The church life team wants to say thanks to everyone who came to

Middletown United Methodist Church
Vol. 2 Issue 5
May 2015
Pastor’s Message
Stewardship & Finance
Campus Ministry
Church Life Team
Discipleship & Spiritual Formation
Youth Events
Music Notes
Church News
Staff Update
Counseling Corner
Crave Weight Loss
Children’s Ministry
Youth Ministry
May Events Calendar
Contact Us
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pg 10
pg 11
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pg 12
pg 13
pg 14
pg 15
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pg 17
pg 18
The church life team wants
to say thanks to everyone
who came to the church
potluck on April 26th. The
night was filled with music,
laughter, fellowship,
and good food. We
hope you mark your
calendars for up and
coming church life
What breaks your heart? I think that as
Christians our hearts should be constantly
breaking. Somehow our culture has
adopted a “prosperity gospel” where we
think that if you are Christian then God is
smiling on you and you should go around
singing songs and whistling like you don’t
have a care in the world. You will have the
perfect family, the most fulfilling job,
trouble will give you a wide berth and you
will never encounter any problems. Now
we know that is nonsense. The entire
Bible is filled with stories of people whom
God dearly loved and were anointed by
God, yet they faced many trials and
difficult times.
But moving beyond personal troubles and
difficulties such as illness, grief, loss of
relationship or job, when you look at the
situation in the world today, I ask again,
what breaks your heart. I believe that as
Christians we have the heart and eyes of
God. I believe when we look at the world
through the eyes of God our hearts cannot
help but be broken because God’s heart is
broken. It is that brokenness that compels
us to move forward, to act, because the
pain that we see becomes our pain.
For example, one of the wonderful
ministries of this congregation is the
backpack ministry. It happened because
someone saw the reality that children
were going hungry over the weekend
when they were away from school. Their
heart broke as they thought about it. The
heartbreak was such that they were
compelled to action. Because of their
heartbreak now we send out over 100
backpacks every Friday during the school
year. Volunteers provide the food, pack
the bags, deliver them full and pick them
up empty. All because someone’s heart
was broken.
So I come back again to my original
question, what breaks your heart? Maybe
it is the number of children who are
currently growing up without a Christian
influence. It used to be the common
thought that when young couples had
children, even if they had been out of
church for a while, they would return for
the sake of their children. That is not the
case anymore. So if that breaks your
heart how can you get involved in places
where you can example Christ to children.
Maybe through a mentoring program or
something like Upward, but there are
ways to model Christ to children who may
not ever have the opportunity to be in
Maybe your heart is broken by the
violence that seems to control our streets,
an unfolding culture where life has little
meaning. Could it be that God would bring
you to tears when you think about the
epidemic of drug abuse, currently heroin,
which plagues our state? Did your heart
break when you realized that although the
Missed a sermon? We’re online!
horror of slavery has been abolished for
many years that human trafficking is a
growing problem?
When I think of the missionaries that our
congregation supports I know for Mike
and Sherri, their hearts broke when they
thought of children being sold into the sex
trade in Thailand. Jamie and Lisa had
their hearts broken for the children of
Belize and the lack of education
opportunities there. Reid and Lola had a
similar heartbreak for Ghana.
God breaks our heart, not to simply make
us feel bad, but to propel us to action, to
invite us to partner in bringing the
Kingdom to reality in that situation. The
Salvation Army, the Red Cross, the YMCA
were all started because someone’s heart
was broken.
So while the question remains, what
breaks your heart, there is a follow-up
question, what would God have you do
about it?
As I write this, this evening (4/20) and tomorrow evening (4/21) each member of our
church staff will present to the Finance Committee their plans (financial needs) for the
last six months of 2015. Then we will meet with them again in the late fall to hear about
their annual plans for 2016. These meetings are always fun and exciting as we hear the
staff’s plans and ideas for bringing God’s word to those in our community. Their
excitement and enthusiasm is palpable and contagious.
The good news is that our financial offerings are up this year...3 to 4% above last year.
That’s a very positive performance within the Methodist community. However, the staff
always has a way of showing us just how much more we could be doing if our income
was unlimited. AS good financial stewards of your gifts to God, our committee will
probably have to dampen the enthusiasm just a bit when we add up all the requests and
insure that they do not exceed our projected giving. That’s never a fun thing to
do...saying “not this year”.
In the next few weeks and months our church is/will be embarking on a very exciting
campaign to fund the renovation of our church. The planned renovations are very
invigorating and there is already a ton of pre-planning underway. Our new church
facilities will truly prove to be a magnet for our community. Our new church will be more
vibrant, more inviting, and safer for those children; more comfortable, more energy
efficient, and more accessible to those of every age.
As we individually begin to pray and consider our giving towards the renovation
campaign, it is very important to remember that our work to serve the Lord here at
Middletown United Methodist Church will continue. We will continue to need your tithes
and offerings to fund our every-day church programs and allow our staff to take His
message to our community. Our pledges towards our new renovations must not come at
the expense of the work of our church. Our project consultants, Ashley/Rountree, tell us
that regular giving to the church normally increases during capital funding campaigns.
Let’s all join together to prove that to also be the case here at Middletown United
Methodist Church.
If your game is golf, we’ve got fun in store for you. Please join us on Monday, May 18th when the Wesley Foundation Board of
Directors will host a golf scramble with all proceeds going towards the campus ministry of our United Methodist Church.
Foursomes are still needed, and additional information may be found at
Monies raised from the golf scramble and all the gifts given to the Wesley Foundation will support campus ministry at the
University of Louisville. An intern with a heart for God will join our outreach efforts this summer as we continue to transform the
world through loving God and people.
For further information about the Wesley Foundation at U of L, please contact our pastor Marco Ballesteros at 727-8504. If you
would like to support our United Methodist campus ministry please mail your check payable to Louisville Wesley Foundation, 2817
Hikes Lane, Louisville, KY 40218.
Life is better in connection and community with other people. We were made to be in relationships with others and as the church
we are all connected through our love for God and others. We are the body of Christ – Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 “For
just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body – Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one
The Church Life Team is committed to helping the body of Christ connect, fellowship, and be in relationships with other members
of the body. We hope you will consider attending our upcoming church wide events so that we can continue to create vital
connections and community within MUMC.
July 19th
October 17th
S’mores & More (Campout, Outdoor Movie, and Car Show)
Contact Scott Woodburn or Shannon Wisbey to sign up or for more information!
Summer Bible Study: Acts of God by Bob Russell
Note: Co-ed evening class has been added!
June 23-July 21 (9:30 a.m.)
June 24-July 22 (6:30 p.m., co-ed)
Sometimes we grow weary of life’s difficulties and disappointments. Even those with a strong faith may feel they are being challenged
beyond their limits. Beginning June 23rd(daytime group) and June 24th(evening group), we are going to band together and work through
this ages-old question of how to maintain faith in difficult times. I ask you to immerse yourself into the Biblical story of Joseph and the
modern day stories portrayed in the book and in the movie. Following is the schedule for this study:
Monday, June 22
7 pm
Movie Night: Acts of God (for those who have not seen it or wish to review it.)
Tuesday, June 23
Wednesday, June 24
9:30 am-12:45 pm
6:30-9:00 pm
Double Session: Lessons 1 & 2 (immersion into the study!)
Tuesdays, June 30-July 21
One lesson per week
Wednesdays, July 1-July 22
Bob Russell, author of the study, will be with us on our final day of class, 7/21 & 7/22
Welcome to the Trinity Class!
The Trinity Class will begin May 3rd in room AB5 in the lower level. Terry Giltner will be leading a study on 1, 2, 3 John in the New
Testament. The class is open to all ages and the intention is to alternate studying Old Testament and New Testament Scripture.
Some have already expressed interest and would love for you to join them. Let me know!
Glory Class to host Scott Woodburn JUNE 14 – JULY 19
6 Week Bible Study on the Epistle to the Ephesians
A chance to go deeper in the study of the letter to the Ephesians. This interactive Bible Study will focus on how the book of Ephesians
encourages its audience to be imitators of God.
Depressed Anonymous is taking a break during the summer months but will resume in the fall. Watch the Cornerpost and Sunday
bulletin announcements for the start-up.
New Crave session begins May 7th, 6:30 p.m.
Crave is a 12-week preparation for a healthier you! In the 12 weeks of Crave, you will be encouraged and equipped for a healthier
lifestyle by reading the book “Your Whole Life” and receiving helpful diet and exercise tips, not only from the reading, but from leader
Susan Smithson. Once you finish this 12-week course, you are launched into your new discipline. See page 11 for a great testimony
from our own Jane Ryan!
MIDDLETOWN, KY– Today director Scott Woodburn talks with Carrie Carden, who will
be directing the upcoming Field Hockey Camp on June 6th, about her love for field
hockey and why she chooses to serve. Carrie is a school teacher by day, mom and
wife 24 hours a day, and hockey coach just for added fun. She has been a member of
MUMC for 13 years. Carrie and her husband Kyle have two children, Jace (2 years
and 10 months) and Blakely (4 months).
Scott: When did you get serious about Field Hockey and why?
Carrie: I started playing field hockey in middle school and by the time I got to high school, I knew I wanted to play in college. I had so
much fun playing hockey; I wanted to play all the time and the more I played, the better I got.
Scott: What makes Field Hockey important to you?
Carrie: When you spend more than 8 years dedicated to training and playing a sport, it becomes a part of you. Some of the greatest
moments of my life, prior to having children, happened on the hockey field. Field hockey also allowed me the opportunity to get a free
college education and represent a great university. (Go Cards!) It’s a true passion and the reason I decided to coach when my playing
days were over.
Scott: How has Field Hockey influenced your life?
Carrie: Field Hockey has greatly influenced my life in many ways. It’s taught me lessons in discipline, determination, team work, and
perseverance, among others, that translates easily into other areas of my life. Also, some of my most treasured and lasting
friendships started on the hockey field and continue now, almost 9 years after my playing career ended. I’m blessed to have friends
all over the country and a few overseas, thanks to field hockey.
Scott: What made you decide to be the Field Hockey Camp Director?
Carrie: It’s the perfect way to use the gifts God has given me to serve others. I’ve had so many great experiences through field
hockey and I love to share that with young girls interested in the sport.
Scott: How can the Field Hockey Camp be an effective outreach for MUMC?
Carrie: Sports provide a common interest for many people and camps give us the opportunity to reach out to a group we might never
see on a Sunday morning. It’s a great platform to introduce kids to the love of Jesus in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
After Carrie’s interview I was challenged to consider How am I letting God use my gifts
to serve others? Maybe Carrie’s interview is challenging you as well. If you’re interested
in using your gifts in the realm of sports, leisure, or other areas please contact Scott
Woodburn at and we will get you plugged in.
June 6
Field Hockey
June 22-26
Upward Basketball Camp
July 6-10
Soccer Camp (Featuring Gionatan Surrenti)
August 1
Kickball & Cookout
In the Big Inning
July 13-17
10am to 1:00pm
Middletown UMC
This exciting new Kids Music Camp is for all kids who have completed 1 st-5th grades.
During this week the kids will be working on a great musical “In the Big Inning.”
This will be a fast paced week where the kids will begin working on the program on
Monday morning and present the entire program on Friday afternoon.
The cost for the camp is $35. They will receive lunch every day, a T-shirt, and a
listening CD of the program to help them learn the music.
Registration is now open!! Visit
Pay online at registrations
Volunteers are needed!!! You do not have to have any music background to volunteer.
We need teenage and adult volunteers!!
For more information or if you would like to volunteer to help with the camp,
please call Mona or Dale at 245-8839.
May 3
Mrs. Emoline Butler
Middletown Christian Village
11530 Herrick Ln Apt 13
Louisville, KY 40243
May 17
Mrs. June Wooden
120 S. Hubbard Ln
Louisville, KY 40207
May 10
Mrs. Louise Weinert
1103 Virburnum Way
Louisville, KY 40243
May 24
Mrs. Mary Meyer
121 Kratz Lane
Louisville, KY 40243
Caleb Michael Lower
Born April 8, 2015
Parents: Brian & Alecia Lower
Big sister Alexis
The Lighthouse Walk is June 20, from
9am-11am at Petersburg Park at
Newburg Rd. and Indian Trail. All
proceeds benefit The Lighthouse
Community Center. All that donate $50
or more will receive a Lighthouse t-shirt
the day of the walk. Please consider
walking or making a donation
when asked by a walker. Contribution
forms available from a Lighthouse board
member or for download at the
We are hosting an Isaiah Intern this
summer and are in need of housing. He
is studying at Asbury University and is
from eastern Kentucky. If you are able
to provide housing, from approximately
the last week of May to the first week of
August, please contact Pastor Tom at
502-245-8839 or
via email at
The nursery is looking to hire childcare
workers mainly for Sunday mornings
8:15am-12:15pm and Wednesday nights
Other shifts are available as church
meetings or services require.
We are looking for people with
experience in caring for children between
the ages of 0-5, at least 18 years of age
with satisfactory completions of
background check.
Responsibilities include playing with
children, adhering to safe sanctuaries
interacting positively with
parents and children, providing safe and
secure care and directing play.
Cleaning and straightening room at the
end of each shift, being dependable by
arriving on time and consistently fulfilling
Teaching from a developmentally
appropriate curriculum on Sunday
Any questions or resumes can be
directed to Desire' Wuertemberger,
Associate Children's Director at with subject line
C h il d re n ' s Ch ild ca re Wo r ke r .
Resumes can also be dropped off in the
office to be put in my mailbox.
We are so pleased to announce that Rev. Lee Twombly will be joining our staff family here at MUMC as Minister of
Congregational Care. Lee will begin his position on May 1, continuing the ministry of caring for members of our congregation as
well as our homebound. Please be sure to pop in to welcome him and introduce yourself!
Please call him Lee, if you call him Arthur or Art he says he will think you are
either a bill collector or trying to sell him something. Lee is a 1968 graduate of
Speed Scientific School at the University of Louisville. Upon graduation he was
commissioned in the United State Navy where he says they were so ashamed of
him they kept him under water. After completing Officer’s Submarine School, he
served aboard two submarines and taught at Submarine School, New London,
CT. Leaving active service in 1973, he accepted a reserve commission, served
two tours as a Commanding Officer and completed military service as the
Mobilization Officer for a Naval Reserve Readiness Command. He retired in
1994 with the rank of Captain (O6).
While still somewhat active as an engineering consultant, he “officially” retired in
2008 from his engineering career in civilian life as Executive Director of the
National Surface Treatment Center.
Lee made his personal commitment to Christ in 1958 at Aldersgate UMC in
Southwestern Jefferson County. He marks the single-most formative experience
of his Christian life prior to ordination as his training and service as a Stephen
Minister and Stephen Leader.
Lee responded to the call to ordained ministry in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. Licensed for Pastoral Ministry in 2006, he
has served two Methodist congregations as Associate Pastor. In 2012 he was ordained an Elder in the Free Methodist Church
where he holds an Ecclesiastical Endorsement as an Emergency Services Chaplain. He has served as a Fire and Police
Chaplain for the City of Shively since 2003.
Lee and his wife Diane will celebrate 47 years of marriage this June. Diane is the organist at Garr’s Lane UMC (formerly
Parkview) where she has held that position for over forty years. Their son Matt, daughter-in-law Angie and grandson Nathan
regularly attend the Ignite service here at Middletown UMC.
I wish to express appreciation for the privilege of serving God and the congregation at Middletown
UMC as Congregational Care Minister these past 14 years. For me, it has been a very delightful and
rewarding experience.
I also want to sincerely thank you for the many expressions of love, gratitude, and good wishes as I
enter the retirement phase of life. You can rest assured I will not be sitting around “twiddling my
thumbs”, but seeking to be a servant spreading “salt and light” wherever I can.
Thanks for making my journey with you a very pleasant one.
‘Jane’s childhood was horrific. Among many atrocities, in
exchange for beer her father allowed his male friends to have
‘play time’ alone with her in her room. Her question for me was
this, “How can I possibly follow the commandment to honor my
father!?” To answer this, we had to define Honor as intended by
God. First, it means to forgive him. It doesn’t mean forget or
excuse, but don’t let her heart become hardened due to his
mistakes. Second, it means reconciliation. However, as
Romans 12:18 says, "If possible, so far as it depends on you,
live peaceably with all." Therefore, she should not respond to
abuse with more abuse. Third, it means to pray for her father.
Matthew 5:44 states, “But I say to you, love your enemies and
pray for those who persecute you." Now, this doesn’t mean to
pray for him to get hit by a bus, but to come to know Christ and
have his abusive heart changed. Fourth, it means to love her
father. This is not the romanticized, Hollywood love, but the 1
Corinthians 13 Agape love that says, “love…is not provoked,
does not take into account a wrong suffered…bears all things,
believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." Next, it
means to provide for him. Jesus condemned the Pharisees for
supporting ministry over their own parents. At the same time, it
doesn’t mean he gets everything he wants. Instead, she is to
provide him basic needs as far as possible. Finally, Jane can
also honor her father by not dishonoring him. That is, she
should not use her words/actions to bring upon him shame or
disgrace. Of course, doing these things is very difficult, but like
all of our Christian growing pains, they will ultimately make Jane
a more holy, Christ-like person.
I would like to take this opportunity to encourage anyone
interested in improving their health and nutrition to join “CRAVE”
when it resumes on May 7. Crave is not just a diet plan but a
whole life experience with devotions, nutritional advice, goal
setting, and especially tips for living better and establishing
lasting friendships. It is a 12 week commitment for your life
using the book “Your Whole Life” as a guide.
happens, with the Lord’s help the weight has really come off. I
am so blessed to have participated in Crave, to experience the
theme “Your Whole Life”, as it has truly changed my whole life.
Susan Smithson does a wonderful job as our leader. We've tried
nutritional lite recipes, light exercises and shared our struggles.
I joined last year when crave first started at Middletown on
Thursday nights. At the time, I was having some health
problems and needed desperately to lose weight. When I read
that Crave was starting, the Lord seemed to lay it on my heart
that this was where I needed to be. Well as usual the Lord was
RIGHT. I have felt so thankful to be a part of the group. And as it
When I went back to the doctor, he laughed and said, “what
ever you are doing, keep on keeping on”. I told him I was doing
“Crave” at Middletown UMC. I sure intend to keep on keeping on
the way the Lord leads me. He has given me this mind set. By
the way, when it comes to setting goals don’t set them so high. I
have found that short term goals are attainable, and through
them the over all desire can become a reality.
A few months ago I opened our front door and found a
beautifully wrapped gift left on the porch. My name was
on it and I opened quickly-I do love presents! I found a
lovely cup and plate with a sand dollar motif and a
book called My Beautiful Broken Shell. I looked for a
card, there wasn’t one enclosed. So whoever left this
thoughtful gift knew of my love for the ocean and a
good cup of coffee. Most mornings I enjoy my coffee in
this mug. This mug reminds me of the beauty and joy
of friendship. Coffee is not for me a "I must have or
people may die" thing, but is usually paired with my
morning prayer time. Holding a hot cup of coffee,
breathing in the rich aroma awakens the senses. Now,
thanks to a recently read devotional, I am mindful of
those who grow and roast these coffee beans and say
a prayer of thanks for them. The sand dollar motif on
my mug takes me on a brief trip to the ocean, a place
that brings peace to my soul and reminds me just how
big my God is. I have collected so many sand dollars,
piece by piece and my shell collection fills jars, vases and decorative bowls all around our home. Because we
spend lots of time at the beach I have found some beautiful, whole shells. But most of my collection is the broken,
the imperfect, the ordinary, yet they bring me joy, I think they're beautiful. We're like those shells, we're broken,
we're imperfect, ordinary but our God sees us as beautiful, loved, special. We are so special to Him that he made
us His children! "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And
that is what we are!"( 1 John 3:1 NIV) Think I'll enjoy my coffee now. Thank you Friend.
Jeremiah 32:17 “He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty
in power; His understanding is infinite.” (NKJV)
2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold,
all things have become new!” (NKJV)
Where in your life is God trying to show you just how big He is? Are you taking the time to allow Him to show
How might God use your broken pieces and turn them into something beautiful?
A constant in Children’s Ministries is continuous preparation for
major events in the life of the church and our boys and girls.
Vacation Bible School is certainly a major event at any local
church and most definitely for Middletown UMC! We are now
less than two months away from this traditional outreach event!
“Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty
Power” will be Monday through Friday, June 15-19, from 9:00
a.m. until 12:00 noon. Children who will be four years of age by
October 1, 2015, and older, are eligible to attend. Please go to to register to attend or
volunteer for VBS.
Another exciting opportunity this summer is the Summer Music
Camp, “In the BIG Inning: Heavy Hitters in the Hall of
Faith”, to be Monday through Friday, July 13-17, from 10:00
a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Children who will have finished First
through Fifth Grades this spring are eligible to attend. Check
our website at to register. The
registration fee is $35.00 and is payable online.
May 17
Forward in Faith Ministry Sunday
June 6
Field Hockey Camp
June 7
Forward in Faith Celebration Sunday
June 15-19
June 22-26
Basketball Camp
June 28
Freedom Festival
July 6-10
Soccer Camp
The Children’s Ministry Assessment Listening Sessions were
attended by a total of 20 persons. At the time of this writing, the
sessions have just been completed so the written summary
report is not yet complete but will be available via e-mail by
requesting a copy at Printed
copies may also be made available upon request. The next
steps will be to develop written vision and mission statements,
goals, and age-level milestones and to address the pressure
points which came out of the listening sessions during a
visioning retreat. Additional steps include the inception of a
major events team and a timeline of action plans to help us
address when and how these goals and milestones will be
completed. Many, many thanks to those who participated in the
listening sessions during April.
July 13-17
Summer Music Camp
July 19-22
Second through Grade at Camp Loucon
August 16
Promotion Sunday
August 23
Second Grade Bible Presentation
August 30
Back to School Bash
In planning for the remainder of 2015, please mark the following
dates on your calendar and plan on attending:
God’s love and blessings to you!
September 11 & 12
Middletown Festival
October 11
Fall Fest
In Christ,
October 12-17
Fall 2015 Children’s Consignment Sale
December 5
Breakfast with Santa & Advent Workshop
I wake up around seven to a series of loud, clanging alarms. Admittedly, I most often hit snooze again and again, but they ring in my
ears regardless. I take a shower where the radio in my communal, dormitory bathroom blares with cheesy, Christian music. I quickly
get dressed, grab my things, and head out to my car where the radio blares a different type of music, albeit with less intensity. I go to
work where there are dings and pings and alerts coming from my computer or cell phone most of the day. I go home. I eat dinner with
my family and then usually snuggle up in front of the TV to do some homework. My day is filled with NOISE.
Take a moment to reflect on your own day. Is it a little like mine? A lot? Is it hard to find silence in the midst of all the noise? Our
Youth Group curriculum pointed out that at the time the DVD was filmed, about ten years ago, it took two-thousand hours to record just
one-hour of uninterrupted, unindustrialized nature sounds. It scares me to think how much longer that recording time must be now.
Noise, noise, noise, noise. Ever tried to fall asleep with a noisy apartment neighbor? A spouse that’s left the TV on? A roommate
whose headphones are turned up atrociously loud? It’s difficult! No wonder we’re so stressed, so exhausted, so burdened: with all the
noise in our lives, it’s hard to rest.
But let me remind you of a man named Jesus: a man who models and even offers rest. Throughout his ministry here on Earth, Jesus
took time to draw away from the crowds, to draw away from the din, to be alone and silent with His Father. It was a rhythm for Jesus,
so much so that I cannot begin to list all the Scripture references that point to Jesus’ insistence on solitude and silence; there’d be far
too many! It was in that place where Jesus met with God, listened to God, and rested so that Jesus could continue his ministry well.
Are you continuing your ministry well? If not, could it be that the noise has taken over while solitude and silence have been left
behind? Jesus says to you through the words of Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest.” Take time
out of your day for solitude and silence. Meet with Jesus. In that place, he will give you rest.
I’m sitting here looking at nineteen notecards: nineteen commitments that our teenagers made to making space for solitude and silence
in their lives in order to create a place where they might hear the still, small voice of God. Shelby is giving up her phone during
homeroom so she can spend time with God for fifteen minutes a day. Will’s going to give up some TV time. Chase is going to try and
read his bible every other day. Our teenagers are taking the challenge to rest, really rest. Will you join them?
I have been a member of the CDC staff family for a little over 10 years now. My experience here has always been very enjoyable. In
that 10 year time span, I have seen two of my little girls complete our program. Their names are Peyton and Camryn. Currently they
are in second and fourth grade. Their time spent here was a great experience for both them and myself. Being able to work and still
be around your children is really a blessing. All of the teachers at the CDC were always loving and nurturing. I don’t just say that
because I work here. You could see it even in the way the girls behaved towards their teachers. Both of them tested above average
when they left for kindergarten and I attribute a lot of that to the CDC.
I have one little girl that still attends our school. She is 4 and will be leaving for kindergarten next year. Her experience has been just
as good as my first two girls. It saddens me that I will have no more of my children walking through our doors to class again.
In the years my family has grown here, we also have had the pleasure of sending my two girls to the MUMC Preschool family. They
also both loved that program as well. Both the CDC and Preschool have helped my girls turn into the fine little people they are
today. The CDC feels like a second home to me and I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.
God Bless,
Carrie Adams
Lead Two Year Teacher
Afternoon Office Assistant
Oh how I love Jesus because He first loved me!
“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from
me, or seen in me - put it into practice.”
Philippians 4:9
It doesn’t seem possible - only a month of school left. Where has the school year gone, and what a wonderful one it has been!
May promises to be a month full of fun with all our special events........going to the farm, riding horses, Derby Festivals and Mother’s
The children will have their Year-End Programs the week of
May 18th and we will have lots families come celebrate
with us!
Special thanks to our MUMP staff for all their continued dedication and love for the children, the MUMP Board for all their support and
guidance, and to all of the wonderful children and families that we have been blessed to serve over this past year! MUMP is a great
ministry of Middletown United Methodist Church!
Enjoy this beautiful time of year!
Preschool Registration continues for the 2015-16 school year. We offer both morning and afternoon
sessions for ages 2-5. At this time, we still have limited openings remaining in some of the morning
classes, as well as openings in the afternoon classes. Please contact the Preschool office at 244-8830
with any questions. You can also visit our website at
LIGHT Leadership Team Prayer Lunch
May 3 at 12:15pm
The Loft
Contact Erin Sigmund if any questions
Forward In Faith Sermon Series
Begins May 5
Crave Weight Loss Support Group
Thursdays, May 7- July 23 at 6:30pm
Register through the church office
Crave Weight Loss is a support group centered around a 12-week
program into healthier food habits. Participants will meet weekly to
discuss "Your Whole Life", an excellent book for reshaping attitudes on dieting.
Vacation Bible School—Everest: Conquering Challenges With
God’s Mighty Power!
June 15-19 from 9am til 12pm
Registration is now open through the website
We need volunteers! Contact Mona Walker to sign up or for more info.
SALT Leadership Team Meeting
May 31 at 12:00pm
The Loft
Please contact Erin Sigmund if any questions or for more information
Please visit for more fun and exciting events ahead!
Middletown United Methodist Church
11902 Old Shelbyville Rd
Louisville, KY 40243
Phone: 502-245-8839
Worship & Sunday School
Traditional Worship
8:30am (Sanctuary)
Blended Worship
11:00am (Sanctuary)
Contemporary Worship 11:00am (Connection Center)
Sunday School
Dr. Tom Smith, Senior Pastor
Rev. Nancy Tinnell, Discipleship
Rev. Scott Woodburn, Ignite/Outreach
Rev. Lee Twombly, Congregational Care
Jennie Pepoon, Business Administrator
Lynelle Tarleton, Administrative Assistant
Erin Sigmund, Youth Minister
Kyle Carden, Assoc. Youth Ministries
Rev. Mona Walker, Children’s Minister
Desire Wuertemberger, Assoc. Children’s Minister
Dale Mowery, Worship & Music
Mike Howser, Communications
Karen Smith, Child CDC
Kristen Clark, Preschool
We encourage belonging before becoming. We encourage
building and fostering relationships through community. The
following are connection points that we encourage all people
seeking membership or just exploring to:
1. Attend Pizza with the Pastors and/or Coffee &
2. Attend a Faith Journey Session and/or find your
Small Group
3. Become a Member or continue exploring
4. Disciple others
The C ornerpost
May 2015
The June 2015 ISSUE:
Friday, May 22