Village Diary: March 2015 – May 2015 Cheney Chatter Parish Council Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 7.15pm. Except Bank Holidays when meetings are held on a Tuesday. Check Notice Boards for the Agenda and MIDDLETON CHENEY VILLAGE WEBSITE - 4th March 6th March Age Concern - Village Hall/ 2.00pm/ see page 2 Library Supporters/ Library/ 7.00pm/ see details page 3 12th March 15th March 16th March 19th March Library Supporters/ Library/ see details page 3 All Saints - Mothering Sunday/ 10.45am/ see page 4 Garden Club/ Library/ 7.30pm/ see details page 7 WI/ Village Hall/ Ann Sharman/ see page 2 22nd March 22nd March 23rd March 25th March Library Supporters/ Library/ 3.00pm/ see details page 3 Messy Church/ Village Hal/ 3.00pm/ see page 4 History Society/ Library/ see page 6 Folk Dance Club - Social Club/ 7.30pm/ see page 5 27th March 29th March All Saints - Faure Requiem/ 8.00pm/ see page 4 All Saints - Palm Sunday/ 10.00am/ see page 4 1st April 2nd April Age Concern - Village Hall/ 2.00pm/ see page 2 All Saints - Maundy Thursday/ 7.30pm/ see page 4 3rd April 5th April All Saints - Good Friday/ 11.00am & 7.30pm/ see page 4 All Saints - Easter Day/ see page 4 15th April 16th April 17th April Folk Dance Club - Social Club/ 7.30pm/ see page 5 WI/ Village Hall/ Carole Bankes/ see page 2 Library Supporters/ Library/ see details page 3 20th April 27th April 30th April Garden Club/ Library/ 7.30pm/ see details page 7 History Society/ Library/ see page 6 Library Supporters/ Library/ see details page 3 6th May 9th May Age Concern - Village Hall/ 2.00pm/ see page 2 All Saints/ Induction Service/ 5.00pm/ see page 4 Christian Aid Week/ see page 6 10th to 16th May 14th May 16th May 20th May 21st May 29th May 8 Library Supporters/ Library/ see details page 3 Garden Club/ Library/ 9.00am/ see details page 7 Folk Dance Club - Social Club/ 7.30pm/ see page 5 WI/ Village Hall/ Wendy Potts/ see page 2 Library Supporters/ Library/ 7.00pm/ see details page 3 Printed and distributed by Round & About Publishing Ltd Issue 29 Mar. 2015 Middleton Cheney Newsletter In 2007 the Parish Council decided it would be a great idea to produce a brochure/leaflet detailing upcoming events in order that residents would be aware of the different organisations, clubs and social activities that were taking place in Middleton Cheney. Since 2007 it has had 2 Editors. Unfortunately the current Editor can no longer fulfil the remit and therefore we are looking for someone to take over this worthwhile initiative. ted st prin a l e h t uld be er! This co heney Chatt C of the version We would be interested to hear from any volunteer who is willing to spare time once every 3 months gathering information, uploading onto a template and sending it for print and distribution. We are appealing to all residents, through this note, to come forward and help us keep the Cheney Chatter in circulation, as it would be disappointing for it to cease not only for residents but clubs, organisations and charities. As you are aware, the Cheney Chatter is delivered to every household and read by members of our community, young and old. Interested? We hope so. Please visit the Parish Office to discuss/ask questions or call 01295 713500 to take matters forward. We look forward to hearing from you. If you would like to come forward as a Group, 4 max. the task could be spread between you. If you are able to assist or have any alternative suggestions please respond to the Parish Office. Cllr. Alan Youel Chairman, Middleton Cheney Parish Council The next issue of the Cheney Chatter will potentially be delivered in June. Please send in all articles before May 15th to the office at or by post to the Parish Meeting Rooms. Entries should be no bigger than half an A5 page. This newsletter is published and sponsored by Middleton Cheney Parish Council 1 JUNIOR CRICKET COACHES REQUIRED: GARDEN CLUB In 2014 Middleton Cheney Cricket club enjoyed its most successful season in recent memory. The village Garden Club meets on most third Mondays of the month in the Library throughout the autumn, winter and spring, for a programme of talks. In the summer there is an outdoor programme of events and visits. The club won the South Northants Premier Division for the 1st time in 25 years. The 2nd team secured its 3rd successive promotion in winning the SNCL Division 3, and the Under 11’s and Under 13’s both won their league titles remaining unbeaten during the season. The club also fielding a 3rd senior side in the SNCL for the first time ever, and performed well at Under 15 and Under 17 level. Monday 16 March in the Library at 7.30pm My desert Island Veg. Pauline Pears, Organic gardening and author, will talk about growing her favourite vegetables. Much of the success last year and the transformation of the club over the last 10 years have been down to our strong youth set-up and progression into the senior sides. Seven of our Premier League winning team had come through the youth system at the club. To encourage players to start playing the game at an earlier age, we have over the last 2 years introduced kwik cricket sessions for youngsters below the age of 10. We wish to continue these sessions so that our strong youth set-up continues to improve. However, we need coaches to step in and help out. No previous coaching experience is necessary, and the club will cover the costs of any courses and CRB checks. Should you be interested in leading the kwik cricket at the club or to assist a lead coach then please contact either Club Secretary, Barry Hook, ( or 07867 508053) or 1st team captain & U11’s coach, Craig Merry, ( or 07884 056535) to discuss further. Saturday 16 May 9.00am to 1.00pm Plant Fair on the Green. Local growers and traders selling their 2015 wares on the village green. MIDDLETON CHENEY AGE CONCERN: is for anyone over the age of 55. We meet the first Wednesday of each month in the Village Hall, from 2.00pm until 4.00pm. For £2 you can enjoy a freshly made tea of sandwiches, scones and cake, as well as a varied programme of entertainment. Bingo and raffle tickets are extra. If you, or anyone you know, would enjoy an afternoon out once a month, meeting new and old friends, come along. Transportation can be arranged at a minimum cost if you are unable to get to the Hall. If anyone can spare a couple of hours to help our older members enjoy their afternoon, please contact us. Monday 20 April in the Library at 7.30pm Death in the Garden. Michael Brown, lecturer in garden history, will talk about poisonous plants in garden cultivation. Saturday 6 June 9.30am to 12.00pm Plants on the Verge. Garden Club members & villagers selling plants on the verge by the Chemist, raising money for Water Aid. Sunday 14 June 1.00pm to 6.00pm NGS Open Gardens. Gardens in the village open & teas at Peartree House, raising money for national charities. Sunday 28 June 1.00pm to 6.00pm Katharine House Festival of Open Gardens. Gardens in the village open & teas at Peartree House, raising money for KHH. Saturday 12 September 11.00am to 3.00pm Flower & Produce Show. Traditional show of vegetables, flowers, home produce and crafts in the Village Hall. Saturday & Sunday 19/20 September Great Dixter. Weekend away coach trip. Details of the Club programme can be found on the village website, or by phoning David Thompson on 01295 711115. The Club ‘year’ begins in September, annual subscription £12, plus £4 per talk. Taster entrance to a talk £4. Post talk refreshments are included. Benefits of memberships also include a monthly newsletter and discount at Harefurlong Nurseries. Useful Contact Numbers: Programme of events for next few months: 4th March - Mr William French, Butler to Royalty 1st April - Easter Celebrations plus TBA 6th May - AGM plus TBA MIDDLETON CHENEY WI: Programme of events: 19th March - Mrs Ann Sharman on Pompeii 16th April - Mrs Carole Bankes - Blue Cross for Pets 21st May - Resolution followed by Mrs Wendy Potts 'Honey from flower to jar' 2 Sewerage (Thames Water) 0845 9200800, Leakage Helpline 0800 771881 Your Safer Community Team PS 581 Micki Simons PCSO Clive Ashmore PCSO Stuart Dowell The Street Doctor Untaxed Vehicles Fly Tipping Stray Dogs Consumer direct Police non-emergency Free Home Fire Safety Checks Abandoned vehicles 0845 6011113 0800 0325202 01327 322322 01327 322322 0845 4040506 101 0800 3899950 0845 6121999 Electricity - Ring your own electricity supplier, Gas 0800 111999 7 CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 10TH TO 16TH MAY Christian Aid works to bring an end to poverty around the world – tackling its root causes as well as its effects. It helps people of all faiths and none. During Christian Aid Week we will be holding our usual door-to-door collection around the village, and we do hope that you will give as generously as possible. Envelope collectors are needed, so if you are able to volunteer a small amount of your time it would really be appreciated. On Sunday 17th May there will be a special service with a guest speaker at 10.45am in the Methodist Chapel, Queen’s Street, followed by a Soup Lunch in the adjoining Schoolrooms; everyone is most welcome to join in – children and adults. Last year the total money raised by the door-to-door collection and lunch was over £3000.00, a wonderful amount so let’s try to do it again this year! For further details about the collection and lunch, contact Jane on 01295 711531. MAKE A MOOOVE! FUN WALK FOR CHRISTIAN AID On Sunday 10th May – Help to make a mooove on poverty by joining in a gentle fun walk around Middleton Cheney village and local footpaths (including a couple of fields) to help try to raise £150.00 - the cost of a cow in Ethiopia for a woman and her family. Owning a cow not only provides milk and butter for nutrition, it enables a woman to earn an income and to increase her status giving her a voice in community decision making. We’ll be moooving off from All Saints Church at 2pm, returning at around 3.45pm to enjoy yummy cakes and refreshments in church (non–walkers will be very welcome to join in with this bit!). A suggested donation of £2.00 per walker / £5.00 per family is requested please. You may like to ask your friends and family to sponsor your walk. For further details about the walk, please contact Mary on 01295 712894. MIDDLETON CHENEY HISTORY SOCIETY: meet in the Library on the fourth Monday of the month at 7.30pm. Visitors are always welcome (£3). Monday 23rd March Kevin Varty returns with a new talk entitled "Black Feathers to Black Underwear" Monday 27th April Gillian Cane. "The Mitford Sisters" Monday 25th May is Spring Bank Holiday so no meeting, Monday 22nd June a talk by Laurence Ince on "The Holbech Family of Warwickshire" The Holbechs of Farnborough Hall. Chris Wells. (Following the AGM on 23rd Feb. Nancy Long and Chris Wells are presenting the Oral Histories of Middleton, talk originally advertised for the January meeting.) 6 Potholes -The Street Doctor 0845 6011113, Cold callers - 0845 4040506 LIBRARY SUPPORTERS GROUP – continue to offer a wide range of events to make better use of the library and raise money to improve the facilities. Events start at 7.30 pm, unless otherwise stated. Tickets and further details from the library during normal hours. Events may be cancelled if ticket sales do not reach breakeven point, one week before an event. Friday 6 March at 7 pm. - An evening with Lord Heseltine 'Creating an Arboretum’ To be held in the Primary School Hall, doors open at 6.30 pm. Adult £8/Child £4, including wine & soft drinks. There will be some of his books for sale, which he is happy to sign. Thursday 12 March - Film at the Library ‘Belle’ Adult £6/Child £4, including ice-cream. Sunday 22 March at 3 pm. - ‘Tracing Your Family Tree’- with Anthony Adolph Genealogist, Writer & Broadcaster. He has appeared on ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ and ‘Gene Detectives’ and written a number of books on the subject. Adult £8/Child £4, including tea/coffee/soft drinks. Friday 17 April - ‘A Year in the Life of a Wood’ with Chris Bazeley, an illustrated talk about a local wood. Adult £6/Child £3, including refreshments. Thursday 30 April - ‘Rothschild & Waddesdon Manor’ with Maureen Paterson an illustrated talk about this rags to riches story. Adult £6/Child £3, including refreshments. Thursday 14 May - ‘A Tanzanian Safari’ with Bob Brind-Surch Natural History & Wildlife Photographer. A virtual safari in the comfort of your own library. Adult £7/Child £4, including wine& soft drinks. Friday 29 May from 7 pm. - ‘An Evening Garden Soiree’ hosted by the Woolland’s. With music, summer supper & wine. Order tickets via e-mail at – check other events on the village website and click Library Supporters. This Award Winning Library has recently won another award – ‘Best Family Venue’ from the Family arts Festival 2014, following its award in 2013 for ‘Best Family Welcome’. On the 21st March, PARKINSONS UK – Banbury Branch have been in operation for 25 years. Sir Tony Baldry MP will be attending this meeting as he was the original Chair for the first meeting. A party will be held to celebrate at Stanbridge Hall, Banbury. Monthly meetings take place in Middleton Cheney Parish Council Meeting Rooms and new members are welcome – next meeting Wednesday, 18th March – details from the Parkinson’s shop. Street Lighting & Cemetery - Contact Parish Clerk on 01295 713500 3 MIDDLETON CHENEY CHURCHES Fauré Requiem by Brackley Jubilee Choir - Looking forward to Easter, the Brackley Jubilee Choir will be performing the Fauré Requiem at All Saints on Friday 27th March at 8.00pm. [Sung in Latin, it contains the famous aria Pie Jesu]. The performance will last 35 minutes and will be followed by refreshments. Entry will be donation to the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Messy Church - The next ‘Messy Church’ will be held on Sunday 22nd March, 3pm – 5pm in Middleton Cheney Village Hall. Theme will be ‘New Beginnings’ Come along and enjoy some time together creating, chatting, singing and eating. A new Rector has been appointed to the Chenderit Benefice - Reverend Charles Jefferson has been appointed the new Rector of Middleton Cheney with Chacombe & Greatworth and Marston St Lawrence with Warkworth & Thenford. Charles and his wife Cathryn will be moving into the Benefice in April. They have been married for 34 years and have two sons – Edward (25) and William (23) – who live in Bristol. Charles is currently the Rector of Thrapston, Denford and Islip in the Oundle Deanery. He has spent over 30 years in the ordained ministry as Curate, Vicar and Rector in mill town, market town, rural and suburban parishes and has also spent some years teaching. The Institution and Induction service for Charles will be held at All Saints, Middleton Cheney on Saturday 9th May 2015 at 5pm and we look forward to welcoming Charles and Cathryn to the village. All Saints Services/Events Mothering Sunday 15th March - 10.45am All Age service with band. Palm Sunday 29th March - 10.00am Benefice Holy Communion at Warkworth Chruch Maundy Thursday 2nd April - 7.30pm Holy Communion Good Friday 3rd April – 11.00am we welcome children and parents/carers to help build our Easter Garden in the church. In the evening at 7.30pm there will be a Vigil, with stations of the cross. Easter Day Sunday 5th April – services to be confirmed please check notices/village website MIDDLETON CHENEY HEALTH WALKERS: Schedule 1st Monday 2nd Monday 3rd Monday 4th Monday 5th Monday Street stroll with no stiles – 2 miles *2-3 miles * 3 miles * Over 4 miles * 3 miles *Walking in countryside on footpaths, some stiles, some hills. All walks start at 10am at Londis unless otherwise stated in the Banbury Guardian. We finish our walks at a café or pub for refreshments. Walks on Bank Holiday Mondays to be confirmed. Contact Monty on 711780 or Janine on 712408. 4 For the latest village news, information, events, ideas, or to 'have your say'... WAR MEMORIAL APPEAL A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to the World War One War Memorial Appeal. The appeal was launched in May 2014 and with your overwhelming support, in just nine months we have raised over £12,000, which included three charitable donations. The memorial was erected in 1921 by public subscriptions from villagers. It had become badly eroded with names of the fallen disappearing and the simple cross becoming unsafe. The memorial is largely being replaced, using local stone for conservation reasons. All the stone will come from the quarry at Great Tew. The stonemasons (Boden & Ward) have already completed the first phase of the work, which involved dismantling the memorial and exposing the foundations, which also need replacing. The pieces have been taken back to the stonemason’s yard so that they could be copied accurately. A spelling error in the surname of one of the fallen (Albert Holtom) will be corrected. The names that have eroded will be re-instated and the name of a soldier whose Commonwealth War Grave is in our churchyard will be added; William George Timms who died in 1921 from Tuberculosis, served with the Royal Army Service Corps. His descendants still live in Middleton. It is planned that the rededication ceremony for the new memorial will be held on 14 May at 3.45 pm. with children from the Primary Academy taking part. We hope to duplicate the photo of the original unveiling which took place all those years ago. The original and the new inscription includes the line -‘Their name liveth for evermore.’ - Thank you for showing you care. FOLK DANCE CLUB Following a break of 2 months, we will recommence our meetings on March 25th at 7.30 p.m. at the Social Club, Astrop Road. The Club has been in existence for 5 years and meets on the third Wednesday of each month, but due to falling membership, mainly health reasons, is in danger of closing. This would be a great pity as the people who do attend say how much they enjoy the sessions; the atmosphere being very relaxed with dancing to live music and a good social occasion is created. If this is something which you think may appeal to you then do please come along and try it out or phone me: SUE WOOLLAND 710007 ...don't forget to check our very own website at 5
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