of fellowship! Is Music Camp in your summer plans? Hey kids! If you plan to attend a music camp this summer, we have funds available for scholarships to help with your expenses. In return, we ask that each scholarship recipient contributes their musical talent to the worship experience at church in some way. Please fill out an application form available in the church office or the volunteer bulletin board and return them to the church office by May 3, 2015 so that the Music Committee can choose the recipients and notify them of their award. Men’s Inner Life The Men’s Inner Life group will be meeting on Thursday, April 9 at 7:30pm in the church parlor. Whether you have attended before or not, all men are invited and welcome. Our discussions focus on the thoughts that are foremost on the minds and hearts of those present. So if you have been thinking or wondering about something and would like to discuss it with others come and join us. 4 Rotary Exchange Student “Understanding PTSD: Healing & Hope for Veterans and Their Families” Saturday, April 18 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Menomonie Veterans Center (Hwy 25 North) Has your family thought about hosting an exchange student? The Menomonie Rotary Club is once again looking for host families for the 2015-2016 high school year, and as several families from our church can attest, that is a great experience for all involved. There are advantages to the totally non-profit Rotary Youth Exchange program: 1) it is only an approximately 3-month commitment, as we recruit 3 families, in order to make it a broader cultural experience for the student, 2) Rotary pays school lunch, allowance, cell phone and school fees for the student, 3) several Rotarians keep in touch with the student and family to help as needed, and 4) it's a step toward world understanding, one person at a time. We believe in that! (And it's fun!) If your family has questions, contact Ellen Ochs (, 235-0412) Speaker (Sharlene Prinsen) – Panel Discussion – Resource Fair - Lunch No Cost to attend workshop; however preregistration requested (to guarantee handouts) Free Book (by the speaker) to the first 50 who preregister! Sponsored by several Menomonie area veterans organizations. Online Registration Form: Church Thrift Sale Women's Fellowship Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. We are planning to have a church thrift sale this summer date TBA, so start saving all of your goods! Any questions contact Wendy Dittmann. Program: Susan Weston, Lay Academy Devotions: Pat Kochendorfer Committee for Dessert: Ruth Thomas, Shirley Melrose, Sally Meinen Please join us for dessert and the program. Following that we will have a short business meeting. A sign-up sheet will be posted by the Fellowship Hall, or call Teresa to let her know if you will be attending. We need this information by Sunday, April 12th. Hope to see you there. Empty Bowls Thank you to all you who helped for Empty Bowls. We had a successful event on March 7. Over $8000 dollars was raised! Spring Graduation Information We are now collecting graduation information for anyone graduating from a technical school, college, university, or high school. Information will be in the June Bell. Please provide the following info to Teresa at, or 235-5838, as soon as you know it: Name of graduate; parent(s) name(s); Graduating from (where?); What type of diploma/degree (high school, certificate, BS/BA, Masters, etc.); Plans for future study or work. Thank you for sharing your news with our church family! All women and men are invited to join us! Women’s Fellowship Suggestion Box The Women's Fellowship has placed a suggestion box in the parlor to gather ideas for ways to spend some of the profit from the 2014 Tour of Homes. If you have suggestions for the Fellowship to consider, please put a note in the suggestion box. Everyone is welcome to offer suggestions. Decisions will be made at the Women's Fellowship meeting on Ap. 15. Working Women's Fellowship Ladies Night Out - April 23rd. Meet at Ted's at 5:30 for pizza & a night of Downtown fun. Please RSVP to Michelle at or (715) 505-0138. 5 Progressive Christian Discussion Series on Atul Gawande's Being Mortal: What Matters in the End led by Toby Ellison Heads Up! Church Softball Coming Thanks to Troy Steinmeyer for offering to coach a youth softball team from our church this summer for students entering grades 7-10. If you are interested in playing ball this summer, please contact Susan Weston at or Troy at 920-475-4669 or sign up on the volunteer board. Atul Gawande’s book Being Mortal and his Frontline presentation on February 6, 2015 remind us of “What Matters in the End” of our lives and what patients and families need to die as peacefully as possible. Toby Ellison will be conducting a four-week class beginning Monday, April 13 at 7:00 p.m. about preparing for one of the most important events in our lives. The series will continue April 20, 27, and May 4. Using Atul Gawande’s book, a DVD of the Frontline program and personal vignettes of actual patient/family experiences from his hospice/palliative care ministry, Toby will highlight what we need to die peacefully. He will also examine what families need in order to support loved ones through the dying experience. Ira Byock, hospice physician said, “While death may cast a long shadow upon us as we journey through life, Americans typically refuse to notice. We make jokes about death to diminish its power, using laughter to insulate ourselves from fear. In reflexively turning away from reminders of death, we have at times inadvertently isolated loved ones who needed our presence, and we have robbed ourselves of precious opportunities. Socially we have paid dearly; culturally we are poorer for failing to explore the inherently human experience of dying.” th High School Youth Group News April 1: Game Night for April Fools All students in Grades 9-12 are invited to join us for games and treats on Wednesday, April 1st from 6 7:15 p.m. in the HS Youth Room. Bring a friend and your favorite game! April 22: Kids Against Hunger Join the Confirmation Class as they head to Our Savior's Lutheran Church to package food for "Kids Against Hunger" from 6-7:15 pm. RSVP to, so we can have a spot reserved for you. Confirmation Class to "Kids Against Hunger" Event On Wednesday, April 22, our MS and HS youth will package food for Kids Against Hunger at Our Savior's Lutheran Church. This is a Family Night, so plan to join us for Jimmy John's subs at church, then we'll walk to OSL together at 6 pm. RSVP to to reserve your spot. Donations to help cover the cost of the food packages will be gratefully accepted. Please send to the church office with a note indicating "Kids Against Hunger." Please join us from 7:00- 8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Monday Morning Muffin Ministry to UW-Stout If you are on or near campus on Monday mornings, come and say hello and enjoy a home-cooked muffin! Look for our muffin cart behind Heritage Hall between 9:40 - 10:10 am each week. Thanks to all who make this ministry possible. Students and staff often say, "You made my day!" 6 Camp Sunday – April 19 The Breakfast Club April 19: The Environment We have two premier UCC Church camps in Wisconsin, Moon Beach and Pilgrim Center. On April 19 we will celebrate the ministry of these camps, make information available about all the programs available at them and tell a bit about our Conference wide effort to support them. We invite everyone to come to church dressed looking like you are ready for camp, particularly, wear your hats, shirts and sweatshirts from camp if you have one. The Breakfast Club: A Ministry of Coffee and Community for Generations X & Y provides an opportunity for young adults in the church to connect with others and talk together about life and spirituality in this twenty-first century world. Please join us Sunday, April 19 in the Fellowship Hall from 9 - 9:45 am for a light breakfast and discussion. This month, in honor of Earth Day, we'll be talking about issues related to the environment. Nursery care is available, starting at 8:45 a.m. Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend! For more information, contact Kate Kramschuster ( or Andrew Mercil ( “Church Family” Night April 22: Seeing the Sacred in Community Members and friends of all ages are invited to participate in “church family” night on Wednesday, April 22. Following a simple supper from 5:30 - 6 pm, programming will be offered for children, youth, and adults from 6 - 7:15 pm. Kids’ Club/Family Night Coordinator, Morgan Kelly, leads the children’s activities focused on practicing our faith in daily life. Confirmation class and senior high youth will continue their intergenerational fellowship visits. This month Gary Johnson of Partners for Resilience will present on “Parenting from the Heart.” Our goal is to offer activities that foster connections within and between families and with our church as a faith home. Conference Minister to Preach – April 12 This past year the WI Conference United Church of Christ elected a new Conference Minister. The Rev. Franz Rigert has begun leading our Conference and will be preaching at our church on Sunday, April 12. Please come and join him at our 10am service and greet him during the coffee hour following worship. “If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character; If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home; If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation; If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.” ---Confucius We will be ordering pizza for supper. Suggested donation for Wednesday Night Suppers are $3/child, $4/adult, and $10/family. Please call the church office at 235-5838 or email Susan at if you plan to join us. 7 Holy Week Palm Sunday Processional – March 29th All worshipers are invited to come to Fellowship Hall to get palms and begin our Palm Sunday Parade from there on March 29th. We are using eco-palms again this year—grown and harvested sustainably. The sound system will allow us to hear the organ and sing on our way to the Sanctuary. Imagine you are part of the crowd in Jerusalem that Passover week, so many years ago, welcoming Jesus with your “Hosannas!” One Great Hour of Sharing Offering—Palm Sunday Every Palm Sunday, we receive a very important offering in our church called “One Great Hour of Sharing” (OGHS). This is one of four national offerings of the United Church of Christ. When you make a gift to One Great Hour of Sharing, you actively participate in tending God’s people throughout the world. See more about OGHS elsewhere in this newsletter. Families have been using the sharing calendar and coin boxes this month. Today is the day to bring those for the processional. Please be generous on Palm Sunday. If you can’t be in church, send your contribution to the church with One Great Hour of Sharing written in the memo line. Maundy Thursday – April 2nd, 7pm Worship On this night we retell the story of the Last Supper and the betrayal of Jesus. At our 7pm service, we will celebrate Holy Communion with unleavened bread to remember the Passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples. We will also observe the Tenebrae liturgy which is a stirring reading of the betrayal of Jesus and the movement from light to darkness. Good Friday – April 3rd, 1pm Worship Good Friday lays bare the world’s brokenness. In the crucifixion of Jesus we recognize the pain and injustice of the world, and in this same moment we behold sacrificial love. At 1pm there will be a Taizé prayer service. From 1:30 to 3pm on Good Friday our church sanctuary will be available for personal prayer time. Readings and prayers will be provided for those who wish to use them, as well as candles to be lit for people, places, and concerns. Holy Saturday—April 4th Families and youth are invited to come at 10:30 AM to make preparations and rehearse for the Sunday 8 AM family service. At 11:30 there will be an Easter Egg Hunt. Families will be emailed with details. Easter—April 5th Festivities begin at our 8 AM Family Service and continue during our 8:30 Easter breakfast prepared by the men and boys of our congregation. All are welcome to join us. Our 10am Festival service will be filled with glorious music as we celebrate the redemption of the world and the proclamation that Life is God’s final word. Childcare will be available during the 10 AM service. Minutes of Church Council Meeting First Congregational UCC, Menomonie, Wis. February 10, 2015 Members present: Jeff Jevne, Jill Schwebs, Brian Sandness, Jane Culbert, Jeff Lund, Michelle Meinen, Jane Hoyt, Ellen Ochs, Wendy Dittmann, Deb Wesolek, Susan Weston, and Rev. Dr. Rob MacDougall. Absent: Paul Mommsen, Nell Johnson, Nancy Heifner, Emily Billingsley, and Brooke Jarvi-Beamer. Moderator Jeff Jevne called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the church parlor. Reflection: “Keep or throw?” Using a reading from the Lenten booklet based on Matthew 6:19, Susan reflected on how we don’t need more space but fewer possessions instead. A brief discussion followed on downsizing, cleaning out, and donating. Somewhere is a person who can use what we no longer need! Minutes of the January 13, 2015, Council meeting were reviewed. Wendy moved to approve; Jeff L. seconded; motion carried. Clerk’s Report: Jane C. noted that church membership stands at 459, after moving David Cook, Anne FrantzCook, and Michelle Greenway-Lawler to inactive status. Also entered into church records were the baptisms of McKenna Margaret Dodge, daughter of Jamie and Benjamin Dodge, and Gracie Sue Mueller, daughter of Katelyn Mueller and Dennis Elmergreen. Jane H. moved to accept the report; Ellen seconded; motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: Brian reported a General Fund balance of $12,111.85 as of January 31, 2015. The Contingency Fund balance is $29,129.78. Michelle moved to accept the report; Deb seconded; motion carried. Ordained Minister’s Report: Rob said he would provide his comments during the discussion of items of business. Minister of Christian Education and Formation (MCEF) Report: 1) Susan said the youth are preparing for Fool’s Sunday and the spaghetti lunch. 2) The Southern Poverty Law Center training session at UW-Stout was beneficial and gave Susan a good chance to connect with people in the community. 3) Susan, along with Jill Christopherson of First Congregational in Eau Claire, will attend a Progressive Youth Ministry Conference in Chicago in March. 4) The intergenerational visits went well and Susan feels it is a good tradition to continue. Jeff J. thanked Susan for her work on the Martin Luther King event. He read a note from Marian Lang of Red Cedar Peace Initiative expressing thanks for Susan’s leadership and commenting on the great involvement from youth. She said it was “a night of joy, peace, and inspiration.” Communion March 1: Set-up--Jeff Lund and Jane Culbert. Servers--Michelle Meinen, Deb Wesolek, Nell Johnson, and Brooke Jarvi-Beamer. Moderator’s Report: 1) Jeff reminded Deacons to submit their annual reports to Teresa by March 27. 2) Karolyn says the new vacuum cleaner is working well. 3) Repairs: a breaker was replaced on a freezer, and the garbage disposal was serviced. 4) The MTG canceled the pancake breakfast that was to be held in the Fellowship Hall on February 14. Deacons’ Reports: Music: 1) Ellen said the “Spring Arts Showcase” will be April 12 at 2 p.m. and will include a musical event and visual display of arts. 2) Announcements for Alice Ruehl scholarships have been posted. Stewardship: 1) Wendy expressed appreciation for the people who made stewardship announcements during worship services. 2) The mailing with the narrative budget has gone out. 3) The committee is still working on a “fundraiser for a purpose” and considering a thrift sale with monies going to Stepping Stones. Membership/Fellowship: Michelle, Rob, Wendy Dittmann, and Karen Bumann will be attending the Turnaround Church Workshop in Madison later this month. Missions: Jeff L. was approached by Crop Walk organizers and agreed that our church will host the event October 11. Worship: Jane H. raised the idea of a contemporary service, wondering if that would be attractive to people who don’t come to church? Old Business: Jeff J. reviewed actions taken at the January meeting: 1) Teresa will be the new payroll clerk, starting in May. Brian will cover until then. 2) NA meetings are now held at the church on Saturday night. 3) The Christmas Gift Giving Guide was approved. New Business: 1) Organ update: Ellen shared a report from the organ refurbishers concerning additional problems discovered during Phase One repairs. They include the need to move the adjustment location of inaccessible key actions to area behind music rack; install slider seals because “sliders are leaking copious amounts of air” (considered most important to correct); key actions will need seasonal adjustment. Original estimate for Phase Two: $6,000 to $7,000. Revised estimate: $7,000 to $8,000. Jill moved to go ahead with Phase Two repairs; Jane H. seconded; motion carried. (A free will offering to be taken at the Spring Arts Showcase will go to the Organ Fund.) 2) Thursday’s Table annual report: Jill provided a financial statement. She noted that less food is obtained from Feed My People and more is purchased from other sources. Each Thursday Pete Samdahl, Food and Menu Coordinator, delivers leftover food to Bridge to Hope. Those meals are included in the weekly account. 3) Planned Giving update: Rob reported that Jill Noreen is the new chairperson of Planned Giving. Annual disbursements include 4% of the value of the Endowment going to the Council, by policy adopted by congregational vote at 2014 Annual Meeting. The amount will be approximately $3,400.00. 4) Mission Statement change: Because we are an ONA congregation, the National UCC has asked that we revise our mission statement to include “gender expression and identity.” Rob presented a revised statement. Wendy moved to approve the changes to our mission statement with the caveat that minor edits may be made; Jane H. seconded; motion carried. Church bylaws require that the motion be presented at two Council meetings for approval before being voted upon at the Annual Meeting. 5) “Campital” Campaign: Brochures were distributed, and the Council viewed a video with the theme “Outdoor Ministry Matters.” The fundraising campaign is being undertaken by UCCI (United Church Camps Inc.), and a representative will be coming to speak to the Council at the March meeting. Rob noted the goal is ambitious: to raise $3,000,000 to $8,000,000 in three to five years. Other Business: 1) Discussion on racism: A retreat will be held Sunday, March 1, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. for Council members. Resources will be sent out in advance. 2) Annual Retreat for the new Council is tentatively set for May 2. Adjournment: Jane H. moved to adjourn the Council meeting at 7:50 p.m.; Jill seconded; motion carried. Jane Culbert, Clerk
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