Elliot Street Clare SA 5453
Phone: 88422788 Fax: 88422153
Principal: Rob Knight
Senior School Assistant Principal: Joslyn Fox
Middle School Assistant Principal: Tamara Buddle
November 2014
6th—Yr 12 exams—Maths Apps & Maths
9th—Music Concert
9th—Pet show
10th—Yr 12 exams—Biology
11th—Remembrance Day
11th—Yr 8 boys & girls & Yr 9 boys
12th—Yr 12 exams—Chemistry & Tourism
13th—Yr 12 exams—PE
14th—Yr 12 exams—Maths Methods and
Specialist Maths, Ecology
19th—Special Ed Parent evening
20th—Yr 12 Fun Day & Grad dinner
24th– 26th—Yr 11 exams
26th—28th—Yr 10 exams
26th—Transition Parent Evening
27th—28th—Yr 11 into 12 Transition
27th—28th—Middle School Transition
December 2014
1st—12th—Cambodia Trip
4th—Presentation Night
5th—Pupil Free Day
8th—9th—Yr 9 Presentations
9th—Yr 9 Gathering
10th—Yr 9 Beach Day
10th—Activities week begins Yr 7/8
12th—Term IV ends Dismiss 2:25pm
Terms for 2015
Term 1—27/01/2015—10/04/2015
Term 2—02/04/2015—02/07/2015
Term 3—20/07/2015—25/09/2015
Term 4—12/10/2015—11/12/2015
Pet Show
9th November 11am
Middle School oval
See further in newsletter for poster
T/A South Australian Government Schools
CRICOS Provider Number: 00018A
Vol 17
RESPECTwe act responsibly
ACHIEVEMENTwe strive for excellence
RELATIONSHIPSwe value others
INVOLVEMENT...we all contribute
EDUCATIONwe seek to learn
Good afternoon everyone,
This week marks the start of SACE exams for all Year 12
students throughout the State. These exams will continue for
the next two weeks and most students will sit at least one SACE
exam. We wish all our Year 12 students great success during
the exam period.
Electronic Device and Cyber Safety Acceptable User
Agreement and Policy:
Please find attached to this newsletter a new Electronic Device
and Cyber Safety Acceptable User Agreement and Policy.
Yes, it’s a long title but this new policy is designed to replace 3
existing policies:
Mobile Phone Policy
Cyber safety and E-crime policy
Computer User Agreement
Significant work has been carried out on the development of
this policy throughout the year and all parents, the SRC, staff
and the Governing Council have been consulted and provided
feedback. Governing Council has now endorsed the final stage
of parent consultation for the new policy. The Governing
Council’s intention is to ratify and implement the policy for the
start of the 2015 school year.
Please read this policy carefully and provide any further
feedback to me by Monday, 1st December. The intention of
the policy is to provide students with far greater access to
electronic devices at CHS (including personal mobile phones)
but to increase parental and student responsibility for the
appropriate use of such devices whilst at school. The policy
also increases CHS staff authority to act if a student breaches
the policy. From the start of the 2015, no student will be
permitted to use an electronic device at school or have access
the school’s network until a signed Acceptable User Agreement
(parent and student) has been received by the school. Once a
signed Acceptable User Agreement has been received, the
Continued next page
student is free to bring any personal
electronic device to school and to access
the school’s IT network.
Student Transition:
It is always a great time of the year when
we start to see the new students visiting
Clare High from their Primary Schools.
Katie Liebelt is managing our Student
Transition program this year and she is
communicating regularly with our local
schools and families. Transition is an
important process as it helps our new
students adjust to a bigger precinct and
prepare for life in a secondary school.
During week 7, all our new students will
spend 2 full days together at Clare High,
getting to meet new teachers and new
students from other schools. Should you
have any queries regarding our Transition
program, please contact Katie or Tamara
Buddle (Middle School Assistant
Quote of the Week:
“Well done is better than well said” Benjamin Franklin
Rob Knight - Principal
A once in a lifetime
opportunity to be at Gallipoli
next Anzac Day
You can win a trip for two to Istanbul and
Gallipoli in April 2015 by visiting the
Australia in the Great War Facebook and
just clicking to enter.
Competition closes 11 November 2014 so
hurry to enter.
Anzac day 2015 will be a special time as
we commemorate 100 years since the
Gallipoli landing and being there will be
an amazing experience.
Competition Closes 11
November 2014
Boxes Wanted
For the Art Department
The Clare High Art
Department are in need of
boxes and containers to
assist their move. In week
7 work begins on the
upgrade of the current
facilities. The staff will be
busy relocating all of the
furniture and art materials,
so your help will be
greatly appreciated!
Thanks in anticipation,
The Art Staff.
Greetings from Mr. Fuller in the ‘Great White North’:
Hello to everyone at Clare High School. I trust your year has gone well and you are looking forward to a
fantastic summer break after a few more months of hard work at school for this year. I have had a fantastic
time in Canada and have a lot of experiences I look forward to sharing with you on my return.
I have heard of some great opportunities for our Music students at CHS with Mr. Jacobson, being able to to
learn a woodwind or brass instrument within the classroom music program, and hope to continue these
opportunities into next year. Students who were involved in lessons with Mr. Elsley and the Instrumental
Music Program will already be signed up as a continuing student for next year, and information for new
students to become involved in the program will be distributed through the school within the next few weeks.
If, as parents, you would like more information about your child’s involvement in the program, please feel
free to email me at and I would be happy to answer any questions you may
Here are just a few things I have been up to this year!
Above: The Cremona Senior Band performing at
the Kiwanis Music Festival
Left: The Cremona Senior Band having a band
photo at the Nelson Cantando Festival
When I first arrived in Canada, getting used to the -37ºC was a challenge but I acclimatised very quickly. It
was busy from the very start preparing the Senior Band for a number of festival performances including the
local Olds Kiwanis Festival and the Nelson Cantando Festival in British Columbia. Everything went smoothly
and the students performed to a high standard, bringing home a Bronze award for the program. The next trip
to plan was the Grade 7/8 Band Trip up to Edmonton where I organised for students to have instrument
specific workshops with lecturers from Red Deer College and then a performance in the West Edmonton
Mall the following day.
Towards the end of the semester I worked hard with the students to present the end of year concert which
involved performances from each of the bands separately, as well as mixed groups and interweaving the
show with some solo and small act performances from a number of the students.
Other key events I organized were the ‘Cremona’s Got Talent’ show
with the help of the school’s leadership students, and yours truly as
Keith Urban, as well as other staff joining in on the judging. There
was also the spring concert with the elementary students and
teachers who I also had the opportunity to work with over the Above: Co judging Cremona’s Got
Talent with Cherra-Lynne Olthoff and
Tyson Youngs from Cremona School
Left: The Elementary Music Concert in full
For the new year here I am just about to
take the Grade 5-6 students on a band
camp, as well as taking the Senior Band
on a tour to perform a joint concert with
another school, and a workshop day at
the University of Lethbridge.
The staff at Cremona School have been fantastic and have involved me in a
number of other activities throughout the year including trying to teach me
how to play Ice-Hockey, taking me on the Senior Ski Excursion as well as
sending me on the Grade 9 Outdoor Education Trip into the wilderness.
Although it will be sad to leave at the end of this year I am very much looking
forward to returning home and teaching at Clare High School again. Good
luck to all Grade 12 students for the next few weeks as they hand up their
final assignments and prepare for exams. In particular to the Clare High
Music students, I wish you all the best with your final performance markings
and completion of your projects.
Looking forward to a great year in 2015.
Ben Fuller
End of Year Procedure
for Library and Text Book Returns.
All library, text books and sports clothing MUST be returned to the library before the holidays. Start
looking for your books/clothing and return them when you have finished with them.
Year 12s, your leaver’s form will not be signed by library staff unless all your books are returned.
If you are not returning to CHS in 2015 you must complete a leaver’s form and have its signed by
library staff.
It is your responsibility to come into the school and return your books. If the books are lost or damaged
beyond repair you will be invoiced for the amount of that book. Books need to come back on time so they
can be prepared for classes in 2015.
If you would like a print out of the books you have on loan please come into the library
for assistance.
Thank you for your co-operation
The staff in the canteen wish to thank the following person/s for volunteering during
Week 3 and 4 Term 4—Leanne Williams
Thank you to Clay Reid for the donation of more eggs. Must have happy chooks.
If you have any surplus veg or eggs please bring it/them to the Front Office or the canteen
Skills—Unique Student Identifier
Student Information for the Unique
Student Identifier
USI...bringing your skills together
From 1 January 2015 if you are undertaking nationally
recognised training delivered by a registered training
organisation you will need to have a Unique Student
Identifier (USI). This included studying at TAFE or with
a private training organisation, completing an
apprenticeship or skill set, certificates or diploma
A USI gives you access to your online USI account
which is made up of term numbers and letters. It will
look something like this: 3AW88YH9U5.
A USI account will contain all your nationally
recognised training records and results from 1 January
2015 onwards. Your results from 2015 will be
available in your USI account in 2016.
When applying for a job or enrolling in further study,
you will often need to provide your training records and
results. One of the main benefits of the USI is that you
will have easy access to your training records and
results throughout your life.
You can access your USI account online from a
computer, tablet or smart phone anywhere and
Do you need a USI?
You will need a USI when you enrol or re-enrol in
training from 1 January 2015 if you are a:
Student enrolling in nationally recognised
training for the first time, for example if you are
studying at TAFE or with a private training
organisation, completing an apprenticeship or
skill set, certificate or diploma course.
School student completing nationally recognised
training: or
Student continuing with nationally recognised
You are a continuing student if you are a student who
has already started your course in a previous year (and
not yet completed it) and will continue studying after 1
January 2015.
Once you create your USI you will need to give your
USI to each training organisation you study with so
your training outcomes can be linked and you will be
able to:
View and update your details in your USI
Give your training organisation permission to view
and/or update your USI account;
Give your training organisation view access to
your transcript;
Control access to your transcript; and
View online and download your training records
and results in the form of a transcript which will
help you with job applications and enrolment in
further training.
If you are an international, overseas or an offshore
student please visit for further info.
It is free and easy for you to create your own USI online.
While you may create your own USI, training
organisations are also able to create a USI for you.
Training organisations should do this a part of the
enrolment process when you begin studying. Where this
service is provided, training organisation will let you
Steps to create your USI
The following steps show how you can create a USI.
Step 1 Have at least one and preferably two forms of ID
ready from the list below:
Driver’s Licence
Medicare Card
Australian Passport
Visa (with Non-Australian Passport) for
international students
Birth Certificate (Australian)
Certificate fo Registration by Descent
Citizenship Certificate
Immi Card
If you do not have proof of ID from the list above you can
contact your training organisation about the other forms
of ID they can accept to help you get an USI.
Step 2 Have your personal contact details ready (e.g.
email address, or mobile number, or address).
Step 3 Visit the USI website at:
Step 4 Select the ‘Create a USI’ link and follow the
Step 5 Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Step 6 Follow the instructions to create a USI—it should
only take a few minutes. Upon completion, the USI will
be displayed on the screen. It will also be sent to your
preferred method of contact.
Step 7 You should then write down the USI and keep it
somewhere handy and safe.
IMPORTANT: To make sure we keep all of your training
records together, the USI will be linked to your name as
it appears on the form of ID you used to create the USI.
The personal details entered when you created a USI
must match exactly with those on your form of ID.
For more information please visit:
Or contact us at Email:
Phone: Skilling Australia Information line—13 38 73
To view this document online please visit:
2014 Gymkhana
On Friday the 24th of October the Clare High School Interschool Gymkhana was held. Clare High School
had great representation with 12 riders competing. Overall there were 79 riders who competed from 25
different schools from around the state. The schools attendING ranged from Port Augusta, Quorn,
Glossop and Loxton in the Riverland to as far south as Pembroke and Thomas Moore College.
The hack ring judge was Helen Barnes, who travelled down from Adelaide to judge and is extremely well
qualified. Helen is a credited level 1 Equestrian coach, which is quite a hard level to attain, so we feel
extremely privileged to have had her services for the day. The encourage hacking ring was judged by local
equestrian enthusiast Maureen Minney. Maureen is a well performed equestrian who in the past has
experienced much success in the show jumping arena. Both judges did an extremely good job. In Helen’s
ring, local hacking riders Kiara Schulz on her young hack received a champion sash and Courtney Woods
on her Galloway also received a champion. Maureen awarded 2 of her champion sashes to local Saint
Joseph’s School rider Phoebe Seneca who then went on to be awarded the Supreme Hack exhibit of the
day, which is where the 6 champion award winners from each ring come together. Both judges agreed on
the combination that they deemed to be the best. Young Phoebe, who is only in year seven, was the rider
who received the highest points overall for the day and was awarded an embroided horse rug for her
efforts. This meant that Phoebe competed in all three rings, the Hacking, Show jumping and Novelty
arena, where she won ribbons and was awarded points.
The Show jumping arena was run once again by the extremely qualified and well performed (back in his
day!!) show jumping enthusiast Andrew Boylan. We owe many thanks to Andrew who gave up a day’s
work in his business to come along and do this for us. He helped design the course on the Thursday night
prior to the Gymkhana, is at the showgrounds from 6:30 Friday morning sorting out the finer details of the
course. He then ran the day on the Friday, which involved shifting show jumps, putting up rails, timing,
offering advice, assisting younger riders, awarding prizes and commentating, keeping everyone
entertained. We really appreciate his work and the Gymkhana wouldn’t be as big a success as it is without
Andrew’s tireless work. Clare High School students who did perform well in the show jumping arena were
Anna Wiblin who was awarded the Middle School Show Jumping Champion, and Zoe Boylan won the
Senior School Show Jumping Champion. Zoe also went on to win the 4 Bar competition on her horse
Robbies Gunns who cleared the final jump which was standing at 1.40m. This is a new Clare High School
Interschool Gymkhana record. Robbies Gunns cleared this with ease. Robbies Gunns has previously won
this event with Zoe’s older brother Reece riding him.
The Novelty arena was conducted and run by the extremely well qualified horse enthusiast Penny
Maynard. Penny has previously competed in the United States, riding for Australia in the Prince Phillip
Mounted Games team, experiencing success. She has done this on a number of occasions. We are
extremely grateful for Penny volunteering her time on the day. Penny also gave up a day of work and
drove over to Burra on the Thursday night to collect all of the required Novelty equipment for the event,
marked out where everything was going on the Thursday night, judged and ran the day and then returned
the equipment back to Burra. Penny’s newly designed novelty program drew the largest crowd that we
have had for a number of years competing. The prizes were shared quite evenly amongst all competitors
throughout the afternoon but Clare High School students who did well in this category were Rachel Ayliffe,
Trent Noble and Ebony Boylan.
Clare High School won the overall points trophy for the day with a total of 88 points accumulated. Kadina
Memorial High School finished second with 65 points awarded to their school with Quorn Area School
coming in third sitting on 59 points. Riders to compete for the Clare High School on the day were: Ebony
Boylan, Zoe Boylan, Erin Watkin-Blaser, Michaela Wastell, Trent Noble, Rachel Ayliffe, Courtney Woods,
Kate Werfel, Anna Wiblin, Kiara Schulz and Sian Fitzgerald.
The day couldn’t have been as successful as it was without the help of a handful of Clare High School
students who gave up their day to run errands and work all day doing whatever was asked of them. These
students were Todd Slade, Cameron Negus, Isabelle Portis, Mitchell Jarvis, Dylan Jarvis, Nathan Francis,
Jessicca Oakes-Driver, Emily Duncan, Talari Frances, Ally Peter and Skylar Parr. I am extremely grateful
to these students who displayed great workmanship.
A lot of work also went into the canteen which was run by Julie Brown and Lesley Squires. All profits
raised in the canteen will be donated to New Hope in Cambodia when these teachers and students travel
to Cambodia later in the year.
A huge thank you also needs to go out to Rural Co and Rob Calaby who donated the cost of the hire of
the showgrounds and the Pony Club’s show jumping equipment. We are extremely grateful for this
The day was a huge success and everyone involved needs to be thanked and be proud of their efforts.
We are already excited about next year’s event and have started talking about a few ideas which could be
very exciting for students who ride horses and compete.
Kristy Lewis—Gymkhana Coordinator
Zoe Boylan in action in the Show jumping Arena
Principal Rob Knight sashing Anna Wiblin
Trent Noble competing on his horse Chunky
Zoe and Andrew next to the 1.40 jump
Clare and District Basketball Under 20 Men
Are You Interested In Playing Under 20 Basketball (Born 1995 or after)
When:Monday Afternoons/Evenings
Where: Valleys Lifestyle Centre
How to Register: Monday 10th November
4.30pm Registration and Trials
Clare High School
Year 7 Pet Show
is happening again
Sunday 9th November
Middle School Oval
$8 per animal for all categories
Food, drinks and raffle on site
Stanley Cricket Association
Division Three (u12)
Training : 4.00 pm Thursdays
Venue : Clare High School
Saturday Mornings 8.30 am start
Venue : High School Oval
If you are aged between 8 and 12
years and want to play cricket
please contact Scooter via email .
Contact : Scooter Smith
(0407434298) or Tim McNeil
AgServe 2014 Kapunda
Junior Tennis Tournament
Sunday 30th November
Singles & doubles—
10 & U, 12 & U, 14 & U, 16 & U
Ages as at 1st October 2014
Entries close Sunday 23rd November 5pm
For nomination form or queries please contact:
Lisa Diekman 0448 864 108
or Sarah Johnson 0407 069 287
2015 Drum Lessons!!
Enquiries for students looking to begin private drum
lessons at CHS in term 1 2015 are being taken.
Weekly 1/2 hour lessons are 1 on 1 with
experienced drum teacher Paul Gibson
Enquiries to Paul Gibson 0417 873 016
Limited places are available.