1st April •Week 9•Term 1• 2015 St Clare of Assisi Primary School Conder, ACT BE THE LIGHT Dear Parents and Carers, Dates to FIRST DAY OF TERM 2- MONDAY 27 APRIL 2015 This day has been declared a service holiday for all ACT Government employees due to Anzac Day (25 April) falling on a Saturday. However, it is not a gazetted public holiday for the rest of the ACT. It is school as normal for St Clare of Assisi Primary school students! Remember Thursday 2nd April Stations of the Cross Friday 3rd April Good Friday No School BABY CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to the Garth family on the birth of a little sister Kelli for Keira (Yr 2 Green). Little baby Garth was born on Monday 30th March ACTION BUSES 27 APRIL ONLY I have been informed by ACTION Buses that there will be a change to school bus services on Monday 27 April only. The following statement is from ACTION: “Unfortunately, due to scheduling constraints we are not able to operate dedicated school services (for Catholic schools on Monday 27 April). The parents of non-ACT Government school children who normally use dedicated school services will need to make alternative arrangements to get their children to and from school on Monday 27 April 2015. We have identified the following route services that come in close proximity to your school which may be an option for your students. Route 918 and 919. To help offset any inconvenience, all bus travel will be free of charge on Monday 27 April 2015. All students and general passengers will be asked to tag on and off with their MyWay card as usual to collect accurate travel data, but no fares will be deducted. Monday 6th April Easter Monday No School Friday 10th April Last day of Term 1 ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Monday 27th April First day of Term 2 Full Winter Uniform ACTION Bus services not running QCITY (Deanes) buses will run as normal If your parents and students require assistance with planning their journeys to and from school we ask they use the journey planning tools on the ACTION website or call 13 17 10 for further information.” Have a safe and Happy Easter, Volunteer of the week KATRINA GUY Brad Gaynor www.sca.act.edu.au P 6294 1860 F 6294 4613 E office.stclaresconder@cg.catholic.edu.au By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment. 1st April •Week 9•Term 1• 2015 St Clare of Assisi Primary School Conder, ACT BE THE LIGHT White Card Recipients Week 9 Term 1, 2015 Congratulations to the following students: Award Receipient Tylah Baker, Skye Bell, Riley Blake, Alice Brown Mitchell Campbell Molly Drayton Byron Featherstone Caitlyn Hill , Peytan Hughes Riya Kashyap, Lincoln King Ava Lawson, Isaac Leonard Tyrell Miles Kyle Orchard Jaedyn Shaw, Lara Smith Seth Ullrich Gabby Ticehurst Serena White 1st April •Week 9•Term 1• 2015 St Clare of Assisi Primary School Conder, ACT BE THE LIGHT Canteen Roster Morning Afternoon Thursday 2nd April E. Mowlam B. Gaynor N. Muir Friday 3rd April Monday 6th April GOOD FRIDAY EASTER MONDAY N. Muir L. Walker Tuesday 7th April C. O’Brien L. Dzamic Wednesday 8th April HELP NEEDED D. O’Malley T. Fisher O. Chan CRAZY HAIR FOR CARITAS Next Wednesday 8th April we will be having a crazy hair day to raise money for Project Compassion. Kids can colour their hair, tease spike, braid or whatever they’d like to do. Please bring a gold coin donation on the day to be given to your child’s teacher. Easter Liturgy times: Holy Thursday—7pm Mass of the Last Supper and Washing of the Feet, HFC Good Friday—11am Stations of the Cross outside at St Clare of Assisi School Conder. 3pm The Passion and Death of Our Lord, HFC Holy Saturday—6:30pm Easter Vigil Mass, HFC Easter Sunday—8am & 10am, no 6pm www.sca.act.edu.au P 6294 1860 F 6294 4613 E office.stclaresconder@cg.catholic.edu.au By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment. 1st April •Week 9•Term 1• 2015 LITERACY LUNACY WHY READ 20 MINUTES AT HOME? Student A Reads: Student B Reads: Student C Reads: 20 minutes per 5 minutes per day. 1 minute per day. 3600 minutes per 900 minutes per 180 minutes per school year. school year. school year. 1 800 000 words 282 000 words 8000 words per per year. per year. year. day. If students start reading for 20 minutes per night in Kindergarten by the end of Grade 6, Student A will have read for the equivalent of 60 school days, Student B will have read for 12 school days and Student C will have read for 3. NETBALL NATTER Netball 28 March Player of the Week and Match Reports SCA Smurfs – The Whole Team Superstars – Kristelle McGowan Smiggles – Annabelle Smith Stars – Brooklyne Corby Swifts – Kate Rogers Sparkles – Isla Edwards Smarties – Sophie Vassallo Skittles – Teah Hocking Saints – Angela Philippa Starlets – Sisifa Tofuaipangai Smurfs Match Report What a great start to the season! The Smurfs played a fantastic game of netball against St Anthony’s, who definitely made us work hard for the ball. The girls are improving in every aspect of the game, especially when we catch the ball, turn and pass. The girls put in an enormous effort for their first game, which hopefully means we are in for a great season. The whole team were awarded the player of the week as they all played such a great game! Well done Smurfs! Katherine Austin SCHOOL NOTICES Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge This week the student’s who are participating in this Challenge received their Reading Records. Unfortunately some of the cards may have the wrong year level on them. If this is the case for your child can I please ask you to cross out the wrong grade and write in the correct one. You will also need to write your child’s name and date of birth on these cards. Good luck and happy reading everyone! Year 6 Parents Camp Payment A reminder that all Year 6 camp payments must be finalised by the Thursday 9th April. All Parents - Parent Teacher Interview Online bookings Close Thursday 2nd April SCA School Disco Friday 29th May 2015 OZTAG Anyone aged 10 - Born 2005, interested in playing OZTAG on Monday nights starting 4th May 2015 for 8 weeks in Kambah. Please contact Maree 043 499 6016. Catholic Schools 2016 Enrolment School Banking Reminder The 2016 Catholic Schools Enrolment Period is from Due to Good Friday, banking will be on Thursday this Monday 4 May – Friday 22 May 2015 week. So still send down your bank books on Thursday so (Weeks 2 – 4 inclusive, Term 2). If you know of anyone you can get your tokens! outside of our school community who has a child at a Also as the Athletics Carnival is on next Friday and Pre-school or Early Learning Centre, please notify them being the last day of term, banking will also be on next of the opportunity to enrol at St Clare of Assisi. Thursday! SCHOOL TERM DATES Term 1 finishes Friday 10th April Term 2 - Mon 27 April - Fri 23 July (Gov’t schools return on 28th April) Term 3 - Mon 20 July - Fri 25 Sept Term 4 - Mon 12 Oct - Fri 18 Dec SCA WALKING CLUB Will resume again after the holidays. Have a lovely Easter and see you at the Athletics Carnival!! Parent Network Reps COMMUNITY NOTICES Year 7, 2016 Enrolments St Clare’s College GALA CELEBRATION DINNER HOLY FAMILY PRIMARY SCHOOL 1985-2015 SAVE THE DATE AND SPREAD THE WORD When: Saturday 8th August 2015 Where: Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden Time: TBC All Holy Family staff, families and friends past and present are invited to our 30th Anniversary celebrations. Please email Angela Ryan with expressions of interest in attending. angela.ryan@cg.catholic.edu.au Future students are invited to “Try a Day @ St Clare’s” on Thursday, 30 April To find out more information about this exciting day and to register your daughter, visit our home page on www.stcc.act.edu.au Parents and future students are invited to our Year 7 2016 Open Evening Tuesday 5 May 2015, 4.00 – 7.30pm Tours of the College will be held between 4.00–6.00pm and 6.30–7.30pm. An information session will be conducted by Senior Students and the Principal, Mr Paul Carroll, between 6.00-6.30pm in the College Hall. St Clare’s College is located in McMillan Crescent, Griffith. For further enquiries contact the Enrolment Officer, Leonie Kelly, on 6260 9405 or visit our website on www.stcc.act.edu.au Sports Expo Come and Join us on Saturday 18th April, at the Sports Hub, University Drive North, Bruce from 10.00am to 3.00pm entry is free. Come, try and learn more about all the different types of sports that are available throughout Canberra and the Region. This will be a fun day with sports displays and activities, jumping castle and Sausage sizzles. For further information please contact ACTSPORT on 6253 0500
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