Ahmad Almass – SupCo

Candidature for Supervising Council 20152016
Ahmad Almass.
Dear MMSA members,
My Motivation:3 years. 3 years of my journey as an international medical student I wasn’t
involved. I, as a foreigner, felt like I was not a focus of MMSA. I knew that if I
get involved, ill be treated like an outcast, not wanted by the Board of Directors
or the whole MMSA body. But after those 4 years, I said to myself (why don't
you give it a chance?, I mean you wouldn’t know unless you try). You know
what? Never in my whole life I was that wrong. I was welcomed with open
arms. I was fitting in. there’s no difference between a local member and a
foreigner. And if it wasn't for that, I wouldn’t have went through this
spectacular journey in this lovely organisation.
The MMSA gave to me a lot. It created so many opportunities to me. I
discovered my passion as a trainer thanks to it. I learnt how to organise a huge
event thanks to it. I got to know a lot of people thanks to it… I know I’m being
repetitive here, but I cannot emphasise more on how much it gave to me. So I
hold it very near and dear to my heart.
It is part of my personality to give back as much as I can to those who gave me
a lot. and by that I announce my candidacy for the post of Supervising Council
without previous experience 2015-2016. I want to give back whatever I can to
this lovely organisation. And what’s better than giving back with the best thing I
can do.
I am an impartial, dedicated, and trustworthy. I see matters objectively and
never take matters personally if it’s related to work. Also, I used to be a member
in AIESEC, where I learnt the basic skills on how the student organisations
function. Also, I worked with the OC of the Kuwaiti National Day for 2
consecutive years; where I did administrative work.
I am not saying that to just add a paragraph; I want to emphasise on my
experiences from different perspectives. Having a great idea how the
organisation and administration function.
So this is my motivation, if you have any questions ill be more than happy to
answer them.
Ahmad Almass.
Candidature of Supervising Council 2015-2016
My Plan of Action:1)To be neutral, impartial, unbiased when it comes to decision making, and
work for the organisation’s best of interest.
2)To ensure that the BD and EB are abiding to the bylaws
3)To govern their work by emphasising on sticking to deadlines.
4)To govern the work of IFMSA March Meeting 2016 Organising Committee;
as a member of the Supervising Council, I believe it is my duty to be involved
with the OC and check their administrative, financial, and logistical work.
5)Elaborating more on the 4th point, to work on the Internal Operating
Guidelines for the upcoming General Assembly; regulating the relationship
between the EB and the OC of MM2016; Making the OC administration the
decision taking body and giving them specific autonomy in a lot of manners but
elaborating on the importance of the EB and the Supervising Council role in
viewing their work. Also, those guidelines will help on determining at which
level the EB and Supervising council have the right to interfere with the work of
the OC if it’s within the best interest of the MMSA to do so.
6)To make the necessary amendments needed on the status and bylaws, to keep
it up to date.
7)To liaise with the National Officer of Professional and Research Exchange Outgoing regarding the pointing system; check if everything going according to
the bylaws.
8)To supervise point allocation of the TAF application by the EB, given to
determine the funding given for attendance of national and international
9)To cast a vote of no confidence for any BD member, if his negligence or work
is affecting the organisation negatively, all for the MMSA best interest.
10)To give it my best to ensure that the MMSA is progressing forward.
My involvement in the MMSA:LEISURE MMSA Beach Festival 17/09/1
SCOPH Meeting 1 6/10/14 + Mini meetings
MMSA Discover University 26/10/14
VPe Fresher's Week 2014
VPe  KSJC University Organisations’ Activity Fair 7/11/14
SECGEN Training and Resource Development Seminar 31/10/14 - 2/11/14 - SCOPET
SCOPH World Diabetes Day Meeting and Training Session 12/11/14
SECGEN Extraordinary General Meeting 18/11/14
SECGEN TRD Internationals Team 2014
SCOPH World Diabetes Day 15/11/14
SCOME Buddy Family 2014-15
SCORA FlashC-AID Rehearsal, Event & Candle Vigil 2014