OE newsletter Issue 3 - MOE Outdoor Facilities & Programme

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A mind that is
stretched by a
new experience
can never go
back to its old
- Oliver Wendell
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Get Out There!
Outdoor Adventure Learning
More elements that
present authentic
situations for
students in smaller
Centre (OALC) enhancements
(Left) Two participants
attempting the crate stack
at Labrador OALC
our edible
and its
Beyond activity-focused
practice in
Outdoor Education
At present, many of the outdoor
adventure programmes observed at our
Outdoor Adventure Learning Centres
(OALCs) tend towards what has been
coined by Ritzer (2008) as the
‘McDonaldisation phenomenon’. This
phenomenon describes the trend whereby
“much of one’s life experience is
increasingly provided as a standard,
dependable and safe product just like the
McDonald’s hamburger. It guarantees an
adrenaline rush as a predictable outcome,
thus losing the essence of adventure
outcomes” (Loynes, 1998, p. 52). The
f o u r d i m e n s i o n s o f e f f i c i e n c y,
calculability (quantitative aspects of
product – portion, size, cost),
predictability and control as
characteristics in the production of a
typical McDonald hamburger (Ritzer,
2008) parallel the nature of many outdoor
education practices in our OALCs. It is
common to see large numbers of students
being put through a sequential multiactivity challenge programme such as
challenge course, abseiling, zipline,
climbing walls, etc in a relatively short
span of one to two days with efficiency
and control by the teachers/instructors
leading to predictable outcomes. This
results in the programmes being activitycentred rather than learner-centred. In
addition, the adoption of the North
America’s practice of “adventure
programming” as commonly seen locally
has resulted in many of our natural
environments and green spaces serving as
merely a backdrop for the conduct of
Speed Dating
The downside of such practice as pointed
out by Wattchow and Brown (2011) is that
they may actually be denying the
experience of place for participants. This
may result in the potential loss of a more
holistic educational experience as the
local communities, their histories and the
local ecologies are ignored.
To a v o i d t h e M c D o n a l d i s a t i o n
phenomenon, schools can opt to be
selective of the amount, type and duration
of the activities per camp. More time
should be catered for each activity to
allow the students to immerse themselves
Haven’t been to
fully in the experience and to reflect upon
our courses?
it. Schools can also consider exploring the
environment around the OALCs e.g,
journeys and expeditions to the green
spaces around.
Click here:
Here’s what our
participants say!
to link to sample camping programmes
that can aid you in your planning!
Loynes, C. (1998). Adventure in a bun.
The Journal of Experiential Education,
21(1), 35-39.
Percy-Smith, B., & Malone,K. (2001).
Making children's participation in
neighbourhood settings relevant to the
everyday lives of young people. PLA
Notes, 42 (Oct), 18-22.
Ritzer, G. (2008). The McDonaldization
of society 5. LA, USA.: Pine Forge Press.
Wattchow, B., & Brown, M. (2011). A
pedagogy of place : outdoor education for
a changing world. Clayton, Vic.: Monash
University Publishing.
“Short engaging activities applicable
to school settings”
“Better understanding on how to
conduct OE”
“Very hands-on. Micro teaching portion
really helps to put ideas into actions”
Check out our
courses for 2015
Dates: 12 May, 8 Jul, 3 Aug
Teaching OE in PE (Pri) Traisi 91363
Dates: 13 May, 7 July, 4 Aug
Teaching OE in PE (Sec) Traisi 91365
Date: 11 - 15 May
Instructor’s Course for MOE Outdoor
Adventure Facilities Traisi 91642
outdoor adventure activities.
Date: 22 - 24 July
More info www.moeadventurecentres.sg
Changi Coast OALC
Dairy Farm OALC
Jalan Bahtera OALC
Labrador OALC
Overseas Adventure Trip Planning
course Traisi 90383