THE CORNERPOST Middletown United Methodist Church

Middletown United Methodist Church
In This Issue:
Discipleship and
Mission Focus
Outreach Events
The Gathering
Youth News
Children’s Events
Music Notes
CDC News
Blood Drive
Thank you Notes
Counseling Center
Contact Info
By the time that you read this article we will have finished all of the
scheduled congregational conversations around the recommendations
of the Joshua Team and the Church Council concerning the Facilities
Master Plan. During these events folks had the opportunity to hear from
the Joshua Team leadership, our church lay leader and ask questions of
the architect who helped respond to the all the input given from the congregation and the dream
teams. People had a chance to see the conceptual plans and to have discussions with all of those
about possible issues. As was pointed out in these sessions, there are still issues to be worked out,
very important concerns to be addressed and feedback that needs to be heard.
The leadership shared the vision of moving Forward in Faith. This is the theme/title that
has been given to this time of discernment and visioning. We stand here on the ground that is
testimony to the many faithful persons before us who have sought God’s vision for their time and
have faithfully responded. The question becomes, is it now our time? Is God troubling the waters
of our comfortable souls? Is God calling us forward into a land that we need to claim for God?
So now we enter the point where you will have another chance for input on the proposal.
Beginning in late July through August everyone in the congregation will either be invited to a face
to face interview with Ashley/Roundtree and Associates, or will be mailed a survey form and
asked to both complete the hard copy and mail back to the church or to go to the provided
website and complete the survey online. Whatever means that you have I hope that you will
please provide your input. This is a major discussion and we need to hear from as many people as
possible. The survey will be entirely confidential. Your responses will go to the consultants and
they will give church leadership a report sometime in September of what was said.
As you look at the proposed master facilities plan remember that it is a long term plan. It
can be done in phases and one things that needs to be decided is which phase should be given the
first priority. Does this plan meet the stated strategic needs of the congregation to enhance the
facilities to attract young people, families with children and youth, and offer potential for growth
areas? Will it provide opportunities to expand programming, worship experiences and outreach?
Do you see the plan addressing issues for security issues for children’s space, not only handicap
compliant, but handicap friendly, maximize dual use of the facilities, improve facilities for Ignite
worship and deal with the issues of children’s ministry not having adequate or designated space?
Does this dream a God-sized dream? Do you see in this an attempt to be faithful to a
vision to speak to a new generation? Can you see in this the desire to move Forward in Faith?
I want to thank each and every one of you for all that you have already done. I ask that
you take time to help us seek God’s will during this very important conversation. As I asked almost
20 months ago when we started this process please surround this process in prayer. Once again,
thanks for all you do.
Dancing with God,
Discipleship and Spiritual Formation
Nancy Tinnell
Branches Women’s Ministry
Thursdays, beginning July 10th at 9:30 a.m.
Amy Archer will lead a 6-week study on Sacred Secrets by Beth Moore. This 6-session study
explores the theology of secrets. Secrets can be good or harmful. Some need forgiveness,
and some should be kept between you and God. Find out what happens when we let God
teach us "wisdom in the secret heart." Books are $10. Contact Lynelle Tarleton to register
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Art and Faith Event: Thursday, July 31st, 7:00 p.m.
Nancy Tinnell and friends will present a collection of short readings called Irish Poets and
Celtic Saints at The Rudyard Kipling (Oak St. between 3rd & 4th) on July 31st. Readings
from traditional and contemporary Irish poets and the writings of the Celtic Christians
(Patrick, Finian, Brigid, etc.) will be interspersed with music from the Celtic band, Lachlan.
The “Rud” is now owned by Bill & Amy Enix, former owners of That Place on Goss café.
The food is excellent and Lachlan’s music will be fabulous. This is such an enjoyable way to
introduce Christian thought to the greater community. Come be a part of it!
Business Administrator
Jennie Pepoon
Fiscal Year Financial Update
July 2013 – June 2014
Income – Surplus/(Deficit) to
Expenses – Under/(Over) Budget
Total Surplus/(Deficit)
Mission Focus
“Giving a voice to the Silenced”
For 30 years, CASA has given abuse and neglected children a voice in family court. CASA
volunteers are trained advocates fighting for the best interests of the child and their right to thrive
in a safe, permanent home. With a CASA volunteer, a child is half as likely to languish in the child
welfare system.
Last year, there were 23,000 substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect, enough to fill the
YUM! Center. Over 3,200 of these cases were in the greater Louisville area. Our mission is to pair a
CASA volunteer with every child who needs one. Last year, 165 volunteers served 465 of those
children. Despite this success, there are 287 vulnerable children waiting in the sidelines for
someone to stand up for them.
Becoming a CASA Advocate is a unique volunteer opportunity to invest in the life of a child. It’s
one hour of your time each week and no special background is needed. CASA will train you
through the ins and outs of the family court system, as well as how to become an effective
advocate. The only requirement is that you have a passion to make a difference in the lives of the
most vulnerable in our community...our children.
Every child needs a hero,
but a CASA child needs a SUPERHERO.
To become volunteer, go to or contact Vonna Ohlmann at
Rev. Scott Woodburn
My older brother was very influential in my life. He
taught me about the game of baseball. When he played I
observed every intricate detail; from the way he practiced,
to the way he threw the baseball, to the way he swung the
bat. Watching and observing helped me to become a decent player. He invited me to learn
from him and with him. He taught me how to swing properly and showed me the
importance of work ethic and practice. He was my mentor and I was his disciple. I tried to
imitate each and every action to improve my ability to play the game of baseball. He modeled
what it meant to be a good baseball player.
It’s the same in our walk with Christ. In order for us to make disciples we have to model a life
of discipleship and invite other people to follow Jesus. It doesn’t mean we are the perfect
example, but we are the living example. My brother did not do everything right, but he
invited me and challenged me to grow. It’s our calling, as Christians, to model what it means
to follow Christ by inviting and challenging others to grow in their faith and in their walk
with Christ.
“Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have a I give you…” Acts 3:6
New Ministry Challenge!
Recently Pastor Smith challenged us to be willing to go out into the
community to make a difference in the lives of others. As a volunteer for
the Lighthouse Community Center in the Newburg area, I felt led to share
with you, my church family, what I have seen this year and the amazing difference one person can
On top of a full time job, Pam felt led to organize a team of volunteers to commit to Lighthouse and
spend one hour with one child one day a month. God blessed her efforts and 50 recruits rose to the
challenge. These volunteers committed an hour of their time by assisting with homework, reading
stories, and most importantly developing a loving bond with their special student. The students
expressed such eagerness to share one on one time each week with their volunteer.
My vision is to establish a team of MUMC volunteers to commit to making a lasting, special
experience for the students at Lighthouse for an hour each Tuesday, beginning this fall. A
minimum of four volunteers are needed each week. Males volunteers would be exceptionally
welcome as many students do not have a male role model in their homes. So I challenge you,
MUMC, to prayerfully consider if God is calling you to be part of this ministry, to commit to
providing one hour of time for a child’s life whether it be each week or just once a month.
Please contact Judy Kirkpatrick at 245-7160 or if interested or any questions.
Upcoming Outreach Events
Scott Woodburn
Coffee and Conversation
When: July 6th @ 9:40 a.m.
Where: Connection Center
For: Guests and Non-Members
Why: Coffee and Conversation is an opportunity for our guest and non-members to meet some of
our pastors in non-threatening ways. This will provide each guest and non-member a chance to
get to know some of our pastors.
Upwards Basketball (Boys & Girls)
When: July 14-17, 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
Cost: $60 per child
Ages: 2nd—6th Grade
Register at
For more information email or call (502) 245 -8839 ext. 103
Want to learn more about Middletown UMC? Join us
for pizza and an opportunity to learn more about our
pastors, staff, and all that’s going on at Middletown
Connection Center (Fellowship Hall)
Sunday, August 3rd
12:15 p.m. (Following both 11:00 a.m. worship services)
Guests / Non-Members
Please RSVP by Friday, August 1st by emailing or go to or call (502) 245-8839
Back 2 School
Saturday, August 9, 2014
10am to 11:30am
Westport Road Baptist Church
9705 Westport Road
Backpacks– New
Markers– washable
-Especially Elementary/character
Glue sticks
Pencil boxes
Erasers– large
One subject notebooks– wide and college rule
Filler paper– wide and college rule
Colored pencils
Plastic rulers
3 Ring binders
Red marking pencils
Composition books– college rule
2 Pocket folders
-Boxes of 8, 16, or 24
Fiskars scissors
-Round tip
Paper towels
Eastern Area Community Ministries will be accepting donations:
Monday August 4, 2014 through Wednesday August 6, 2014 at Westport Rd Baptist
Volunteers Needed at WRBC:
Organizing: Thursday August 7, 2014 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Set-up & Event: Saturday August 9, 2014 9am to Noon
Please contact Lisa to volunteer:
Thank you for your donations!
College students are enjoying a summer break and we invite you to join in as the Wesley Foundation at U of L (aka The Gathering) goes canoeing on August 2nd. For details call or text Marco Ballesteros at (502) 727–8504.
The big day arrives for incoming freshmen on August 20th with Move In Day. The Gathering rolls
out the red carpet with a special cook out event at Cooksey’s in St. Matthews on August 22 nd.
Campus ministry is a strategic mission field of the 18 to 25 age demographic. Your involvement
with this ministry is essential - here are a few ways you can participate:
Please pray for this ministry, the students and the leaders.
2. Consider placing the Wesley Foundation at The University of Louisville in your annual budget
as one of your personal missions.
3. Invite us to talk with your leaders about ways in which we can work together to build Disciples
of Christ.
4. Join Friends of The Gathering, an association of churches, alumni, and others who have chosen
to join God in what He is doing on campus through The Wesley Foundation.
The United Methodist Church needs these young adults in our churches once they leave the campus
setting. Help us connect them to your church. For more information, visit or contact Marco Ballesteros at 727-8504.
Abbi Long
Sunday, July 13
Youth Movie Night
Students who just completed 6-12th grades (or are home from college) are
invited to meet Kyle at Tinseltown theater Tuesday, July 8th to watch the
awesome new film How to Train a Dragon 2. Time is still yet to be determined
but estimated to be around 5pm. Students need to bring money for their ticket
and refreshments. Invite your friends!
Sunday, July 13
After Church-2pm
High School Lunch &
Join me for lunch right after church. Bring a little money but I'll help to pay. We
will pick a restaurant together and return about 2pm.
Sunday, July 13
Night &
Middle School Movie
Bridge Event
We invite students who just completed 5-7 grade to come view Frozen or Lego
Movie on the big screen. This is a chance for upcoming 6th graders to meet and
get to know other middle school students and the youth staff. Meet us in the
Loft from 5:30-7:30pm!
Messages from the Children’s Ministry
Amy Bishop
Get Connected! Join the MUMC Parents email group.
You’ll receive pertinent information about special activities, children’s events, and more.
Email and ask to join today!
Thank you to the many youth and adults who gave of their time
and talents to make this year’s VBS such a success! You let the
light of Jesus shine so brightly through your words, actions, hard
work and smiles. You are God Sightings to me!
We are looking for Sunday School, Jam and Wiggle Worship Helpers for the 2014
-2015 volunteer year which starts in August!
If you are interested in joining us as we grow in faith and create faith memories,
there are many ways that you can serve in the Children’s Ministry. Your time and
talents could make an eternal difference in the lives and beliefs of our children. If you are feeling
led to join the Children’s Ministry team, talk to Amy Bishop or Desire Wuertemberger for more
information or to sign up!
Orientation sessions will be held in July for those who will begin guiding children in August.
Special Needs Angel Program (SNAP)
We are looking for people who are interested in helping with SNAP. We would like to find
buddies to partner with some of our kids during JAM and Wiggle Worship at 11:00. If this is
something you would be interested in, please email Amy at
MUMC Kids Summer Activities!
Join us for fellowship and fun this summer! Invite your friends!
All activities are free!
July 13
Movie Night for Kids who will be in Middle School in the
(Lego Movie and Frozen showing)
July 15-17 1:00-3:00pm
A United Methodist is…Study and Rock Climbing for
ids who just finished 4th & 5th grades (registration
July 29-31 10am-12pm
Touch the Water, Taste the Bread study and ice cream f
or kids who just finished 1st, 2nd & 3rd grades (registration
August 10
Promotion Sunday
August 23
Back to School Bash- An awesome time of water
inflatables and fun
Free t-shirt if you register by August 10 Times based on
3 year old-Kindergarten (with a parent)
1 -3 grades
4 &5 grades
Pick up a calendar from the board in the hallway outside Amy’s office so you don’t miss
any of the fun!
For more info or to register, email Amy at
Music Notes
Dale Mowery
A special word of thanks to our sponsors and our Freedom Festival leadership team, The United
Methodist Men and all of our volunteers who worked so hard to make this year’s event a great success.
Chapman heating and Cooling
Derby box
Donohue, Smith and Associates of Ameriprise financial
Quality Stone and Redimix
Jackson Plumbing
The Abbott family,
The Boyd family
The Sramek Family
The Wittmer Family
The Barr Family
The United Methodist Men
Susan Smithson
Tom Abbott
Jack Swann
Judy Kirkpatrick
Dean Donohue
Jennie Pepoon
Mike Howser
I’d like to thank the members of the Worship Choir, Orchestra, Handbells, Kids WOW! and the Ignite Worship Band for a wonderful Season of Ministry. You all add so much to our services and
never fail to help lead us in worship of the One who is truly worthy of glory and honor. It’s been a
very busy year and you all have always risen to the occasion of blessing our church with your ministry. Thanks.
I would also like to specifically thank the various directors of these groups for their service: Beverly
Taylor (Chancel Bells), Rebecca Hoffman (Kids WOW!) and Eric Wuertemberger (Ignite Worship
Band). It’s a pleasure to serve with you. I pray God will continue to bless your leadership.
I also want to take the time to publicly thank Vernon Cherrix and Becky Decker for their dedicated
service as Pianist and Organist. We are so blessed to have you two as a part of the ministry at
MUMC! Thank you for using your gifts and abilities here to help lead us to the throne of God.
Most of these groups are on their July break and will return in August to begin another Ministry
Season. I hope you will consider joining us in August as we learn more of what it means to be Worship Leaders.
“Let the children come unto me…”
The Child Development
Center Ministry
Our summer program is in full swing! We are having
Summer Olympics, Art Camp, Fun Water Week with
Bubbles, Bubbles, and more Bubbles! Mr. Magic was
just here with a special program for the children. The
children all loved the Soccer Camp.
The CDC will be closed for the 4th of July.
“God can do everything!”
Luke 1:37
Happy summer!
Karen Smith & the CDC Staff
American Red Cross Summer Blood Drive
Middletown UMC Connection Center
Tuesday July 15, 2014 3:00pm-8:00pm
Come give the gift of life by donating blood at this year’s summer blood drive. We
need you to help the American Red Cross curb summer shortages. Nothing
manufactured can replace the precious gift that only you can give. Volunteers are also needed for:
-Escorting guests to canteen area
-Donor registration table
Please contact Lisa Camarata at 502-394-9382 or 502-777-5186 or via email at for
more info, to schedule your donation time, and/or to volunteer. Walk-ins are welcome, but please keep in
mind that appointments take priority.
For more information on donating blood, you can call 502-540-7000 or visit
Every 2 seconds someone in the United States needs blood...and your single blood donation can help save up to 3
lives by helping trauma patients, cancer patients, transfusion recipients, and more.
80% of blood donations gives to the American Red Cross are collected at mobile blood drives set up at community
organizations, companies, high schools, colleges, places of worship, and military installations. The remaining 20% are
collected at American Red Cross donor centers.
Congregational Care
Homebound Person of the Week– July
July 6
July 13
Mrs. Don Wooden
July 20
Mrs. Trudy Duval
12313 Crosswinds Dr
9808 Reynolds
Louisville, KY
Louisville, KY 40223
Mrs. Mary Myer
July 27
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Grammer
121 Kratz Lane
10718 Shelbyville Rd
Louisville, KY 40243
Louisville, KY 40243
I want to thank everyone that sent
me birthday wishes. I received 119
cards and one wonderful singing
birthday wish over the phone. The
cards started arriving on Monday
before my birthday on Thursday.
Jean Corbin
A special “Thank you” to all
church members who have sent cards, prayed for me,
and let me know how much they care during my illness. Also, to Tom, Buddy, and everyone else for their
visits. It is such a comfort to know so many wonderful
Christians in our church care so very much. I know all
these people are making my journey easier. Our God is
a good God and He will carry me through with as
much courage as I can provide. I miss coming to
church, but my strength is minimal. Bless all of you for
your wonderful Christian love, and to our precious
craft group who have been faithful to me too with so
many merry cards and words of love and caring.
In Christian Love,
Bonnie Landers Hare
Counseling Corner
Dr. Kirk Day
“Stacy” is a 50 year old woman who has been married to an emotionally distant and verbally abusive husband for 25 years. Despite years of
requests, her husband is unwilling to participate in therapy. Therefore, Stacy feels ‘stuck’ in her marriage because she wants to leave, but
also wants to honor her marital vows. I explained to Stacy that I do not believe it pleases God to
see her being abused and living in fear. Paul tells the Galatians to set boundaries against any type
of control: “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be
subject again to the yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1). Marriage is not about control or fear, it is
about love, and love can only exist where there is freedom. I explained to Stacy that she can honor
and love her husband, while also setting boundaries. I encouraged her first to take an honest
inventory of her own bad behavior and commit to being the healthiest person she could be. Then I
supported her telling her husband, “If you continue to speak to me in these ways, I am going to
need to set distance between us, and that will hurt our relationship.” As with most relationships,
her spouse did not like her setting boundaries, and she struggled with inappropriate guilt over his
feeling hurt. I reiterated to Stacy that, while we are responsible to each other, we are not responsible for each other. Paul again instructs us, “each one should carry his own load.” (Galatians 6:5).
As such, her husband’s negative response to her being healthy is a reflection of his attitude, not anything she has done wrong. For more insights on healthy relationships I encourage you to read
“Boundaries in Marriage” by Cloud and Townsend.
Methodist Men Meeting
MUMC Funtimers!
July 9– Lunch at Bristol
The Methodist Men are having a breakfast meeting on Saturday, July 12th at 7:30 in the Connection Center. Our speaker will be Bobbie Smith
Bryant from the University of Louisville Campus
Aug 16– Louisville Slugger Museum Tour
Lunch at Spaghetti Factory
Transportation—TARC ($5.75)
Seniors interested in participating should contact Lu Briley at 502-290-9034.
Membership- $10/annually
All Guests are welcome!
Middletown United Methodist Church
11902 Old Shelbyville Road
Louisville, KY 40243
P: 502-245-8839
Staff Email Addresses
Dr. Tom Smith, Senior Pastor:
Rev. Nancy Tinnell, Discipleship:
Rev. Abbi Long, Youth:
Rev. Scott Woodburn, Ignite/Outreach:
Rev. Buddy Coleman, Congregational Care:
Jennie Pepoon, Business Administrator:
Lynelle Tarleton, Administrative Assistant:
Amy Bishop, Children:
Dale Mowery, Worship:
Mike Howser, Communications:
Karen Smith, Child Development Center:
Kristen Clark, Preschool:
Are you a member, regular
attendee, or guest of MUMC
and on Twitter and/or
Message us directly
@middletownumc and let us
know so we can follow you!
July 2014
The August 2014 ISSUE:
Friday, July 25
11902 Old Shelbyville Road
Louisville, KY 40243
Phone: (502) 245-8839
Fax: (502) 245-9547
Counseling Center: (502) 894-9380