Personal Safety: Risk Awareness & Self Defense

Personal Safety:
Risk Awareness & Self Defense
Understand the risks in your daily routine. Keep safe. Defend yourself.
We take risks every day and most of the time we don’t even know it. We handle large sums of
cash, we drive while taking phone calls, we enter unfamiliar buildings and yards, and we deal with
the unknown public by ourselves...
In this Mitchell PT training session, we want to identify the risks to be aware of them and deal with
them appropriately. If those risks involve dangerous people, we want to defend ourselves too.
Presenter: Adam Stayfer | Dangerous Dames
Presenter: Adrian Taylor | 80:20 Management Consulting
Adam will be presenting a self-defense demonstration to
arm participants with a basic knowledge of how to defend
themselves and escape an attacker. His martial art knowledge
and experience is translated into simple moves that are easy
to remember and should be a part of every property manager’s
toolkit. Dangerous Dames provides corporate and personal
training to groups all over Melbourne and surrounds.
With Adrian’s specialty being safety, quality and environment for
a range of industries, he will be presenting on risk awareness
and mitigation for our industry particularly our daily tasks
involving driving, cash handling, visiting unknown properties
and interaction with the public. 80:20 Management Consulting
develops safety and management systems for businesses from
small businesses through to national enterprises.
“Face to Face - Personal Self-protection, Safety & Awareness
for Real Estate Professionals,” equips those in frontline roles
with relevant, industry specific practices, principles and physical
techniques that go beyond chance and “Dumb luck” in removing
the element of anonymity of those they deal with and by providing
options in a threatening or violent situation.
“80:20 Management Consulting are specialists in Safety, Quality
and Environmental Systems. Our focus is on helping businesses
develop easy to understand processes and policies to Ensure safe
work practices are followed with a high standard of quality. “
And special panel member, Clare Verrall
Event Details
Clare is well known in the
industry but she has recently
been in news for the wrong
reason; she was attacked while
walking her dog. Her strength
and courage in sharing her story
went viral and has been a public
inspiration while her ties to the
real estate industry has seen
her attack as a wake-up call.
When: Thursday 4th June | 9:00am for 9:30am to 1:00pm
Where: Level 1, 347 Riversdale Road, Hawthorn East
Cost: $66 including lunch provided by our sponsors
Registration: email
Please RSVP by 28th May. Seats are limited.
If you have any questions, please email or call 03 9686 6688
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