All for Christ + Christ For All Committed to discipleship, effective in mission, faithful in stewardship. 24th May 2015 Pentecost Today’s services 8.00am No Communion 9.15am Holy Communion 11.00am Morning Praise 11.00am Holy Communion at Byley 6.30pm NO EVENING SERVICE Hymns & Readings for 9.15 am service Bookmark w/c 25/05/15 MONDAY HERITAGE WEEKEND BANK HOLIDAY 7.00pm SMAART practice at Willowmere TUESDAY 9.30am Healing Ser vice 6.30pm Wor ship at Willowmere 7.30pm Tower bell ringing WEDNESDAY 7.00am Pr ayer in Church 9.30am Pr ayer in 28 11.00am Funer al Margaret Williams 2.00pm Funer al Betty Fletcher 6.00pm Wor ship group 7.30pm Choir pr actice Pre Service He is here AM156 Come down, O love divine AM233 O thou who camest from above FRIDAY 12.00pm Byley funer al Alan Hollinshead SF1555 The Spirit lives to set us free AM515 There’s a spirit in the air SATURDAY MAKER’S MARKET Church and 28 open Readings Acts 2 : 1 to 21 Luke 24 : 44 to 49 THURSDAY 9.30am Holy Communion 2.00pm After noon Tea SUNDAY 6.00pm CTiM service at the Methodist Church Services 31st May 2015 Trinity Sunday 8.00am No Communion 9.15am Holy Communion 11.00am All Age Communion 11.00am Mor ning Pr ayer at Byley 6.00pm CTiM ser vice at Methodist Church Hebrews 4 : 14-5: 10 Matthew 4 : 1 to 11 Please remember in your prayers those who are ill especially: Susan Hunter, Ray Beresford, Janet Jackson, Peter Winnett, Anne Gleave, Pete Barsby, Peggy Houston, Bill Davies, Shirley Washington, Dora Crago, Adele Dickinson, Reg Atkins, Keith and Jean Walsh, Evie, James Harrold, Paul Botham, Maria Yearley, Stanley Barnes, the Seale family, Beryl McGuinness, Julia and Roy Farrington, Maureen Kelly, Steve Lockhart and John Andrew Bourne. Please pray for the families of those who have recently died, remembering especially the family of : Raymond Parry, Pauline Chambers, James Bailey, Richard Mearns, Ethel Hollinshead, Alan Boon, Alan Hollinshead, Reginald Atkinson, Margaret Emily Williams and Betty Fletcher. PRAYER FOR PENTECOST We light a candle and enjoy the flickering light, the fragrance and warmth it creates. But without the spark that ignites, there will be no flame. Without the wax, the source of power, the wick will not burn. Without the flame, there will be no fragrance, no warmth, no light. And so with us, Lord, You are the catalyst that ignites us, and the fuel that sustains us You fill us with your fragrance as you enter our lives. You empower us to carry your flame in our hearts, To be the fragrance, warmth and light of your love in this dark world. Amen. Prayer Ministry Team If you would like a prayer for yourself or somebody else, there are people available upon request before and after services. Please speak to a steward. Individual prayer is also offered during communion. in the Lady Chapel. Rector: Rev Simon Drew -01606 833440 Curate: Rev Liz Woode -01606 75030 Curate: Rev Thia Hughes -01606 883286 Curate: Rev Lorraine Reed—01606 781071 Director of Music & Family Work—Jeremy Coles 07981 051776 Administrator: Beth Deakin—01606 738005 Office open Mon—Fri 10am—2pm Registered Charity No 1127335 28 Hightown, Middlewich CW10 9AN Christ for All in Andhra Pradesh How often do we have the opportunity to hear directly from the people we support in Andhra Pradesh? On Thursday 11th June, we will be able to meet 2 members of the team who will be in England visiting Churches that support them. Please support this evening at 7.30pm in Number 28. Light refreshments will be provided. Yes, it’s the moment you have all been waiting for!!! SOCIAL COMMITTEE CHANNEL ISLAND CRICKET RETURNS TO NO. 28 AND THIS TIME IT’S NOT MEN ONLY!! Saturday 4th July from 7.00pm onwards. Bring and share tea. GEMZ—Stroll and Strawberries-Tuesday 9th June 2015 Meet at Sally Coles-Robertson’s house, 5 Coriander Close CW10 9PB at 7pm (parking on King St). Gentle stroll around Middlewich followed by strawberries and cream! If you can’t make the walk, join us at Sally’s just after 8. For more information, please speak to Jean Griffiths or Sue Ikin. St Luke’s Hospice Midnight Walk After hearing Dr Kate Smith talking about the fantastic work that St Luke’s carries out, Fiona and Harriet Loney have decided to take part in the Midnight Walk on Saturday 27th June. As St Luke’s is the charity that St Michael’s is supporting this quarter, it would be great to get together a group (ladies only) from Church to take part together. Let Fiona know if you’re interested in joining in. It’s a fantastic night for a great cause. Look out for the sponsor form soon to appear at the back of Church. Christian Aid Emergency Appeal Following the devastating earthquake in Nepal, Christian Aid have launched an emergency appeal. If you feel you would like to make a donation towards the relief effort, envelopes are available from the table at the back of Church. You can send off the envelopes yourself, or pass them to the office or a member of the Clergy and we will send it off for you. Thank you. MOTHERS’ UNION Future events: Tuesday 9th June 2015 Needles and natter Tuesday 14th July 2015 at 2.00pm Holy Communion followed by strawberry tea Defibrillator—THANK YOU!!! A big thank you to everybody who has contributed to the purchase of a defibrillator. The money has now been raised and the defib has been ordered. Bridget would like to say a particular thank you to those who contributed so generously to the sale of plants. A grand total of £183.25 was raised from this! We do, of course, hope that we never have to use the defibrillator but it is reassuring to know it will be there if we need it. FUNDRAISING QUARTER—ST LUKE’S So please put the following date in your diaries: Next event will be a strawberry tea on Thursday 25th June between 2 and 4pm. Church planting Please do join us on Tuesday 2nd June from 6.30pm onwards for the Community planting. We all appreciate the beautiful floral displays outside our Church so come and be part of it! Refreshments will be provided in Church. Next Parish Walk This will take place on Saturday 6th June, meeting at Middlewich Fire Station at 9.30am. The walk is from St Oswald’s Church, Lower Peover to St Lawrence’s Church, Over Peover. Both Churches are beautiful and well worth seeing. The walk is 5.5 miles (or 9.25kms). Please do join us! Men’s Chill Time—Tuesday 2nd June 2015 Bickerton Poacher for a (very good!) carvery dinner and a game of skittles. Arrive from 7pm, sit down to eat at 7.30pm, skittles will follow on. Cost £11. Sign up at the back of Church or email Number 28 Open Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm Call in for coffee & a chat! Homemade soup available every Tuesday served from 11.45am. Now serving Toast & Teacakes on Fridays 10.30 to 12.30pm
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