MODEL A RESTORERS CLUB OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC. Volume 35 Issue 6 Western Model A News NEXT MEETING Subscription Box A cross here indicates your club membership fees are overdue. Event: Hubley Racing at the Jeffree’s Date: Saturday evening March 7th Time: From 4.30pm Location: 95 Boulton St Dianella Contact: RSVP to Edith on 9275 4106 BBQ to follow: BYO meat, drinks and a chair. Bread rolls, salads, sweets provided. YOU DON’T NEED A HUBLEY-COME ALONG TO ENJOY THE FUN EVENING. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Events - MARCWA Events - Club & Others MARCWA contacts President’s Report February Meeting Busselton Nationals—Roundup Darwin Nationals - 2016 Restoration Update Electricity and Magnetism Can You Help Odds and Ends Sponsors FOLLOWING MEETING 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 11 12 Event: Date: Time: Details: Organiser: Waroona Run March 15th 9-00 am for 9-30 am start Piney Lakes, Murdoch Drive, Murdoch Morning Tea at Mundijong. Lunch at Centennial Park, Waroona. Ashley Calhoun. 9593 6320. I see on the internet March 15 Waroona Memorial Hall 1-3pm there is the “Really Really Free Market”. Interesting concept of cross between farmers market and garage sale. You bring useable stuff to give away and you browse about looking for stuff you might want to take away, no trade, no barter, give and receive all for free. Could be fun, the mind boggles! - Editor COMING EVENT Event: April Club Outing and Meeting Date: Sunday 26th Details: Details in next month's newsletter Dean and Jenni Roberts organising. Page 1 Western Model A News February—March 2015 MARC YOUR CALENDAR More Event Information CLUB Vehicle inspections: Are scheduled for May the 10th, once again held at the VCC Club facility. Inspections are no longer required by the Transport Dept. But we offer it to our members on a voluntary basis. Club Meeting (June): Arrangements being made to visit Ford Farm (10400 Toodyay Road - Bailup 30km east of Midland). Most likely meet at the park in Guildford at 9.30 for a 10am departure. The museum gates open at 11.00. Note the entry is $10 per person, cash only, no card facilities. (All proceeds to Princess Margaret Hospital for Children) Formal details in future newsletters. Being organised by Ron Andrews. Refer to NON-CLUB Event Classic and Vintage Vehicles The Vintage Collective Markets Location March 14 Saturday and 15th Sunday March 15th and May 24th. March 28 to 29 May 3rd & 24th Mandurah Ocean Marina Oakover Winery, 14 Yukich Way, Middle Swan Streets of Northam. Hill climb at My Ommanney Midvale Speed Dome Sights, sounds and smells of a past era. Eddie Baron Drive, Midvale Free to participants. Details 10am to 4pm Contact Cars and Coffee (Formally Northam Flying Fifty) Mandurah Crab Fest Date Northam Festival of Speed eventstream@mandurah. “…. For the Love of all things Vintage …..” Family friendly vintage market over 100 vendors, free music, show & shine and entertainement. 12:30-3:30pm Hill climb and Autokhana Saturday. Round the houses Sunday. 11am to 4:40pm Free for spectators www.The Vintage Collective $5 per car/bike $10 Swap meet bay Spectators free 9550 3840 Western Model A News is the official newsletter of the Model A Restorers Club of Western Australia Inc. Copy deadline 1st of each month to: or 95 Boulton St Dianella 6059 VIEWS EXPRESSED HEREIN ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF MARC of WA Inc. MARCWA (INC.) CLUB CONTACTS ELECTED: President: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: Committee Member: Committee Member: Page 2 Alan Jeffree Colin Davidson Kathleen Kuenzel Bob Piercy Hans Hurij Ian Paisley APPOINTED: 9275 4106 Vehicle Registrar: 9495 4445 Editor: 9385 3887 Property Officer: 9405 3766 Events Coordinator: 9296 8744 Regalia Officer: 9456 1184 Librarian: Website: Western Model A News Ray Mahony Fred Manwaring Bob Newton Ian Paisley Fred Kuenzel Dianne Paisley 9271 7630 9475 0078 9341 5391 9456 1184 9385 3887 9456 1184 February—March 2015 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Alan Jeffree - February 2015 The year is off and racing! There is a lot happening— Hubley racing, vehicle inspections, Whiteman Park display, some members off to the Goldfields for a week as well as our April meetings all between now and early May. When the January newsletter was sent out 33 members received by snail mail a second renewal form reminding them that subs were due in the 1st of January. To date 18 have responded. On the top of page one of this newsletter there is a small box. If there is a cross in this box, this will be your last newsletter if your form and subs are not received. Forms are available on our web page, look under “About” and print one off. It was great to see so many members at our February BBQ breakfast/meeting. We had 28 model A’s, one 1932 V/8 Sports Coupe, one 1934 Roadster, an Alvis and several moderns. In all we had 57 members, six visitors and three grand children. It was a special occasion for John and Fran Timmings who had their newly completed 1931 Five window Coupe out for it’s maiden Club run. A job well done John! It was also pleasing to have Jason Fowler present in his “as found” 1930 Phaeton! It was a pleasant surprise to hear that Ian, our event organiser, now has all monthly meetings catered for from Member volunteers. Thank you to those who have stepped up! Our Hubley Racing evening and BBQ is the next event and all members are welcome. Details were in last months newsletter. If coming, let Edith know if you haven't already done so. Easter at Evedon Park. Those members going are, Peter Sartori, Ron Andrews, Merv and Kath Ward, Val and Bob Newton, Alma and Ross letch, Pat and David Bussard, Toni and Ray Mahony, Lorraine and Bob Piercy, Leanne and Chris Wringe, Germaine and Darren Jeffree, Dianne and Ian Paisley, yours truly and our five grand children. Details will be emailed to these members. The Victorian Model A Club is celebrating their 40th anniversary mid May and we wish them well. Unfortunately Edith and I were unable to accept their kind invitation. Vehicle inspections are scheduled for May the 10th, once again held at the VCC Club facility. Inspections are no longer required by the Transport Dept. but we offer it to our members on a voluntary basis. Two of our regular examiners, Peter Satori and Hans Hurij aren’t available because of travel plans but Colin Davidson and Ron Andrews have volunteered to step in to help Reg and Ray/Toni. Beryl Paterson is still in the Joondalup hospital. She is now able to move around and the sling supporting the broken collar bones is off. No word of returning home just yet. Alan is visiting her each day. We wish her a full recovery and to be home soon! If you have an interest in vehicle judging at National Meets we will be asking for interested members to volunteer to meet and formulate a Western Australian position on this whole concept. Each state has been asked to put forward their position. Good health and stay cool! Alan Jeffree Page 3 Western Model A News February—March 2015 FEBRUARY MEETING Alan Jeffree Twenty eight Model A’s one 1932 Sports Coupe, one Alvis , one 1934 Roadster were on display at Sandy beach Reserve Sunday 22nd February 2015 Congratulations to John Timmings who had his 1931 Five window Coupe out for its first Club Run and Jason Fowler in his “as found” 1930 Phaeton. Much work has been done mechanically but body wise, almost as Henry made it! Reg was proud to display his recently completed 1932 Sports Coupe to those members present. See More photos on our web page! John Timmings coupe Page 4 Western Model A News February—March 2015 2014 NATIONAL MEETING Round-Up Wednesday 24th was our Mandatory Run to the Dardanup Historic Park This facility has been created by the Brooks family. The father, Gary Brooks operated a trucking business in the South West and had a passion for old machinery and the contribution it made in developing our State. Sadly Gary passed away before completion, however his family lead by his wife Jill, have continued his dream. A large team of local volunteers are regular helpers in the restoration which continues, and the running of the Wednesday and Sunday open days. Twelve months prior to our visit, arrangement were made for this day and I am told the volunteers all started changing their work rosters and holidays so they could be there for our display and operate the many machines and facilities inside the Village specially for us. The first Model A of 120 left from Busselton at 8.10am. Departure was controlled with vehicles leaving at set intervals for the 45 mile drive. Our display was set up by 10am ready for the public. Your National Meet funds paid the $15 pp entry for approx 250 members present on the day. The few photos enclosed show some of the activities of a great day! AJ Working Mill Military Museum Duns Family Lunch Vehicle Parade Tractor Pull Page 5 Western Model A News February—March 2015 DARWIN NATIONALS Horace Misko Planning for the Darwin National Meet The 24th National Meet will be held in the Northern Territory starting in Katherine on 28th of May,2016 and travelling to Darwin a couple of days later. Some members are: Driving their Model A to the event, some towing either a small trailer, camper trailer or Teardrop caravan. Towing their Model A on a trailer, with towing vehicles such as mobile home, ute with slide on caravan, vehicle fitted with a rooftop camper, tent or car trailer fitted with camper trailer tent. Flatbed truck with Model A on the tray, towing a caravan. Not taking a Model A, driving a modern vehicle, some equipped for camping, others planning to stay in accommodation along the way. The journey is about 3700km to Katherine which would make it two weeks of travelling covering a minimum of 300km per day and allowing for rest days in Broome and Kununurra. In talking to members it looks like several groups might be formed depending on the intended number of Kms per day being driven and the type of accommodation required. In order to put like minded members in contact with each other some information is required. Obviously the decision to join a group is up to the individual and plans can change so this is a preliminary step to forming groups that will meet and plan out their own itineraries. Basic information required is: Driving a Model A? How many Kms per day travel? Accommodation required? 1. Hotel/motel/cabins 2. Caravan parks in towns or roadhouses 3. Camping in Rest Stops with toilets 4. Bush camps with no facilities 5. Combination of the above options Rest day/s required? Yes/No Towing a Model A? Not taking a Model A? 300-350 Kms 350-450 Kms More than 450 Kms Most will choose to follow the coastal road so I have two scenarios which are only suggestions. The itinerary will be determined by the participants of each group. The responsibility for booking particular accommodation requirements is up to individuals. At this stage we have around 16 MARCWA members who will be attending. Members may email intentions to me and I will supply you with the names of other members who have similar travelling plans. Horace Misko. Page 6 Email (not listed in the Model A member’s directory) Western Model A News February—March 2015 DARWIN NATIONALS Horace Misko Cont’d: Possible Route — Plan (1) A look at the options, open to discussion: I looked at the trip trying to do 300-350 Kms per day and I don't think it works out that well because most of the stops are roadhouses with limited facilities. About the only advantage is that there would be more time for fuel stops and shopping in the towns along the way. 1. Perth to Dongara 362km 2. Dongara to Overlander 343km 3. Overlander to Minilya 330km 4. Minilya to Fortescue 390km 5. Fortescue to Port Hedland 344km 6. Port Hedland to Sandfire 291km 7. Sandfire to Broome 320km 8. Rest day in Broome 9. Broome to Fitzroy Crossing 396km 10. Fitzroy Crossing to Halls Creek 289km 11. Halls Creek to Kununurra 358km 12. Rest day in Kununurra or Lake Argyle 13. Kununurra to Katherine 513km Could make the the Kununurra to Katherine leg over 2 days and arrive earlier in the day for the start of the Rally and make the journey a total of 14 days. This plan doesn't offer much flexibility for accommodation but it cuts the Model A driving time to about 4.5 to 5.5 hours per day on average. Peter and Kaye Eardley's Teardrop caravan See next page for an alternative route as driven by Wayne Millman. Page 7 Western Model A News February—March 2015 DARWIN NATIONALS Wayne Millman Possible Route — Plan (2) Some thoughts from our member Wayne Millman from Collie. Just a rough estimate of travel and campsites I used. 6 camps, information from the website Day 1 Gingers roadhouse 8.00am to Geraldton 386km - Or approx 36km more to campsites 436 or 437. Day 2 Geraldton to Wooramel 362km - Or another 43km to campsites 459 or 460 Day 3 Wooramel to Burkett rest area 380km - Campsite 488 Day 4 Burkett rest area to Sherlock River 360km or Whim Creek 387km - Sherlock river campsite 514 Day 5 Sherlock river to Pardoo roadhouse 294km - Need to check accommodation / camping Day 6 Pardoo to Goldwire rest area 307km - Campsite 619 Day 7 Goldwire to Broome 157km Day 8 Rest day Day 9 Broome to Fitzroy Crossing 393km (maybe to far in one day) Day10 Fitzroy to Halls Creek 376km Day 11 Halls Creek to Kununarra 355km - Lake Argyle another 60km suggest Lake Argyle beautiful spot Day 12 Rest Day Day 13 Kununurra to Victoria River 318km - Campsite 196 Day 14 Victoria River to Katherine 195km - Katherine to Darwin 324km RESTORATION UPDATE Bob Piercy and Ross Letch Bob with his project looking good ! (the Model A of course) Ross (camera shy) his Model A progressing well and looking good too. Page 8 Western Model A News February—March 2015 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Ray Mahony THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS by Ray Mahony MAGNETISM Following on from last month you will remember that the three main aspects of electricity, that we are concerned with, are: voltage (pressure), current (flow) and resistance to flow. If you think about it for a while you may see that these aspects are similar to a hydraulic system. More about that another time. Although we are unable to see electricity we can see the effect of it. You have no doubt seen the heating effect; the filament of a light bulb glows white hot to give off light, the spark from a spark plug is hot enough to ignite the fuel mixture in the cylinder. You have experienced the chemical effect of electricity which changes the chemical composition of the battery fluid when charging the battery. Also corrosion of aluminium components in the modern cooling system is caused by chemical reaction within the system. Another effect, which is our subject this month, is the MAGNETIC EFFECT. I have no doubt that all of you would have played with ordinary old magnets (permanent magnet) sometime during your life. You will know that magnets are attracted to metals Magnets have an invisible force field that surrounds them that flows from a NORTH pole to a SOUTH pole through the air. Like poles repel - unlike poles attract. That is if you place magnets end to end they will either attract each other or push away from each other Magnetic field between unlike poles Magnetic Field between like poles (note field distortion) Page 9 Western Model A News February—March 2015 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Ray Mahony Cont’d Electro-magnets act in the same way. But what is an electro-magnet? If an electrical current passes through a conductor, a magnetic field is produced around that conductor. The direction of the magnetic field is determined by the direction of the current. Shape and direction of magnetic field around tion of current flow is reversed, a conductor if the direcmagnetic field will be reversed If the conductor is wound to form a coil, the magnetic field from each winding will work together to produce a magnet similar to a permanent magnet. Magnetic field development around conductors set side side (as in a coil). Magnetic lines of force will not cross, but run together. The strength of an electro-magnet is determined by the number of turns, the amount of current flow and type of core, or what is inside the winding. If a piece of soft iron is placed inside the winding, the strength of the magnet will be increased by about 1000 times. Section view of windings around an iron bar, showing the development of a field around a coil Continued next month Page 10 Western Model A News February—March 2015 CAN YOU HELP Heavy Duty Trailer Wanted: Member Fred Manwaring is looking to borrow a vehicle trailer of greater than 2t capacity for a 2 week period late October, early November 2015. Why ? … to transport my 1930 Buick sedan to Margaret River to be used as the Bridal car for my daughters wedding. Why not the Model A ? I can understand her reluctance to climb up to the dickie seat in the Roadster — oh well! I would prefer to trailer the Buick to ensure it arrives trouble free for the wedding. I have exhausted just about all sources of hire / rentals searching for a trailer, they only have significantly less than 2t or light duty. Specs for the Buick: Weight 1975kg tare Wheel base length of 3960mm front to rear tyres, total length front to rear bumper 4950mm. Width 1660mm to outside of tyres, total width 1780mm mudguard to mudguard. I can source a 4WD vehicle (hire) equipped to tow a loaded H/D trailer loaded with the Buick but unfortunately I have no trailer. If any member has a H/D trailer of specs to carry the Buick and is willing for me to use it I would be grateful. I am of course, more than happy to pay for the use of it. Alternatively you may be aware of a company from where I can hire a 2t vehicle trailer or plant trailer. I have tried a few industrial / mining supply hire companies and many “regular” hire companies, but no result. Contact Fred: mobile 040 616 1313 or email ODDS AND ENDS Items received by the club email and may be of interest to you. Retroautos - An Australian on-line classic and vintage car magazine and its free. Looks to be of very high production value. Your browsing may take you to a page that has costs, don’t be frightened off it is advertising for web hosting as the magazine editor uses a free service to distribute the issues. To view and download the magazines are free, worth a look. Retroautos online: or ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Car Lift: Details on a car lift for where you don't have sufficient height for a conventional hoist. Interesting alternative to full height hoist. Further details you could go to the companies web site at ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Newsletters: The club email receives Model A newsletters from other Australian states and New Zealand. If you want to be placed on the email distribution list to receive a copy, contact the editor at the MARC email Page 11 Western Model A News February—March 2015 SPONSORS Please support these valued sponsors RAY ABBOTT ENGINE RECONDITIONING “RECONDITIONING THE PAST SPECIALISING IN VETERAN, VINTAGE & CLASSIC ENGINES FIFTY FOUR YEARS EXPERIENCE : IN BUSINESS FOR 41YEARS CYLINDER HEAD SERVICING,REBORING, RESLEEVING, CONROD RESIZING & BUSHING, LINE BORING & REMETALLING CRANK REGRINDS, PRESSURE TESTING, PISTON GRINDING &/OR EXPANDING, CAMSHAFT GRINDING . COMPLETE ENGINE REBUILDS 18 Rio Street, Bayswater PHONE 08 9272 4566 FAX 08 9271 5717 Rebuilding Oldies Better Than New Recommended by MARCWA members VETERAN, VINTAGE, CLASSIC LUBRICANTS & ELECTRICAL Halogen Bulbs 6v & 12v Tungsten Bulbs 6v & 12v Indicator Stalks Flasher cans 6v & 12v Tail lights Indicator Lights (over 30 different types) Fuel Pumps 6v & 12v Wiper Motors 6v & 12v Wiper Blades Cables (Cotton Covered, Metal Covered, PVC) High Tension Cable (Cotton Covered, Black PVC) Spark Plugs 19” and 21” Model A Tyres Tubes Rust bands and All Things Vintage Bob Beames 6 Rio Street, Bayswater WA 6053 Mob: 0419 276 411 Ph: 9272 6411 Fax: 9370 1506 FORD MODEL T & A PARTS Keith & Glenys Eastwood 129 Balance Road Ballan 3342 VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA Ph (03) 5368 1088 Fax (03) 5368 1007 Mobile 0402194723 Page 12 Western Model A News February—March 2015
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