May/June 2015 Heartbeat Newsletter

PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS What a great time to be in the Limousin business. Our annual sale and banquet was
held in Lebanon, MO on April 18 and 19. What a great turn out and successful EVENT. We have strived to make this
not just a weekend to sell cattle but an event to make the MLBA members proud to be Limousin breeders. Our banquet
was attended by around 125 people with great speakers Frank Padilla (NALF) and Kevin Oschner from Cattlemen to
Cattlemen. A free brisket meal for all members was provided by Keith Kissee of KK Seedstock. If you miss this weekend
you really missed out on some great times and insights from our speakers on Saturday night.
Our banquet is always a good time to meet new friends and visit with old ones. The success of our association depends on
the activity of our members. I encourage you as a Limousin Breeder to get involved with the MLBA in sales, shows or
maybe just showing up to help out on sale day. Where else can you go and spend a weekend with fellow breeders, make
new contacts and promote your herd. My dad has always said that the consignment sales we've had in Lebanon over the
past 22 years may be a lot of work and may cost a little money, but where else can you get that kind of advertising for the
cost-- twice a year. I always keep this in the back of my mind prior to each sale as we start setting up and all the work it
takes to make this EVENT successful.
I encourage each of you to get involved in the next 12 months with the MLBA, maybe its helping out or showing cattle at
Field Day in June, volunteering to help on one of the MLBA committees, helping prepare for the 2016 sale or consigning
cattle to the sale. Get involved it will benefit you and I am positive you will make some great Limousin friends along the
way. One thing about it--our breed is friendly helpful people make it things work.
I would also like to take this time to thanks everyone who made this springs event such a success. Board members,
juniors, breeders, consignors, sale management team, speakers, and of course the little lady that cooked all the meals. If it
wasn't for each of you there's no way this thing would work.
Till next time may your pastures grow lush, your calves get big, and your bull buyers show up with their trailer!!!
Yours in LIMOUSIN,
Jack D. Glendenning
I know that we just had our banquet and it will be a whole year until we have the opportunity to honor a commercial
cattleman, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be thinking about them now. This time of the year is when most of us
sell the majority of our bulls and our customers should be fresh on our minds. We have a golden opportunity to
recognize our customers with this award. You don’t have to wait until next spring to nominate someone; nominations
are open all year long. Everyone of us should be able to come up with someone that is deserving of this award. If you
would like a nomination please contact me. Ben Bennett or 417-850-1970
SALE COMMITTEE. Sale Committee Report
2015 sale committee: Chairman Jack Glendenning, Co Chair Ty Heavin, MLBA members Mark Middleton and Todd
2015 MLBA annual meeting and Great American Pie Sale were held in Lebanon, MO on April 19th. The sale was a
great success and featured some of the top Limousin Cattle in the Nation
22 Road to Tulsa Open Heifers $6,557
15 Open Heifers $2,957
21 Bred Females $3784
8 Pairs $4563
2015 MISSOURI LIMOUSIN BREEDERS FIELD DAY. The 2015 Field Day will be held in
conjunction with Missouri Cattlemen’s Show June 12, 13, 14th at Sedalia, Missouri State Fairgrounds. Entry
forms are attached.
Show Schedule
Friday, June 12
6 pm – 8 pm
Saturday June 13
Open Show
10 am Donelly Arena
7 pm
Sunday June 14
MO Cattlemens Jr Show
9 am
Location TBA
8 am MFA Arena
The MLBA Jr show will be Sunday right after the MCA Jr Show. The Open show will be held on Saturday.
Times to be announced at a later time.
NALJA Jr Nationals late entries are due no later than 1 June.
MLBA Field Day Entries are due 1 June.
Newsletter Attachments:
2015 MLBA Board of Director Committee Assignments
2015 MLBA Field Day Entry Form