
Mingnan Liu
Curriculum Vitae
Business address:
101 Lytton Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301
Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (Survey Methodology);
Defended: November, 2014
M.S. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (Sociology)
Peking University, China (Sociology)
Peking University, China (Japanese)
Survey Scientist, SurveyMonkey, Palo Alto, CA
Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Teaching Assistant, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Mingnan Liu and Yichen Wang. Forthcoming. “Interviewer Gender Effect on
Acquiescent Response Style among 11 Asian Countries.” Field Methods.
Mingnan Liu and Yichen Wang. Forthcoming. “Comparison of Face-to-Face
and Web Surveys on the Topic of homosexual Rights.” Journal of
Mingnan Liu, Sunghee Lee, and Frederick Conrad. Forthcoming. “Extreme
Response Styles Between Agree-Disagree and Item Specific Scales.” Public
Opinion Quarterly.
Mingnan Liu and Yichen Wang. 2015. “Data Collection Mode Effect on Feeling
Thermometer Questions: A Comparison of Face-to-Face and Web Surveys.”
Computers in Human Behavior, 48: 212-218.
Liu-­‐CV 1 •
Mingnan Liu and Yichen Wang. 2014. “Comparing Face-to-Face and Web
Surveys on Political Knowledge Questions.” Survey Methods: Insights from the
Mingnan Liu and Kevin Stainback. 2013. “Interviewer Gender Effects on Survey
Responses to Marriage-Related Questions.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 77(2):
Mingnan Liu. 2009. “The Investigation of Second Language Learning Attitudes:
A Study of Foreign Students in China.” Journal of Yunnan Normal University
(Teaching and Research on Chinese as A Foreign Language Edition), 7(5),
pp.43-48. [In Chinese]
Mingnan Liu and Yichen Wang. (revise and resubmit) “The Effect of Face-toface and Web Surveys on Abortion Questions.” Contraception.
Mingnan Liu and Yichen Wang. (revise and resubmit) “Race-of-Interviewer
Effect in the Computer-Assisted Self-Interview Module in a Face-To-Face Survey.”
International Journal of Public Opinion Research.
Mingnan Liu and Yichen Wang. (under review) “The Effect of Perceived
Interviewer Race on Survey Responses among a Sample of Asian American.”
Mingnan Liu, Frederick Conrad, and Sunghee Lee. (under review) “Examining
Acquiescent and Extreme Response Styles Between Face-to-Face and Web
Mingnan Liu and Florian Keusch. (under review) “Effects of Ordinal Rating
Scale Direction on Acquiescent and Extreme Response Style.”
Sunghee Lee, Mingnan Liu, and Mengyao Hu. (under review) “Associations
between Time Perspectives and Item Nonresponse on Expectation Questions: A
Cross-Cultural Perspective.”
Mingnan Liu, Tuba Suzer-Gurtekin, Florian Keusch, and Sunghee Lee.
(Accepted, to be published in 2017). “Response Styles in Cross-Cultural Surveys:
A Tutorial on Estimation and Adjustment Methods and Empirical Applications.”
In Advances in Comparative Survey Methodology, edited by Timothy Johnson,
Beth-Ellen Pennell, Ineke Stoop, and Brita Dorer, Wiley.
Sunghee Lee, Florian Keusch, Norbert Schwarz, Mingnan Liu, and Tuba SuzerGurtekin. (Accepted, to be published in 2017). “Cross-Cultural Comparability of
Response Patterns of Expectation Questions: A Role of Cultural Orientations of
Time Perspectives and Locus of Control.” In Advances in Comparative Survey
Liu-­‐CV 2 Methodology, edited by Timothy Johnson, Beth-Ellen Pennell, Ineke Stoop, and
Brita Dorer, Wiley.
Mingnan Liu. (draft available) “The Effect of Acculturation on Extreme
Response Style: A Mediation Analysis among a Sample of Arab American Adults.”
Mingnan Liu, James M. Lepkowski and Yichen Wang. (draft available)
“Comparison of Computer-Assisted Self-Interview and Web Survey in Asking
Sensitive Questions.”
Mingnan Liu. (draft available) “The Effect of Acculturation on Extreme
Response Style: A Mediation Analysis among a Sample of Arab American Adults.”
Mingnan Liu and Frederick Conrad. (draft available) “An Experiment Testing
Six Formats of 0-to-100 Rating Scales.”
Sunghee Lee, Julia Lee, Mingnan Liu, and Jennifer Kelly. (draft
available) “Quantitative Evaluation of Questionnaire Translation with Bilingual
Zeynep Tuba Suzer-Gurtekin, Mahmoud Elkasabi, James M. Lepkowski,
Mingnan Liu, Richard Curtin, and Rebecca McBee (draft available) “Contact
Strategies Effect on Participation in Mixed-Mode ABS Surveys.”
Mingnan Liu. (in preparation)“Reducing Midpoint Misperceptions on 1-to-10
Mingnan Liu, Frederick Conrad and Sunghee Lee (May 2015). Examining
Acquiescent and Extreme Response Styles between Face-to-Face and Web
Surveys. The 70th Annual Conference of the American Association for Public
Opinion Research, Hollywood, Florida.
Mingnan Liu, Noble Kuriakose, Jon Cohen and Sarah Cho (May 2015). Impact
of Images on Survey Participation, Respondents, and Online Panel Recruitment.
The 70th Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion
Research, Hollywood, Florida.
Noble Kuriakose, Jon Cohen, Sarah Cho and Mingnan Liu (May 2015).
Predictors of Completion Rates in Online Surveys. The 70th Annual Conference
of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Hollywood, Florida.
Yichen Wang and Mingnan Liu (May 2015). Race-of-Interviewer Effect in the
Computer-Assisted Self-Interview Module in a Face-To-Face Survey. The 70th
Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research,
Hollywood, Florida.
Liu-­‐CV 3 •
Viet Nguyen, Mingnan Liu, Colleen McClain, Nina Pourahmadi, Jenny Kelly
(November 2014). Understanding First Contacts on Cell Phones: Interview Voice
Characteristics, Perceived Interviewer. The 39th Annual Conference of Midwest
Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, Illinois.
Mingnan Liu, Sunghee Lee and Frederick Conrad (May 2014). The Effect of
Acculturation on Extreme Response Style: A Mediation Analysis among a Sample
of Arab American Adults. The 69th Annual Conference of the American
Association for Public Opinion Research, Anaheim, California.
Sunghee Lee, Mingnan Liu and Mengyao Hu. (May 2014). Differential
Response Styles of Subjective Life Expectancy and Cultural Differences in Time
Orientation. The 69th Annual Conference of the American Association for Public
Opinion Research, Anaheim, California.
Sunghee Lee, Mingnan Liu, Mengyao Hu and Colleen McClain. (May 2014).
McClain, C. Increasing Cross-National Comparability of Disability Measures with
Anchoring Vignettes. The 69th Annual Conference of the American Association
for Public Opinion Research, Anaheim, California.
Yichen Wang, Brady West and Mingnan Liu. (May 2014) Interviewer
Perception of Survey Data Quality. The 69th Annual Conference of the American
Association for Public Opinion Research, Anaheim, California.
Sunghee Lee, Mingnan Liu and Norbert Schwarz. (March 2014). Mortality
Prediction Using Self-Rated Health and Morality Expectations. Comparative
Survey Design and Implementation 2014 Workshop, Bethesda, Maryland.
Sunghee Lee, Mingnan Liu, Mengyao Hu. (March 2014). Differential Response
Styles of Subjective Life Expectancy and Cultural Differences in Time
Orientation. Comparative Survey Design and Implementation 2014 Workshop,
Bethesda, Maryland.
Mengyao Hu, Sunghee Lee and Mingnan Liu. (March 2014). Increasing CrossNational Comparability of Disability Measures with Anchoring Vignettes.
Comparative Survey Design and Implementation 2014 Workshop, Bethesda,
Yichen Wang, Brady West and Mingnan Liu. (November 2013). Interviewer
Perception of Survey Data Quality. The 38th Annual Conference of Midwest
Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, Illinois.
Mengyao Hu, Sunghee Lee and Mingnan Liu. (November 2013). Using Vignette
Questions to Correct for Response Scale Usage. The 38th Annual Conference of
Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, Illinois.
Ting Yan, Frederick Conrad and Mingnan Liu. (May 2013) Impact of Contact
Order on Interviewer Speech and Interaction Characteristics during Survey
Liu-­‐CV 4 Interview Introduction. Interviewer-Respondent Interaction Workshop, Boston,
Mingnan Liu and Sunghee Lee. (May 2013). Measurement of Self-rated Health
among U.S. Hispanic Population. The 68th Annual Conference of the American
Association for Public Opinion Research, Boston, Massachusetts.
Mingnan Liu and Sunghee Lee. (March 2013) Measurement of Self-rated
Health among U.S. Hispanic Population. The 7th Michigan Student Symposium
for Interdisciplinary Statistical Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Sunghee Lee, Norbert Schwarz and Mingnan Liu. (March 2013). Mortality
Prediction using Self-rated Health and Mortality Expectations. Comparative
Survey Design and Implementation 2013 Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden.
James M. Lepkowski, Mingnan Liu and Lirui He. (February 2013). Surveys of
Consumers Attitudes Mode and Frame Research 2009-2012. JPSM/MPSM
Survey Methodology Seminar Series, Institute for Social Research, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
James M. Lepkowski, Mahmoud Elkasabi, Zeynep Tuba Suzer-Gurtekin,
Mingnan Liu and Lirui He. (October 2012). Summary of Survey of Comsumer
Attitudes Mode and Frame Research, 2009-2012. Survey Design Group, Institute
for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Mingnan Liu, Mahmoud Elkasabi, Zeynep Tuba Suzer-Gurtekin, James M.
Lepkowski, Richard Curtin,and Rebecca McBee. (November 2011). Contact
Strategies Effect on Participation in Mixed-Mode ABS Surveys. The 37th Annual
Conference of Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago,
Mingnan Liu and Kevin Stainback. (May 2011). Interviewer Gender Effects on
Survey Responses to Marriage-Related Questions. The 66th Annual Conference
of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Phoenix, Arizona.
Ad hoc Journal Reviewer:
Field Methods
Conference Abstract Reviewer: American Association for Public Opinion Research
2014 Annual Conference
Liu-­‐CV American Association for Public Opinion Association
Midwest Association for Public Opinion Association
Pacific Association for Public Opinion Association
American Statistical Association
Updated: March 2015