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Cleveland Courier
April 2015
Do you up know of anyone who is for a trip of a life time?
Then come and join Cleveland's activities
2017 Expedition to Africa
Another County Expedition to Africa is being planned for July/August 2017.
The expedition will be travelling to Tanzania for four weeks to carry out a
Community Development Project within a local community. The exact nature
of this project had not yet been agreed but the team will be working
alongside Scouts from Tanzania and the local community. Initial applications
for potential leaders have been circulated around the County and it is hoped
to have the Leaders Team in place before the end of April.
When the Leader Team is in place applications for younger members
between the ages of 16 and 21 at the time of the expedition will be available.
It is hoped to have the full team in place by middle October 2015. The
projected total cost of the expedition, which includes the cost of providing the
agreed facilities, is £2600 per person. It has been budgeted that this will be
the total cost but it does not take any Fund Raising into consideration. If
fund raising is successful it is hoped to lower this cost by at least £600 per
person. Young member application forms may be obtained from Doug
Corbin (01642 591081) dandscorbin@ntlworld or Karen Askwith (07909
Disneyland 2016
It is proposed to run a County trip to Disneyland, Paris over the Bank Holiday weekend 29th April to 2nd May 2016
as part of the County’s celebration for the Cub Scout Centenary. This trip currently looks as
if it will be viable and is open to any member of Cleveland Scouts. If you are interested
please contact Doug and Susan Corbin 01642 590181 or with
interested numbers as soon as possible so that the accommodation can be confirmed. The
cost of the trip will be fully inclusive, the only extra cost will be pocket money if required, but
due to the high rise of meals etc. within Disneyland Park for 2016 the cost will be £460 per
person. Initial deposits of £40 per person is required by Saturday 16th May 2015 in order for
us to confirm the coach and accommodation. A further deposit of £70.00 per person will be
required before Saturday 20th June.
We realised that some Groups / District have other events arranged for around this period
but please make sure that all members know about the trip as they may like to partake in
both events.
Unit 48 have no wobbles about Japan!
During the final weekend of February members of the North Yorkshire &
Cleveland Jamboree Unit came together at Birch Hall, Scarborough for
what would be the penultimate full training weekend before their life
changing adventure.
Over the weekend all 36 young
people took part in a wide range
of activities from considering the
consequences of the bombing of
Hiroshima to eating jelly with
chopsticks - certainly none of
them had any wobbles!
One of the many highlights from the weekend was a unique Tokyo game,
designed to help the Unit members think about where they would like to
visit during their three day stay. In addition, a lively game of ‘Just a Minute’
saw the unit members explaining ‘Youth Led Scouting’.
The Japan in a Box activities have been well received across the two Counties. Our young people have undergone
some training - please sign up to get your section involved!
Cleveland Scout Council— Registered Charity number 505773
Message from the County Commissioner.
In the last `Courier` I announced that I was in the process of forming a new team. Since
then I am pleased to say that I have made significant progress.
Ian Railton, who is already known to us in the County, and as a former National
Commissioner for Cub Scouts, has agreed to accept my invitation to take on the role of
County Chairman.
Contact details – 01642 585880
Michael Ward has agreed to take on the role of County Treasurer and is in the process of a
handover from Ian Scrutton. Michael is a former Chief Accountant for Hartlepool Borough Council and is involved in
scouting with the 9th Hartlepool Scout Group.
Contact details - 01429 221273
I have also appointed Doug Corbin as ACC International. Doug is well known in the County and has been
International Adviser for a number of years. He is also our Archery Adviser and Permit Assessor.
Contact details – 01642 591081
I have appointed Dave Yardley as ACC Activities. Dave has been involved in Scouting and particularly walking and
climbing for many years. He is also our Duke of Edinburgh Award Adviser.
Contact details – 01642 648631
Karen Askwith is taking on the role of ACC Explorer Scouts. Karen has been involved in the Explorer Scout section in
Stockton Thornaby & District as an Explorer Scout Leader. She was also the Leader of the County Expedition to
Kenya and has agreed to lead another Expedition to Tanzania in 2017.
Contact details –
Rosie McLeod indicated her wish to step down from the post of County Appointments Secretary. Many thanks to
Rosie for the work she has done in this role. I am pleased to announce that Susan Corbin has agreed to take on the
Appointment. Susan has held a variety of appointments around the County and is also an Archery Adviser and
Permit Assessor.
Contact details 01642 591081
I am still in negotiations for other ACC roles and will advise you all in due course.
Yours in Scouting
David Clark
County Commissioner.
Congratulations go to Mathew Mitchell
(Mitch) who has been awarded the
Silver Acorn in the Headquarters 2015
St George’s Day Role of Honour
Congratulations and well done
Once a Scout
Always a Scout
Peter and Averil Bradburn celebrated
their Dimond Wedding Anniversary with
the help of the Middlesbrough's SAS.
Peter has been a member from a young
age and attended the World Scout
Jamboree in 1957 which was held in
Sutton Park.
Not to forget Averil who supported him in
Scouting over the 60 years of marriage.
Congratulations to you both
As you will all know the County is being represented
by fourteen young members and one leader at the
23rd World Jamboree in Japan this year. We wish
them all the best of luck in this experience of a lifetime. The April draw for the Jamboree Bonds has
been made and the winners are:First Parts Staff at Lookers Volkswagen
Second Dean Kelly
Third Mrs Orton
Apart from the Jamboree trip there does not appear,
for the first year in some time, to be any other
Scouts from Cleveland travelling abroad during
2015. If you are planning a trip abroad please let
Doug Corbin know so that the County can give you
any help and support with ideas or the organisation
for your proposed trip.
Cleveland Courier
The Cleveland Courier is circulated to all members within
Cleveland for whom we have a current e-mail address. If
you know of any members who would like to receive a
copy but currently are not on the list please send their
details to Susan Corbin (
We realise that some members may receive more than
one copy, this is because they are on more than one
circulation list but it is better to obtain the information twice
than not at all. If there are members who no longer
require the newsletter please let Susan know and their
name will be removed from the circulation list.
Cleveland Scout Council— Registered Charity number 505773
First Aid. Is yours up to date ???
All Certificates need to be renewed every 3 years. Only 2 refresher courses are
permitted before a full certificate has to be undertaken again.
Courses on offer at present: First Response or Refresher First Aid as indicated
Date & Venue 2015
VENUES ARE TO BE Booked/Confirmed
Sat 16thMay
First Response
Sat 6th Jun
First Response Refresher
Sun 7th June
First Response
Sat 12th Sep
Sun 11th Oct
First Response
First Response Refresher
Sun 15th Nov
First Response
*First Response [1 day] 9.15am – 5pm [7½hours]
*Refresher / Upgrade Courses [2-3hrs] as advised
£ 16 for First Response Course;
The Cleveland Courier needs
items from you.
The next issue of the
Cleveland Courier is in July.
Any items for this issue to
be submitted by June. 21st
£5 for Refresher/Updates
Cleveland Scouts Website
Check out our website at http:// for more
information about Cleveland Scouts
Applications to Freda Ford, 27 Skiddaw Court, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough TS7
with Fee of £5/16
CLOSING DATES: Preferably at least 4 weeks before course.
Consideration will be given to late applications
(no later than 1 week prior to course) providing there is available space
Other Future Dates in 2015
Training Day Saturday 6th June 2015
Nunthorpe Institute, Avenue School, Nunthorpe, TS7 0AG
If you require any of these Modules below for your Training
or need more information.
Please contact
Freda Ford, 27 Skiddaw Court, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough TS7 0RD
First Response
7th May
18t May
County Executive
Raven Gill
4th June
County Finance
6 July
9th July
16tt July
County AGM
DC Meeting
County Executive
20th July
Raven Gill
8th Sept
Training Team
County Finance
Raven Gill Raven Gill
DC Meeting
Module 12 A (inc M22)
Module 9
Balanced programme
Working with
(Extend current
10th Sept
14th Sept
Leaders and Managers
other adults
17t Sept
1st Oct
County Executive
2nd/4th Oct Operation Escape
Modules 14 & 15
Moduls 24
Managing Adults
Module 12 B
Balanced programme
Needs of young
Module 26
Add on for Leaders
& Challenging
Supporting Adults
5th Nov
16th Nov
17th Nov
19th Nov
3rd Dec
Module 16
Module 7
Introduction to
Module 19
Scouting for all
Cleveland Scout Council— Registered Charity number 505773
County Executive
Raven Gill
DC Meeting
County Executive
County Finance