Bulletin for June 14, 2015

God wants to use your
story to tell His story to the
Wednesday Nights
Room 104--Ken Fox--7 pm
Can they tell the difference?
Copper Basin Bible Camp Summer
This year’s theme is “Mission From God” and cost is $195 for 4th -12th
Grade Camp and $90 for Cub Camp! Please note that these
prices increase to $225 and $120 if you do not preregister at least two weeks ahead so get those reservations in
4th - 6th Grade Session #1
June 14th - 19th
Jr. High Week
June 21st - 26th
4th - 6th Grade Session #2
June 28th - July
7th - 12th Grade Week
July 5th - 10th
Cub Camp Session #2
July 12th - 14th
Registration can be completed online with internet explorer at www.copperbasinbiblecamp.org
In the Valley of the Son!
Vol. 72 No. 24
Worship Leader: Julio Birman
Song Song “As the Deer”
“Como el Ciervo”
“Glorify Thy Name”
“Gloria a tu Nombre”
Song “¿Eres Limpio en la Sangre?”
“The Old Rugged Cross”
“En el Monte Calvario”
Communion/Cont.: Scott VanWormer
Song “Tell Me the Story of Jesus”
“Dime la Historia de Cristo”
Sermon: Terry Singleton
“Leaders Who Serve”
Presentation of Deacons
Song “There is Power in the Blood”
“Hay Poder en Jesus”
Song “A Common Love”
“El Mismo Amor”
Closing Prayer: Steve Jacobs
we have children’s programs available
during our worship service
•An Attended Nursery is available for infants (1-2 years) in
Room 101.
•A Training Room for infants and nursing mothers is also pro-
vided at the back of the auditorium.
•Toddlers Bible Hour (TBH) is offered for all children 2-3
years old, begins after communion in Room 102.
•Children’s Bible Hour (CBH) for children ages 4 - 4th grade,
begins after communion in Theater del Soul Upstairs.
Servants of God
Servants serve for different reasons. Some are volunteers just filling in their
portion of time they are obligated to do. The work will be spread equally and they
have no intention of doing more than their fair share. Some are doing it because
of the appreciation shown for their work that they do. Some will work because
Welcome/Prayer: Bob Klosterboer
the work itself is important and needs to be done. Some are slaves and have
Song “Are You Washed in the Blood?” no choice.
Scripture Reading: Landon Ubrig
(1 Timothy 3:8-14)
**Unless otherwise indicated Connect groups meet at 5 p.m. on Sunday
evenings--Call for directions or additional details**
June 14, 2015
The motivation and commitment level will be very different for each group.
The question becomes which type of servants are servants God wants? All of
those may claim to be servants of the Lord. We see many people and programs
that claim to be in the name of God, but many of them seem more like church
administration rather than servants of God.
Is there a different expectation for a Prophet who serves and the one who makes
sure food is served? We may see a difference in the importance of the job, but if
we are doing it for God both would be the same. We would not believe that God
is more pleased with those who do important serving over those who do ordinary
serving would we? Certainly the widow with 2 mites would solve that question.
The criteria for servants has always been the same; that they be faithful in all
Can we serve like Jesus? Serve when people don’t like us and criticize what we
do? Can we serve after we have done it wrong and been blamed for mistakes and
still serve because God is more important than our critics? We serve because of
who it makes us. We serve because the God who asked us to serve is important.
We do not serve for applause unless it is the applause of heaven.
Welcome to the Mesa Family
1223 E. Dana Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85204
Phone: 480-964-1743
Fax: 480-827-1864
Email: office@mesachurch.org
Web: www.mesachurch.org
Office Hours: Mon.-Thur. (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)*
Fri. (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)*
*Terry out of office on Thursday
*Fernando out of office on Friday
We are so glad that you are here today! We have been praying that God would allow us to meet you today
and worship together. You are an answer to our prayer! If you are visiting from the area, we would love to
have you as part of our family!
our lessons for today
am: “Leaders Who Serve”
pm: “A New Law”
If you would like more information
about the church or becoming a
Christian, visit our Welcome Center in
the foyer.
¿habla español?
tenemos servicios en español
en el salón de actividades
Please consider yourself our honored guest. We are glad you have
come our way and invite you to return any time you can. We encourage
you to fill out a guest card so we have a record of your visit. There are a
number of people in our congregation who would love to study the Bible
with you if you so desire. Please come back to worship with us at any
and every opportunity you have.
Today is an exciting day as we add new The third Saturday of each month is our
deacons to those who are already serving open pantry from 9:30 am until about noon.
in the Mesa family. Listed below are the Rice, beans, canned tuna, soups, canned
men serving as deacons and their areas veggies, bars of soap, laundry detergent,
spaghetti and sauce are some of the staple
of responsibility.
items included in these bags.
See Boni or Miriam Flores for
Adult Education
Anthony Bryant
more details or special areas
Russ Barnes
where service may be needed.
Children’s Education Tom Covington
Children’s Bible Hour Keith Wilson
Connect Groups
Daniel Fenwick
Jonathan Bouley
Calvin Glenn
ITJim Bolton
Tom Jacobson
New Member
Curtis Allen
Kevin Maiorano
Josh Warren
Paul Garrison
PantryBoni Flores
Building & Grounds
Wayne Timbush
Tim Carlin
SpanishIlme Ortiz
Jorge Ramirez
Kim Clark
Harry Mo
MenVince McNeil
YouthBrandon Clark
Julio Birman
There will be a congregational potluck in
the Fellowship Hall immediately following
the am worship service today to welcome
the new deacons. Bring a dish to share
and plan to stay for a time of fellowship
hosted by the Elders! Parents of young
children are asked to keep your little ones
with you to go through the line.
Address of Note: Terri Smith, ). Terri arrived
safely in Maine and is beginning a 5 month job commitment there. Keep her in your prayers as she adjusts to this new adventure!
Summer Quarter
Summer Quarter for both Sunday and
Wednesday began last week! Have you
committed to being here each week? It is
not too late to make the most of these great
classes! Flyers are posted on all of the bulletin boards with the classes that are offered
and their locations!
2016 El Salvador Mission Trip
The Mission committee would like to invite
anyone interested in participating in a Mission Trip to El Salvador in the Summer of
2016 to come to a meeting on Sunday, June
28th, in Room 105. This is a fact-finding and
informational meeting. Information on the
type of trip being planned, etc. will be available and input sought regarding date and
people interested in helping! Plan to come
back asap following the am worship service
if you are interested.
Connect Groups News
Connect Groups are small groups which
meet in homes across the valley for study
and fellowship. The Kidwell group is going
to be transitioning to Tom & Karen Covington’s on Thursday evenings
over the next few weeks. For
this Thursday, they will be
meeting at Josh & Christine
Warren’s () All other groups meet at 5 p.m.
Christian Chronicle
on Sundays. The Mo group will be meeting
Mesa Missions made a donation to Chrisat Mark & Sophie Ibbetson’s home for this
tian Chronicle in order to make sure that any
week and next week ().
Mesa family who would like can receive the
monthly newspaper. If you are not currently
Happy Anniversary
receiving it and would like to, please sign up
We have two special anniverat the Welcome Center and we will forward
saries coming up this week!
your mailing information.
Both Jackie & Frances Hinkle
and Gary & Janice Rexroad
Widows Luncheon
will be celebrating their 51st Wedding AnAll widows and special sisters are reminded
niversary. The Hinkles on Monday and the
of the luncheon this coming Saturday, June
Rexroads on Friday. We congratulate these
20th, in your honor! Lunch will be served
couples on this milestone and pray for many
at 12:30 pm but come early to visit and/or
more years of service together for them in
stay late to play games. Jo Birdwell or Jerra
God’s kingdom!
Bonebrake can answer any questions regarding this event.
A Ministry for College Students and Single Adults in their 20’s and early 30’s
Today 9:30 a.m. 4Sixteen class in Room 104 with Ken Fitzgerald on “Hope”
7:00 p.m. Class in the 4Sixteen room with Wilburn Ivy on “Fishers of Men”
Communion Preparation
Ilme & Maria Ortiz and family are scheduled to prepare communion for Sunday, June 21st.
Nursery Helpers
Vickie Bolton and Michelle Augilar will serve in the nursery today.
JoAnne Bridgman and Paula Zavala will serve next Sunday, June 21st.
Bible Hour Leaders
TBH LEADERS: Today: Sheryl Wilson assisted by Brittney Nuñez and Angel Rivera. Next week:
Brian & Debra Peterson assisted by Katelyn Black.
CBH LEADERS: Today: Steve Hubbard assisted by Keith Wilson, Amaya Washington and Kyleigh
Greene Next week: Wayne Timbush assisted by Scott & Lori Howerton, Eli Lopez and Angel Ortiz.
June Greeters & Welcome Center
WELCOME CENTER (Bible Class): Dale & Sandy Barger
WELCOME CENTER (Worship): T.R. & Lynnita Knoch
GREETERS (Prior to and beginning of Class): Curtis & Linda Allen
GREETERS (Prior to and beginning of worship): Kevin & Wendy Hubby
Communion to Shut-In Members
Today: Steve Gushee and John Camp
Next Sunday: Kim Clark & Wilburn Ivy
Kevin Carson Visit
This coming Wednesday evening, June 17th, Kevin Carson will be visiting with us to update us on his work with
the Ship of Life in Cambodia. We will have a dinner at 6
p.m. prior to Kevin’s presentation and all classes (adult
and children’s) will be dismissed for that evening.
Dinner will be
provided but we
need a tentative
head count for
the food! Sign
up sheets are at
the welcome center to indicate how many
from your family will be attending!
14 Deacons Installed and Potluck
15 Jackie & Frances Hinkle 51st Anniv.
15 SIBI Classes
17 Wednesday Dinner Fellowship
17 Kevin Carson Visit
19 Gary & Janice Rexroad 51st Anniv.
20 Open Pantry
20 Widows’ Lunch
21 Spanish Father’s Day Activity
Praise and Prayers
new and critical
Bernard Dawson....................................................................Back
Bob Clayton........................................................Stroke Recovery
AJ (Guthrie’s Great G’son)............................Headaches/Nausea
Tommy Foster (TJ’s dad).......................................Staph infection
health problems
Lorna Butler........................................................................ Health
Veda Chancellor (L. Bailey’s sister).................................... Health
Andrew & Trinity Emery Family......................... Children’s Health
Donna Erno....................................................Chemo Treatments
Ivan Goodman.................................................................... Health
Richard Gerome (D. Schrubbe’s son-in-law)...........Hospice Care
Bill & Luana Guthrie........................................................... Health
Celestia Harmon (E. Heath’s Mom)............... Blooming Meadows
Merlene Hanzuk (Steve’s mom)......................Cancer treatments
Mary Hughes...................................................................... Health
Lorraine Hughes ............ Scottsdale Health & Rehab Room 104A
Lydia (Knoch’s G’Daughter)....................... Pending heart surgery
Wanda Johnson.................................................................. Health
Theresa Juhl.......................................... Bone Marrow Transplant
Lynnita Knoch..................................................................... Health
Marty & Kathy Marstein (P. Watkins Parents)..................... Health
Ruth May............................................................................ Health
Gary Miller (N.Miller’s son)..........................................Parkinsons
Annie Nichols.................................................................... Crohn’s
James & Charlene O’Connor.............................................. Health
Jean Roberson................................................................... Health
Nelda Roberson (S. Woodrow’s mom)..............................Cancer
Leo Rosenthal (L. Miller’s Dad).........................................Cancer
Marjorie Steinbock.............................................................. Health
military prayers
Beau Howell
Andrew Jones (C. Burd’s G’son)
Evelyne Serrano
Anthony Galvan (Millers G’son)
Chris Heath
Jake Hinkle (Hinkle’s G’son)
Kalin Fuller (W.Johnson’s G’son)
Mission prayers
Kevin & Catherine Carson’s Son, Jesse, seizures
Tim & Cheryl Carlin plans for Ship of Life July 8th thru Oct. 31
Evan Todachine--Preparation to attend Bear Valley in August
Our Meeting Times
June (cont.)
22 SIBI Classes
29 SIBI Classes
2-3Office Closed
11 Spanish Ladies’ Day
Bible Class..........................9:30am
Connect Groups.................5:00pm
Wednesday Class...............7:00pm
Attendance & Offering
Sunday Worship: 436
Wednesday: 174
Budget: $9,952
Giving: $12,120
YTD Average: $10,504