www.newarklivestocksales.com Market Report for Week ending 6th May 2015 740 Cattle Sold This Week Rearing Calves to £440.00 Store Steers to £1150.00 Store Heifers to £1060.00 Young Bulls to 201.5p - £1314.00 OTMS to 190.5p - £1721.20 Steers to 220.5p - £1382.54 Heifers to 247.5p - £1370.12 4250 Sheep Sold This Week Lambs to 222.00 - £100.00 Hoggets to 208.00 - £100.00 Cull Ewes to £150.00 Great North Road Newark Nottinghamshire NG24 1BY Telephone: 01636 676741 Fax: 01636 611190 Email: enquiries@newarklivestocksales.com www.newarklivestocksales.com Wednesday in Newark Market We are currently running Red Sales for Cull Cows, OTMs, Young Bulls and Clean Cattle. RED MARKET SALES SLAUGHTER ONLY CATTLE OF ALL TYPES NO PRE-MOVEMENT TEST (Where cattle are coming from premises under TB2 restriction they need to have had a clear TB test within the preceding 90 days) PLEASE NOTE SALE DATES: Wednesday 13th May Red Wednesday 20th May Red CATTLE FROM HOLDINGS WITH TB BREAKDOWN NO SIX DAY RULE Sheep vendors please note this is still a RED day Our Saturday markets remain unchanged and it goes without saying we will continue to pay vendors on the day for all stock sold so please pay on the day for stock purchased. Please if in any doubt contact any of our Auctioneers at anytime Wednesday 27th May Red Wednesday 3rd June Red Wednesday 10th June Red Wednesday 17th June Red Wednesday 24th June Red www.newarklivestocksales.com Important Notices STORE CATTLE - Please fill in a Movement form when entering Store Cattle, on this form PLEASE show how you would like your cattle sold OTMS CATTLE - Any cattle with CTS Forms MUST have a green passport attached. If you have lost this please apply to BCMS for a replacement BEFORE you bring the cattle to market DOUBLE TAGS - Please ensure all animals are double tagged with two readable tags, this is a legal requirement. If the abattoir is unable to read them it may result in them binning the animal TB STATUS - Please ensure that you fill in your TB status on our movement form each time, it is MOST IMPORTANT that you state the PREMOVEMENT TEST DATE Contact James Sealy BASIC PAYMENT SCHEME ENTITLEMENTS FOR SALE Mobile: 07772 618315 Email: james@newarklivestocksales.com www.newarklivestocksales.com TB Regulations from Jan 1st 2013 ANNUAL TESTING PARISHES FAT CATTLE can be moved to a Red slaughter only markets where the 6 Day Rule does NOT apply STORE CATTLE must be pre-movement tested and the 6 Day rule applies (Pre-movement test lasts 60 days) 4 YEAR TESTING PARISHES Cattle can move to any market without pre-movement testing WEDNESDAY MARKETS are RED MARKETS every week FEEDING COWS, STORE AND BREEDING CATTLE, SHEEP AND PIGS will be held on SATURDAYS We believe that this will be in everyone’s best interest and look forward to continuing to provide a complete marketing service to all our clients. The market is licenced to accept cattle from TB Restricted Herds, ie. Herds that have had a TB breakdown in our Red (Slaughter only) markets subject to the following conditions: The animals being presented for sale must have had a negative TB test in the previous 90 days and it applies to all holdings under TB2 restrictions, whether one or four yearly testing parishes In order for you to bring your stock here you will need to obtain a licence (TB24B) from your local Defra Animal Health Office. Obviously there will be many concerns and questions that you may have, we will continue to update you in this publication or better still ring anytime SHEEP TAGGING & RECORDING REQUIREMENTS FROM 1ST JANUARY 2015 ENGLAND – LAMBS As from 1st January all lambs being identified from this date on any holding in England must be identified with either Double Electronic Tags (Breeders) or a Single Electronic Slaughter Tag (Prime Lambs and/or Store Lambs). Sheep Keepers will record the single identified lambs by batch – recording the Number of Animals and Flock Numbers. Lambs born in 2014 and identified with a single, non-electronic tag DO NOT need to be retagged when moved after 1st January 2015. CULL EWES Those individually identified with electronic tags will be electronically read and recorded. For those individually identified with the old style Manual/Non-Electronic Tags (Historic Flock) it is our recommendation that Sheep Keepers retag these at the time of selling with a set of double electronic tags. However rules do permit: Those sheep being moved as a “Batch” direct to slaughter (including through a market) using old manual tags as the identifier list the total number in each consignment BUT If these sheep move to a non-abattoir holding or through a market to a non-abattoir holding, they must have their individual manual/non electronic tags (UK +(up to) 12 digits) read and recorded on the Movement Licence. We recommend any Historic Flock with old style non electronic tags be sold with a declaration to slaughter. Please ensure all Ewes sold are tagged with electronic tags – we will read them and provide you with print outs of numbers – failure could impact upon your Single Farm Payment Monies. If in doubt please speak to Keith on 07801 032847 or James on 07772 618315 www.newarklivestocksales.com Get the news first!! GET THE NEWS FIRST!! Watch the Sale live on your computer www.auctionmarts.com Or the news as it happens on Twitter - Our Username is Newarklivestock FORTHCOMING SALES Or receive news straight to your mobile - Text FOLLOW Newarklivestock to 86444 (all messages are free of charge) Or check our website www.newarklivestocksales.com Saturday 9th May 2015 Sale of Fat Lambs, Cull Ewes, Store & Breeding Sheep. Wednesday 13th May 2015 (RED) Sale of Cattle, Pigs and Sheep - SLAUGHTER ONLY CATTLE OF ALL TYPES, NO PRE-MOVEMENT TEST, CATTLE FROM HOLDINGS WITH TB BREAKDOWN - NO SIX DAY RULE Saturday 16th May 2015 Sale of Feeding Cows, Store and Breeding Cattle, Reared and Rearing Calves, Store Pigs, Fat Lambs, Cull Ewes, Store & Breeding Sheep. For further information or help please contact either: Paul Gentry Rachel Gascoine Keith Miller James Sealy Market Mobile: Mobile 0780 1032846 Home 01522 789152 Mobile 07885 432939 Home 01636 813245 Mobile 0780 1032847 Mobile 07772 618315 07852 961915 (Chris & Shirley) www.newarklivestocksales.com OBITUARY Mr David Todd It is with great regret we inform you of David’s sudden death on Saturday 2nd May. David was a real country gentleman who really enjoyed his country sports with particular interest in horse racing enjoying many wins over the years. A respected cattle man having brought store cattle in many markets in the North of England over his career. David was also a very capable and respected judge of Beef Cattle at Auction Shows and Sales and both County and Local shows. David will be sorely missed by his many friends and agriculture has lost one of its true gentlemen. Our thoughts are very much with his family at this very sad time. We will keep you posted on funeral arrangements. STORE CATTLE & SHEEP We pay on the day for all stock sold So please pay for Store Cattle and Sheep on the day purchased. 404 CATTLE SOLD TODAY 15 Feeding Cows 143 Reared & Rearing Calves 102 Breeding Cattle 172 Store Cattle 15 FEEDING COWS - AVERAGED 111.12 OR £620.92 AT 10.30AM A very small entry on offer today and generally very very thin on the ground. Nearly more buyers than cattle today and a very ? Trade prevailed. Messrs RH & MS Borrill sold Blonde to 144.5p (£695.60) Ian Kirk sold Limousins to 137.5p (£991.38) and Messr R Marshall and Son sold Limousins to 136.5p (£895.44). *Many More Urgently Needed* www.newarklivestocksales.com 143 CALVES & STIRKS (10.30) An increased entry of calves this week sold to a firmer trade for all qualities on offer. Top price today went to the Sharman Family who sold an excellent run of calves with Charolais Bulls selling to £440.00, £410.00 and £400.00, Blue Bulls at £380.00 and Montebeliardes from the same home sold to £375.00, Alan Twell sold Blue Bulls to £300.00 and Jimmy Milner sold Simmental Bulls to £270.00, Messr Batty sold an excellent Friesian at £265.00 and both Bob Unsworth and Messr Scannell sold Black and Whites to £134.00. In heifers the Sharmans sold Limousins to £330.00 and Blues to £310.00. Stirks sold well today with Messr Spendlobve selling Hereford Steers at 9 Months old to £700.00 & £670.00 and heifers to £500.00. Claire Chuck sold 10 Month old Blue Steers to £760.00, Messr Barrell, Norfolk sold South Devon Bulls to £630.00 and Kirklington Farms sold 6 Month old Bl,ue Bulls to £600.00, Black and White Bulls sold to an improved trade with the best of them selling to £500.00 with many £300.00 to £370.00 *An Excellent Result, More Required* 102 BREEDING CATTLE (12 NOON) A very decent entry on offer today with much of the entry Leaner Cows. Trade was again very fast for the quality on offer. John Sotckdale, Tuxford sold Blonde (96 Month) Cows with 7 month old Blonde bull calves at foot to £1460.00. Messrs Wintmoor Market Gardens, Sleaford sold Simmental (113 month) cows with Limousin 1 month old steer calves at foot to £1350.00 and Simmental (116 month ) cows with Limousin 1 month old heifer calves to £1310.00. Messrs Filby and Sons, Norwich sold Simmental (113 month) cows with Simmental 2 month old heifers to £1340.00 and Simmental (122 month) cows with Simmental 1 month old steers calves to £1320.00 MR CW Sutton, Horncastle sold Limousin (48 month) cows with Limousin 1 month old bull calves to £1280.00. 172 STORE CATTLE (FOLLOWING BREEDING CATTLE) A decent entry on offer today with stronger cattle shorter in supply and younger cattle larger in numbers. It is amazing how much confidence there still is after yet another beating the industry is enduring. Leading the way today was Messrs G&H Chester, Wellow who sold Charolais steers (18-19 months) to £1150.00 and heifers (16-19 months) to £1000.00. Mr AJ Clark, Middle Rasen sold Charolais 13– 16 month steers to £1000.00. Messr JB & PF Clarke, Lincoln sold Belgian Blue steers and heifers to £1060.00. Steve Noble sold Blue 23 Month to £1060.00 and 18 Months olds to £1040.00. Messrs Anderson, South Wootton sold Simmental 13 month steers to £970.00. Messr Grange Farms sold Hereford 15 months old to £990.00 and Bazadaise 13 month old steers to £990.00. Frank Tuller sold Blue 21 month old steers to £960.00. Anne Potts sold Blonde 19 month old steers to £940.00. MR G Butterick, Rampton sold Limousin 15 month old steers to £1030.00 www.newarklivestocksales.com 4233 SHEEP SOLD TODAY 2679 Prime Hoggets 115 Spring Lambs 1381 Cull Ewes 58 Store Lambs PRIME HOGGET SQQ (STANDARD QUALITY QUOTATION) WEIGHTS No. WEIGHT AVERAGE MAXIMUM Sold 153.46 169.00 LIGHTS p/kg p/kg (25 TO 32 KGS) £48.17 £/head £54.00 £/head STANDARDS 178.14 p/kg 194.00 p/kg (32.1 TO 39 KGS) £65.45 £/head £73.50 £/head MEDIUMS 178.12 p/kg 205.00 p/kg (39.1 TO 45 KGS) £76.63 £/head £85.00 £/head HEAVIES 170.93 p/kg 208.00 p/kg (45.6 TO 52 KGS) £83.55 £/head £96.00 £/head 153.34 p/kg 179.00 p/kg £86.45 £/head £100.00 £/head OVER 52 KGS Auctioneer: James Sealy Contact: 07772618315 46 164 757 757 742 CULL EWES & STORE LAMBS EWES SOLD £89.30 £150.00 1381 STORE LAMBS £27.38 £57.00 48 Again a Bumper Show of sheep this week. Trade as the week went on seemed a bit hit and miss, but as late in the season it is, it’s a case of facing the trade. With the weight hoggs, some are pulling the ewe lambs out to show later in the season, but don’t be doing it for the sake of it as it will only influence the Breeding Sheep Sales. www.newarklivestocksales.com 115 Spring Lambs Nice to see a row of Springers today, and an improvement in trade returning an SQQ of 208.34p/kg. Topping p/kg was P Webster with a little Texel at 23kgs 222p/kg. Deborah Hayes had 217p again for Texels 32½kgs. First time Vendors to Newark JW & SM Hallam and Eggleston enjoyed a competitive bidding Market selling their 47kgs Suffolks to £100. Deborah Hayes and ML Hobson shared £95 with Texels at 46½and 45kg. There seems some demand on a Saturday so if you have Lambs ready please let us know. 2,679 Hoggets Numbers continue to be shown despite it being a Bank Holiday weekend, trade again seems anyhow with Markets with numbers faring better than those without, again as late in the day perhaps time to face the trade. Plenty of Big Hoggs about today with over 1,700 Hoggs over 45kgs. Top Honours today went to Birthday Boy Warwick Gill with Texels at 56kgs £100, his load of 62 averaged £89.23. There won’t be many more weeks of hogs so if you have any about time to clear them up. Store Sheep A bit of a mixed bag today saw AF&FW Martin sell Longwool Ewes with Lambs at foot to £114 per family. In store lambs A Wright had £57 for Continentals Hoggets Top Price Pence Per Head Hoggets Top Price Pence Per Kilo Texel 56kgs £100.00 WR Gill Texel 46kgs 208p/kg CM Bowser Texel 47kgs £96.00 CM Bowser Texel 40kgs 205p/kg N Saint Texel 49kgs £96.00 CM Bowser Texel 47kgs 204p/kg CM Bowser Texel 46kgs £95.50 CM Bowser Texel 40kgs 201p/kg N Saint Texel 56.5kgs £95.50 DW Sayles Texel 40kgs 198p/kg Railway View Farm Texel 56.5kgs £95.00 PS&M Greenfield Texel 41kgs 196p/kg DJ Curtis & Sons Texel 57kgs £95.00 ID Kirk Texel 41kgs 196p/kg DJ Curtis & Sons Texel 58kgs £94.50 PS&M Greenfield Texel 46kgs 196p/kg PR Barlow Texel 56kgs £94.50 PS&M Greenfield Texel 49kgs 196p/kg CM Bowser Texel 48kgs £94 PR Barlow Texel 48kgs 196p/kg PR Barlow www.newarklivestocksales.com Auctioneer: Keith Miller Contact: 0780 1032847 1381 CULL EWES AND RAMS 1st Quality 2nd Quality Texels £130-£150 £110-£130 Continentals £120-£150 £100-£120 Suffolk £100-£118 £88-100 Mules £80-£88 £77-£80 Other £90-£120 £75-£90 Overall Average: Ewes - £90.00 Rams - £98.88 An increase in numbers again this week, trade very up and down from start to finish, best continentals today no less. Suffolks a little easier and Mules would be £10.00 a piece back. Top price today was shared, Miss.S.Turner sold texels to £150.00 and £136.00, Chris Lakey sold Blue De Maines at £150.00, Graham Baker sold Texels to £137.00, Gary Taggart got £136.00 for Continentals, Blisworth Est sold similar goods at £129.00 IPG Farms sold Continental Cross sorts £128.00 and G. Noble got £120.00 for Texels Crosses. Cull Rams don’t seem to have lost the edge like the ewes have. Ken Gunn sold Texels to £127.00, C.Lakey got £123.00 for Continentals, Gary sold similar goods at £120.00. www.newarklivestocksales.com 303 Slaughter Cattle Sold Today Young Bulls - to 201.5p Otms - to 190.5p Steers – to 220.5p Heifers - to 247.5p Overall Average Levelled at 182.62 Auctioneer: Paul Gentry Mobile: 0780 1032846 Home: 01522 789152 YOUNG BULLS - 91 Averaged 166.21 Again a very small entry of young bulls with more second and third qualities on offer met a sharper trade on the week. Melton Mowbray vendor David Duffin sold Limousins to 201.5p (£1148.55) with others at 199.5p (£1139.15) and 197.5p (£1222.53) John Holmes sold Charolais to 199.5p (£1239.90) Andrew Mason sold Limousins to 199.5p (£1141.14). Nev Ward sold Simmentals to £`3`3 and £1312.89. Today U+ Grades 196p plus with U– Grades 185,194p and R Grades 180, 184p. Today plenty of Black and Whites with the best selling from 154,164p. Plainer Holsteins 130, 144p and horrors 118, 128p. TOP BULLS PRICES PENCE PER KILO Ward Partners Simmental 720 kg £1314.00 Ward Partners Simmental 818 kg £1312.89 W Jackson & Sons Limousin 699 kg £1275.68 AE Barlow & Co Limousin 686 kg £1272.53 WH Farrow & Sons British Blue 667kg £1263.97 WH Farrow & Sons British Blue 675kg £1245.38 JW Holmes & Son Charolais 621Kg £1238.90 JW Holmes & Son Limousin 656kg £1236.56 AE Barlow & Co Limousin 685kg £1236.43 DJ Summers & Son Limousin 650kg £1231.75 WH Farrow & Sons Bazadaise 630kg £1231.65 JH Duffin & Sons Limousin 619kg £1222.53 JW Holmes & Son Limousin 639kg £1210.91 JH Duffin & Sons Limousin 623kg £1205.51 Ward Partners Simmental 680kg £1200.20 T Hill & R Wright Simmental 725kg £1192.63 www.newarklivestocksales.com Next Sales: Saturday 9th May Sale of Fat Lambs, Cull Ewes and Breeding Sheep Wednesday 13th May Sale of Slaughter Only Cattle, Sheep and Pigs TOP BULLS PRICES POUNDS PER HEAD JH Duffin & Sons Limousin 570kg 201.5p £1148.55 JW Holmes & Son Charolais 621kg 199.5p £1238.90 JH Duffin & Sons Limousin 571kg 199.5p £1139.15 AR Mason Limousin 572kg 199.5p £1141.14 JH Duffin & Sons Limousin 619kg 197.5p £1222.53 WH Farrow & Sons Bazadaise 630kg 195.5p £1231.65 JH Duffin & Sons Limousin 623kg 193.5p £1205.51 WH Farrow & Sons British Blue 667kg 189.5p £1263.97 DJ Summers & Son Limousin 650kg 189.5p £1231.75 JW Holmes & Son Limousin 639kg 189.5p £1210.91 DR & RL Burns Limousin 590kg 189.5p £1118.05 JW Holmes & Son Limousin 656kg 188.5p £1236.56 DK Busby Limousin 579kg 186.5p £1079.84 AE Barlow & Co Limousin 686kg 185.5p £1272.53 CULL COWS & OTMS - 109 Averaged 143.22p or £1056.03 A decent entry and some excellent fed cows on offer. Trade today when considering deadweight quotes was ‘on fire’ with all cows well sort after. Top Cows today were sold by T Holmes who sold Limousins to 186.5p (£1417.40) with others at 181.5p (£1245.09), 177.5p (£1315.28) 168.5p (£1359.80)and blues to 170.5p (£1210.55). Tony Mallon sold limousine to 174.5p (£1383.79). Henry Catlin sold Limousins to 167.5p (£1125.60) Messrs Moores Livestock sold Blonde to 166.5p (£1327.01) M.Fletcher sold Limousins to 166.5p (£874.13). Messrs RJ & BK Kimber sold Charolais to 16.5p (£1720.20 and Simmentals to £1315.75. In the over thirty month clean cattle John and Denise Davies sold Blue heifers to 190.5p (£1283.97). Davies and Rachel Burns sold Limousins to 177.5p (£1398.70) Robert Hardy sold Limousins to 174.5p (£1245.93). David Applewhite sold Limousin stock bulls to £1397.83. Wendy Laight sold Blues to £1353.28 and Messrs EW Filby & Sons sold Simmentals to £1205.16. YOUNG COWS (48-72 MONTHS) PRICES PENCE PER KILO M Fletcher Limousin 525kg 166.5p £874.13 RJ & BE Kimber Charolais 1040kg 165.5p £1721.20 W Mallon Livestock Limousin 683kg 155.5p £1062.07 T Holmes Limousin 794kg 152.5p £1210.85 T Holmes British Blue 672kg 145.5p £977.76 T Holmes Simmental 786kg 144.5p £1135.77 www.newarklivestocksales.com YOUNG COWS (48-72 MONTHS) POUNDS PER HEAD RJ & BE Kimber Charolais 1040kg £1721.20 RJ & BE Kimber Simmental 950kg £1315.75 T Holmes Limousin 794kg £1210.85 EW Filby & Sons Simmental 889kg £1169.04 T Holmes Simmental 786kg £1135.77 Kingarth Friesian 877kg £1135.72 TOP OLD COWS (72 MONTHS PLUS) PRICES PENCE PER KILO T Holmes Limousin 760kg 186.5p £1417.40 T Holmes Limousin 686kg 181.5p £1245.09 T Holmes Limousin 741kg 177.5p £1315.28 W Mallon Livestock Limousin 793kg 174.5p £1383.79 T Holmes British Blue 710kg 170.5p £1210.55 T Holmes Limousin 807kg 168.5p £1359.80 H Catlin Limousin 672kg 167.5p £1125.60 Moores Livestock Blonde 797kg 166.5p £1327.01 T Holmes Simmental 799kg 163.5p £1306.37 Cook & Coleman British Blue 735kg 160.5p £1179.68 DG Hallam Limousin 653kg 160.5p £1080.17 Cook & Coleman British Blue 742kg 159.5p £1183.49 T Holmes Limousin 792KG 157.5p £1247.40 T Holmes Simmental 746kg 157.5p £1174.95 TOP OLD COWS (72 MONTHS PLUS) PRICES POUNDS PER HEAD T Holmes Limousin 949kg £1428.25 T Holmes Limousin 760kg £1417.40 W Mallon Livestock Limousin 793kg £1383.79 JL & DA Davies Limousin 930kg £1371.75 T Holmes Limousin 807kg £1359.80 Moores Livestock Blonde 797kg £1327.01 T Holmes Limousin 741kg £1315.28 T Holmes Limousin 899kg £1308.05 T Holmes Simmental 799kg £1306.37 T Holmes Limousin 792kg £1247.40 T Holmes Limousin 686KG £1245.09 T Holmes Simmental 809kg £1241.82 www.newarklivestocksales.com OTMS BULLS PRICES POUNDS PER HEAD DW Applewhite Limousin 1105kg £1397.83 W Laight British Blue 1045kg £1353.28 EW Filby & Sons Simmental 968kg £1205.16 DG Hallam Limousin 875kg £1194.38 TOP OTMS HEIFERS PRICES PENCE PER KILO JL & DA Davies British Blue 674kg 190.5p £1283.97 DR & RL Burns Limousin 788kg 177.5p £1398.70 RM Hardy Limousin 714kg 174.5p £1245.93 LR East Limousin 771kg 173.5p £1337.69 H Catlin British Blue 739kg 166.5p £1230.44 TOP OTMS HEIFERS POUNDS PER HEAD DR & RL Burns Limousin 788kg £1398.70 LR East Limousin 771kg £1337.69 JL & DA Davies British Blue 674kg £1283.97 RM Hardy Limousin 714kg £1245.93 T Holmes Limousin 797kg £1239.34 OTMS STEERS PRICES POUNDS PER HEAD Scarborough Farm Hereford 780kg £1228.50 JE Wade & Sons British Blue 696kg £1179.72 OTMS STEERS PRICES PENCE PER KILO RJ Wilkinson & Sons Charolais 597kg 173.5p £1035.80 JE Wade & Sons British Blue 696kg 169.5p £1179.72 www.newarklivestocksales.com STEERS - 50 Averaged 184.75p A very small entry of steers on offer today and again a slight improvement on the week. Saying that nothing to get excited about with trade nationally both live and deadweight falling yet again this week. Top steer this week was sold by Willy and Michael Seels who sold Limousins to 220.5p (£1168.65), Mike, Jane and Charlie Will sold Limousins to 219.5p (£1275.30) with others at 214.5p (£1321.32) and 209.5p (£1362.75). David Busby sold Charolais to 217.5p (£1214.93) and Limousins to 217.5p (£1124.48). Today U+ Grades 210p plus, U– Grades 200-209p and R Grades 188-198p and O Grades 178-186p with O– Grades 168-176p. *More Required* TOP STEERS PRICES POUNDS PER HEAD A Norcross & Son Limousin 693kg £1382.54 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 650kg £1361.75 H Catlin Angus 716kg £1356.82 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 643kg £1334.23 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 616kg £1321.32 JE Wade & Sons Limousin 663kg £1316.06 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 646kg £1308.15 US & DM Stanley & Son Blonde 671kg £1291.68 US & DM Stanley British Blue 663kg £1289.54 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 581kg £1275.30 A Norcross & Son Limousin 706kg £1274.33 US & DM Stanley Blonde 716kg £1270.90 US & DM Stanley Blonde 730kg £1251.95 DK Busby Charolais 571kg £1241.93 JE Wade & Sons Limousin 640kg £1238.40 www.newarklivestocksales.com TOP STEERS PRICES PENCE PER KILO W & M Seels British Blue 530kg 220.5p £1168.65 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 581kg 219.5p £1275.30 DK Busby Charolais 571kg 217.5p £1241.93 DK Busby Limousin 517kg 217.5p £1124.48 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 616kg 214.5p £1321.32 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 650kg 209.5p £1361.75 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 643kg 207.5p £1334.23 Upper Coton Farms British Blue 555kg 207.5p £1151.63 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 646kg 202.5p £1308.15 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 599kg 202.5p £1212.98 HEIFERS 53- Averaged 200.14p Again numbers totally inadequate this week and trade much shaper on the week. Quality heifers very much sort after!!! Ian Wildgoose sold Limousins to 247.5p (£1267.20) and 229.5p (£1370.12) Upper Coton Farms sold Blues to 243.1p (£1188.28) with Limousins to 239.5p (£1202.29) and 230.5p (£1161.72) Stan and Jeff Evans sold Limousins to 229.5p (£1249.74) Andrew Mason sold Limousins to 229.5p (£1030.46). Total E Grades 230p-plus, U+ Grades 219-226p, U– Grades 210-218p, R Grades 198-208p, and O+ Grades 190-197p. *More Required* TOP HEIFERS PRICES POUNDS PER HEAD IR & A Wildgoose Limousin 597kg £1370.12 IR & A Wildgoose Limousin 648kg £1357.56 W & M Seels Blonde 622kg £1351.53 IR & A Wildgoose Limousin 512kg £1297.20 CT Addison Blonde 562kg £1261.69 J J Fox & Sons Simmental 702kg £1260.09 Atkin Brothers Simmental 663kg £1256.39 S Evans Limousin 524kg £1249.74 RJ & BE Kimber Simmental 731kg £1231.74 CT Addison Blonde 586kg £1221.81 www.newarklivestocksales.com TOP HEIFERS PRICES PENCE PER KILO IR & A Wildgoose Limousin 512kg 247.5p £1267.20 Upper Coton Farms British Blue 488kg 243.5p £1188.28 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 502kg 239.5p £1202.29 S Evans Limousin 524kg 238.5p £1249.74 Upper Coton Farms Limousin 504kg 230.5p £1161.72 IR & A Wildgoose Limousin 597kg 229.5p £1370.12 AR Mason Limousin 449kg 229.5p £1030.46 S Evans Limousin 484kg 225.5p £1091.42 CT Addison Blonde 562kg 224.5p £1261.69 CT Addison Blonde 513kg 223.5p £1146.56 AR Mason Limousin 440kg 223.5p £983.40 S Evans British Blue 526kg 222.5p £1170.35 A Clifton Limousin 523kg 219.5p £1147.99 IR & A Wildgoose Limousin 535kg 219.5p £1174.33 CT Addison Blonde 555kg 218.5p £1212.68 GV Mason Limousin 433kg 215.5p £933.12 RW Machester Limousin 525kg 213.5p £1120.88 www.newarklivestocksales.com QUALITY PRICE REPORTING - UNDER 30 MONTH CATTLE FINISHED YOUNG BULLS (p per kg lw) No Sold Top Price Ave Price Ave Estimated Deadweight Premium 15 201.5 194.62 335.55 59 181.5 170.21 320.15 17 161.5 140.52 290.27 (E-R 2-4L) Prime (O+ 2-4H, E-R 4H) Other (Fat Classes 1, 5L, 5H Conformation O-, P) FINISHED STEERS (p per kg lw) No Sold Top Price Ave Price Ave Estimated Deadweight Premium 14 220.5 203.51 350.87 27 191.5 185.63 343.30 9 171.5 158.91 324.30 (E-R 2-4L) Prime (O+ 2-4H, E-R 4H) Other (Fat Classes 1, 5L, 5H Conformation O-, P) FINISHED HEIFERS (p per kg lw) No Sold Top Price Ave Price Ave Estimated Deadweight Premium 17 247.5 220.52 380.20 30 208.5 196.37 363.64 6 173.5 161.21 327.82 (E-R 2-4L) Prime (O+ 2-4H, E-R 4H) Other (Fat Classes 1, 5L, 5H Conformation O-, P) www.newarklivestocksales.com REPORT ON THE SALE OF STOCK WEDNESDAY 29th APRIL Fat Cattle Max Average Difference on the week Young Bulls Light (370-550kg) 178.5 146.47 -4.42 Young Bulls Medium (551-650kg) 201.5 166.44 -0.85 Young Bulls Heavy (651kg-Over) 189.5 168.23 +3.92 Steers Light (370-550kg) 220.5 162.87 -22.65 Steers Medium (551-650kg) 219.5 191.20 +4.34 Steers Heavy (651kg-Over) 199.5 185.88 +13.76 Heifers Light (330kg-500kg) 243.5 218.17 +36.46 Heifers Medium (501-590kg) 247.5 207.26 +1.18 Heifers Heavy (591kg-Over) 229.5 186.74 -4.43 www.newarklivestocksales.com 85 SPRING LAMBS SOLD TODAY Just over a row of Springers today met a firmer trade on the week with more demand in the alleys. Lambs will be wanted on a Wednesday so please call to discuss. Spring Lamb Top Prices Pence Per Kilo Spring Lamb Top Prices Pound Per Head Continental 40kgs 220p/kg ME&MB Crowder Texel 45kgs £94 Rigbolt Farms Texel 40kgs 218p/kg Cupit Bros Texel 45kgs £91 Rigbolt Farms Texel 36kgs 211p/kg Charlie Beard Continental 40kgs £88 ME&MB Crowder Texel 36kgs 211p/kg Charlie Beard Continental 42kgs £88 ME&MB Crowder Texel 40kgs 210p/kg PC Marshall Texel 42.5kgs £87 Rigbolt Farms Continental 42kgs 210p/kg ME&MB Crowder Texel 40kgs £87 Cupit Bros Texel 45kgs 209p/kg Rigbolt Farms Texel 43kgs £85 PC Marshall Texel 42.5kgs 205p/kg Rigbolt Farms Continental 41.5kgs £85 ME&MB Crowder Continental 41.5kgs 205p/kg ME&MB Crowder Continental 42kgs £85 ME&MB Crowder Texel 44kgs £85 PC Marshall Continental 41kgs 201p/kg ME&MB Crowder NEWARK LIVESTOCK MARKET SPRING LAMB SHOW & SALE 20th May 2015 Class 1:3 Lambs Any Breed up to 41kgs Class 2:3 Lambs 41.5kgs + Entries Taken Up To More of Show www.newarklivestocksales.com FORTHCOMING SALES Saturday 16th May 2015 From Messrs G.S Chatterton, Nottingham Featuring the Dispersal Sale of 23 Charolais X Cows woth Spring Born Charolais X Calves From Richard & Margaret Lawrence 4 Pedigree Limousin (2 Year Old Heifers) 2 Pedigree Limousin (12 Month Heifers) From Paul Ireland, Sleaford 6 Simmental Cross Cows with Limousin Cross Calves at foot (1 month) 4 Yearly TB Parish Saturday 6th June 2015 GW Holling & Sons, Alfreton, Derbyshire Complete Unreserved Dispersal Sale of the entire ‘TWILYTE’ Herd of 350 head of Pedigree and Commercial Limousin Cattle. From Gacoines Group Ltd, Staintondale 40– 7/8 & 15/16 Limousin Cows with Limousin Calves at foot (20 Autumn 2014 born Calves & 20 April 2015 born Calves) 4 Year TB Testing Interval , BVD Vaccinated & Johnes Monitored. From Messrs AE Neachell & Son, West Midlands. Due to a change in farming policy 30 Simmental, Beligian and Hereford X Friesian Cows. Mostly 2nd Calvers with Limousin X Calves at Foot (13 Months Old) From W&M Seels, Doncaster 1 Pedigree Bull ( 2 year old) 3 Pedigree Heifers ( 2 and a half years old) Saturday 13th June 2015 Two Complete herd dispersals of Pedigree Charolais Cattle The ‘Cotehouse’ Herd on behalf of the Late Don Marshall, Scopton, Derbyshire. The ‘Newbrooton’ Herd on behalf of David North, Lincolnshire And also a Major Reduction Sale of the ‘Rushfield’ Herd of Peidgree Charolais Cattle on behalf of James and Vanessa Webb, Billesden, Leics Saturday 4th July 2015 Major Reduction Sale of the ‘Coachhouse’ Herd of Pedigree Limousin Cattle on behalf of Messrs Healf & Co, Retford, Nottinghamshire www.newarklivestocksales.com ISUZU – NOW WITH MORE PULLING POWER Pick up 3.5 tonnes* of pulling power with the all new Isuzu D-Max. With maximum power and class-leading towing, this pick-up has all the drive you need. Built, sold and used by professionals it’s tough, hardworking and dependable - and you don’t have to break a sweat to get hold of it. For more information, please contact Andrew on 07730 840982 andrewt@duckworthisuzu.co.uk DUCKWORTH ISUZU 01673 841410 Racecourse Garage, Willingham Road, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire LN8 3RE www.duckworthisuzu.co.uk *3.5 tonnes is applicable to all 4x4 models. Terms and conditions apply. See isuzu.co.uk for full details. 5 year/125,000 mile (whichever comes first) warranty applies to all-new Isuzu D-Max models. Terms and conditions apply. See isuzu.co.uk for details Meat Cutting Service We have the facilities and the expertise to provide: Hanging, Boning, Cutting, Trimming, Portioning, Slicing, Curing, Sausage Making, Burger Making “Delivering back to you” Please phone for a quote 01777 870270 Mike Maloney Country Butchers & Bakers Ltd, Ashvale Road, Tuxford, Newark, Notts. NG22 0NH FOR SALE “ALL NEW” Portequip Calf Creep Feeders – with adjust height bar - £750 + VAT Portequip 26ft Flat Trailer - £5650 + VAT Portequip 20ft Cattle Feed Trailer - £1750 + VAT Portequip 8ft x 4ft Sheep Feed Trailer - £750 + VAT Portequip 600kg Hogg Hopper - £600 + VAT Telephone 07976 424263 FOR SALE Straw and Hay In large and minis hesstons and conventional bales Telephone 07976 424263 DAVID MUSSON FENCING LTD www.davidmussonfencing.com 01664 822293 Suppliers of: Post & rail fencing (either creosoted or green treated) Post & wire fencing Purlins, sleepers, carcassing and Yorkshire boarding Galvanised & wooden gates Livestock feeding and handling equipment Electric fencing Large stocks. Friendly advice. Established 29 years www.newarklivestocksales.com ROBERT DUFFIN Hedge Laying, Groundwork and Fencing Contact 01572 787632 or 07834 243966 FOR PRIDE IN SHEARING AT A COMPETITIVE PRICE Contact Courton Green - 07860 689271 For Private Sale 15 Texel Ewe Lambs in Lam to Texel Ram, Scanned Singles, Due Mid/End April Contact James Sealy 07772 618315 For Private Sale 80 Lieyn Ewe Lambs Texel Theaves with Texel Lambs at foot (23 Twins, 11 Singles) Contact James Sealy 07772618315 FOR SALE Good quality Fodder Beet available Delivery can be arranged or collection from Lincoln Telephone: Anthony on 07976 630803 Cade Lambs For Sale: 07762 298533 Wanted Grass keeping for Sheep within 7/8 mile radius of Long Bennington Contact James Sealy: 07772 618315 For Private Sale Upto 150 Mule Ewes with Twins at Foot Ewes mixed young flock ages, Fluked, Wormed, Heptavac P System Lambs by a Pedigree Texel Ram, born 1st March onwards Upto 70 Lleyn Ewes with Twins at Foot Ewes 2nd Crop upto Full Mouth, Fluked, Wormed, Heptavac P System Lambs by a Pedigree Texel Ram, born 1st March onwards Contact: James Sealy 07772 618315 www.newarklivestocksales.com www.newarklivestocksales.com Basic Payment Scheme 2015 Online - Register Now The new online portal for the Basic Payment Scheme is now up and running and the RPA are inviting claimants to register sooner rather than later. To help with this process I am on hand for an easy transition. Registration can be pain free and simple if you follow the simple steps:1. Go to www.gov.uk/rural-payments. 2. Phone the RPA on 03000 200 301. 3. Follow the automated instruction to register for BPS Online (Option 1). 4. You will be asked for you SBI Number. 5. If you have set up three security questions in the past (memorable date, memorable event, memorable place) you will be asked for these. If you have not then you may be asked various other security questions such as entitlements, CPH number, bank details etc. (so have everything ready). 6. The RPA will give you a Customer Reference Number (CRN) that you will need to note down. 7. The RPA will need an email address to send a PIN Code to. (if you do not have an email address please contact me and I will be able to assist). 8. Once you have received the email with the PIN code, go to the website and follow the registration process by entering the CRN and PIN. 9. Check this is all correct then register me as your Agent. My Customer Reference Number is 1102510068. If you have any quires in respect of registering then please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be able to assist you further. James W Sealy Bsc. (Hons) MRICS, FAAV Newark Agricultural Advisory Services Email: james@newarklivestocksales.com Mobile: 07772 618315 Voting slips are out, please vote - BWMB English Central Region Nominee Kate Drury -Katherine E Drury Bsc(Hons) NDA AICB MRAC After talking to farmers recently in markets throughout the Midlands it is clear that the wool industry faces an exciting and challenging time. I look forward, if elected, to working hard to meet these challenges on your behalf. The BWMB is invaluable to the sheep industry always providing a place to sell wool. In turn supporting all sheep producers and the stratification system that we rely on to maintain agriculture as a way of life throughout the UK. They actively engage with all levels of the wool industry from farm to shop and are best placed to help the industry adapt to the market. Ultimately price is key and we must strive to make wool a valuable commodity and not a cost to the farm budget. I have been fortunate to have been involved in agriculture my whole life, growing up and working on the family farm near Market Harborough, Leics/Northants Border. Competing at a National level with Berrrichon sheep and regularly visiting the Paris Show. Attending two agricultural colleges, Moulton and The Royal at Cirencester, and working on research stations both in the Uk and in France I am passionate about where we stand in the sheep world for both wool and meat. I have worked for a shearing gang, an agricultural market, education/farming charity and have experience of lobbying, and the board room through Council and School Governor work. The English Central Region covers a diverse 17 counties and therefore requires a broad approach to represent it. It is an exciting time with wool commanding a bigger audience through the “Campaign for Wool”, demand increasing on the world stage, consumers wanting local/natural products and shearing training valued. If I am successful I will relish the opportunity to represent you.
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