The USI is part of your business!

The USI is part of
your business!
Jason Coutts
Information Infrastructure Branch
Department of Education and Training
25 February 2015
USI – Streamlining student records for the future….
Today’s Presentation
Update on USI progress
Are you ready? It’s not too late!
Lessons learned – tips for RTOs and their students
Do’s and Don’ts
Time for Questions
Update on Progress of the USI
Over 1 million USIs have been created! So far…
 Students have created 919,217 USIs
 RTOs have created 173,988 USIs
Thousands of RTOs are registered for Web Services access
Many RTOs are active in the Training Organisation Portal
We are here to help you!
Our system works 24/7
We have the a USI Hotline - 13 38 73 and a dedicated Business Operations
team on the ground in the USI Office
We have set up extra support teams to help RTOs over this introductory
period and first peak enrolment period and they provide a high level of
support and guidance, fielding many enquiries through emails, phone calls,
Help Requests and Web Chat sessions
Evolving National Training System
Student transcript access
Easier enrolment for RTOs – prerequisites, credit transfer and RPL
Fuller picture of training – completion rates, student pathways, better targeted
policy and programs
Consistent national quality assurance
Helpful Resources
2014 USI Webinars Series
2014 USI Conference Presentations
Reporting and Total VET Activity (TVA)
New reporting requirements for all RTOs came into effect in January 2014
The implementation Grace Period was for the 2014 calendar only - this has ended
The deadline for reporting your 2014 nationally accredited training activity to
NCVER is 27 February 2015 and this must be reported using AVETMISS
All RTOs collect from January 2015 and report in February 2016 (or sooner if
contractual arrangements apply)
– If you have ‘Fee For Service’ only activity – it must be submitted directly to
NCVER or your State Training Authority, depending on the reporting
arrangement in your State or Territory
– ‘Government Funded’ only activity - submit as previously
– ‘Mixed’ – see NCVER and/or relevant State Training Authority
NCVER offers a range of support for RTOs who are collecting or reporting activity
data for the first time
USI Exemptions
Student exemptions from the USI
 Students who have completed all the requirements for a VET award by
31 December 2014, but did not receive that award in 2014
 International students studying offshore
 Students granted an exemption by the Registrar based on a genuine personal
Training Organisation exemptions
 Data collection could jeopardise the security or safety of defence, border
protection, customs, national security or police personnel
 Data collection conflicts with the delivery of vital community services including
emergency, fire, rescue or first aid services
 We strongly encourage you to check with your Regulator and do not assume an
exemption applies.
 IMPORTANT: If you are delivering exempted training you are required to inform
your students that their training will not appear on their USI transcript
 There is more information on Exemptions on the USI website
USI Transitional Arrangements
• Transitional arrangements are in place for short course providers
• For training activity before 1 January 2016, Training Organisations delivering
single day training courses will be permitted to issue a VET statement of
attainment to students who have not been able to provide a USI before
completion of training
• What do I need to do?
 Step 1: You should ask for a USI from your student
 Step 2: You must verify the USI
 Step 3: You must record the USI and include it in your activity data
 Step 4: If a student is unable to provide a USI, you must inform them
that this training will not appear on their USI transcript
Prepare your business processes for 2016
It’s not too late to get connected!
Remember this is a ‘once off’ implementation…once you’re connected,
you’re ready to go. It’s easy to get started…
Complete the Access Request Form
(think about how you want to connect)
Establish your connection to the USI Registry System
 Let’s talk about AUSkey
 What is Self-Service Authorisation (SSA)?
Update your enrolment processes (forms and messages)
Prepare your staff (procedures)
Empower your students/clients (pre-enrolment)
Complete the Access Request Form
Choose your connection options
 AUSkey
See the Australian Business Register website for all the information you
need on AUSkey
 Self-Service Authorisation (SSA)
The Organisations User Guide located on the USI website will provide you
with SSA information
Update your enrolment processes (forms)
Prepare your staff (procedures)
Show your staff the USI Summary Video for Training Providers so they
understand what it’s about  USI Training provider video
Empower your students (enrolment)
Show your students the USI Summary Video for Students so they can learn
more about it  USI Student video
Top 10 FAQs from the USI Hotline
How can I get an additional AUSkey(s) for my business?
My details match another USI but I haven't applied for one yet
How do I create a USI account?
I can not verify my form of ID
I have forgotten my USI, what can I do?
I have forgotten my password and can not log in
What does activating your USI account mean?
How can I change my personal details?
How do training organisations verify a USI?
10. How do New Zealand citizens create a USI when they don't have a Visa?
Lessons Learned – 10 Tips for RTOs
You need an AUSkey to complete
a USI System Access Request
TIP: AUSkey issues need to be directed to, not to the USI hotline
If you are trying to access the
‘Training Organisation Login’ and
it asks for a password – it’s
looking for your AUSkey
TIP: You need to contact the ABR to get your AUSkey
RTOs must use the ‘Training
Organisation Login’ NOT the
‘Student Login’
TIP: RTOs must not use the ‘Student Login’ or set
Passwords or Check Questions for students
Students can still enrol without
TIP: Keep in mind that the point at which the USI is
required is when the RTO issues a qualification or
statement of attainment, or reports their AVETMISS
data, whichever comes first
RTOs must receive permission
from their students to apply for a
USI on their student’s behalf
TIP: RTOs must advise the student that they will apply
for a USI on their behalf
More Tips for RTOs
TIP: RTOs will not be able to use the ‘Find USI’ function unless
the student has gone into their USI account and given the
Training Organisation permission to view their account
Using ‘Find USI’
Match your student records to
the USI to verify USIs
TIP: RTOs should consider changing details in their SMS record
to match the name created in the USI account
Having trouble with your
TIP: Try another browser or try updating your existing browser
If students are experiencing
difficulties with creating their
TIP: RTOs should
- encourage their students to check the USI Website first (it
has the answers to all the frequently asked questions)
- provide support and guidance
- if students are still experiencing problems, suggest they
use the ‘Request Help’ function in the Student Login
USI…bringing your skills together…..
Tips for your Students
TIP: Students should check with their Training Organisation in the
event that they have provided permission and their Training
Organisation has already created a USI on their behalf
The USI already exists
Student’s must use their name
as it appears on their form of ID,
including their middle name
TIP: You can’t mix and match between the officially recognised
name on your ID and your preferred name
Changing personal details in
their USI account
TIP: Students can update their personal details in their USI account
once they have activated their account
New Zealand students
International students
TIP: International students studying in Australia will be able to
create a USI using their passport once they have their Visa
USI Help Sessions for your
TIP: Consider being proactive and invite students to USI Help
Sessions to specifically set up their USI
TIP: Ask your NZ student to apply for their USI once they have
entered Australia and they should be able to successfully
create their USI
USIs Created By Types of IDs
The most commonly used form of ID is a Driver Licence – 872,564 people
have used their Driver Licence to create their USIs
The second most commonly used form of ID is a Medicare Card – 160,356
people have used their Medicare Card to create their USIs
The forms of ID that can be used to create a USI include:
 Driver Licence;
 Medicare Card;
 Australian Passport;
 Visa (with Non-Australian Passport);
 Birth Certificate (Australian);
 Certificate of Registration by Descent;
 Citizenship Certificate; and
 ImmiCard.
Using a Driver Licence as a form of ID when creating a USI
Using a Medicare Card as a form of ID when creating a USI
Using a Visa (with non-Australian Passport) when creating a USI
Student names with apostrophes
Do’s and Don’ts
RTOs must not use the ‘Student Login’ or set Passwords or Check Questions
for students and RTOs must use the ‘Training Organisation Login’
RTOs must make sure they have student permission to create a USI and
ensure the student knows they are creating a USI on their behalf
RTOs creating USIs on behalf of their students (with their permission) need to
collect all the details required to create a USI, not create it from existing
partial records
If you require a USI at the time of enrolment, be clear about whose
requirement that is
Use DVS override carefully
Two steps to prevent creating duplicate USIs
 Data matching
 Duplication Audit
Unique Student Identifier
USI Hotline 13 38 73
NCVER Client Services
1800 649 452
Total VET Activity
For further information about Total VET Activity reporting, please
see the:
National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy
Department of Industry website
National Skills Standards Council (NSSC)
NCVER AVETMISS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)