Letter to schools - Clare Education Centre

FRIENDS for Life Training
13th & 14th May 2015
Clare Education Centre.
26th January 2015
Dear Principal,
NEPS in association with Clare Education Centre are giving advance notice of facilitator
training for the “FRIENDS for Life” programme which will take place on the 13th & 14th May
2015 in Clare Education Centre.
This evidence-based anxiety prevention and resiliency building programme is designed for
use in schools. It is particularly suitable for children from 3rd to 6th classes as part of their
SPHE programme. An information leaflet is attached. More information on:
We are inviting schools to submit expressions of interest, if they would like to send staff to
the training. It is suitable for a wide range of personnel, including: Principals; Deputy
Principals; SPHE or Health Promotion Coordinators; Resource/Learning Support Teachers or
class teachers. It is useful to have two staff members trained from a school as they can
deliver the programme to a class group which is the recommended format. This also allows
for peer support in delivery and coordination. If your school cannot send two teachers then
one teacher from a school can complete the training as the programme can be delivered to a
small targeted group also.
There will be a cost of €50 per person to cover the training manuals. Unfortunately, at this
time, we will be unable to cover substitution costs.
If you are interested in reserving places please email reception@clareed.ie or post the
attached Expression of Interest Form to Clare Education Centre by Wednesday 25th March
2015. Places will be limited, to two per school. It will be on a first come first serve basis.
There will be 30 places on the course in total.
In the interim, if you have questions please contact your NEPS Psychologist.
Yours sincerely,
Christine O’Sullivan & Jeanne Fleming
Pat Hanrohan
Director, Clare Education Centre