MOST HOLY TRINITY PARISH Parish Office: 236 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326 Worship Site: Msgr. McHugh Auditorium, 212 Route 390, Cresco 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time July 05, 2015 Parish Office Parish Office (570) 595-3100 (570) 595-3100 Faith Formation Faith Formation (570) 595-3111 (570) 595-3111 Fax Fax (570) 595-3200 (570) 595-3200 Website Website Email Email Sunday Mass Schedule Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00pm Saturday6:00pm 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am 6:00pm Sunday 10:45am 8:00am 12:30pm 10:45am- Spanish 12:30pm - Spanish Reconciliation Reconciliation Monday 5:30-7:00pm - Parish Center First Saturday5:30-7:00pm of the month-12:00-1:00pm Monday Parish Center First Saturday of the month 12:00Other times by appointment. 1:00pm Other times byofappointment. Sacrament Baptism The sacrament is generally celebrated during the 10:45 am Mass on the second Sunday of Sacrament of Baptism the month. Parents/legal guardians are to The sacrament is generally celebrated at contact the office early to arrange sacramen12noon at each worship site. Parents/ talguardians instruction a date. areand to schedule contact the office early to Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kind and in his own house.” So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. MISSION STATEMENT We, the Catholic community of Most Holy Trinity Parish, rich in diversity, strive to achieve the unity that is the essence of God and the heart of the Church. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to be faithful stewards of the apostolic tradition, to stir into flame the gifts of God the Father, and to evangelize through our action as witnesses to our Lord, Jesus Christ. arrange Sacrament sacramental of instruction and schedMarriage a date. Aule couple contemplating marriage must meet Sacrament ofmonths Marriage with a priest at least six prior to the A couple marriage desired date contemplating of the celebration. Whenmust the meet with a priest at least six months prior standard pre-nuptial investigation has been to the desired datebe of the celebration. completed, a date can arranged. When the pre-nuptial investigation has Anointing of can thebe Sick been completed, a date arranged. As an aid to comfort and strengthen the sick, Anointing of the Sick to those the sacrament is administered As an aid to comfort and preparing strengthen for the advanced in years, those sick, the sacrament is administered to those surgery and those in danger of death. advanced years, those preparing for Contact the in parish office to make arrangesurgery and those in danger of death. ments. Contact the office to make arrangements. Sacrament of Holy Orders An Catholic male who feels that God maybe calling him to serve His people as a deacon or priest, should talk to the pastor. Pastor: Rev. John Boyle Parochial Vicar: Rev. Gregory Loughney Retired Deacon: Ron Verkon MHT PARISH MASS INTENTIONS 7/06 8:15am MHT-PC Frein Family Friend 7/07 8:15am MHT-PC Paul Stassi Kathy Everett 7/ 08 8:15am MHT-PC Michael Matarazzo Vickey & Joe Matarazzo 7/09 8:15am MHT-PC Bernard O’Neill Kathy & Joe Collapy 7/10 7:00am MHT-PC Joseph Mahon Susan Navarra 7/11 4:00pm MMS Lorraine Butch Fred & Lorraine Peil 6:00pm MMS Janice Hornby Mom & Dad 8:00am MMS Joseph Ambriano Joe Ferraro 10:45am MMS Charles Chingas Dolores Chingas 12:30pm MMS The Souls in Purgatory Norma Chabot Email Addresses Fr. Gregg: Main Office: Faith & Family Life Coordinator: Weekday Masses MHT Parish Center Mon-Thurs: 8:15am Fri: 7:00am All regular weekday Masses are celebrated at the Parish Center, 236 Route 390 in Cresco. Please call the office to confirm the time of your weekday Mass intentions. Parish Office Hours Monday 9:00am - 8:00pm Tuesday-Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm Friday 9:00am - 12noon Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word First Reading Ezekiel 2:2-5 They are a rebellious house but shall know that a prophet has been among them. Psalm 123 “Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy.” Second Reading 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 I will boast in my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Gospel Mark 6:1-6 A prophet is not without honor except in his native place. A major theme in Mark’s Gospel is the faith of the people whom Jesus encounters. In contrast to last week’s stories about Jairus and the woman with the incurable illness, the people from Jesus’ hometown deride him and take offense at him. Because of their lack of faith, Jesus is unable to perform any might deeds there. God is always reaching out to us, but we must also be willing to respond to God’s invitation. How is God reaching out to you in today’s readings? 7/12 For all the Military Men & Women both abroad and home who serve our Country. God Bless them all! Most Holy Trinity Parish Stewardship Weekend of June 27/28 Sunday Collection $7072.00 Peter’s Pence $1346.00 Thank you for your generosity to our parish. Word of Life “By following Jesus’ new Commandment of unselfish love, our lives can be richly fulfilling, and marked by joy and peace. In contrast, treating others as either means or obstacles to one’s self-serving goals, while never learning to love generously, is an impoverished way to live.” -Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo [Former] Chairman , Committee on Pro-Life Activities Statement for Respect Life Month, September 26, 2011 Please pray for: All Parish Family Members: listed in our Prayer intention book. For those who serve: Please remember the thousands of men an women serving overseas, daily risking their lives. PARISH ACTIVITIES Parish Calendar Fr. Patrick J. McCormick of Cross Catholic Outreach will be visiting our parish next weekend to speak at all the Masses on behalf of the poor in developing countries. Cross Catholic Outreach was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America and the priests and nuns working in the Church overseas in the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Central and South America. Pick a Purse Raffle New Vera Bradley/ New Coach Bags Vera Bradley Tickets: 1 for $2 for 3 for $5 Coach: 1 for $3 for or 2 for $5 All monies raised will go to the building fund for our new church. The raffle will run until costs are covered. Tickets are available for purchase after all of the Masses. 4:00pm-7:00pm 6:00pm-7:00pm Monday, July 6 Adoration (Chapel-Parish) Legion of Mary 7:00pm- 9:00pm 7:00pm- 9:00pm Tuesday, July 7 Knights of Columbus Choir Practice (Parish Ctr.) 10:00am-12noon 6:00pm-8:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm Wednesday, July 8 ESL (Parish Ctr.) ESL (Parish Ctr.) Golf Tournament Mtg. (Parish Ctr.) C OMMUNITY O UTREACH Most Holy Trinity Parish is hosting weekly a meal for the Community on Wednesdays, 12 noon to 1:00 at Mountainhome United Methodist Church. Questions? Call Madeleine Forssell 570-595-6491 Volunteer Coordinator Nancy Santi 570-595-5063 The purveyor on June 24 was Capri Pizza in Mountainhome. Desserts were provided by The Barrett Township Historical Society. RETREATS POCONO MEN’S CORNERSTONE What is cornerstone? Cornerstone is a 26-hour experience that provides us with an opportunity to reflect, renew and strengthen our faith while meeting other men in our Christian community. It will be held at the Villa of Our Lady Retreat House, Mount Pocono on August 7-8, 2015. Please check our website for more information Attention Most Holy Trinity parishioners; do you have 3 hours to volunteer once every 7 weeks? If you filled out a Time and Talent survey and you haven’t heard from us, then we need you!!! We would love to have you as one of our Ecumenical Community Meal Volunteers. Please call Nancy Santi 570-595-5063 for more details. MHT BINGO Every Thursday Msgr. McHugh School 212 Route 390, Cresco Doors open at 5:00pm, Kitchen opens at 5:30pm Food provided by Tom’s Country Kitchen. Dinner, snacks, drinks and dessert will be available. Early Birds 6:15pm, Regular Bingo 6:30pm Weekly door prizes, jackpots and more. Questions, call Madeleine (570) 595-6491 B r i n g t h i s a d a n d re c e i v e $ 2 o f f a d mi s s i o n , o n e p e r p e r s o n Attention Ladies of the Parish! Don’t throw away that gently used purse or pocketbook. Please bring it to the Parish Center and donate it to the Ladies Guild for our Annual Purse Sale taking place on Sunday, September 13, 2015. More details to follow. Questions call (570) 595-6491 Thank You! Yes, it takes a "Village" or a "Parish" to do the job! MHT's Bingo committee would like to thank all the following volunteers for their commitment to our ongoing 2015 Bingo. This ministry would not work without all the donated hours from these loyal volunteers. Registration Information for: Boys and Girls Basket Ball Camps Father and Son Weekends Available by visiting Click on “Camp St. Andrew” under Social Services Phone : (Sept. - June) 570-226-4606 Phone : (July - Aug.) 570-836-2975 Like us on Facebook!!! Catholic Charismatic Renewal Our Diocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal is sponsoring its 33rd annual conference at the University of Scranton during the weekend of July 31-August 1. This year’s theme is: “Father That They May be One Jn. 17:21” and we will focus on unity in diversity reflecting on the call of Pope Francis, “Building the unity of the Church is the task of every Christian.” The Conference will feature a variety of inspiring speakers and uplifting music. Mass is celebrated each afternoon. A well-stocked book/gift store will be available. Separate tracks for Children and Youth are also available. The full-weekend Registration Fee is $50 before July 17 and $65 after July 17. SinD IOCESAN N EWS gle-day registration is also available. Commuting and brown-bagging is encouraged, while dormitory Mass in Remembrance of Victims of Violent or housing and cafeteria meals are available at a moderTragic Death ate cost. For Registration Forms, please write to: The Diocese of Scranton is offering the annual Mass CCR, PO Box 3306, Scranton PA 18505, call the in remembrance of victims of violent or tragic death. CCR Office at 570-344-2214, This Mass is offered for the families and friends of or email those who have died in tragedy, especially through murder, suicide, and accident. Msgr. McHugh School in Cresco Jeff and Beverly O'Lear, Chuck Daniels, Nathan Strunk, Jackie Stirr, Elaine, Trevor and Colin Sekula, Pat Price, Linda Langdon, Madeleine Forssell, Kate Woerhle, Ken Calemmo, Bob Reilly, Luba Rose, Kent Madere, Bill Musa, Dom Dileo, Rob Sullivan, Chloe, Al and Patty Sicignano, Diane Edwards, Deb Youngfelt, Deb Zito, Daniela Rivera, Annie Nicastro and Paul Layman. You ask, who's missing? You are, please come out on a Thursday night and play Bingo. Yes, we need YOU! All proceeds are given to the church. Any questions, please call (570) 595-6491. Employment Opportunities: The Mass is scheduled for Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in Saint Peter's Cathedral, 315 Wyoming Middle School Math Teacher and Music Teacher Ave. Scranton. All persons who have lost a loved one through tragic and traumatic death are invited to Applicants must hold valid Pennsylvania certification in Middle School Math or Music. Interested applicants this liturgy. should send resume, copy of certificate, clearances, We ask that the names of deceased loved ones are three letters of reference, and printed teacher registered on registration forms which are available in application, available at, the parish office or accessed on the Service and by July 17, 2015 to 212 Rt. 390 Cresco, PA 18326 Social Concerns webpage on the Diocese of Attn: Principal or email to Scranton’s website, Summary Report of our Feasibility Study Purpose Statement The purpose of the Feasibility Study was to: 1. Determine the attitude of the parish community toward the proposed capital plans. 2. Determine the current commitment level of the parishioners towards the project. 3. Determine the level of support for a possible Capital Campaign to fund the project. 4. Present the findings of this study to parish leadership and, in turn, Bishop Bambera. Analysis A single written and web-based survey was employed to collect data for the Feasibility Study. A total of 360 surveys were received; 62 were from interviews and 298 completed in-pew or mailed to the parish. The response to the survey was excellent. We needed only 30% of active households to “validate” the Feasibility Study and we had almost 60% of active households. Observations Observations are based on comments, suggestions, impressions, and various written materials reviewed, along with an interpretation based on our previous experience. The following observations were noted during this study: 1. The number of parishioners responding to the surveys indicating that they think Most Holy Trinity is a very good to superior parish is much higher than the norm. 2. The overall survey response is well above the norm. 3. There were some negative responses to the proposed new church building, but those individuals mostly all offered financial support. Most of their comments related to the size and timing, not the project need. 4. Miscellaneous comments that depart from the project were limited. 5. There were a number of participants giving Most Holy Trinity an average rating. 6. The challenge with the Feasibility Study and the entire project is the loss of two Pastors in 18 months. Conclusions Conclusions are based on direct interpretation of surveys and personal interviews. After analysis, study, and prayer, the following conclusions have been reached: 1. There are 85% of the survey respondents who said they had some or a great deal of knowledge of the project. This is a result of leadership keeping the project in front of the people. 2. There are 81% of parishioners who are supportive or very supportive of the building expansion, which is an excellent response. 3. Financial, emotional, and hands-on support for the Capital Campaign is very good at 82%. 4. 58% of respondents are confident that $2 million can be raised. Midrange giving is more than $1.4 million. The response was from only 327 of more than 1,579 households. Thus, the recommendation to move forward with a $1.5 million campaign is conservative. 5. There is an excellent working core of volunteers (88) to assist with campaign preparation and solicitation of funds. Recommendations Recommendations are based on our observations and conclusions. The following recommendations are respectfully submitted: 1. We recommend that you move forward with a Capital Campaign. You have 81% of parishioners who are supportive to very supportive. 2. An immediate and extensive communication/education plan should be undertaken of the proposed projects at Most Holy Trinity. 3. We recommend you move forward with a Campaign goal of $1.5 million and a stretch goal of $2 million. Identified potential givers showed a tremendous willingness to give to this effort. Remember, we cannot evaluate Capital Campaigns by the scope of the work we have decided on and whether or not our parishioners reach the arbitrary goal we have given to them in what that project cost is — we must evaluate them by what a parish is capable of typically. In the sense of Most Holy Trinity, they have soared over any expectation anyone would have thought at the onset of this Feasibility Study process. The parish should hear this message in whatever communication comes after this study. Summary There is 81% support from parishioners to move forward with a Capital Campaign to expand facilities. However, current financial support makes moving forward with one campaign unlikely. To pay for the total expenses, it may take two Capital Campaigns. Engaged church members recognize the need for multi-purpose space as vital to youth and family ministry. Parishioners listing themselves not involved or were involved years ago, love the parish, but generally do not see the need for increased ministries to the youth of the parish. It is imperative that a comprehensive communication plan is started immediately to explain why the shift in plans. Additionally, parishioners have asked for a complete accounting of funds given to date and the cost of future construction. There were 60% of active parishioners who completed a survey, which is above the norm. Parishioners responding indicated an 81% response of supportive to very supportive of the Capital Campaign. We look for 50% supportive to very supportive for a Capital Campaign. Typically a parish should feel a sense of tremendous accomplishment, if their midrange giving was identified to be in the range of 2-2.5 times its yearly giving to the offertory. Most Holy Trinity soared over that figure, with a midrange almost three times its yearly giving! This is an outstanding and exemplary example of a church full of individuals ready to sacrifice and do all they can to build their church for the new parish they have formed, in spite of some very challenging times in this parish’s early life.
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