FULTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING April 1, 2015 Fulton County Government Center Assembly Hall 141 Pryor Street SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 POST AGENDA MINUTES This document is tentative, has not been ratified or approved by the Board of Commissioners, and is not binding on the County or any officer. Scheduled date for ratification: April 15, 2015 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman John H. Eaves 10:00 a.m. ROLL CALL: Mark Massey, Clerk to the Commission John H. Eaves, Chairman (District 7, At-Large) Liz Hausmann, Vice-Chairman (District 1) Bob Ellis, Commissioner (District 2) Lee Morris, Commissioner (District 3) Joan P. Garner, Commissioner (District 4) Marvin S. Arrington, Jr., Commissioner (District 5) Emma I. Darnell, Commissioner (District 6) INVOCATION: Reverend Clifton Dawkins, Jr., County Chaplain PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Recited in unison. PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT CONSENT AGENDA Board of Commissioners 15-0255 Adoption of the Consent Agenda - (ADOPTED AS AMENDED) a. A motion was made by Commissioner Garner and seconded by Chairman Eaves to adopt the Consent Agenda as amended by removing item #15-0262 for separate consideration and correcting the Howard University Charter Day Proclamation as requested by Commissioner Garner thereby changing 48th to 148th Charter Day. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 6 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington 1 - Darnell b. A motion was made by Commissioner Morris and seconded by Commissioner Garner to reconsider adoption of the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 6 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington 1 - Darnell c. A motion was made by Commissioner Garner and seconded by Commissioner Morris to adopt the Consent Agenda as amended removing item #15-0262 for separate consideration. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 15-0256 6 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington 1 - Darnell Proclamations for Spreading on the Minutes. (SPREAD ON THE MINUTES UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Proclamation recognizing "Atlanta Healthcare, Music and Gospel Festival Appreciation Day." (Garner) March 19, 2015 POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 2 Proclamation recognizing "Leadership North Fulton - Government Day." (Hausmann) March 19, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Howard University 148th Charter Day." (Garner) March 21, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Foreverfamily, Inc. Appreciation Day." (Garner) March 22, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Reverend Dr. J. Allen Milner Appreciation Day." (Eaves) March 28, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Eagle Scout Conner Ellsworth Clark Appreciation Day." (Eaves) March 28, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Eagle Scout Warren Mills Cherry Appreciation Day." (Hausmann) March 29, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Eagle Scout Amaan Mitha Appreciation Day." (Hausmann) March 29, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Reverend James H. Sims Jr. Appreciation Day." (Eaves) March 29, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Eagle Scout Chase Thomas Clark Appreciation Day." (Eaves) March 29, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Eagle Scout Tyler James Wilson Appreciation Day." (Eaves) March 30, 2015 County Manager 15-0257 Request approval of the revised Severe Weather Policy. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 3 Economic Development 15-0258 Request approval of a $4348.00 Grant Award from the ACCG Civic Affairs Foundation for two 2015 Summer Student Interns in sustainable economic development technologies, techniques, strategies, projects and practices. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Health and Wellness 15-0259 Request approval to accept a donation of $40,000.00 from Lifeline Animal Projects for landscaping and fencing work at the Fulton County Animal Shelter located at 860 Marietta Blvd. N.W. The period of performance ends on December 31, 2015. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Information Technology 15-0260 Request approval of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Microsoft to authorize Microsoft to use its third-party independent contractor - Inviso, Corporation, (Bellevue, WA), to provide a data assessment of Fulton County computer systems and approval to accept this service from Microsoft, through Inviso, Corporation, valued in an amount not to exceed $25,700.00, which shall be paid directly by Microsoft to Inviso Corporation at no charge to Fulton County. The MOU is effective through completion of the services. Effective dates: Upon approval through December 31, 2015. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Library, Arts & Culture 15-0261 Spreading on the minutes : Final Approval of Land Acquisition for Library Capital Improvement Program, Phase I. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 4 Public Defender 15-0262 Request approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. State Department Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) to provide training and consultation to new and existing indigent defense programs in other countries. No County match. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED) ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION AS REQUESTED BY COMMISSIONER GARNER. A motion was made by Commissioner Garner and seconded by Commissioner Arrington to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: 6 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington 1 - Darnell Public Works/General Services 15-0263 Request approval of a Utility Easement Dedication between Fulton County, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia and the Georgia Power Company, for the purpose of installing electrical service lines as required to provide electrical services for the new Northwest Branch Library. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Development Authority of Fulton County - TEFRA (Tax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act) - for Spreading on the Minutes 15-0264 Execution by Chairman John H. Eaves of TEFRA for documentation pertaining to the proposed issuance of its Development Authority of Fulton County - Spelman College Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, in one or more series, in an amount not to exceed $55,000,000.00 (the "Bonds"). (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 5 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Board of Commissioners 15-0265 Adoption of the Regular Meeting Agenda. (ADOPTED AS AMENDED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Commissioner Garner to adopt the Regular Meeting Agenda as amended by removing items #15-0284 , 15-0287; adding items #15-0295, 15-0296 as requested by the County Manager, #150297 as requested by Commissioner Ellis, and item #15-0298 as requested by Commissioner Morris. a. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 6 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington 1 - Darnell LATER DURING THE MEETING: b. A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Chairman Eaves to reconsider the Regular Meeting agenda to move up items #15-0262 and #15-0288. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: 15-0266 6 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell 1 - Hausmann Ratification of Minutes. (APPROVED) Regular Meeting Minutes, March 4, 2015 Recess Meeting Post Agenda Minutes, March 18, 2015 Special Called Meeting Post Agenda Minutes, March 25, 2015 A motion was made by Commissioner Garner and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 6 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington 1 - Darnell POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 6 15-0267 Presentation of Proclamations and Certificates (PRESENTED) Proclamation recognizing "National County Government Month." (BOC/Eaves) Proclamation recognizing "Christian City Appreciation Day." (Eaves) Proclamation recognizing "AmeriCorps VISTA Appreciation Day." (Eaves/Garner) PUBLIC HEARINGS Board of Commissioners 15-0268 Public Comment - (CONDUCTED) Citizens are allowed to voice County-related opinions, concerns, requests, etc. during the Public Comment portion of the Commission meeting. Before speaking, each participant must fill out a speaker card, located at the entry way, the podium, and the media and court reporter tables. Speaker cards must be submitted to the Clerk’s staff, who will accept them on a first-come, first-served basis. Once Public Comment begins, speaker cards will no longer be accepted. Speakers will be granted up to two minutes each, and Public Comment will not exceed 15 minutes. Those who could not speak during Public Comment will be allowed to speak first at a subsequent Board meeting. For more information or to arrange a speaking date, contact the Clerk’s Office. 18 Speakers: Ms. Chevelle Green (Officer Green’s Wife/Thanked Fulton County);Ms. Allison Ashe (Covenant House); Mr. Quinnteris Bussie (Covenant House); Ms. Patricia “M.” Ajike Williams (Yielded time to Ms. Jordan); Ms. Henri Jordan (Justice/Injustice); Ms. Collins Goss (Arts Community); Ms. Vangie Watkins (Legislative Priorities); Mr. Sylvester Copeland (Government Harassment); Minister Larry Ealy (General Announcement); Mr. Wayman Harley (Yielded time to Mr. Harold Reid); Mr. Harold Reid (Right to Vote on HB 514); Brother. Anthony Muhammad (Justice); Mr. Ron Shukur (Justice); Ms. Yvonne Barber (Misconduct); Dr. Sonia FrancesRolle (Youth/Education Crisis); Mr. Gordon Rolle (Police); Mr. Reginald Tatum (Chief Jones’ Replacement); Mr. Nate Dingle (Appointment of Interim Police Chief). POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 7 Police 15-0269 Special Event Temporary Alcoholic Beverage Permit – Public hearing and request approval for Drinking Partners, LLC to allow the sale and consumption of wine, malt beverages and distilled spirits on the premises at a one- day concert (5/2/15) at Wolf Creek Amphitheater, 3025 Merk Road, College Park, GA 30349. (APPROVED) PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED NO SPEAKERS 15-0270 Special Event Temporary Alcoholic Beverage Permit – Public hearing and request approval for Drinking Partners, LLC to allow the sale and consumption of wine, malt beverages and distilled spirits on the premises at a one- day concert (5/9/15) at Wolf Creek Amphitheater, 3025 Merk Road, College Park, GA 30349. (APPROVED) PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED NO SPEAKERS A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve items #15-0269-and #15-270. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell PRESENTATIONS TO THE BOARD MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority) 15-0271 Presentation by MARTA General Manager/CEO Keith Parker. (PRESENTED) Board of Assessors 15-0272 Review: Status of the Board of Assessors office and update on their practices and procedures. (Discussion to be held during lunch). (DISCUSSED) ITEM HEARD AT THE END OF THE MEETING. POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 8 Vice-Chairman Hausmann and Commissioner Ellis requested a report that quantifies staffing needs verses estimated revenue to the county. Zoning Public Hearing Two Related Cases UNFINISHED BUSINESS 15-0184 2015ZM-0003 SFC, Southeast quadrant to Campbellton Road (SR 166) and Cascade Palmetto Highway (SR 70) (DEFERRED FOR 30 DAYS) (PERMITTED TO WITHDRAW ON 4/1/15) P&CS Dept. Recommendation: Denial CLUP: N/A Application by Hakim Hilliard for Alex Panjwani of Jupiter Development, Inc. for VJ Tummala seeks a modification of zoning petition Z74-053 SFC to amend condition 3 for the development of a retail center with a convenience store with gas pumps. The subject site containing approximately 2.597 acres zoned C-1 (Community Business) pursuant to Z74-053 SFC is undeveloped and has approximately 118.89 feet of frontage along the east side of Cascade Palmetto Highway (SR 70) and approximately 235.62 feet of frontage along the south side of Campbellton Road (SR 166), located in Land Lot 53 & 60, District 9C, Fulton County, Georgia. 15-0185 2015VC-0002 SFC, Southeast quadrant to Campbellton Road (SR 166) and Cascade Palmetto Highway (SR 70) (DEFERRED FOR 30 DAYS) (PERMITTED TO WITHDRAW ON 4/1/15) P&CS Dept. Recommendation: Denial - All Parts CLUP: N/A Application by Hakim Hilliard for Alex Panjwani of Jupiter Development, Inc. for VJ Tummala seeks a 3-part concurrent variance as follows: Part 1. Allow fuel pumps and associated canopies in front of the building. (Article 12L.4, Section E.14) Part 2. Allow more than 50 percent of parking in front of a building. (Article 12L.4, Section G.1 & 3) Part 3. Allow an additional freestanding sign. (Article 33, Section 25.E.1)The subject site containing approximately 2.597 acres zoned C-1 (Community Business) pursuant to Z74-053 SFC is undeveloped and has approximately 118.89 feet of frontage along the east side of POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 9 Cascade Palmetto Highway (SR 70) and approximately 235.62 feet of frontage along the south side of Campbellton Road (SR 166), located in Land Lot 53 & 60, District 9C, Fulton County, Georgia. PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED 4 Speakers: Mr. Hakim Hilliard (Applicant); Mr. Waymon Harley (In Support of zoning); Ms. Natalie Dansberry (In Support of Zoning); Ms. Allyson Dozier (Opposed of Zoning); Mr. Kenneth Wise (Opposed of Zoning); Ms. Cynthia Turner (Opposed of Zoning). A motion was made by Commissioner Darnell and seconded by Commissioner Arrington to permit withdrawal for items #15-0184 and #15-0185. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 10 NEW BUSINESS 15-0273 Case #2014Z -0013 SFC, Amendment to Article XXXIV of the Zoning Resolution (APPROVED) P&CS Dept. Recommendation: Approval CLUP: N/A CZB Recommendation: Approval Approval: Ms. Lynn Jarrett-Gude, Mr. Clifton Jenkins, Ms. Rosemary Lawson-Edge Mr. Wallace Linsey Sr., Mr. Bruce Moody, Ms. Susan Maziar Application by Fulton County to amend Article XXXIV of the Zoning Resolution pertaining to Development Regulations to add cluster box unit (CBU) standards for USPS delivery. PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED 1 Speaker: Ms. Vangie Watkins (In Support of Cluster Box Unit) A motion was made by Commissioner Darnell and seconded by Commissioner Morris to accept/approve the recommendation of staff and the CZB to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 11 Two Related Cases 15-0274 2015U-0001 SFC Campbellton Fairburn Road (No Vote Taken) P&CS Dept. Recommendation: Withdrawal CLUP: N/A CZB Recommendation: Approval Conditional Approval: Ms. Lynn Jarrett-Gude, Mr. Clifton Jenkins, Ms. Rosemary Lawson-Edge Mr. Wallace Linsey Sr., Mr. Bruce Moody, Ms. Susan Maziar Application by Barry Shaw of Tough Mudder LLC for Carl M. Bouckaert of GAIA, LLC seeks a Use Permit for an outdoor event (Article 19.4.19). The subject 2,047.38 acre site has approximately 1,573.45 feet of road frontage along the western side of Campbellton-Fairburn Road; approximately 3,504.42 feet of road frontage along the western side of Cochran Mill Road; approximately 4,989.49 feet of road frontage along the northern side of Cedar Grove Road; approximately 6,212.98 feet of road frontage along the northeastern side of Browns Lake Road and approximately 6,849.43 feet of road frontage along the southwestern side of Browns Lake Road, located in Land Lots 1 through 6; Land Lots 19 through 29 and Land Lots 38 through 40, District 9C, Fulton County, Georgia. THE BOC DOES NOT HAVE JURISDICTION IN THIS AREA AS ADVISED BY THE COUNTY ATTORNEY. 15-0275 2015VC-0001 SFC, Campbellton Fairburn Road (No Vote Taken) P&CS Dept. Recommendation: Withdrawal – All Parts Conditional CLUP: N/A CZB Recommendation: Approval Conditional – All Parts Approval: Ms. Lynn Jarrett-Gude, Mr. Clifton Jenkins, Ms. Rosemary Lawson-Edge Mr. Wallace Linsey Sr., Mr. Bruce Moody, Ms. Susan Maziar Application by Barry Shaw of Tough Mudder LLC for Carl M. Bouckaert of GAIA, LLC seeks the following 2-Part concurrent variance: Part 1. Allow access from non-local streets (Article 19.4.19. Section B.1.) Part 2. Delete requirement for fence around the event (Article 19.4.19. Section B.2. The subject 2,047.38 acre site has approximately 1,573.45 feet of road frontage along the western side of POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 12 Campbellton-Fairburn Road; approximately 3,504.42 feet of road frontage along the western side of Cochran Mill Road; approximately 4,989.49 feet of road frontage along the northern side of Cedar Grove Road; approximately 6,212.98 feet of road frontage along the northeastern side of Browns Lake Road and approximately 6,849.43 feet of road frontage along the southwestern side of Browns Lake Road, located in Land Lots 1 through 6; Land Lots 19 through 29 and Land Lots 38 through 40, District 9C, Fulton County, Georgia. THE BOC DOES NOT HAVE JURISDICTION IN THIS AREA AS ADVISED BY THE COUNTY ATTORNEY. 15-0276 2015Z-0001 SFC, Old National Highway (SR 279) (APPROVED) P&CS Dept. Recommendation: Approval Conditional CLUP: Consistent CZB Recommendation: : Approval Conditional Approval: Ms. Lynn Jarrett-Gude, Mr. Clifton Jenkins, Ms. Rosemary Lawson-Edge Mr. Wallace Linsey Sr., Mr. Bruce Moody, Ms. Susan Maziar Application by Alex Strevel for Scott Henderson of Pro Manage Inc., seeks a rezoning from O-I (Office Institutional) to O-I (Office Institutional) to allow the zoning district’s permitted uses within the existing 2,772 square foot existing structure. The 1.01 acre site has approximately 200 feet of road frontage along the east side of Old National Highway, located in Land Lot 93, District 13 Fulton County, Georgia. PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED 1 Speaker Mr. Alex Strevel (Applicant) A motion was made by Commissioner Darnell and seconded by Commissioner Garner to accept/approve recommendation of staff to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 13 COUNTY MANAGER - UNFINISHED BUSINESS Purchasing 15-0237 Request approval to utilize cooperative purchasing – Finance, Cobb County Government Contract 10-5489, Meter Reading Services in the amount of $150,000.00 with Bermex, Inc. (Clinton Township, MI) to provide water meter reading services for all Fulton County water and sewer customers. Effective upon BOC approval through September 30, 2015. (HELD ON 3/18/15) (APPROVED ON 4/1/15) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: 6 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington 1 - Darnell COUNTY MANAGER - NEW BUSINESS County Manager 15-0277 Request approval of a pro bono agreement with Accenture to provide facilitation services for the strategic planning retreat which will take place at the Georgia Institute of Technology Hotel and Conference Center on April 16, 2015. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Commissioner Garner to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell Finance 15-0278 Presentation of the April 2015 Budget Soundings. (PRESENTED) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 14 15-0279 Request approval of a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County, Georgia authorizing the distribution of a Preliminary Offering Statement, Notice of Sale, and Official Bid Form for the 2015 Tax Anticipation Note. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Morris and seconded by Commissioner Garner to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 15-0280 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell Request approval of the recommended plan designs for plan year beginning January 1, 2016 for Health, Dental, Vision and the Medicare Advantage Plan. Approval is needed for the Finance Department to move forward with the development and release of the Request for Proposals (RFPs) by Procurement. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: 6 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington 1 - Darnell Commissioner Arrington requested staff to ensure that employees will have more than one choice/option. Office of External Affairs 15-0281 Discussion: Legislative Update. (PRESENTED) A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Hausmann and seconded by Chairman Eaves to reaffirm the BOC's position on HB 514 (City of South Fulton Referendum) supporting the citizens’ right to vote on this issue. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 15 Commissioner Arrington requested Ms. Jessica Corbitt and the County Manager review and identify discrepancies in the library bill and have the County Manager reach out to the Governor regarding the bill before it is signed. Commissioner Garner requested a copy of Senate Bill 4 (BeltlineUtility relocation costs) be distributed to the Board. Planning and Community Services 15-0282 Request approval of notification to the City of Atlanta on the County’s position regarding the annexation of approximately .5688 acre into Atlanta. (OBJECTED ANNEXATION REQUEST) A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Morris to object. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 15-0283 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell Request approval of notification to the City of College Park on the County’s position regarding the annexation of approximately 225.128 acres into College Park. (SUPPORTED ANNEXATION REQUEST) A motion was made by Commissioner Darnell and seconded by Commissioner Ellis to support. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell Public Works/General Services - Land Division 15-0284 Request approval for the sale of 1175 Johnson Road (the Property) to the Atlanta Housing Authority (AHA). The 1.363-acre property is improved with an 8145 square foot building. (REMOVED) ITEM REMOVED FROM THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA AS REQUESTED BY THE COUNTY MANAGER. POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 16 Purchasing 15-0285 Request spending authority - FC-6940, Pre-Employment and HAZMAT Physicals and Drug Testing, in an amount not to exceed $150,000.00 with Caduceus Occupational Medicine (Atlanta, GA) to provide preemployment physical and drug testing services. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Arrington and seconded by Commissioner Garner to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 15-0286 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell Request approval to accept a name change and authorizing the Department of Purchasing to reflect the name change of qPublic to Schneider Engineering Corp. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 15-0287 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell Request approval to renew an existing contract - Department of Public Works/General Services, RFP #09RFP08155K-DJ, Operations & Maintenance Services for Fulton County Wastewater Facilities and Pump Stations in the amount of $12,093,822.00 with Veolia Water North America – South LLC (Atlanta, GA) to provide operation and maintenance services for the County’s wastewater facilities and pump stations. This action exercises the first of a five year renewal option. No renewal option remains. Effective dates: July 6, 2015 through July 5, 2020. (REMOVED) ITEM REMOVED FROM THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA AS REQUESTED BY THE COUNTY MANAGER. POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 17 COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS - UNFINISHED BUSINESS Commissioners' Action Items 15-0206 Request approval to declare an emergency need for CJIS community permitting the County Manager to enter an emergency contract not to exceed $250,000.00 to provide emergency temporary project manager capabilities, technical support and training; and transfer the CJIS Director position from the County Manager back to IT (D63). This position would be a dual report to IT and the CJIS Chair. (Arrington) (HELD ON 3/4/15 AND 3/18/15) (WITHDRAWN ON 4/1/15) A motion was made by Commissioner Arrington and seconded by Chairman Eaves to permit withdrawal. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS Commissioners' Action Items 15-0288 Request approval of a Resolution authorizing the Chairman of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners to execute an amendment to that certain Intergovernmental Agreement between Fulton County, the City of Atlanta, and the City of Atlanta and Fulton County Recreation Authority for the purpose of authorizing the Atlanta Fulton County Zoo, Inc. to enter into a temporary construction easement to facilitate the construction of the reptile habitat at Zoo Atlanta, to allow expansion of Zoo Atlanta to include the Atlanta Cyclorama building, and to allow inclusion of a new African Savanna Elephant habitat, and for other purposes. (Arrington/Garner) (APPROVED) HEARD AFTER ITEM #15-0262. A motion was made by Commissioner Garner and seconded by Commissioner Arrington to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 18 15-0289 Request approval of a Resolution to modify existing Internal Audit Legislation. (Ellis) (HELD) Commissioner Garner requested that the Board be provided with examples of Internal Audit structures from other jurisdictions. Commissioners' Discussion Items 15-0290 Discussion: IT Audit Report. (Garner) (DISCUSSED) 15-0291 Discussion: FRESH Grants application process and expected outcomes. (Eaves) (DISCUSSED) Chairman Eaves requested the County Manager to evaluate the FRESH Grants application process to determine its overall effectiveness and impact on the community. 15-0292 Discussion: Developing a recommendation for adoption and implementation of a Fraud Hotline. (Ellis) (DISCUSSED) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 19 BOARD APPOINTMENTS Commissioners' District Appointments 15-0293 F.R.E.S.H. (FULTON ROUNDTABLE EXPANDED SERVICES HEADQUARTERS) CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD (APPROVED) Each District Commissioner appoints three members from within their Districts. This Community Advisory Board, appointed by the Board of Commissioners, represents six (6) district areas in Fulton County. Term = 1 Year VACANT (Eaves) VACANT (Eaves) VACANT (Eaves) VACANT (Morris) VACANT (Arrington) VACANT (Arrington) VACANT (Darnell) Terms below expired: 12/31/2014 Mr. Mose James (Arrington) Ms. Liz Coyle (Garner) Ms. Stephanie Flowers (Garner) Dr. Amelia Langston (Garner) Commissioner Arrington nominated Mr. Clinton Dye, III to replace Mr. Mose James for a District appointment to a term ending December 31, 2015 and Mr. Brian Poe for a vacant District appointment to a term ending December 31, 2015. A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve items #15-0293 and #15-0297. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: 6 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington 1 - Darnell POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 20 EXECUTIVE (CLOSED) SESSION Board of Commissioners 15-0294 Executive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Eaves). (APPROVED) PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, PERSONNEL AND REAL ESTATE: Chairman Eaves, Vice-Chairman Hausmann, Commissioners Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, and Darnell; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney R. David Ware; and Clerk to the Commission Mark Massey. PRESENT IN THE SECOND EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING PERSONNEL: Chairman Eaves, Vice-Chairman Hausmann, Commissioners Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, and Darnell. A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Hausmann and seconded by Chairman Eaves to close for Executive Session. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: 7 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington, Darnell ADDED TO THE MEETING ITEMS ADDED TO THE AGENDA 15-0295 County Manager’s Item – Request ratification of an emergency procurement - Department of Information Technology, to retain professional services resources in an amount not to exceed $848,800.00 for calendar year 2015 through December 31, 2015. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: 4 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris 3 - Garner, Arrington, Darnell POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 21 15-0296 County Manager’s Item – Request approval of a recommended proposal - Sheriff’s Office, RFP #15RFP1022015B-WL, Jail Staffing Analysis & Assessment with Carter Global Associates, LLC (Atlanta, GA) in the amount of $365,910.00 to conduct Phases 1 and 2 of a comprehensive assessment of the staffing levels of Jail Operations, Court Services, Law Enforcement and Administrative Divisions of the Sheriff's Office. The contract will commence as of the date of the issuance of the Notice to Proceed and will terminate upon submittal of the Final Report. The Draft Report shall be due 120 days after the Notice to Proceed is issued. The Final Report shall be due 160 days after the Notice to Proceed is issued. In no event shall the contract exceed 180 days from the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Garner to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: 5 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner 2 - Arrington, Darnell POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 22 15-0297 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY & CHILDREN SERVICES BOARD (APPROVED) The seven (7) members of this board are appointed directly from the County governing authority, effective July 1, 1994, as a result of Senate Bill 469. If the County Governing authority fails to make an appointment within 90 days after the vacancy occurs, the DHR Commissioner is authorized to make the appointment. Incumbents whose terms have expired continue to serve until a successor is appointed. The Official Code of Georgia does not provide any guidance for determining which Commissioner should nominate an appointee in the event of a vacancy. However, the Board of Commissioners adopted a policy at the Recess Meeting, September 18, 1991, item #91-FM-150, assigning one position on the DFACS board to each Commission district. Term = 5 Years staggered terms Terms below expired: 6/30/2011 VACANT (Eaves) VACANT (Arrington) Term below expired: 6/30/2013 VACANT (Ellis) Term below expired: 6/30/2014 Mrs. Alethea Boone (Darnell) Commissioner Ellis nominated Ms. Valerie Rogers for a vacant District appointment to a term ending June 30, 2018. A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve items #15-0293 and #15-0297. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: 6 - Eaves, Hausmann, Ellis, Morris, Garner, Arrington 1 - Darnell POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 23 15-0298 COMMISSIONERS' ITEM - DISCUSSION: Property tax exemptions based on GA taxable income. (Morris) (DISCUSSED) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:17 p.m. IF YOU NEED REASONABLE MODIFICATIONS DUE TO A DISABILITY, INCLUDING COMMUNICATIONS IN AN ALTERNATE FORMAT PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE COMMISSION. FOR TDD/TTY OR GEORGIA RELAY SERVICE ACCESS DIAL 711. POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – April 1, 2015 24
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