FULTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING May 6, 2015 Fulton County Government Center Assembly Hall 141 Pryor Street SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 POST AGENDA MINUTES This document is tentative, has not been ratified or approved by the Board of Commissioners, and is not binding on the County or any officer. Scheduled date for ratification: May 20, 2015 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman John H. Eaves 10:04 a.m. ROLL CALL: Mark Massey, Clerk to the Commission John H. Eaves, Chairman (District 7, At-Large) Liz Hausmann, Vice-Chairman (District 1) Bob Ellis, Commissioner (District 2) Lee Morris, Commissioner (District 3) Joan P. Garner, Commissioner (District 4) Marvin S. Arrington, Jr., Commissioner (District 5) Emma I. Darnell, Commissioner (District 6) PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT INVOCATION: Reverend Angela Dempsey Williams, Associate Pastor, First Congregational Church, Atlanta, GA. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Recited in unison. CONSENT AGENDA Board of Commissioners 15-0351 Adoption of the Consent Agenda - (ADOPTED AS AMENDED) A motion was made by Commissioner Morris and seconded by Commissioner Ellis to adopt the Consent Agenda as amended by removing item # 15-0358 as requested by the County Manager. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 15-0352 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Proclamations for Spreading on the Minutes. (SPREAD ON THE MINUTES UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Proclamation recognizing "Freedom Riders Appreciation Day." (Eaves) April 17, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Julian T. Fuller Appreciation Day." (Darnell) April 18, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Eagle Scout Hunter B. Pedersen Appreciation Day." (Hausmann) April 19, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Allen Temple A.M. E. Church Appreciation Day." (Eaves) April 19, 2015 Proclamation recognizing Helen Buggs Appreciation Day." (Eaves) April 23, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "I read to Achieve Academic Success Day." (Eaves) April 24, 2015 POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 2 Proclamation recognizing "Pastor Claude David Porter, Sr. Appreciation Day." (Eaves) April 26, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Eagle Scout Miles Hoyet Morgan Appreciation Day." (Eaves) April 26, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Joyce Ladner, Anne Moody and Joan Trumpauer Appreciation Day." (Garner) April 26, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Mental Health Awareness and Stepping Up Initiative Month." (Garner) May 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Belinda Melvin Appreciation Day." (Darnell) May 1, 2015 Proclamation recognizing "Pastor Dr. Gregory L. Pollard Appreciation Day." (Darnell) May 3, 2015 County Manager - Presentation of Reports 15-0353 Finance – Intra-Fund Borrowing – Quarterly Report. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) 15-0354 Public Works/General Services - Transportation Summary - Quarterly Report. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Clerk of Superior Court 15-0355 Request approval of an agreement between Fulton County and the State of Georgia Department of Human Services relating to the processing of child support petitions and administrative items relating to child support, in the amount of $64,118.34 effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Requires match of $33,030.66. The total obligation of this contract is $97,149.00. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 3 Health and Wellness 15-0356 Request approval of a Memorandum of Understanding – Department of Health and Wellness, with the City of Atlanta, Department of Finance, Office of Revenue to exchange information regarding businesses that have recently initiated operation, or have closed. Sharing this information will improve regulatory and fiscal oversight of these establishments by both government agencies. Effective upon BOC approval with 2 automatic, yearly renewals on the anniversary of approval. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Housing and Human Services 15-0357 Request approval to accept and established the budget for the renewal grant of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Grant for the Fulton County Continuum of Care (CoC) in the amount of $27,455.00, with a General Fund match of $27,455.00, while the County is awaiting the finalized Grant Agreement from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This grant will provide for staffing and technical assistance to service providers in the community to increase performance measures and possible the ability of the CoC to increase funding in the future. The approval of this agenda item will also authorize the Chairman to execute any future documents related to this grant. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) 15-0358 Request approval to accept the current and yet to be named Eligible Training Providers to provide training services to customers of the Fulton County Office of Workforce Development. (REMOVED) ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AS REQUESTED BY THE COUNTY MANAGER. Juvenile Court 15-0359 Request approval to re-apply and accept the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council- FY2016 State of Georgia Accountability Court Funding Program in the amount of $142,946.00 for the grant period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. The grant will provide support for the Fulton County Juvenile Court Family Dependency Treatment Court. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 4 15-0360 Request approval to re-apply and accept the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council- FY2016 State of Georgia Accountability Court Funding Program in the amount of $35,456.00 for the grant period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. The grant will provide support for the Fulton County Juvenile Court Choices Program (Juvenile Drug Court). (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Library, Arts & Culture 15-0361 Request approval of a Public Art Contract to commission artist Gregor Turk Studio, LLC to create a site-specific, original work of public art for Metropolitan Library in the amount of $101,846.62 to be completed and installed one month prior to the facility grand opening. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Public Works/General Services 15-0362 Request approval of an intergovernmental agreement with the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) and Fulton County to authorize the County to participate as a full voting member of the Regional Transit Committee (RTC). This requires an annual cash match. 2015 Amount: $5,000.00. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Planning and Community Services - Subdivision Confirmations 15-0363 The following Final and Minor Subdivision Plats have been certified by the Director of the Department of Planning and Community Development. These documents were recorded in the Fulton County Courthouse and are forwarded herewith for confirmation at the Board of Commissioners meeting. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) 1. Lakes of Cedar Grove lots 257, 258, & 273 (Re-Recording Final Plat) Public Sanitary Sewer/Camp Creek WWTP Vicinity of Lakeside Drive, Dist. 7th LL 107 Zoned: CUP Owner/ Developer: Crown-D.R. Horton Purpose: Revise boundary lines for lots 257, 258, and 273. 2. St. Josephs Phase 1 - Lots 88 & 89 (Re-Recording Final Plat) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 5 Public Sanitary Sewer/Camp Creek WWTP Vicinity of Cedar Grove Road Dist. 7th LL 139 Zoned: CUP Provides for 1 lot on a total of 0.341 acre Owner/ Developer: LGI Homes Georgia LLC Purpose: Combine lots 88 and 89 into one lot. 3. The Parks at Cedar Grove Unit 5A (Re-Recording Final Plat) Public Sanitary Sewer / Camp Creek WWTP Vicinity of Cedar Grove Road Dist. 7th LL (s) 140 Zoned: CUP and provides for 60 lots on a total of 17.383 acres Owner/ Developer: Harold Cunliffe STB Lots LLC Purpose: Provide staggered setback for the dwelling facades. 4. The Jade Forest (Recording Minor Plat) Private Sanitary Sewer Vicinity of Short Road Dist. 7th LL 106 Zoned: CUP and provides for 2 lots on a total of 83.89 acres Owner/ Developer: Paul & Betty Bartos Purpose: Record minor plat. 5. ACM Holdings at 2099 Enon Road (Recording Minor Plat) Private Sanitary Sewer Vicinity of Enon Road Dist. 14 LLs 77 & 93 Zoned: AG-1 and provides for 1 lot on 10.64 acres Owner/Developer: ACM Holdings, Inc. Purpose: Record minor plat. 6. 7725 Goodson Road (Recording Final Plat) Public Sanitary Sewer / Camp Creek WWTP Vicinity of Goodson Road Dist. 9th LL (s) 44 & 45 Zoned: M-2 and provides for one lot on a total of 35.504 acres Owner/ Developer: CRP Oakmont Goodson Road LLC Purpose: Consolidate two parcels into one parcel. 7. Sierra Estates Phase 1 (Recording Final Plat) Public Sanitary Sewer / Camp Creek WWTP Vicinity of Demooney Road, Dist. 9th LL (s) 143,166,& 167 Zoned: CUP and provides for 68 lots on a total of 29.73 acres Owner/ Developer: Pittsford Development LLC Purpose: Record final plat. 8. Stoneridge Phase 2 (Recording Final Plat) Public Sanitary Sewer / Camp Creek WWTP Vicinity of Old National Highway, Dist. 13th LL 189 Zoned: CUP and provides for 144 lots on a total of 51.18 acres POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 6 Owner/ Developer: Stockbridge Partners LLC Purpose: Record final plat. 9. Stoneridge Phase 3 (Recording Final Plat) Public Sanitary Sewer / Camp Creek WWTP Vicinity of Old National Hwy Dist. 13th LL 189 Zoned: CUP and provides for 144 lots on a total of 21.57 acres Owner/ Developer: Stockbridge Partners LLC Purpose: Record final plat. 10. Anatole (Re-Recording Final Plat) Public Sanitary Sewer / Camp Creek WWTP Vicinity of Campbellton Rd, Dist. 9C LL 545 Zoned: CUP and provides for 144 lots on a total of 21.57 acres Owner/ Developer: Stockbridge Partners LLC Purpose: Revise boundary lines for lots 85 through 65. Police - Alcoholic Beverage Licenses - Final Approval 15-0364 Alcoholic Beverage License – Request approval for a license application submitted by R&R Beverage Company, LLC d/b/a CraftBeerDirect for the wholesale distribution of distilled spirits at 700 Westlake Parkway, Suite 770, Atlanta, GA 30336. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) 15-0365 Alcoholic Beverage License – Request approval for an alcoholic beverage license application submitted by Amuri Entertainment Group, LLC, d/b/a “St. James Live” Music Theater, for the sale and consumption of wine, malt beverages, and distilled spirits on the premises at 3220 Butner Road, Suite 230, Atlanta, GA 30331. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) 15-0366 Alcoholic Beverage License – Request approval for an alcoholic beverage license application submitted by Georgia CVS Pharmacy, LLC, d/b/a CVS /Pharmacy #4147 for the retail sales of beer and wine at 5815 Campbellton Road, Atlanta, GA 30331. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 7 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Board of Commissioners 15-0367 Adoption of the Regular Meeting Agenda. (ADOPTED AS AMENDED) A motion was made by Commissioner Darnell and seconded by Commissioner Morris to adopt the Regular Meeting Agenda as amended by removing a Proclamation recognizing Nena Gilreath Appreciation Day as requested by Commissioner Arrington and item #15-0392 as requested by the County Manager; adding items #15-0409, #15-0410, #15-0411 as requested by the County Manager and item #15-0412 as requested by Commissioner Ellis; moving up items #15-0375, #15-0376, #15-0377, and discussing items #15-0400, #15-0401 together as requested by Chairman Eaves. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 15-0368 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Ratification of Minutes. (RATIFIED) Regular Meeting Minutes, April 1, 2015 Recess Meeting Post Agenda Minutes, April 15, 2015 Special Called Meeting/Retreat Post Agenda Minutes, April 16, 2015 A motion was made by Commissioner Morris and seconded by Commissioner Darnell to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 15-0369 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Presentation of Proclamations and Certificates. (PRESENTED) Proclamation recognizing "Older Americans Month." (BOC) Proclamation recognizing "Food Allergy Awareness Week." (BOC) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 8 Proclamation recognizing "Drinking Water Week 2015." (Eaves) Proclamation recognizing "Herzing University 50th Anniversary Month." (Garner/Morris) Proclamation recognizing "DanceMakers of Atlanta Appreciation Day." (Arrington) Proclamation recognizing "Christy Sims Appreciation Day." (Arrington) *Proclamation recognizing "Nena Gilreath Appreciation Day." (Arrington) Proclamation recognizing "Zoe Hollinshead Day." (Darnell) *removed during the meeting PUBLIC HEARINGS Board of Commissioners 15-0370 Public Comment - (CONDUCTED) Citizens are allowed to voice County-related opinions, concerns, requests, etc. during the Public Comment portion of the Commission meeting. Before speaking, each participant must fill out a speaker card, located at the entry way, the podium, and the media and court reporter tables. Speaker cards must be submitted to the Clerk’s staff, who will accept them on a first-come, first-served basis. Once Public Comment begins, speaker cards will no longer be accepted. Speakers will be granted up to two minutes each, and Public Comment will not exceed 15 minutes. Those who could not speak during Public Comment will be allowed to speak first at a subsequent Board meeting. For more information or to arrange a speaking date, contact the Clerk’s Office. 42 Speakers: State Representative LaDawn Blackett Jones (Opposed Annexation); State Representative Roger Bruce (Opposed Annexation); Ms. Henri Jordan (Justice/Injustice); Mr. Greg Fann (Salary Compensation); Mr. Nathaniel Dingle (Chief of Police); Ms. Danielle Williams (Yielding Time to Harold Reid); Ms. Vangie Watkins (Yielding Time to Harold Reid); Mr. Harold Reid POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 9 (Annexation Petitions); Ms. Linda Brittian (Yielding Time to Vera Hayes); Ms.Danita Chatman (Yielding Time to Vera Hayes); Ms. Vera Hayes (Opposed Annexation); Ms. Monica Manning (Yielding Time to Emmanuel Tillman); Ms. Catherine Foster-Rowell (Yielding Time to Emmanuel Tillman); Ms. Anita Kerce (Yielding Time to Emmanuel Tillman); Mr.Emmanuel Tillman( Opposed Annexation); Mr. Steve Dunlap (Yielding Time to David Hartwell); Ms. Kristen Folsom (Yielding Time to David Hartwell); Mr. David Hartwell (Opposed Annexation); Ms. Julia Williams (Opposed Annexation); Mr. James Hartwell (Yielding Time to Tony Williams); Mr. Anthony Williams, Jr. (Yielding Time to Tony Williams); Mr. Samuel Jordan Manning (Yielding Time to Tony Williams); Mr. Tony Williams (Opposed Annexation); Ms. Terrista Terry (Mental Illness); Ms. Mercedes Benz (Yielding Time to Patricia Williams); Ms. Patricia "Ajike" Williams (Eviction Process); Mr. Alexander W. Davis (Black Community); Mr. Duane Blocker (Courts); Mr. Jerry Myer Jackson Jr. (Dekalb County); Brother Anthony Muhammad (Representation); Ms. Jaime Grant (Opposed Annexation); Ms. Collins Goss (Arts Community); Ms. Diane Williamson(Non Profits); Mr. Ron Shakir (Elected Officials in Baltimore); Ms. Pamela Hunter (Yielding Time to Latangela Hill); April Pye (Yielding Time to Latangela Hill); Ms. Angela Dickerson (Yielding Time to Latangela Hill); Ms. Florene Thornton (Yielding Time to Latangela Hill); Ms. Karen Belton (Yielding Time to Latangela Hill); Ms. Karen Yarborough (Yielding Time to Latangela Hill); Ms. Latangela Hill (Shared Services); and Ms. Amber Reid (Health and Human Services Funding). POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 10 Police 15-0371 Special Event Temporary Alcoholic Beverage Permit – Public hearing and request approval for Drinking Partners, LLC to allow the sale and consumption of wine, malt beverages and distilled spirits on the premises at concert events at Wolf Creek Amphitheater, 3025 Merk Road, College Park, GA 30349. Concert Dates are May 15, 16, 23, 24 and June 6 and 13, 2015. (APPROVED) PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED NO SPEAKERS A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: Absent: 4 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Darnell 1 - Arrington 2 - Hausmann, Garner COUNTY MANAGER - UNFINISHED BUSINESS Health and Wellness 15-0314 Request approval of an amendment to the current County pool ordinance - Department of Health and Wellness, to be effective upon approval by the Board of Commissioners. The purpose of this amendment is to update the existing pool ordinance to be in alignment with recommended best practices for design and construction of pools while ensuring the public health and safety of the citizens of Fulton County. This action will incorporate recommendations based on the Model Aquatic Health Code from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (HELD ON 4/15/15) (APPROVED ON 5/6/15) A motion was made by Commissioner Morris and seconded by Commissioner Ellis to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 11 Information Technology 15-0342 Request approval to award a contract without competition Department of Information Technology, 15AWC22015B-BR,Upgrade of the County's Integrated Financial, Personnel and Purchasing Software with CGI Technologies and Solutions Inc. (Fairfax, VA), in the amount of $2,200,000.00 to provide licenses and professional services required to upgrade the County's integrated Financial, Personnel and Purchasing software application to the latest version (3.10). Effective upon BOC approval. (HELD ON 4/15/15) (APPROVED ON 5/6/15) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Abstained: Absent: 4 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Darnell 1 - Arrington 2 - Hausmann, Garner COUNTY MANAGER - NEW BUSINESS Clerk of Superior Court 15-0372 Request approval to establish three set-rate positions for the Clerk of Superior Court. (HELD) ITEM HELD AS REQUESTED BY THE SUPERIOR COURT CLERK. Finance 15-0373 Presentation of the May 2015 Budget Soundings. (PRESENTED) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 12 15-0374 Request approval to accept a bid for $200,000,000.00 Tax Anticipation Notes for 2015 and approval of a Resolution which authorizes issuance and sale of $200,000,000.00 General Fund Tax Anticipation Notes of Fulton County, Georgia. (APPROVED) HEARD AFTER ITEM #15-0369. A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Morris to reconsider the Regular Meeting Agenda to move up item #15-0374, and accept the bid for $200,000,000.00 Tax Anticipation Notes for 2015 and approval of a Resolution which authorizes issuance and sale of $200,000,000.00 General Fund Tax Anticipation Notes of Fulton County, Georgia. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Planning and Community Services 15-0375 Request approval of notification to the City of Atlanta on the County’s position regarding the annexation of approximately 271 acres into Atlanta. (MOTION FAILED) HEARD AFTER ITEM #15-0370. THE MOTION FAILED FOR A LACK OF FOUR AFFIRMATIVE VOTES. A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Morris to deny. The motion failed by the following vote: Yeas: Nays: Did not vote: Absent: 2 - Eaves, Morris 2 - Arrington, Darnell 1 - Ellis 2 - Hausmann, Garner Commissioner Arrington suggested establishing a task force with the City of Atlanta and the school system to evaluate annexation issues and laws. POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 13 15-0376 Request approval of notification to the City of Atlanta on the County’s position regarding the annexation of approximately 706 acres into Atlanta. (MOTION FAILED) THE MOTION FAILED FOR A LACK OF FOUR AFFIRMATIVE VOTES. A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Morris to deny. The motion failed by the following vote: Yeas: Nays: Abstained: Absent: 15-0377 2 - Eaves, Morris 2 –Arrington, Darnell, 1 - Ellis 2 - Hausmann, Garner Request approval of notification to the City of Atlanta on the County’s position regarding the annexation of approximately 49 acres into Atlanta. (MOTION FAILED) THE MOTION FAILED FOR A LACK OF FOUR AFFIRMATIVE VOTES. a. A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Morris to deny. The motion failed by the following vote: Yeas: Nays: Abstained: Absent: 2 - Eaves, Morris 2 - Arrington, Darnell 1 - Ellis 2 - Hausmann, Garner b. A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Commissioner Darnell to request the City of Atlanta to delay the annexation process until there is a resolution with the litigation regarding the operations of Schools in the City of Atlanta. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris ,Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 14 Public Works/General Services 15-0378 Request approval of an Infrastructure Improvement Agreement between Majestic Realty Company and Fulton County pertaining to cost-sharing for construction cost of the outfall sewer servicing the Majestic property. The agreement enables the new outfall to be upsized to handle the wastewater flows from the entire Big Branch Sewer Basin. The shared cost of the improvements to be paid by Fulton County is 24 percent of the overall cost of the project which is $434,201.00. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Morris and seconded by Commissioner Ellis to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 15-0379 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Request approval of Public Works/General Services 2015 Facilities Capital Improvements Program Plan. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 15 Parks and Recreation 15-0380 A) Request approval to accept a donation from the Atlanta Hawks Foundation, Inc., in the amount of $45,000.00, for renovation of basketball courts at Welcome All Park; (B) Request approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Atlanta Hawks Foundation, Inc. to provide for and make available various recreation programs and the donation of portions of the registration fees for youth basketball camps at Welcome All Park, Sandtown Park and Burdette Gymnasium; and (C) Request authorization to enter into Welcome All Park Court Renovation Agreement with CBA Sports to renovate the basketball courts at Welcome All Park, using the donation from the Atlanta Hawks Foundation, Inc., authorize the County Attorney to approve the form and substance this agreement, authorize the expenditure of up to $2,499.00 for the renovation work, and authorize the Chairman to execute the agreement. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Office of External Affairs 15-0381 Discussion: Federal Legislative Update. (PRESENTED) Chairman Eaves requested that Ms. Sharon Whitmore and the County Manager aggressively pursue grants and grant writers. POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 16 Purchasing 15-0382 Request approval to amend an existing contract for - Aging and Youth Services, RFP #12RFP78038A-CJC, Office of Aging Home Repair Services in the amount of $100,000.00 with Senior Citizens Services dba Meals on Wheels Atlanta (Atlanta, GA) to provide minor home repair and modifications services to senior residents of Fulton County, enabling them to age at home. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Darnell and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: Absent: 15-0383 4 - Eaves, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 1 - Ellis 2 - Hausmann, Garner Request approval of a recommended proposal - Finance Department, RFP #15RFP63658C-MT, OMB Circular A-133 Single audit and Other audit services in the amount of $70,800.00 with PJC Group, LLC (Atlanta, GA) to provide annual audit services effective upon contract execution through December 31, 2015, with two renewal options. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Arrington and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: Absent: 4 - Eaves, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 1 - Ellis 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 17 15-0384 Request approval to utilize cooperative purchasing through US Communities Government Purchasing Alliance, Contract 110171, Playground Equipment, Surfacing, Site Furnishings and Related Products and Services with agreement to purchase replacement playground equipment with Kompan, Inc. in the amount of $363,880.00 for the purchase of playground equipment. Effective upon BOC Approval. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Morris and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 15-0385 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Request approval to amend an existing contract - Atlanta Fulton Public Library System RFP #11RFP78810K-JD Technology and Design Services for the Library Capital Improvement Program, Phase I in the amount of $337,840.00 with TLC Engineering for Architecture, Inc. (Jacksonville, FL) to provide extended design and construction administration for the IT systems, telecommunication, audio-visual, building security and content management for all libraries in the Library Capital Improvement Program, Phase I. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED) Commissioner Morris abstained from voting due to his firm’s involvement with designing one of the libraries. A motion was made by Commissioner Darnell and seconded by Commissioner Ellis to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Abstained: Absent: 4 - Eaves, Ellis, Arrington, Darnell 1 - Morris 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 18 15-0386 Request approval of the lowest responsible bidder - Public Works/General Services Department, Bid #14ITB95120K-JAJ, Standby Bridge and Culvert Repair Services, in the amount of $491,000.00 with Comanche Construction Inc. of Georgia (Marietta, GA) to provide all materials, labor, tools, equipment and appurtenances necessary for repairing County bridges and culverts. Effective upon execution of the contract through December 31, 2015 with two renewal options. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 15-0387 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Request approval to terminate contract – Public Works/General Services Department, Bid #15ITB94539C-DR, Janitorial Services for Group G with Vision Assistant Concierge & Cleaning Service (Hampton, GA) in the amount of $106,993.67 to provide janitorial services for Group G (Central Senior Center). Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 19 15-0388 Request approval to amend an existing contract – Public Works/General Services Department, Bid #15ITB94539C-DR, Janitorial Services for Group G Center Senior Centers with General Building Maintenance, Inc. (Atlanta, GA) in the amount of $99,188.80 to provide janitorial services for Group G Central Senior Centers. Effective dates: May 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Darnell and seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 15-0389 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Request approval of the lowest responsible bidders – Public Works/General Services Department, Bid# 15ITB84776C-MT, Carpet & Carpet Tile Installation and Repair Services in the total amount of $236,000.00 with (A) Allen Floors, LLC, (Stone Mountain, GA) in the amount of $200,509.00 and (B) Prime Contractors, Inc. (Powder Springs, GA) in the amount of $35,491 to provide carpet & carpet tile installation and repair services County-wide effective upon execution of contract through December 31, 2015 with two renewal options. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 20 15-0390 Request approval of recommended proposals – Public Works/General Services Department, RFP #14RFP92914K-JD, Standby Professional Services for Environmental Engineering and Testing Services in the total amount of $750,000.00 with (A) S&ME, Inc. (Atlanta, GA) in the amount of $250,000, (B) CERM and Khafra Engineering Consultants, Inc. a Joint Venture (Atlanta, GA) in the amount of $250,000.00 and (C) AMEC, Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. (Atlanta, GA) in the amount of $250,000.00 to provide standby environmental engineering and testing services. Effective upon execution of contracts through December 31, 2015, with two renewal options. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: Absent: 15-0391 4 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington 1 - Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Request approval to increase spending authority – Public Works/General Services Department, SWC90806, Facility Maintenance Services in the amount of $462,310.68 with Carter Goble Lee (CGL) Facility Management, LLC (Fayetteville, GA) to provide facility maintenance services for the Fulton County Animal Control Services facility. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 15-0392 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Request approval of the lowest responsible bidder - Department of Public Works / General Services, Bid #15ITB94287A-AP, Small Water Meter Installation in the amount of $900,000.00 with Wade Coots Company, Inc. (Austell, GA) to provide small water meter installation upon execution of contract through December 31, 2015 with two renewal options. (REMOVED) ITEM REMOVED FROM THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA AS REQUESTED BY THE COUNTY MANAGER/PURCHASING. POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 21 15-0393 Request approval of the lowest responsible bidder - Health and Wellness, 15ITB96859A-CC, Integrated Mosquito Management Services in the amount of $379,461.95 with Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management (Atlanta, GA) to provide integrated mosquito management services upon execution of contract through December 31, 2015 with two renewal options. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Darnell and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 15-0394 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Request approval of a Statewide Contract – Department of Health and Wellness, SWC#99999-001-SPD0000037-0002, Media Services in the amount of $80,000.00 with The InterConnect Group (Johns Creek, GA) to provide media campaign services to raise public awareness and educate parents and caregivers about the health benefits of immunizations for children, teenagers and adults. This contract is grant funded with no cost or required match by Fulton County. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Darnell and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 22 15-0395 Request approval to renew existing contracts - Department of Health and Wellness, RFP #13RFP88552A-CJC, Comprehensive HIV Prevention Program, in the total amount of $575,460.51 with (A) AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta (Atlanta, GA) in the amount of $114,284.00; (B) Aniz, Inc. (Atlanta, GA) in the amount of $113,594.80; (C) Recovery Consultants of Atlanta, Inc. (Decatur, GA) in the amount of $114,285.71; (D) Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition, Inc. (Atlanta, GA) in the amount of $128,596.00; and (E) St. Joseph’s Mercy Care Services (Atlanta, GA) in the amount of $104,700.00. This action exercises the first of two renewals. One renewal option remains. Effective for one year from contract execution date. Contracts are contingent upon BOC approval with renewal contingent upon a yearly performance review and 2016 Notice of Award from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These are 100% grant funded programs with no requirement for County matching funds. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Morris and seconded by Commissioner Darnell to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Registration and Elections 15-0396 Request approval of a Consent Order before the State Election Board for the State of Georgia in the matter of Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections, Respondent, SEB cases 2008-000084, 2008-000104, 2008-000134, 2012-000056 and 2012-000156. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Ellis and seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: Absent: 4 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington 1 - Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 23 COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS - UNFINISHED BUSINESS Commissioners' Action Items 15-0337 Request approval of a Resolution increasing the amount of the stipend paid to each member of the Fulton County Board of Tax Assessors from $1,000.00 monthly to $1,500.00 monthly; and for other purposes. (Ellis) (HELD ON 4/15/15 AND 5/6/15) 15-0289 Request approval of a Resolution to modify existing Internal Audit Legislation. (Ellis) (HELD ON 4/1/15, 4/15/15 AND 5/6/15) COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS Commissioners' Action Items 15-0397 Request approval of the 2015-2016 BOC Board priorities. (Eaves) (APPROVED) A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Commissioner Morris requested that the word ranked be deleted from the Resolution, so as not to imply that the Board rated the priorities in any order of importance. 15-0398 Request approval of a Taoyuan City Bi-lateral MOU Agreement. (Eaves) (APPROVED) A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Darnell to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 24 15-0399 Request approval of a Resolution to promote the "Library Card For All" White House initiative. (Eaves/Hausmann/Garner) (APPROVED) A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Darnell to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner Commissioners' Discussion Items 15-0400 Discussion: Employee Compensation. (Ellis/Eaves) (DISCUSSED) 15-0401 Discussion: Archer Pay and Salary Classification Study: Status Report. (Darnell) (DISCUSSED) DISCUSSED WITH ITEM #15-0400. A motion was made by Commissioner Arrington to implement a 2% COLA now for all Fulton County employees. MOTION FAILED FOR A LACK OF SECOND. Commissioner Morris suggested that the Board should have a work session with staff in order to come to a consensus regarding a COLA and the Archer Study. Chairman Eaves requested the Clerk to the Commission to poll the Board to determine a date in May for a work session. 15-0402 Discussion: KPMG Organizational Assessment Study: Status Report. (Darnell) (DISCUSSED) POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 25 BOARD APPOINTMENTS Commissioners' Full Board Appointments 15-0403 ATLANTA-FULTON COUNTY RECREATION AUTHORITY (STADIUM AUTHORITY) (APPROVED) This Authority consists of nine (9) members: three (3) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners and six (6) members appointed by the City of Atlanta. Vacancies in the membership of the authority, whether caused by expiration of term of office, death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the governing body of Fulton County or the City of Atlanta, upon nomination of the chief executive officer and confirmation by the governing body of said city. Any member of the authority may be elected to succeed himself. All members, duly appointed, shall hold office until his or her successor shall be appointed and duly qualified. Any member, appointed to fill an unexpired term, shall serve only for the term of the member he or she replaced. Term = All subsequent terms of office shall be for four (4) years. Any person appointed to membership on the Authority who is a public official of the City of Atlanta or Fulton County at the time of his appointment shall serve as a member of the Authority only so long as he or she remains a public official of the city or county government which originally appointed him/her. Chairman Eaves has nominated Commissioner Bob Ellis to replace Commissioner Joan P. Garner to a Full Board appointment with an unexpired term ending November 1, 2015. A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Arrington to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: Absent: 4 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington 1 - Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 26 15-0404 BOARD OF ETHICS (APPROVED) Each member selected after the initial terms of office have expired shall serve a term of three years or until the termination of his or her membership in the organization from which he or she was selected. The chair who shall serve as chair for the remainder of the calendar year and until a successor is chosen. (See Fulton County Code of Laws, Section 2-80). Term = 3 years Term below expired: 2/12/2013 (deceased) Mr. Julian Fuller (Atlanta Business League/BOC) Term below expired: 2/12/2015 Mr. Martin "Marty" Lock (Greater N. Fulton Chamber/BOC) The North Fulton Chamber of Commerce recommends Mr. Martin “Marty” Lock for a full Board reappointment to a term ending February 12, 2018. A motion was made by Commissioner Morris and seconded by Commissioner Ellis to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 27 Commissioners' District Appointments 15-0405 FULTON COUNTY TASK FORCE ON HIV/AIDS (APPROVED UNDER ITEM #15-0412) Membership shall consist of the following: Each Commissioner shall appoint two (2) members. Such appointees shall be residents of Fulton County, and shall have backgrounds in medicine or public health or be otherwise qualified to serve as Board members. Also, by Resolution, the Director of Health and Wellness, and the Director of Ryan White shall be members. Term = Initial member appointees from Commission Districts 1 and 6 shall serve terms of 3 years, initial appointees from Districts 2 and 3 shall serve terms of 2 years, and initial appointees from the remaining districts shall serve 1 year terms. Appointees for subsequent terms shall serve 2 year terms. VACANT (Hausmann) VACANT (Hausmann) VACANT (Ellis) VACANT (Ellis) VACANT (Morris) VACANT (Garner) VACANT (Garner) VACANT (Arrington) VACANT (Arrington) VACANT (Darnell) VACANT (Darnell) VACANT (Eaves) VACANT (Eaves) Commissioner Garner has nominated Ms. Dazon Dixon Diallo and Dr. Melanie A. Thompson for vacant District appointments terms ending December 31, 2016. POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 28 15-0406 F.R.E.S.H. (FULTON ROUNDTABLE EXPANDED SERVICES HEADQUARTERS) CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD (APPROVED UNDER ITEM #15-0412) Each District Commissioner appoints three members from within their Districts. This Community Advisory Board, appointed by the Board of Commissioners, represents six (6) district areas in Fulton County. Term = Consistent with the District Commissioner making the appointment. VACANT (Morris) VACANT (Darnell) Terms below expired: 12/31/2014 Ms. Liz Coyle (Garner) Ms. Stephanie Flowers (Garner) Dr. Amelia Langston (Garner) Commissioner Garner has nominated Mr. Archie M. Stanley, Jr., Mr. Eddie Lee Brewster and Mr. Otis T. Threat, Jr. for District appointments to terms ending December 31, 2016. 15-0407 DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF FULTON COUNTY (APPROVED UNDER ITEM #15-0412) At the Special Call Meeting, May 30, 1973, the Board of Commissioners appointed seven (7) members to serve on this Authority. In 1992, two more members were added to this board bringing the total to nine (9) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County. Historically, each Commissioner has appointed one person to serve on this board. In addition, two persons are appointed and confirmed by the full Board of Commissioners. Term = 4 years staggered Term below expires: 5/31/2015 Dr. John E. Maupin (Garner) Mr. Michael Bell (Pitts/Morris) Commissioner Morris has nominated Mr. Michael Bell for a district reappointment to a term ending May 31, 2019. POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 29 EXECUTIVE (CLOSED) SESSION Board of Commissioners 15-0408 Executive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Eaves). (APPROVED) a. PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION AND PERSONNEL: Chairman Eaves, Commissioners Ellis, Morris, Arrington, and Darnell; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney R. David Ware; and Clerk to the Commission Mark Massey. Vice-Chairman Hausmann and Commissioner Garner were absent. b. PRESENT IN ANOTHER EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING PERSONNEL: Chairman Eaves, Commissioners Ellis, Morris, Arrington, and Darnell. Vice-Chairman Hausmann and Commissioner Garner were absent. A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Ellis to enter into Closed Executive Session. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: Absent: 4 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington 1 - Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 30 ADDED TO THE MEETING ITEMS ADDED TO THE AGENDA 15-0409 COUNTY MANAGER'S ITEM - Request approval of the FY2015 projects for those FRESH Grant Community Advisory Boards (CAB) that have completed the review, scoring, and recommendation process at this time. The FY2015 FRESH Grants will provide funding to non-profit organizations to carry out programs and direct services to children ages zero to 21 from January 1. 2015 through December 31, 2015. (APPROVED DISTRICT TWO ITEMS ONLY) A motion was made by Commissioner Arrington and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve the FRESH grants for Commissioner Ellis' district (two) and to hold all others. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 15-0410 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner COUNTY MANAGER'S ITEM - Request approval of the recommendations, as part of Phase I, for the FY2015 Human Services Grant projects that have met the criteria of: eligibility, scoring by Human Services Coordinating Committee (HSCC), and have negotiated acceptable performance measures that will be included as part of their contracts. The FY2015 Human Services Grant will support the delivery of a vast array of essential community services to Fulton County residents through its collaboration with local community-based non-profit organizations. The contractual amount for Phase I projects will be $2,379,000.00. (HELD) A motion was made by Commissioner Arrington and seconded by Chairman Eaves to hold. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Did not vote: Absent: 4 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington 1 - Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 31 15-0411 COUNTY MANAGER'S ITEM - Request approval to apply for and accept the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Face Forward 3 Community Grant in the amount of $1,050,000.00. The grant will allow the Court to improve the workforce outcomes of court-involved youth by helping them continue their education and obtain industry-recognized credentials that prepare them for jobs in in-demand industries. The grant will expand and enhance services provided by the court. (APPROVED) A motion was made by Commissioner Darnell and seconded by Chairman Eaves to approve. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 32 15-0412 COMMISSIONERS' ITEM - FULTON COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL (APPROVED) The arts council shall be composed of fifteen (15) residents of the county. Initially, each member of the board of commissioners shall appoint two persons to serve on the council, one person to serve for a one-year term and one person to serve a two-year term. No term of any member shall extend beyond the term of the District Commissioner who appointed the member to serve on the Arts Council Board; thereafter, each year, each member of the board of commissioners shall appoint one member for a two-year term. Each member may continue to serve beyond his/her term until replaced. The chairman of the arts council shall be appointed to a two-year term by a majority vote of the board of commissioners. The council shall elect a vice-chairman and a secretary from its membership. Term = 2 years (VACANT) (Ellis) Term below expired: 11/27/2011 Ms. Barbara Lyles Anderson (Ellis) Term below expired: 11/27/2013 Dr. Ruth Hilson Pace (Darnell) Terms below expired: 11/27/2014 Ms. Hattie B. Jay (Darnell) Ms. Judy Mauldin (BOC) Term below expires: 11/27/2015 Mrs. Sandra DeShields-Hightower (Edwards/Arrington) Commissioner Ellis has nominated Ms. Catherine N. Fitch to replace Ms. Barbara Lyles Anderson for a District appointment to a term ending December 31, 2016, and Ms. Rochelle Mucha for a vacant District appointment to a term ending December 31, 2015. A motion was made by Chairman Eaves and seconded by Commissioner Ellis to approve items #15-0405 through 15-0407 and item #15-0412. The motion passed by the following vote: Yeas: Absent: 5 - Eaves, Ellis, Morris, Arrington, Darnell 2 - Hausmann, Garner POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 33 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:32 p.m. IF YOU NEED REASONABLE MODIFICATIONS DUE TO A DISABILITY, INCLUDING COMMUNICATIONS IN AN ALTERNATE FORMAT PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE COMMISSION. FOR TDD/TTY OR GEORGIA RELAY SERVICE ACCESS DIAL 711. POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 34 POST AGENDA MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – May 6, 2015 35
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