PSYP 625 –Fall 2013
Pastoral Care on the Edge: Fostering Resiliency in Crisis and Trauma
Professor Brita Gill-Austern
Tuesday 9-11:50
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:30-3:00 Wednesday 2-3 and by appointment
Contact information: email bgillaus@ants.edu;
Office phone 617 831 2360
Course Description:
This course will provide students with an understanding of models, theories and skills required
in crisis intervention and counseling, and show how good psychological and spiritual care can
help foster resiliency. It will do three things: focus on both the role of the pastoral care giver
and the faith community in times of crisis and crisis prevention, help students understand the
common spiritual and psychological reactions to crisis, and show how crisis intervention
theories and techniques can be applied to a wide array of crisis situations such as: sudden
death, depression, suicide, a diagnosis of an illness, accidents, natural disasters, returning
veterans, and abuse in the home. Such crises often provoke a crisis of faith which also will be
addressed. The course will involve lecture, discussion, videos, multiple role plays, and group
presentations. This course meets the Pastoral Care distributional requirement in the new
M.Div. curriculum. The syllabus is a map for the direction we are going; detours or alternate
paths may happen as the needs of the class may dictate.
Course Objectives:
1) To understand the basic principles of crisis intervention, crisis assessment and common
crisis intervention strategies.
2) To identify the dynamics of loss that are at the heart of many crisis situations, and show
how spiritual caregivers can help facilitate the grieving process.
3) To examine various models and theories of crisis counseling and intervention with
attention to implications for gender, culture, race and class differences.
4) To assist each student in developing a theological and psychological understanding of
crisis in human narratives.
5) To learn how to use both counseling interventions (particularly Brief Pastoral Counseling
and the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention) and the resources of congregations for
prevention, intervention, recovery and fostering resiliency and healing.
6) To learn exercises and spiritual practices that can lessen stress, which assists in coping
with crisis.
7) To enhance one’s skills in using the library and important electronic and internet based
resources for research.
Required Books:
Bohlijian, Chris Secrets of Eden. New York: Random House, 2010.
Kanel, Kristi. A Guide to Crisis Intervention: Fourth Edition. Belmont, MA: Brooks/Cole: 2011.
ISBN 10-0-840-03429-6
Kelley, Melissa. Grief. Minneapolis: Fortress Press. 2010.
ISBN 978-0-8006-9661-0
Stone, Howard, ed. Strategies for Brief Pastoral Counseling. Minneapolis: Fortress: 2001
ISBN 978-0-8006-3229-1
Stone, Howard. Crisis Counseling. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2009.
ISBN 0-80006-2760-1
Yoder, Christine The Little Book of Trauma Healing. Intercourse, PA. Goodbooks, 2005.
ISBN 156148-507-1
Recommended Books:
Holton, M. Jan Building the Resilient Community: Lessons from the Lost Boys of Sudan
Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2011.
Sippola, John Welcome Them Home, Help Them Heal: Pastoral Care and Ministry with Service
Members Returning from War. Duluth, Minnesota: Whole Persons Associates, 2009.
Stone, Howard. Brief Pastoral Counseling. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1994.
Roberts, Stephen and Willard, Ashley. Disaster Spiritual Care: Practical Responses to
Community, Region and National Tragedy. Woodstock, Vermont: Skylights Paths,
Jones, Serene. Trauma and Grace: Theology in A Ruptured World. Louisville, Kentucky:
Westminster, 2009.
Library and Schoology Reading
All required books are in the library on reserve. Chapters of books that are not required
are on reserve in the library by author of book. Journals will need to be looked up in the
reference section or through the library’s online e-journal database. When possible all
materials required that are not in required books will be put on Schoology and marked
with *.
Course Requirements:
1) Faithful class attendance. Three absences may result in a failing grade. Please
contact professor if you will be absent.
2) Reading assignments completed on time and active participation in the class, in
small group discussion and group work.
3) Three (3) page brief reading reflections on assigned reading. Papers must be turned
in on the following dates: First Paper October 15th, Second Paper November 5th,
Third Paper, November 19th (separate guidelines).
4) A group presentation of an intervention in a crisis situation (separate guidelines).
5) A 10-12 page reflection on a pastoral intervention in a crisis situation (separate
guidelines) or Final. Due December 17th
Writing Assignments:
All papers shall be double-spaced, in 12 pitch, with Times Roman or Calibri font, and
have standard margins. Every paper should follow the format of Chicago Manual of
Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors or Publishers (accessible online through
the library) or American Psychological Association (APA). Specifications for APA
Guidelines are at: www.dianahacker.com/resdoc/p04_c09_o.html). Papers that do not
meet the applicable requirements, or that are badly written from the point of view of
spelling, grammar, citation or intelligibility, may be returned to students for rewriting.
“Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is a serious breach of ethics, and
students are held fully responsible for this violation of school policy. Plagiarism may be
defined in the following ways: 1) word-for-word plagiarism- (a) the submission of
another student’s work as one’s own; (b) the submission of a commercially prepared
paper; (c) the submission of work from a source not acknowledged by footnote,
bibliography, or reference in the paper itself; or (d) the submission of any part of
another’s work without proper use of quotation marks. 2) patchwork plagiarism – the
rearrangement of another’s phrases into a new pattern. 3) unacknowledged
paraphrase – the restatement of another’s original idea, interpretation, or discovery of
fact.” Andover Newton Catalog
Grading Policy
Written work will be graded with 1/3 of grade based on grammar, spelling and correct form
and footnotes, following Chicago Manual of Style or APA and 2/3 based on substance of
written work.
1/3rd Three (3 page ) Brief Written Reflections on Assigned Reading
1/3rd Final 10-12 Page Written Assignment
1/3rd Group Case Presentation
Grading Criteria will be provided with the Guidelines for Papers and Class Group
Incompletes will be given rarely and only under truly necessary circumstances.
Before each class it is your responsibility to check Schoology and download Power Points for
# On Reserve in Trask Library
*On Schoology
Outline for Sessions
Session #1
September 17th
Setting the Context within Pastoral Care for Studying Crisis and Trauma
Introduction to Course: Why Study Crisis, Trauma and Resiliency?
What is the Relationship between Stress and Crisis?
Powerpoint #1
Reading: #Bohlijian, Chris Secrets of Eden
#Stone, Howard Crisis Counseling Ch. 2
#Kanel, Kristi A Guide to Crisis Counseling Ch. 1
Session #2
September 25th
What is the Role of the Minister in Crisis and Trauma?
The Faith Community’s Role in Salutogenesis and Fostering Resiliency
Theological Concerns in Crisis and Trauma
The Issue of Context and Cultural Sensitivity
Powerpoint #2
* Stone, Howard Crisis Counseling, Ch.1
*Gerkin, Charles Crisis Experience in Modern Life Ch. 1
*Augsburg, David “The Cross-Cultural Counselor: A Theology of Presence”
*Mc Lean, Haydn, “Thinking Out Loud: Pondering the Providence of God” in
The Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Vol. 62, No. 3, Fall, 2008.
* VanKatawyk, Peter God Talk in Therapeutic Conversation Journal of
Pastoral Care and Counseling, Vol. 62; No. 1-2, Spring/Summer 2008.
Session #3
October 1st
Understanding How Crisis Intervention Models Provide Frameworks for Care:
The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention
Case Study Job Loss
Power Point #3
Reading: #Stone, Howard Crisis Ch. 3, 4
#Kanel, Kristi The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention Ch.5 ,
October 8th – NO CLASS
Community Day – Attendance Required
Session #4
October 15th
First Brief 3 Page Reflection on Reading on ABC Model and Crisis Due
When the Crisis is Clinical Depression
Knowing the Difference and Connection between Depression and Grief
Case Study: Depression
Reading: *Karp, David Speaking of Sadness Ch. 1, 2, 3
Recommended Reading:
Solomon, Andrew The Noon Day Demon
Bringle, Mary Despair: Sickness or Sin
Session #5
October 22nd
Understanding Loss –The Common Factor in Most Crisis Events
The Grieving Process as it Relates to Attachment Theory
Group Case Presentation #1 Loss of Parent by Young Adult (ABC)
Reading: #Kelly, Melissa, Grief, Introduction, Ch. 1, 2,3
#Kanel, Kris A Guide to Crisis Intervention Ch. 7
Recommended Reading:
Niemeyer, Robert, Meaning Reconstruction and the Experience of Loss
Attig, Thomas, Learning to Grieve: Relearning the World
Worden, William, Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy
Session #6
October 29th
Meaning Making After Loss
Coping Spiritually
Group Presentation #2 Diagnosis of Terminal Illness or Chronic Illness (ABC)
Reading: #Kelley, Melissa Grief, Ch. 4,5,6
*Pargament, Kenneth The Psychology of Religion and Coping Ch. 10
Recommended Reading:
*Clark, Anne “Ritual for the Closure of a Life When Life is Artificially
Supported, When the Quality of Life has Gone,” Journal of Pastoral
Care, Vol. 53, No.4, Winter, 1999.
Session #7
November 5th
Second Brief Reflection Paper on Kelley’s Grief Due
Ethical and Professional Issues for the Pastoral Care Giver
Brief and Solution Focused Pastoral Counseling
Power Point #4
Group Case Presentation # 3 Teenage Pregnancy (ABC)
#Stone, Howard, Ch. 7 “Elements of Brief Pastoral Counseling” in Strategies
for Brief Pastoral Counseling, ed. Howard Stone.
#Stone, Howard, Ch. 13, “Theory out of Context: The Congregational
Setting of Pastoral Counseling” in Strategies for Brief Pastoral Counseling
#Kollar, Charles Allen, Ch.8 “Staying Solution Focused in Brief Pastoral
Counseling” in Strategies for Brief Pastoral Counseling, ed. Howard Stone.
#Lester, Andrew Ch. 4 “Helping Parishioners Envision the Future” in
Strategies for Brief Pastoral Counseling
Recommended Reading:
Stone, Howard Strategies in Brief Pastoral Counseling Ch. 3
Benner, David, Strategic Pastoral Counseling: A Short Term Structured
Stone, Howard Brief Pastoral Counseling
Session #8
November 12th
Symptoms of Trauma and Treating Trauma
Acute Trauma, PTSD, Complex Trauma
Power point #5
Group Case Presentation #4 : Domestic Violence (ABC)
#Yoder, Christine The Little Book of Trauma
* Bancroft, Lundy, Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men: Why
Does He Do That? Ch. 1-5
Recommended Reading:
Herman, Judith Trauma and Recovery
Jones, Serene Trauma and Grace
Levine, Peter, Waking the Tiger
Rothschild, Babette, The Body Remembers
# Kanel, Kris, A Guide to Crisis Intervention, Ch. 10 p. 196-216
* Nienhuis, Nancy, “Thinking Theologically about Abuse and Violence” in
Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Vol. 59, No.1,2,
Spring/Summer 2005.
Fowler, Dawnovise and Roundtree, Michelle, “Exploring the Meaning and
Role of Spirituality for Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse” in
Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Vol. 63, No. 3,4, Fall/Winter,
Fortune, Marie, Keeping the Faith: Guidance for Christian Women Facing
Sokoloff, Natalie, Domestic Violence on the Margins: Readings on Domestic
Violence, Race, Class, Gender and Culture
Pellauer, Mary, et. al., Sexual Assault and Abuse: A Handbook for Clergy and
Religious Professionals
Session #9
November 19th
Third Brief Reflection Paper on Trauma or Brief Therapy Due
When Trauma Impacts the Whole Community
Clergy Self-Care in the Midst of Crisis and Trauma
The Rev. Matthew Crebin – Senior Pastor, Newtown Congregational Church, UCC
* Roberts, Stephen, “The Life Cycle of a Disaster,” Ch. 1 in Disaster Spiritual
Care: Practical Clergy Responses to Community, Regional and
National Tragedy, ed. Roberts, Stephen and Willard Ashley
*Roberts, Stephen, “Compassion Fatigue,” Ch. 13, and Raggio and Ashley,
“Self Care - Not an Option,” Ch. 2 in Disaster Spiritual Care
* Livingston, Canon, et. al., “From Honeymoon to Disillusionment to
Reconstruction,” Ch. 8 in Disaster Spiritual Care
* Kinsel, John, Working with Children and Adolescents after a Disaster, Ch. 16
# Holton, M. Jan Building the Resilient Community: Lessons from the Lost
Boys of Sudan
Recommended Reading:
Brenner, Daniel et. al., eds, Creating Spiritual and Psychological Resilience
Integrating Care in Disaster Work, New York: Routledge, 2010.
Session #10
December 3rd
Case Study Suicide Prevention (QPR)
Group Case Presentation #5- Pastoral Crisis Response to Loss of Faith in Aftermath of
Suicide (BPC)
Reading: *Quinett, Paul, Counseling Suicidal People, Intro, Ch. 1,2 and Appendix A & B
*Townsend, Loren Suicide: Pastoral Responses Ch. 4
# Kanel, Kristi Ch.6
Townsend, Loren, Suicide: Pastoral Responses
Session #11
December 10th
The Crisis of Child Abuse and Its Consequences
Spiritual Dimensions and Theological Issues around Abuse
Group Case Presentations # 6 Reporting Child Abuse
Reading: *Crosson, Cynthia, A Clergy Guide to Child Abuse and Neglect, Intro &
Chs. 1-6
#Kanel, Kris A Guide to Crisis Intervention Ch. 10.
Session #12
December 17th
Returning Combat Veterans and their Families: When Crisis Hits
Group Case Presentation # 7 Returning Vet to Family and Church (BPC)
Final Paper Due December TODAY
Late papers graded ½ grade down per day
Reading: # *Sippola, John Welcome Them Home: Help Them Heal: Pastoral Care and
Ministry with Service Members Returning from War
Recommended Reading:
Tick, Edward War and the Soul
Armstrong, Keith, Courage After Fire: Coping Strategies For Troops Returning from Iraq
and Afghanistan and Their Families