End the Cycle of ADDICTION 1095 W 7th Ave, Eugene, OR. 97402 541.844.0237 www.justintimeforlife.org. OUR MISSION: Our mission is to end the cycle of addiction and restore lives from substance abuse through advocacy, intervention, community education, effective treatment and a life plan of recovery. OUR VISION: Our vision is to build a residential drug rehabilitation community for substance abuse, specializing in meth addiction. Our intention is to facilitate an extensive and effective program with education for a healthy lifestyle, while providing support for change and regained hope. By implementing programs that give individuals the opportunity to restore their lives, we strive to end the cycle of addiction. My name is Teresa Rhoads, I am the founder of Just In Time and the mother of a kind and loving son who struggled with a ten year meth addiction. It is a heart-wrenching experience to watch those you love suffer through all the consequences of this devastating drug. Feeling helpless, I knew I could no longer sit idle while this horrific drug is destroying so many lives, families and communities. After years of research and frustration, I found that what we really need available is long-term residential recovery programs. These programs must provide effective treatments for substance abuse by addressing the individual’s needs and giving them support through restorative and lifelong health solutions. Recovery is possible and the cycle of addiction can be broken. My son is my daily inspiration as he continues to rebuild his life. I feel driven to build this facility, and I am dedicated to giving those suffering from addiction an opportunity to change and transform their lives… with the time needed to heal. Blessings, “We’re still not where we’re going but we’re not still where we were.” Teresa Rhoads Founder & Executive Director “That which is lost is just lost; it’s no less valuable.” THE BEGINNING Dear Friends, More than a disease of the brain, it is an emotional problem or physical THE DISEASE dependence, addiction affects every aspect of a person’s life. Join Us... Just In Time is a non-profit organization working to establish a long-term residential community based program for substance abuse, specializing in meth addiction. Our life plan for recovery is an innovative and holistic approach addressing the whole person and their individual needs. Holistic therapies are gentle, natural avenues to help ease the discomfort of withdrawal, avoid relapse and allow individuals to reconnect with themselves, others, and their own spiritual practices. The beautiful forest campus is a grass-roots recovery model for a therapeutic community utilizing a permaculture design that will provide self-sustaining programs to support our facility. Our recovery program incorporates alternative and evidence-based treatment approaches to help the individual stop using drugs and maintain a drug-free lifestyle. Every opportunity addresses certain aspects of drug addiction, its consequences to the individual, their family and society. Establishing a healthy lifestyle gives residents life skills, job training and the opportunity to choose a life of wellness. Meth and meth addiction is a community issue that effects each and every one of us. It is the single most destructive social problem in our culture. It is a waging war against mind, abuse of the body and disregard of spirit. We believe our future will not be in newly built jails, but in a society that invests in treatment and rehabilitation. Just In Time will fill this void in our community that will save lives, lower property crimes, child abuse and the number of children in foster care. Our life plan for recovery will help restore individual and parental responsibility which will help reunite families and rebuild healthier communities. “Drug Addiction is a brain disease that can be treated.” Please join us, Together we can save lives. Noris D. Volkow, M.D., Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse ADDICTION is a chronic but treatable brain disorder. People who are addicted cannot control their need for alcohol or other drugs, even in the face of negative health, social or legal consequences. This lack of control is the result of alcohol or drug-induced changes in the brain. Those changes in turn, cause behavior changes. TO ACHIEVE LONG-TERM RECOVERY, treatment must address specific, individual patient needs and take the whole person into account. It is not enough simply to get a person off drugs. Because of the many changes that have occurred — physical, social, psychological — these must also be addressed to restore balance in every area of life to help people stay off drugs forever. “Individually we are one drop, together we are an ocean.” THE WAY FORWARD Drug addiction is a complex disease that affects brain functions & behavior. The Consequences of Drug Abuse Are Vast & Varied and Affect People of All Ages MEDICAL SOCIAL ECONOMIC CRIMINAL JUSTICE Babies exposed to legal and illegal drugs in the womb may be born premature and underweight. This drug exposure can slow the child’s intellectual development and affect behavior later in life. Adolescents who abuse drugs often act out, do poorly academically, and drop out of school. They are at risk of unplanned pregnancies, violence, and infectious diseases. Permaculture (permanent culture) is an integral part of a truly sustainable land-use system that mimics the relationships found in natural ecologies. Its adaptability and emphasis on meeting human needs means that it can be utilized in every climate and cultural zone, thus being a successful approach to building a sustainable future. Permaculture is a broad-based and holistic approach that has many applications to all aspects of life. At the heart of permaculture design and practice is a fundamental set of “core values” or ethics which remain constant. These “ethics” are often summarized as; Adults who abuse drugs often have problems thinking clearly, remembering, and paying attention. They often develop poor social behaviors, as a result of their drug abuse, and their work performance and personal relationships suffer. Parents drug abuse often means chaotic, stress-filled homes, child abuse and neglect. Such conditions harm the well-being and development of children in the home and may set the stage for drug abuse in the next generation. • Earthcare - recognizing that Earth is a source of all life, that Earth is our valuable home, and that we are a part of Earth, not apart from it. • Peoplecare - supporting and helping each other to change to ways of living that do not harm ourselves or the planet, and to develop healthy societies. • Fairshare (or placing limits on consumption) - ensuring that Earth’s limited resources are used in ways that are equitable and wise. “Meth and meth addiction is a community issue that affects us all.” THE EFFECTS THE WAY FORWARD Permaculture A Life-Plan For Recovery LONG-TERM RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT provides a safe community environment in which the individual adjusts to life without meth or other drugs. Treatment length is determined in several ways, such as how long drugs have been used, the amount and frequency of use, and how long it takes the brain to heal. Effective treatment is an intensive process that involves more than forty hours per week and can last up to a year or more. Successful recovery requires personal commitment and social support to avoid relapse. Our long-term residential treatment program provides a life plan for recovery and allows the time to heal. • Up to 1 Year Residential Treatment for adult males ages 18 and older. • Our holistic life plan for recovery focuses on the individual as a whole, mind, body & spirit, restoring balance and completeness in every area of life. • A permaculture campus with a sustainable design system utilizing natural energies, animals and organic gardens to connect personal & planetary wellbeing. • Residents work on site with a “pay it forward” approach while learning various skills to maintain our campus. Our jobs program will provide vocational experience and opportunites throughout Lane County. • Cultivating community support and involvement through education, internships, job opportunities, volunteer and outreach programs. OUR HOLISTIC RECOVERY PLAN Supports changing a person’s lifestyle with a comprehensive and integrated approach for the effective treatment of substance abuse, specializing in meth addition. Holistic addiction treatment focuses on individual care and the well-being of the whole person, restoring balance and completeness in every area of life. The residents are encouraged to explore all forms of specialty treatments available to them, including far infrared sauna, nutrition, vitamin and mineral supplementation, herbology, acupuncture, massage, exercise and relaxation classes, behavioral therapies and environmental medicine. By offering a broad selection of evidence based practices, traditional and alternative therapies, our residents can receive a personally designed program that will address their particular needs, while holistically restoring balance of mind, body and spirit. OUR PERMACULTURE CAMPUS is a forest garden environment that is all encompassing, focused on ecological restoration including the provisions of basic human needs. This practice follows nature’s patterns incorporating the use of natural energies (solar, wind, rain, etc.), utilizing animals and organic gardens to connect personal and planetary health and well being. Our intentional community is a cooperative and holistic way of living that will provide many self-sustaining programs to support and maintain our facility while creating a self sufficient and balanced lifestyle. Permaculture is based on empowering individuals to create positive change through their choices. OUR THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY is an innovative approach that will give our residents the opportunity to work within our campus and acquire life skills. With the chance to invest themselves in healthful, sustainable living practices, they can reform their lives. Job crews will work together on federal forest projects, and provide services and assistance to government and non-profit agencies throughout Lane County. The capitol generated from our job programs will be reinvested in sustainable living and community projects. These experiences enable residents to “pay it forward”, while providing them with vocational skills and the necessary elements to become productive and successful community members. HOPE THE TIME TO HEAL Our Recovery Model
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