MISSION HILLS TOWN COUNCIL 325 W. WASHINGTON ST, #2159 SAN DIEGO, CA 92103 www.MissionHillsTownCouncil.org Board of Trustees Mike Zdon, President Belinda Smith, Vice President Carin Canale-Theakson Treasurer Gavin Grant, Secretary Lara Gates Jasper Benke Bob Rast Sharon Gehl Bernard King Gina Barnes Christina Woods David Espinosa Penny Giacalone Jim Scott Anthony Nykos MINUTES Mission Hills Town Council Trustees Meeting, held at Canale Communications, Thursday March 13, 2014 6:00PM _________________________________________________________________________________________ Present: Mike Zdon, Lara Gates, Bernard King, Gavin Grant, Bob Rast, Belinda Smith, Jasper Benke, Tony Nyikos, Jim Scott, Carin Canale, Gina Barnes, Sharon Gehl Absent: Mike Zdon, Bernard King, Penny Giacalone 6:00p.m. Called to order by Belinda Smith, Vice President COMMUNITY COURT PROGRAM ● Howard Guess, the deputy City Attorney, presented a proposal to implement a new Community Court Program in the Mission Hills community. ● This program will be similar to the Beach Area Community Court Program, which covers low level crimes and is based on “restorative justice”. ● Restorative Justice is a concept that brings the community into the center of the criminal justice system, involving them from beginning to end. The Restorative Justice Model emphasizes education and making amends, and is often credited with reducing recidivism and improving the quality of life of communities that embrace it. ● Howard is looking for ideas on what minor crimes (graffiti, etc.) are of concern to Mission Hills residents. ● Homeless issues will not be run through this system. COMBAT ARTS PROGRAM MURAL ● Elizabeth Washburn explained that the Combat Arts Project are art classes for veterans who are dealing with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). ● The art revolves around unique situations that occur during combat. ● Elizabeth is looking for a location to install a mural in Mission Hills and if possible sources of funding. ● The cost for each mural will be about $10,000, where printing is the most expensive component. ● This cost includes supplies, installation, permits, a video, and a website. ● The minimum size of the mural will be about 10’ x 8’. ● Elizabeth will discuss this with the Mission Hills Garden Club next. ● For more information, see www.ewashburn.com. SIGHTSEEING TOUR ● A gentleman by the name of Timothy brought up that his sightseeing tour company plans to go through Mission Hills from Old Town to Balboa Park. ● Tim is looking for ideas of what significant Mission Hills landmarks he can include on his tour. ● Call Tim at (858) 395-3122 with any ideas. NEXTDOOR.COM ● Pavel Ratnovskiy, the San Diego Field Organizer for Nextdoor.com, introduced the group to their website. ● Nextdoor.com is a free private, social network that is community based. ● Only local businesses contribute. POWERS PLUMBING 100TH ANNIVERSARY ● Belinda Smith, Bob Rast, Gavin Grant and Jim Scott will represent the MHTC at a table in front of the Powers Plumbing store on April 5th at 9am. ● Anthony Nykos volunteered. SUNSET STREET LIGHTING CEREMONY ● No date has been set for this event. GRANT SCHOOL 100 TREES PLANTING ● Lara Gates is leading this effort and announced that this program will be rolling out soon. ● Lara proposed crapemyrtle trees. PATIO RESTAURANT ● The estimated opening date is August 2014. ● The MHTC is interested in working with the owners for a fundraising event, details TBD. ● David Espinosa mentioned that he knows the owner and can act as a liaison with the restaurant. PIONEER PARK ADA IMPROVEMENTS ● The MHTC has been in communication with the City of San Diego on requesting ADA improvements be made to the bathrooms in Pioneer Park. ● Lara Gates contacted the City and didn’t receive a firm response and believes these improvements won’t be made for a while. UPTOWN PLANNING BOARD ELECTIONS ● The Uptown Planning Committee held elections on March 4, 2014. ● Sharon Gehl ran to become a Board member, but was not elected. ● Sharon mentioned that Tom Mullaney was elected and Ken Tablang maintained his position. SANDAG: UPTOWN REGIONAL BIKE CORRIDOR PROJECT ● ● ● ● ● ● The Trustees have drafted a letter of support for the project to SANDAG and Todd Gloria. The letter was presented to all of the Trustees for final approval. John Lomac voiced concerns about parking mitigation and what will be done to increase safety on Washington St. where people park to access Five Points. John said businesses should not feel entitled to street parking and that the street parking is a blight and safety concern. Sharon Gehl mentioned that SANDAG is looking into options for parking on Washington. Jasper Benke suggested the MHTC revise the letter to include language that addresses the Washington street parking concerns. Lara Gates updated the letter per the concerns and the Trustees approved the final draft. SUMMER CONCERTS ● The MHTC requested grants from both City and County governments to help fund the concerts. ● The MHTC also reached out to local businesses for support. ● A $5,000 grant application was approved. ● Safdie Rabines Architects donated $1,000. ● Brooklyn Girl donated $2,000. ● The following bands are on board with performing: ○ Dazed and Confused (a Led Zeppelin cover band) ○ Hullabaloo (a folk duo geared towards children’s music) ○ High Society Jazz Band ○ A Frank Sinatra cover band ● The concerts begin on June 20th and the final concert will be on August 22nd. ● Lara Gates is working on hiring the sound/stage/fence vendor. The current bid appears to be high, so Lara will be negotiating on price. ● Jasper Benke suggested offering a multi-year agreement to lower the price. REQUESTS FOR PRESENTATIONS AT THE APRIL 10TH TOWN HALL MEETING ● Sharon Gehl is adding a third request to present: ○ The City Works Department is replacing pipe along University Avenue to cast iron and Sharon felt they should present at the upcoming Town Hall meeting to inform the community. ○ The Trustees approved this request. ● The Trustees approved adding Elizabeth Washburn’s Combat Art Mural project to the upcoming meeting. ● The Trustees did not feel a need to have Howard Guess, the deputy City Attorney, announce the proposed Community Court Program. More serious crimes are the main concern. ● The Trustees approved adding a joint presentation by the Neighborhood Watch and the Police Department to the Town Hall meeting. ○ They will discuss crimes committed in the neighborhood and what residents can do to report or prevent crimes. ○ They will also address concerns with the homeless, transient population in Mission Hills. ● Lara Gates gave an example of graphic crimes frequently being committed at the Hillside Artisans Children's Boutique on Washington. These violations cannot be ignored and the Trustees are working to have the Police Department address these crimes. ● David Espinosa mentioned the car break-in’s near his home on Pringle Street. The rear windows were broken on several cars. GOLDFINCH-WEST LEWIS POCKET PARK ● There is no update on this project. MHTC FUND RAISING PROGRAM ● Carin Canale-Theakson presented the idea of having a “Mission Hills Winter Wonderland Program Fund ● Raiser”, similar to the one thrown at the East Village last year. The Winter Wonderland Program will be focused around businesses and the MHTC will partner with the ● BID on this event. Tony Nykos and Carin Canale-Theakson will coordinate together on a meeting date to begin brainstorming ideas. PIONEER PARK LOT SAND REPLACEMENT ● Lara Gates is working with the City to replenish the sand that is diminishing in the children’s play area in Pioneer Park. ● The MHTC approved funding of sand. MHTC MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT SIGNS ● Sharon Gehl presented the misspelling of a street name on one set of signs that announce MHTC meetings. ● The cost to update the signs is $264. ● The Trustees voted to not fix the signs. THE NEW MISSION HILLS-HILLCREST LIBRARY ● The library is creating a design subcommittee and Lara Gates will be one of the members. ● Chuck Angle will also be on this subcommittee. UPTOWN COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATE SUBCOMMITTEE ● Sharon Gehl presented the current documents on the Uptown Community Plan Update. ● Sharon suggested that we create a subcommittee to monitor any developments in the plan and report back to the MHTC. ● The following people volunteered for the subcommitte: ○ Sharon Gehl ○ Jasper Benke ○ Gavin Grant 7:30 p.m. The meeting concluded.
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