Minnesota Health Action Group Minnesota Health Action Group Taking Action April 17, 2015 Don’t Miss Out! Add These Dates to Your Calendar: • • • May 21, 2015: All-Member Meeting: Summary of Phase I Specialty Pharmacy Care Delivery Learning Network July 15, 2015: Minnesota Bridges to Excellence (MNBTE) Recognition Event November 16-18, 2015: National Business Coalition on Health 20th Annual Conference Welcome Message From Action Group President and CEO, Carolyn Pare Thank you for joining us for the 8th Annual Employer Leadership Summit! I’m glad you’re here, and look forward to sharing a full day of inspiring presentations and conversations with you. Today, we bring together local, national and international health care and benefits thought leaders to discuss some of the most pressing issues facing purchasers today. If you are not yet an Action Group member, I hope you will consider becoming one so you can take advantage of the many initiatives and learning opportunities available exclusively through membership. I would also like to take a moment to thank our outgoing Board members, Karen Chapin, Gretchen Lennon, and Charlie Montreuil, for their service, and I invite you to join me in congratulating our new Board members: • • • • Nathan Moracco, Chair, State of Minnesota Employee Insurance Division Ken Horstman, University of Minnesota Deidre Serum, Best Buy Company Jeremy Zajicek, Hennepin County Jeremy will soon be leaving to pursue a new career as assistant pastor and school administrator for his church. We are grateful for his willingness to serve on the Board and wish him well! If you are interested in being considered for the vacant Board position, please contact me. I welcome your calls and emails (cpare@mnhealthactiongroup.org; 952-896-5185). Coming Soon! Specialty Pharmacy Care Delivery Learning Network Phase II The Action Group’s Specialty Pharmacy Care Delivery Learning Network kicked off last October. This topic was selected in response to the prediction that costs for specialty medications are projected to quadruple between 2012 and 20201 with over 900 new drugs in the pipeline2. Are you finding today’s quick-poll questions unique and interesting? Much of the content comes from our annual Benefits Survey, the only one of its kind. Over 40 employers representing nearly 260,000 Minnesota employees participated. The survey is open to members and nonmembers! Contact The Action Group for more information. TM Spotlight on: Specialty Pharmacy Shining the light on purchaser cost and quality expectations Identifying Challenges Becoming Informed More organizations than ever before joined this Learning Network, including representatives from 3M; Best Buy; Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota; Carlson Companies; Emerson/ Rosemount; HealthPartners; Hennepin County; Land O’ Lakes; Mills Fleet Farm; Minnesota Management & Budget – SEGIP & PEIP; Park Nicollet; SUPERVALU; Thrifty White; University of Minnesota; U.S. Bank; and Wells Fargo. 1 2 CVS Caremark Insights 2013 Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Medicines in development: biologics. (Continued next page) Understanding Distribution and Reimbursement Defining Action Steps Influencing the Marketplace (Continued from page 1) As the group neared the end of its key informant meetings, participants unanimously agreed that they had only scratched the surface of specialty pharmacy issues facing employers. As such, this Learning Network has been granted an extension of six months. Specialty pharmacy has been called the “new gold rush” due to the large number of new drugs and the high demand for them, coupled with the fact that no one is responsible for holding drug makers accountable to rational pricing practices. “We are hoping all Action Group employer members will choose to participate in Phase II, where we will develop action steps employers can take alone and collectively,” says Carolyn Pare, president and CEO of The Action Group. “To influence change in the marketplace, purchasers must collaborate. That’s where the power lies.” Even if you were not a part of Phase I, or you are a new member, you are invited to join Phase II. We will be offering a Specialty Pharmacy Boot Camp to get you up to speed on everything we learned during Phase I. For more information, please contact Carolyn Pare (952-896-5185) or Linda Davis (952-484-7970). Minnesota Health Action Group Purchaser’s Guides To date, we have completed four member-exclusive Purchaser’s Guides: The Action Group is the only Minnesota organization whose sole purpose is to represent the collective voice of those who pay the bill for health care—employers, public purchasers, and individuals. Through its Care Delivery Learning Networks, all Action Group employer members are invited to take a deep dive on how to increase the value of health care goods and services that are subject to high cost, variability, and overuse or inappropriate use. Each Learning Network typically occurs over a six-month period, with monthly meetings that explore various facets of the topic at hand. The resulting Employer Purchaser’s Guides help members shape their benefit strategies and influence essential marketplace change to help ensure the economic vitality of all Minnesota communities. • Back Pain and Surgery • Maternity and Infertility Care • Total Joint Replacement • Specialty Pharmacy Phase I Help Wanted: NDPP Project Coordinator The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is contracting with the Minnesota Health Action Group to engage employers and insurers in four funded communities to make the National Diabetes Prevention Program (cdc.gov/diabetes/prevention/index.htm) a covered benefit for employees. To support us in this work, we are seeking a temporary, part-time Project Coordinator to create the employer section of the NDPP toolkit. Ideally, we’re looking for a graduate student pursuing a master of science in health communication, health care marketing, health care marketing communications, or similar field of study. Visit mnhealthactiongroup.org to see the full job description, along with a guest blog about the program by the Minnesota Department of Health’s Gretchen Taylor. Complimentary Registration for Action Group Members: NBCH 20th Annual Conference S PONSORSHIP L EVELS This year’s NBCH Annual Conference, Achieving Health Care Value: No Purchaser is an Island, will be held in Dallas, TX, November 16-18, 2015. Action Group employer members are welcome to register without a fee, which is normally $850 for non-members and $500 for members. Visit www.mnhealthactiongroup.org to learn more and to register (there are special registration instructions for Action Group members). Sponsorship Level Elite Platinum Gold Silver Bronze $35,000 $25,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 Keynote speaker (2 available) NBCH coalition /employer session General program support NBCH Coalition Membership Award NBCH Employer Excellence Award Health Plan Innovation Awards Reception in exhibit hall (day 1 or 2) Conference carry-all bags Conference program guide Lanyards NBCH Board of Governors dinner Luncheon in exhibit hall Breakout sessions Portable phone charger with logo Conference flash drive Breakfast in exhibit hall (2 available) Refreshment break (3 available) 1 50% off 1 registration Company name & logo on signage & screens during event Listing in official meeting-related communications Complimentary registration(s) 4 3 2 Company name & logo on event website The Minnesota Health Action Group is the only Minnesota organization whose sole purpose is to represent the collective voice of those who pay the bill for health care—employers, public purchasers, and individuals. We drive innovation, collaboration and engagement in ways that improve health care and ensure the economic vitality of all Minnesota communities. Exhibit booth (8’x10’) Ad in meeting program guide Complimentary 50% off 25% off Full page Full page Half page More information is at http://www.nbch.org/2015-Annual-Conference
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