259 New Brunswick Ave., Suite 202, Fords, New Jersey 08863 UNDER THE RELIGIOUS SUPERVISION OF Offers Monday, March 16, 2015 To Wednesday, 25, 2015 COST $ 2,500.00 PER PERSON QUAD SHARING Stay Details ۞ 4 Nights in Makkah Al-Mukarramah in Marwa Tower Hotel. ۞ 4 Nights in Madinah Al-Munawwarah in Anwar Almadina Movenpick Hotel. The Package Includes: ۞ HOU/JED/HOU Airline Tickets. ۞ Umrah Visa Processing. ۞ Full Ground Transportation by Air-conditioned Buses in Saudi Arabia. ۞ Oriental Buffet Meals (Breakfast ONLY). ۞ Visit to Historical Holy Sites in Madinah Munawarah and Makkah Muazima. ۞ Group Accompanied by Experienced Bilingual Guides & Scholars. For more information, Please call: Hafiz Mohammad Iqbal (713) 534-2376 Khawar Ali (832) 359-7789 Ghulam Ahmad Khan (713) 772-7000 Khawar_bmw@yahoo.com, GAHMADKHAN@GMAIL.COM 259 New Brunswick Ave., Suite 202, Fords, New Jersey 08863 UNDER THE RELIGIOUS SUPERVISION OF Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State:________________ Zip : ___________________ Telephone: Home: _________________ Cell : ________________ Fax : ____________________ Email Address: ________________________________________________________________ Other : Last ________________________ First _________________________________ Please send photo copies of your valid passport with the applications. Those intending to go to India/Pakistan, indicate City __________________________________ Return Date____________________________ 1. Machine-Readable Original Passport valid for at least seven months from travel date (with enough blank pages for visa). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inoculation against meningitis. Copy of birth certificate for children. Copy of marriage certificate for a couple. Submit two recent passport pictures with white background only. Submit a passport that is valid for seven months from the date of travel. Copy of US Re-Entry permit (copy of Green Card is also required). Copy of Green Card (For non-US Citizens). Please fill out the visa application completely. 10. Over 45-year sisters, traveling without their Mahrams, must provide Permission Letter from their Mahrams concerned. 11. Please sign the terms and condition page after reading it carefully and send us along with your documents. 12. Pilgrims who have non-Islamic names must have a certificate or a letter from a Islamic Center showing their conversion to Islam. Dated: ___________________ _____________________________ Signature by Head of the Family (Name in Block Letters) Note: Please mail the Check in favor of CARAVAN TRAVEL INC. with the form duly completed at the following address:KHAWAR ALI 6665 BINTLIFF DR. HOUSTON, TX-77074 PAYMENT RECORD GENERAL RECORD First Payment Vaccination Second Payment Passport Certificates 259 New Brunswick Ave., Suite 202, Fords, New Jersey 08863 UNDER THE RELIGIOUS SUPERVISION OF DISCLAIMER The responsibilities of Caravan T ravel Inc. as the tour operator or their agents are limited. Caravan Travel Inc. located at 259 New Brunswick Avenue, Suite 202, Fords, New Jersey 08863 acts only as an agent for the passengers in all matters relating to travel arrangements and for the various companies over the lines of which tickets are available and the tours operate. i.e., airlines tickets, hotels, buses or any other services in connection with their tour. And as such, assumes no responsibility for any delay, change in schedule, loss, injury and damage to, or in respect to any persons or properties however caused or arising in connection with the services of any trains, vehicles, carriers, aircraft, motor or other conveyances or hotel which may used, whether wholly or in part in the performance of its duty to the passengers. Caravan Travel Inc. assumes no liability whatsoever for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of defect, through the acts or defaults of any company or person engaged in conveying passengers or in carrying out the arrangements of the tour, or as a direct or indirect result of acts of God, dangerous incidents in the air, sea, fire, breakdown in machinery or equipment, acts of governments or other authorities de jure or de facto, war, whether declared or not, hostilities, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, theft, pilferage, epidemics, quarantines, medical or customs regulations, or from any causes beyond Caravan T ravel Inc.'s control, or from any loss or damage resulting from improper passports, visas, green card, transit visa or other documents. Caravan Travel Inc. is not responsible for the granting or denying of any type of visa or documents. It is understood and agreed that Caravan T ravel Inc. does not assume any responsibility for handling your passports and other documents. You hereby agree to indemnify and hold Caravan Travel Inc. harmless against any cause of action, lawsuit, or other liability that arises from the delivery of your documents to or by any overnight mail delivery carrier, including, but not limited to, FEDEX, DHL, UPS and USPS couriers. Any issues relating to the delivery of packages/passport are to be addressed with these respective agencies. Caravan Travel Inc. will not be responsible for failure to follow instructions, including but not limited to check-in and check-out times and baggage handling. In the event of flight delay or miss connection, it is the responsibility of the airlines to determine exactly what procedure will be followed. Caravan Travel Inc. takes no responsibility of any additional costs due to delay of meals during Umrah or miss connection of confirm flights, baggage delay or transit layover hotel accommodations. All additional costs will be solely the responsibility of the passenger and Caravan T ravel Inc. will not be liable. The policy chosen by that carrier shall be based on its procedures and shall not be the responsibility of Caravan T ravel Inc. and its affiliates will not be responsible for any person's missing any part of the program due to his negligence or delay or absenteeism for anytime during the tour and will not be responsible for any additional expenses for the participant to rejoin the tour. No refund will be given for any services rendered and not utilized. Reservations should be made with a package price payment in full. A valid passport is due at the time of payment. I have read the Disclaimer of Caravan T ravel Inc. By submitting my passport or payment to Caravan T ravel Inc. through delivery service, in person drop off, and / or electronically, I agree completely to the above contract. NAME: ________________________________________ SIGNAT URE: ___________________ DAT E: ____/____/____ T EL: _____________________________ E-MAIL: _________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS : ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
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