50 days of prayer and action April 5– May 24, 2015 Missions Ministry Team Cumberland Presbyterian Church Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat April 5 Say a prayer celebrating that God’s mission was fulfilled in Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection. Pray remembering that you are now called to accomplish God’s mission in the world today. April 6 Pray that God will bless the new Stott-Wallace Missionary Offering Fund to help send missionaries throughout the world. April 7 Focus on the different continents where the CP Church is present. Pray for the CP missionary efforts in Africa, Asia, North America, Central America, and South April 8 Today’s prayer is focused on the Americas. Pray for our mission work in the US, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, and Brazil. April 9 Pray for all new immigrants coming to live to the US and for our Cross-Culture immigrant program. Pray for our different ministries among Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Liberians, Sudanese, and Latinos. April 10 Focus on Mexico for today’s prayer. Pray for our Colombian missionaries in Mexico, Carlos Rivera & Luz Dary Guerrero. Pray for the developing CP April 11 God is good and we praise the name of Lord Jesus Christ in Mexico. Pray for the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ in Mexico through the CP April 12 Pray for Colombian CP missionaries Fhanor Pejendino, Socorro Delgado, and Anay Ortega. Pray for the growing CP church in Guatemala, and the vision to extend the CP Church into el Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras. April 13 Pray for the CP Guatemalan council of churches which consists of 3 churches and one medical clinic. Pray for the new “Promising Future” program in the different schools in Guatemala City and metro area. April 14 Focus on South America. Pray for the CP ministries in Brazil and Colombia. There are over 40 organized CP Churches in Colombia, and many mission churches. April 15 Give a prayer of thanksgiving for the ministry of Boyce & Beth Wallace, missionaries to Colombia for the past 53 years. April 16 Pray with thanksgiving for the 90 years of missionary effort of the CP church in Colombia. April 17 Pray for Andes and Cauca Valley Presbytery in Colombia and their new church developments around the country. April 18 Pray for the missionaries Keishi and Kazuko Ishitsuka (soon retiring) and the mission work of Japan Presbytery in Brazil. April 19 Focus on Asia where Christianity is a minority. Pray for the CP ministries in Cambodia, Hong Kong, Japan, Laos, the Philippines, South Korea, and Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia. April 20 Pray for the Asian Mission Forum which consists of representatives from Cambodia, Hong Kong, Japan, Laos, the Philippines, and South Korea. April 21 Pray for our two CP ministers and missionaries serving in Cambodia and Laos. April 22 Pray for Missionary Glen Watts who is currently serving in Hong Kong. April 23 Pray for Hong Kong Presbytery and the proclamation of the good news of Christ through their 10 congregations, 3 schools and around 1,300 CP members. April 24 Pray for Japan Presbytery and their ministries through 14 churches, two kindergartens, and 1,250 active church members. April 25 Pray for Japanese CP missionaries and ministers serving in the US and Brazil through Japanese speaking churches. April 26 Pray for our South Korean missionaries Daniel and Kay Jang to the Philippines. Daniel is an ordained CP pastor and has planted one CP church and three CP missions in Iloilo. April 27 Pray for the new endorsed missionaries to the Philippines, rev. John and Joy Park. They are currently on deputation (raising money) to be missionaries in Iloilo, Philippines. April 28 Pray for the ministries of the CP council of churches in the Philippines which consists of 4 churches and missions. April 29 Pray with thanksgiving for 8 Filipinos who have been studying and preparing to serve in the ministry. April 30 Pray for the CP ministries in South Korea and all the CP Korean Missionaries and ministers serving in different countries of Asia, and in the US. May 1 Pray for CP council of churches of South Korean which consists of 4 churches. May 2 Praise the Lord for the East Coast Korean Presbytery in the US, that it is the first Korean Presbytery in the US. First week April 5-11 First week action: Visit http:// ministrycouncil.cumberland.org/ assets/1612/global_missions.pdf to learn more and share with others about the CP Global Missions. Second week April 12-18 Action of the week: Write down your personal and creative ideas to raise funds for the Stott Wallace Missionary Offering Fund during this week. Share those ideas with your pastor, brothers and sisters and even with MMT on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ pages/Missions-Ministry-Team/415283581898545 Third week April 19-25 Action of the week. Ask your pastor and session members to announce to the church all the CP missionaries and countries where we have churches, asking for prayer and support for our missionaries by giving to the StottWallace Offering Fund on Pentecost. Sunday. Fourth week April 26-may 2 Action of the week Visit the Mission Gift Catalog and check the different ways you can support the Mission work of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church around the world. http:// ministrycouncil.cumberland.org/giving 50 Days of Prayer and Action April 5– May 24, 2015 Missions Ministry Team Cumberland Presbyterian Church Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat May 3 Pray for the 2 CP Ministers and missionaries serving in Kyrgyzstan (Central Asia) with a non-denominational missionary agency - a country closed to the gospel. May 4 Focus on Africa. Pray for our CP missionaries Kenneth and Delight Hobson, who are serving in Uganda with a non-denominational missionary agency. May 5 Pray for the African CP probationers and ministers with different nationalities serving the US. Pray for the Sudanese Church in Nashville Presbytery. America. There are CP May 6 Focus on our CP missionminded heritage. Give thanks for all CPs around the world as a result of missionary efforts. May 7 Give thanks for all CPs from different generations who have given sacrificially to the CP missionary efforts. May 8 Pray for the Women’s ministry of the CP Church and their continuous vision of and passion for Missions. and the missionary efforts in Mexico City and Metro May 9 Pray for the current generation of CPs and our opportunity to continue the CP heritage of supporting missions through the StottWallace Offering Fund. May 10 Focus on the different social, political, economical issues around the world. Pray for peace, justice and love through the real presence of Christ in all CPs serving God around the world. May 11 Pray for reconciliation, forgiveness and restoration of families, communities, cities, and countries where the Cumberland Presbyterian Church is Present. May 12 Pray for all our international presbyteries outside the US. Pray for Andes Presbytery, Cauca Valley Presbytery, Hong Kong Presbytery, and Japan Presbytery. May 13 Pray for all our councils of churches outside the US where there are no Presbyteries. Pray for the Filipino Council May 14 Pray for God's wisdom & guidance as we attempt to assimilate new churches into the CP Church. Pray for the future formation of new presbyteries outside the US. May 15 Pray for all CPs who are discerning their missionary call to serve the Lord in a different country May 16 Pray that people will continue to answer God's call to missionary service with "Here I am, send me!" May 17 Pray for wisdom for the staff of the Missions Ministry Team, tasked to guide & expand the CP Church's mission program. May 18 Give thanks for the countless short-term missionaries, mission teams, & work groups sent from the CP Church. May 19 Pray for Our United Outreach (OUO) as our great effort to serve the Lord as CPs in different ministries. May 20 Pray for the new missionary liaison program, which assists the CP mission work. May 21 Pray for God's guidance of the different teams of the Ministry Council as they explore ways to assist in missions. May 22 Pray for God's call on the hearts of men & women to surrender to the call to missionary service. May 23 Pray for God's protection over our missionaries serving in difficult and dangerous places. May 24 Pray that God will use YOU to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the whole world. Action: CPs can give to the Missionary Support Fund anytime during the year. Encourage your local congregation to support the Stott-Wallace Misionary Offering Fund. Missions Ministry Team 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016 901-276-4572 For online donations visit: https://ministrycouncil.cumberland.org/mmt-programs-and-projects-online-donations Fifth Week May3-May 9 Action of the week: Contact the director of the Global Ministries, Rev. Lynn Thomas at lynndont@gmail.com or look at our Website and learn what Second Mile projects are available to support. Sixth week May 10-16 Action: In preparation for Pentecost Sunday, visit the StottWallace offering Fund website at http:// ministrycouncil.cumberland.org/swmof to discover and share all the different resources available with your family, church members, and session. Seventh week May 17-23 Stott-Wallace Missionary Support Fund One hundred percent of the Stott–Wallace Missionary Offering goes to support salaries and benefits of our CP missionaries. We need approximately $350,000 in 2015 to support all of our missionaries. Think About This, if 500 CPs Give $2,000 a year, we will have 1 Million dollars, and recruit more missionaries.
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