2015, 4th International conference on Modern Circuits and System Technologies An Ultra-Wideband Self-Calibrating Frequency Divider for Multi-GHz PLL Applications L.Mountrichas, P.Athanasiadis, S.Siskos Electronics Laboratory, Physics Department Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece lamoun@physics.auth.gr Abstract— An ultra wide band frequency divider by 4 is implemented operating at mm-wave frequencies, with emphasis on low power dissipation. The proposed divider is designed in TSMC 65 nm CMOS technology using 1V power supply. The proposed divider achieved a locking range from 15GHz to 60GHz with maximum power dissipation of 6.46mW. Keywords—frequency divider; ultra wide band; low power; mm-wave. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, research activity in development of mm- wave applications systems is intensive. Both frequency spectrum saturation used by telecommunication systems and demands for higher transmission data rates lead to that direction. Millimeter waves promise much higher data rates than microwaves, making applications such as improved WiFi, radar on chip or HD video transmission achievable. Based on that PLL is the heart of modern telecommunication applications, an effort to improve its performance at multi GHz band, took place. Frequency dividers optimization is a step towards this direction. Commonly used frequency divider architectures for GHz applications are based on current mode logic (CML) latches or injection-locked topologies. The above architectures come with drawbacks such high power dissipation, large silicon area consumption or narrow frequency dynamic range. Attempting to improve upon those characteristics, this work presents a frequency divider capable of operating at mm waves, with low power dissipation, and ultra wide locking range. This divider is ideally suited for multi-VCO PLLs. II. DIVIDE BY 4 ARCHITECTURES A. Existing Divider Topologies Frequency dividers based on classic CML architecture are widely used for GHz applications. Although CML provides wide frequency dynamic range at high frequencies, it suffers from high power dissipation. On the other hand, dividers based on injection-locked topology integrate coils, leading to narrow frequency dynamic range but in addition consume large area on chip. An improved version of CML topology [1], based on dynamic latches with load modulation is depicted in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Dynamic latch Using the dynamic latch of Fig. 1, the track phase is achieved by setting the pmos loads to triode region. The latch phase is achieved by forcing the loads to cut-off region, holding the tracked value taking advantages of the output node parasitic capacitance. This latch version results in a low-power high frequency divider, an important improvement over the classic topology. Cascading four latch stages a divide by 4 circuit is created as illustrated in Fig. 2. According to [1], Vbiasp controls the self-oscillation frequency of such a divider. As a result, the same circuit can operate divide at a variety of frequency bands by simply changing the pmos bias voltage. B. Proposed Divider Based on the topology of dynamic latches with load modulation, this work proposes an ultra wide band low power frequency divider. Such a wide locking range is accomplished by introducing a control unit that dynamically changes the bias voltage of the pmos loads. Fig. 2. Synchronous Divider by 4 2015, 4th International conference on Modern Circuits and System Technologies A modification was applied in divider of Fig. 2 in relation to the latches of Fig.1. Instead of using one ac coupling circuit per latch for the pmos load modulation, the divider in Fig.2 uses only two, consuming less space and adding less parasitic effects. Fig.3 illustrates the RC circuits that generate the appropriate signals for dividers input. Charge Pump PFD Control Unit C CLKn Divider CLKp Fig. 4. Proposed divider in a PLL R Vbiasp Control Unit The purpose of the control unit is to map the CP voltage / VCO frequency pair to the appropriate bias. This is accomplished by the circuit illustrated in Fig.5 R C CLKn LPF CLKp Fig. 3. Clock generation circuit VDD CPout The above remark implies that each latch of the divider of Fig.2 is being composed only by transistors M1 to M5 of Fig.1 while Fig.3 circuit is used by all four latches. Signals CLKp and CLKp in Fig. 2 modulate the pmos loads M3, M4 whereas CLKn and CLKn are applied to the gate of M5. Simulation results of the proposed divider are presented in Table I Results of Table I show that the proposed divider is fully operational from 15GHz to 60GHz provided that the bias voltage for the pmos loads changes appropriately. Idc in Table I corresponds to the current of a diode connected pmos that provides Vbiasp. That feature of dynamic latches is exploited in order to implement an ultra wide range frequency divider for PLL applications. TABLE I. PROPOSED DIVIDER MIN-MAX INPUT FREQUENCY Idc Vbiasp Fmin Fmax (μA) (mV) (GHz) (GHz) 110 600 15 25 440 400 57 60 III. CONTROL UNIT In a phase locked loop, a dc voltage generated from the charge pump controls the VCO output frequency. By utilizing a control circuit, the charge pump (CP) voltage can be used to control the pmos load bias voltage of a dynamic latch based divider, thus achieving an automatic dynamic calibration of the circuit’s self oscillation frequency. That way it is possible to extent the locking range of the divider without human intervention, making the proposed circuit ideal candidate for low-power ultra-wide range PLLs. In Fig. 4 the PLL architecture utilizing the proposed divider is illustrated. The added control unit uses the filtered CP output to set the bias voltage of the divider. M1 - M2 M5 M3 M4 Vbiasp Op + Idc R1 Ibias Fig. 5. Control Unit The operational amplifier and M1 implement a controlled current source. The generated current is mirrored through M2, M3 and M4 to the diode connected transistor M5 creating the desirable bias voltage, Vbiasp for the modulation of the pmos loads in the latches. R1 and Ibias are used to calibrate the control unit in order to work in unison with the application specific VCO and Charge pump. The resistor sets the current slope, effectively matching the bias current to the slope of the VCO. The additional current source sets the minimum current when the CP output would be zero. In effect it sets the initial value of the current. The Idc value is given by equation (1). I dc = I bias + CPout R1 (1) Using the data from Table I the appropriate value for Ibias and R1 can be calculated. If the working range of the charge pump is from 100mV to 1V and the VCO output frequency for that range is 15GHz to 60GHz then solving equations (2) and (3), the appropriate values for Ibias and R1 can be calculated. 0.1 = 100uA R1 1 I bias + = 440uA R1 I bias + (2) (3) For the above formulas it is assumed that if charge pumps output is at 0.1V then VCO will generate its lowest frequency (15GHz for this case), while for 1V the VCO will generate its maximum frequency (60GHz). By using equation (1), the control unit can be matched to 2015, 4th International conference on Modern Circuits and System Technologies any VCO / CP pair making the proposed divider a universal solution for mm-wave PPLs. The divider can easily be incorporated in multi-VCO PLLs such the one presented in [2]. A simplified block diagram is illustrated in Fig. 6. Using the proposed divider in such PLLs considerably minimizes the current consumption and the occupied area by eliminating the need for extra dividers and their associated buffers CP LPF VCO1 Divider1 . . . . . . VCOn Dividern . . . M U L T I P L E X E R TABLE II. POWER DISSIPATION VARIATION FROM 15GHZ TO 60GHZ Fin (GHz) Power (mW) 15 4.3 20 5.0 25 5.5 30 5.8 40 6.3 60 6.5 (a) CP VCO1 LPF . . . VCOn M U L T I P L E X E R Divider (b) Fig. 6. (a) Typical Multi-VCO PLL, (b) Multi-VCO PLL utilizing the proposed divider Fig. 8. Fout waveform for Fin @15GHz IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Simulations results of a dynamic latch based divider controlled by the circuit of Fig. 5 confirm the validity of our claims. The ultra-wide dynamic range of the divider is shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 9. Fout waveform for Fin @60GHz Fig. 7. Fin vs Fout As expected for such a wide locking range the power dissipation varies. Table II presents the power dissipation for various frequencies in the range of 15GHz to 60GHz. As indicated from the results the power dissipation varies aggressively at the lower frequency range, while remaining almost constant at the upper end of the operating frequencies. Furthermore, Fig.8 and Fig.9 depict the divider output waveforms for input frequencies of 15GHz and 60GHz respectively. As expected the output swing drops at high frequencies. The divider was used to drive a dual modulus divider, also implemented with dynamic latches. Simulation results confirm that the proposed divider is fully capable of driving a following division stage, as would be the case in a PLL. Finally, the divider phase noise simulation results are illustrated in Fig. 10. The divider’s phase noise for a 15GHz input frequency is -143dB at 1MHz offset and -147dB at 10MHz offset. For a 60GHz input frequency the divider exhibits slightly larger phase noise, -137dB at 1MHz offset and -144dB at 10MHz. The above phase noise values are comparable to the state-of-the-art mm-wave frequency dividers. 2015, 4th International conference on Modern Circuits and System Technologies TABLE III. SIMULATION RESULTS COMPARISON TO THE STATE-OF-THEART fmin-fmax (GHz) L.R. (%) Pdiss (mW) Tech CMOS (nm) FoM (GHz/mW) 4 14 -70 60-90 1.3-4.8 32 6.67-17.5 4 79.7-81.6 2.4 12 65 0.16 [4] 4 62.9-71.6 3.2 2.8 65 0.82 [5] 4 82.5-89 7.6 3.0 65 2.17 [6] 4 67-72.4 7.7 15.5 65 0.35 [7] This work 4 58.5-72.9 21.9 2.2 65 6.55 4 15-60 120 4.3-6.5 65 6.9 - 10.45 Ref fin/fout [1] [3] low power dissipation and the ultra wide locking range. Power dissipation is comparable or better than the state-of-the-art, reaching its maximum at 6.46mW in order to perform division of 60GHz signal and its minimum at 4.3mW for 15GHz input signal. The achieved locking range is 15GHz to 60GHz is far wider than other published mm-wave frequency dividers and resulted through the use of a control circuit which continuously calibrates the proposed divider. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research is co-financed by Hellenic Funds and by the European Regional Development Fund under the Hellenic National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013, according to Contract no. 11SYN_6_100 of the Project “An Eband / mmwave CMOS RFIC/MMIC implementation for future private networks and mobile backhaul radio applications” within the framework “Cooperation 2011”. REFERENCES [1] Fig. 10. Phase noise analysis Closing, it is important to compare the proposed low-power, ultra-wideband divider, to the state-of-the-art of mm-wave dividers in order to gain a better picture. Table III illustrates the basic characteristics of a frequency divider. It’s important to mention that measurements of reference [1] represent two different states of the same circuit, which are accomplished by manually changing the dc voltage that modulates the pmos loads. Table III results show that compared to other published frequency dividers, the achieved locking range of this work is much wider. The 120% locking range percentage is much higher than other dividers. The varied current consumption makes the comparison slightly difficult, since the typical Figure of Merit (FoM) does not apply. Using both the minimum and maximum power dissipation, it is found that the proposed divider achieves the largest FoM, excluding that of [1] which uses manual calibration. V. CONCLUSION In conclusion, this work resulted in a new frequency divider by 4, having an ultra-wide locking range, implemented in 65nm CMOS technology at 1V power supply. 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