Pathways for Grief & Loss Pathways Hospice 970.663.3500

Pathways for
Grief & Loss
Providing support for those experiencing
the death of a loved one or coping
with serious illness
Pathways Hospice
Pathways for Grief & Loss
A path shows us the way when we feel lost. While we each
choose our own path in life, and in grief, sometimes we need
someone to guide us and walk by our side.
Pathways for Grief & Loss helps anyone in our community—
regardless of hospice involvement—who is grieving the
death of a loved one or dealing with serious illness. This
includes support for family members and caregivers. Our
grief counselors help people gain strength and heal through
connection, understanding and support.
Our nationally recognized program offers
· Grief counseling for adults, teens, children and families
· Support groups for all ages
· Expressive therapy groups, including art therapy
and writing
· Play therapy for children
· Memorial services
· Community education
· Library resources
· Consulting and debriefing for businesses, organizations
and schools
· In-services for healthcare professionals
We provide many ways for people to share, heal and grow in
times of loss. Please know that you are not alone. We’re here
to help.
What is grief?
Grief is a normal response to loss or change that can turn your
world upside down. Support at the right time can truly make
a difference.
The loss of a loved one is a life-changing experience, affecting
a person’s emotions, thoughts, behaviors and physical wellbeing. When someone is diagnosed or dealing with a serious
illness, they may face similar life changes.
A complicated process, grief can encompass a multitude of
thoughts and feelings. People may feel numb, sad, angry,
anxious, afraid or overwhelmed and have physical symptoms
ranging from exhaustion, crying and aches to insomnia and
loss of appetite. Each person grieves uniquely, with different
intensities and in his or her own time. And while grief is a
normal response to loss, it may feel anything but normal when
you are experiencing it.
We are here to provide support during this time of stress
and change.
Pathways counselors
Recognized as leaders in bereavement care, many of our
experienced counselors also have specialized training and
expertise, including art therapy, children’s play therapy, and
pregnancy or infant loss. They provide one-on-one and family
counseling and facilitate support groups. They also offer
educational programs and offsite consultation in schools,
organizations and workplaces.
Registration & fees
Please call us at 970.663.3500 for more information about
our services, support groups, registration and fees. Our
website includes a complete list and calendar of grief support
programs, as well as resource materials about grief, loss and
To keep our services accessible to anyone in need, we offer
sliding-scale fees for individuals and families, hourly rates for
businesses, discounted rates for non-profit organizations, and
services to schools at no cost.
Programs & services
Individual counseling
Art Therapy C T A C G I By appointment
Pathways art therapists offer individual sessions for both
children and adults in our art therapy studio. Gently guided by
an experienced art therapist, people find ways to explore and
express their grief experiences, unfolding meaning and insight
through their art-making process.
Play Therapy C C I By appointment
Children naturally express experiences, thoughts and emotions
through play, and it serves an important developmental
function in problem solving and learning. Play therapy helps
children cope with challenges and process difficult events,
such as death, in a way that comes naturally to them and does
not require verbal expression.
Sand Tray Therapy C C I By appointment
In this dynamic process, children use figurines, miniature
objects, trays of sand and sometimes water to create worlds
in the sand. These worlds can represent the unconscious or
conscious life of a child. Primarily a non-verbal medium, sand
tray therapy can go beyond the reach of language to tell a
story of loss to a caring and attentive grief counselor.
Private Counseling C T A I By appointment
Pathways grief counselors provide specialized private,
individual counseling for adults, adolescents and children who
are grieving or living with a serious illness.
Fees: Family members of Pathways Hospice patients receive
counseling, without charge, as part of the patient’s hospice
benefit. For other community members, Pathways for Grief
& Loss provides grief counseling on a sliding-scale based
on ability to pay.
Key: C Children C Creative Therapy
T Teens
G Group
A Adult
I Individual
Support groups
Caring with H’Art A C G
Open to anyone caring for someone with a serious illness, this
art group provides a supportive environment for sharing ideas,
gaining support and learning about self-care. Participants
need not have experience with art, just a willingness to have
fun and discover their creative potential.
Bereaved Parents A G
This group supports parents who have lost a child of any age.
The group provides an opportunity to connect with other
bereaved parents in a safe, supportive environment. Guided by
grief counselors, participants discuss grief, loss, relationship
changes, and strategies for coping with the loss.
Explorations—Adult Retreat A C G
In this two-day retreat, adults grieving the death of a loved
one have the opportunity to express grief and explore losses
through writing, art, music and movement. No prior experience
is necessary, just a curiosity and interest in engaging the
creative self in exploring grief.
Family Grief Connection C T A G
Designed for families who have experienced the death of
a family member, this program offers support groups for
children, teens and parents at the same time, so that everyone
in the family may conveniently attend a specialized, agespecific support group.
Kids Grief Connection gives children ages six to twelve help
in understanding and expressing their feelings of loss.
Teens Grief Connection is open to teens grieving the death
of a family member or friend. The group focuses on the unique
issues of teenage grief in a safe setting among other
bereaved teens.
Parents Grief Connection provides support and education
to parents whose children are grieving a death loss.
Following Image A C G
This art therapy group helps participants tap into the
creative process to find new and healthy ways to relate to
their experience of loss. Art making offers an active way
of responding to difficult experiences, helping people relax
and feel a sense empowerment in the midst of sometimes
overwhelming circumstances.
Journey by Journaling A C G
This group provides support and structure for exploring loss
by beginning, continuing, or deepening one’s journaling.
A journal can be a simple and personal record of the grief
journey and a helpful companion during this transition.
Kids, Horses, Healing C T G
A therapeutic riding retreat for bereaved children and teens,
this program is a collaboration between Pathways and the
Hearts & Horses Therapeutic Riding Center in Loveland.
Participants explore grief through activities including the care
of horses, horseback riding and group counseling facilitated by
a Pathways grief counselor.
Memorial Services T A G
Evening of Remembrance services are held each year in
January and July. We invite anyone in our community to join
in this special time for remembering loved ones.
Newly Bereaved A G
For people whose loved one has died in the previous three
months, this group helps answer questions such as “What is
happening to me?” and “What can I do to help myself?”
On Our Own A G
A monthly drop-in group, On Our Own offers mutual
support and education on topics of concern to widowed
men and women.
Key: C Children C Creative Therapy
T Teens
G Group
A Adult
I Individual
Path with H’Art A C G
This art-based group for people with chronic illness provides
an opportunity for self-care through art making in a relaxing
environment while connecting with others who share similar
experiences. Participants need not have art experience, just a
willingness to discover their creative potential.
Surviving the Holidays A G
The holiday season after the death of a loved one can be
a very difficult time. The familiar routines and traditions
may seem empty and hollow. Surviving the Holidays provides
strategies and ideas for navigating the holiday season.
Survivors of Suicide A G By appointment
For more information on this support group, please call the
Suicide Resource Center at 970.635.9301.
The Mourning After A G
Open to adults who have experienced the death of a loved
one, The Mourning After provides grief education and support
with guidance from professional grief counselors. Participants
find community and support through shared experience.
The Next Course A G
In this series of cooking classes for widowed persons, local
chefs and caterers teach basic recipes and food preparation
techniques. Participants then share a meal and socialize with
others in the class.
Writing Through Loss A C G
Many people find writing a valuable tool for self-care and
expression after the loss of a loved one. Facilitated by a
creative writing teacher and grief counselor, this group helps
participants gain insights into their grief by exploring their
thoughts, emotions and circumstances through writing.
Community education, consulting & debriefing
Forgotten Mourners C T G
The Forgotten Mourners program is designed to help teachers,
counselors and other school staff gain a better understanding
of the processes of grief and loss as experienced by children
and teens when a significant death loss has occurred.
Grief in the Workplace A G
This program provides education and support for businesses
and organizations when an employee has died or a co-worker
returns to work following a death in the family.
· Consultation & Education: The powerful emotions of
grief can impair people’s judgment and decision-making
and increase risk of injury in the workplace. Pathways
grief counselors consult with managers and supervisors
to assist in developing grief response plans to support
employees and mitigate risks.
· Debriefing & Support: Providing support and debriefing
to employees following the death of co-worker or loved
one can help them cope with the loss. Counselors
from Pathways for Grief & Loss are available for group
counseling in the workplace.
Summer Grief Education Series A G
Pathways staff grief counselors present topics such as What is
Grief?, Families Experiencing Grief, and The Importance of Self
Care When Grieving. All sessions are open to those grieving
the death of a loved one or anyone providing support to
bereaved persons.
Educational seminars A G
Pathways for Grief & Loss has developed special presentations
to help parents, children, managers, educators and
organizations better understand the experiences of grief and
loss. Topics include Understanding Grief, Helping a Grieving
Colleague, Helping Children with Grief, and When a Co-worker
Dies or Is Terminally Ill.
Key: C Children C Creative Therapy
T Teens
G Group
A Adult
I Individual |
305 Carpenter Rd., Fort Collins, CO 80525
1580 Main Street, Suite 2, Windsor, CO 80550