School Of Health And Related Research. Postgraduate Research Student Achievements 2009 Sally Hartnell New starters in 2009 PhDs awarded in 2009 Basmah Al Buhairan Patient Safety Walkrounds: A Case Study in a Healthcare Organisation Successful Upgrades Robert Akparibo Nick Bansback Nutrition and child survival in Ghana: Effectiveness of out-patients treatment for severe-acute malnutrition in children under five years A comparison of condition specific versus generic health state utilities in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Mubashir Arain Brian Crosbie Evaluation of GP- led walk in health centre How is gender deployed in nursing settings in relation to the use of technology? Nuru Bwanga Katie Dhingra Effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy in treating depression of patients with multiple sclerosis Is self-injury reinforcing? An examination from a standpoint of affect regulation and addictive behaviour Hannah Fairbrother Sally Hartnell Family shapes: A study of health inequalities and obesity The socioeconomic determinants of health inequalities in ethnic minority communities: A multidisciplinary approach The Impact Of Disease Adaptation On General Population Values. McTaggart Cowen, Tsuchiyi A, O’Cathain A, Brazier J. ISPOR 14th Annual International Meeting, May 2009, Florida, US. Hina Patel Simon Palfreyman Conceptualisations of Traditional and Western Medical Acupuncture: A qualitative study Development of a preference-based, disease-specific quality of life instrument for use with venous ulceration. Palfreyman SJ, Brazier J, Michaels JA. European Wound Management Association, 2009. Spencer Boyle Evaluation of physical activity levels among adolescents in the south-west and north-west Heather Brown The Economic Causes and Consequences of Obesity: Three Empirical Applications Clare Relton, Simon Palfreyman and Basmah Al Buhairan at the Graduation Reception Jan 2010 Jason Madan Modelling methods for exploiting routine data in the evaluation of breast cancer screening programmes Anna Moran A study to examine the contribution of support workers to the delivery and outcomes of community rehabilitation and intermediate care services in England Simon Palfreyman The development of a preference based, disease-specific quality of life instrument for venous ulceration Paolo Gardois How does a Stroke Prevention Team deliver evidence based care? A qualitative analysis of collaborative information behaviour Lucy Gell Alcohol and health inequalities Clare Relton Claire Hill Identifying the key elements of effective leadership in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Teams - Their impact on services, staff and clinical outcomes Validity and reliability of the otheogenesis imperfect (01) specific assessment tool Rachel Tattersall Jenni Lai Incorporating survival analysis into economic evaluations of Advanced Cancer Treatments to inform resource allocation decisions Tracy N'Diaye Patient and public perception of paediatric research: A drive to increase recruitment into paediatric research projects Paul Richards Bayesian decision analysis in clinical research programmes – adding costs and benefits rules and design Robert Gordon Elizabeth Taylor-Buck Research into the emerging practice of dyadic art therapy for the treatment of attachment disturbances in children Thomas Locker Predicting emergency department length of stay To change or not to change: Understanding why members of the general population alter their values for rheumatoid arthritis states. McTaggart -Cowen H, Tsuchiya A, O’Cathain A, Brazier J. Health Economics Study Group, July 2009, Sheffield, UK. Tony Smith Nick Latimer Exploring the potential barriers and facilitators to FOBT based screening for colorectal cancer in socioeconomically deprived areas of South Yorkshire Helen McTaggart-Cowen An exploration of the relationship between daily activity and health Sarah Hargreaves A new design for pragmatic randomised controlled trials: A Patient Cohort RCT of treatment by a homeopath for menopausal hot flushes MDs awarded 2009 Bayesian Parametric Schild Analysis of Data from a Whole Blood Stimulation Assay. Freedman, Immanuel; Liu, Feng; Austin , Daren ; de Boever, Erika ; Craigen, Jenny; Davies, Marie; Brewis, Neil. Poster/presentation: American conference on Pharmacometrics, 2009. Evaluating Quality of Life for Venous Ulcer Patients. A Systematic Review of Studies. European Wound Management Association, 2009. Seasonality and environmental triggers of asthma episodes in children The Development of a Preference Based Paediatric Health Related Quality of Life Measure for use in Economic Evaluation Marian Peacock Feng Liu Divided societies and the experience of shame and depression Clare Relton Katherine Stevens Reconsidering Ethnic Group Classification in the Health Survey for England 2004: Balancing the Utility and Validity of Aggregated Ethnicities. Society for Social Medicine, September 2009, Newcastle, UK. Armando Vargas Palacios Economic analysis of the A (H1N1) or swine flu vaccine in Mexico: A dynamic cost-effectiveness model Penny Watson The social, political and organisational dynamics of prescribing governance in rheumatoid arthritis Conference Presentations Joseph Akunuwe Carl Tilling Does the EQ-5D reflect lost earnings? Evidence from a Dutch online survey. HESG, January 2009, Manchester UK. Measuring the value of life: exploring a new method for deriving the monetary value of a QALY. IHEA , July 2009, Beijing, China. Measuring the value of life: exploring a new method for deriving the monetary value of a QALY. HESG, July 2009, Sheffield, UK. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Medicine Conference, September 2009, Newcastle, UK. Clare Bale Sexually Explicit material and adolescent sexual health. Paper presented at Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth postgraduate research seminar day, March 2009. Opportunities and challenges: Working within and across disciplines. Sheffield University & at Porn Cultures: Regulation, Political Economy, and Technology conference, June 2009, Leeds University, UK. Kate Doran Using 'Beating the Blues' to effect therapeutic psychological change: Service users' perceptions and experiences. Evidence, Effect & Qualitative Research. Aarhus, Denmark. Bayesian decision analysis in health economics and clinical research design – a case study in systemic lupus erythematosus Doing a PhD: Peaks, pitfalls & managing the everyday. Learning & Teaching Conference, Sheffield, UK. David Wood Doing a PhD: Developing spaces to think about the process. First ESCalate Student Conference, Birmingham, UK. Risk society, recreational drug use and sexual behaviour among young professional adults Evaluating healthcare by a homeopath for Fibromyalgia Syndrome using the ‘Patient Cohort’ RCT design’. Developing Research Strategies in complementary and alternative medicine, April 2009, University of Middlesex, UK. Publications from PhDs Almuammar H, Dryden, C, Burr, J. Factors associated with late presentation of cancer: A literature review. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, in press. Doran K. (2009). Perceptions and uses of supervision among School X PGRs: An exploratory study. Supervision_Doran%202009.pdf Relton C, Torgerson D, O’Cathain A, Nicholl JP. Rethinking pragmatic RCTs: Introducing the ‘cohort multiple RCT’ design. BMJ, in press. Other achievements Kate Doran Successfully completed the PCHE programme within the School of Education, achieving the status of Associate of the Higher Education Academy.
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