2015 Start-up Seminar Agenda 7:30-8:00 am Coffee, Rolls, Registration 8:00-8:15 am Welcome 2015 MMSA p u t r a t S g n i Spr Seminar MMSA 8:15-9:15 am Innovations and Importance of Hearing Protection Gary McGinnes, Firewall Hearing Protection 9:30-10:30 am Complacency: The Silent Killer Don Wilson, SafeStart 10:45-12:00 pm Taking Responsibility for your own Safety Eric Lund, Advanced MN 1:00-2:15 pm Seeing Straight in a Cross-Eyed World Gary Berg, GL Berg 2:30-3:30 pm Inspector’s Corner MSHA Personnel 2 Da te s an d L o ca tio n s to C h o o se F ro m Phone: 952.828.9621 Email: mmsa@q.com www.minnesotaminesafety.org Lunch (provided) 10320 Balsam Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55347 12:00-1:00 pm Tuesday, February 10 Carlton Wednesday, February 11 Prior Lake 3 Ways to Register: 2015 Spring Start-up Seminar Minnesota Mine Safety Association is proud to bring you our annual spring start-up seminars. This full-day seminar is packed with information. The educational topics are designed to help provide you the knowledge you need to maintain a safe work environment at your location. Complete form and mail to: MMSA 10320 Balsam Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Call with your information: (952) 828-9621 OR Register online at www.minnesotaminesafety.org Company: ______________________________ Address: ______________________________ City: ______________ State: ___ Zip: _______ Telephone: _____________________________ MSHA personnel will be on hand to answer your enforcement questions. This is your chance to find out the enforcement issues for 2015 and to talk one-on-one with MSHA enforcement personnel. Don’t miss this opportunity! Sign up today. Two Dates and Locations to Choose From Email: ________________________________ Attendee Names: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Please select the date that works best for you: Tues, February 10 Black Bear Casino, 1789 Minnesota 210, Carlton, MN **New Location** Wed, February 11 Mystic Lake Casino, 2400 Mystic Lake Blvd, Prior Lake, MN Seminar Costs: Early Bird Special! Indicate the seminar you are attending: Tuesday, February 10 Carlton Wednesday, February 11 Prior Lake Payment: $160 Non-Member Register and pay by January 15, 2015 and Payment Enclosed (Make Check Payable to MMSA) $130 Member save $10 on each person registered. Bill my Company $110 per member when sending 4 or more from the same organization Not yet a member? Annual membership dues are $100. Please enclose membership dues with your registration and pay the lower membership price. If paid by January 15: $150 Non-member of MMSA $120 Member $100 per member if sending 4 or more from the same organization Credit Card Credit Card # Expiration Date: Name on Card Billing Address
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