This week: Kehilat Mogen David 5775 * 2015 B”H SHELACH SHABBOS MEVORCHIM JUNE 12-18, 2015 Weekly Prayer Schedule EREV SHABBOS JUNE 12 Mincha Light Candles 6:30pm 7:46pm SHABBOS Shiur Rabbi Grama Shacharis Ashkenazi Minyan Mincha Ma’ariv Havdalah 8:55am 9:15am 7:35pm 8:35pm 8:46pm Sun Shacharis Mincha 8:00am 7:50pm Shacharis Mon – Tues, Fri Wed & Thurs Rosh Chodesh 6:30am 6:30am MINCHA Mon - Thurs 7:50pm Erev Shabbat JUNE 19 Shacharis Fri Mincha Light Candles 6:30am 6:30pm 7:49pm Important Halalhic Times Earliest Talit & Tefillin Last Time for Shema Last time for Shacharis Earliest time for Mincha 4:48am 9:18am 10:30am 1:30pm 25 Sivan – 1 Tammuz Kollel and Classes are Sponsored by Avy and Sandra Azeroual; Dedicated in memory of Ada bat Hanna Azeroual; and dedication to the memory of JACK E. GINDI and ESKANDAR RASHIDI DOOST יעקב בן ר" שמעון JUNE 14-18 Weekday Classes Mon – Fri 7:30am Daily- Chok L’Israel (daily) w/H.Dayan WEEKLY CLASSES 8:45am Chok L’Israel w/H.Dayan SUN 9:00am Daf Yomi w/R’Baalhaness 9:30am Guide to Belief w/David Sacks CLASS at Pico Café - w/R’Elias MON WED 12pm LUNCH & LEARN w/R’Elias EVENING CLASSES 9:00pm Daf Yomi w/R’Baalhanes Sun – Thurs Mon 7:15pm Gemara w/R’Moses Mon 9:00pm Gemara w/R’Grama Mon – Thurs 8:00pm beginners Gemara w/R’Raffi IN MEMORIAM: JUNE 12-18 / 25 SIVAN- 1 TAMMUZ Philip Albert, Morey Tayne, Simon Perkings, David Goldstein, Mynda Ellen Cohen, David Kaplan, Shmuel Natan Kreiter, Shirley Reiter, Isadore Reiter, Helen Adelman, David Fischel, Morris Davidman, Marvin Maron, Joseph Joseph, Philip Ladelsky, Malka Tashman, Sadie Richartz, Bernard Waldow, Sr, Ben Zimmerman, Sam Peters, Alfred Cooney Siegman, Darly Minnie Solomon This week: WE THANK OUR SPONSORS Kiddush is sponsored by the Shul and Anonymous Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by the Shul ANNUAL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING SCHEDULED on SUNDAY JUNE 14 at 9:30am The election of the Board of Directors will take place at the June 14th Annual Membership Meeting. Please make plans to attend and participate in this very important meeting. PLEASE NOTE: Only 2014-15 current members may attend and are eligible to vote. MEMBERS MUST BE PRESENT TO VOTE. Sincerely, CMD Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following names for election to the Board of the Ashkenazi Minyan: David Ring Gary Karz Mark Hecht Michael Wolf Phil Seelig REFUAH SHLEIMAH: Please call the office. We will gladly add any Name to the list below; so they may be included in our prayers, that each one may be granted a Refuah Shleimah. Cantor Leopold Szneer Rochel bat Miriam Mordechai ben Simcha Shahla Chaya bat Shoshana Efriam ben Ida Esther bat Chana Avraham ben Dolat Matana bat Rachel Raphael David ben Ella Habiba bat Rahel Ruven ben Raisel Elana bat Rachel Shlomo ben Raizel Bracha Hena bat Rivka Levi Yakov ben Maytal Ha’Kohen Rachel bat Chana Shimon Dov ben Shifra Rebbeca bat Sarah Aaron Yosef ben Chana Mary Ellen bat Sarah Haim Menacham ben Hena Raizel Linda bat Sarah Moshe Mordechai ben Rachel Rivkah bas Chemda Baruch Pelech ben Chana Tzvia Nechama bas Chana Rochel Eitan ben Sorah Randy ben Sarah Yoel ben Avraham Ha’Kohen Chai ben Sarinah Yoseph Shmuel Chaim ben Brana Yitchak ben Calamera Kehilat Mogen David ∙ 9717 West Pico Blvd, Los Angeles,90035 ∙ 310-556-5609 ∙ ∙ Gabriel Elias, Rabbi ∙ Daniel Grama, Rabbi ∙ Alex Katz, Cantor ∙ Yehuda Moses, Rabbi ∙ Michael Abraham, Rabbi∙Cantor ∙ Phil Seelig-Haim Dayan, co-Presidents ERUV: Please check the Eruv status each week before Candle Lighting : or 877-ERUV-INFO Do you have something or someone to celebrate or honor? CONGRATULATIONS to our 2015 Graduates Elianna Mellon Leitman, Masters Degree Columbia University; Loma Linda Pediatric Dentistry, Residency, Adi Genish; Joshua Silvera - Santa Monica College YULA: Daniel Elias, Rachel Elias, Shayle Yashar, BHHS: Max Sheff, Maimonides: Daniel Karz, Joshua Sarir Torat Emet: Shira Moses HAPPY ☺ BIRTHDAY Tzvi Ratner-Stauber, Jake Bruck, Lauren Mintz, Sara Halpern, Stanley Zimmerman Have a Yahrzeit coming up? or a Graduate to honor? a Birthday or Anniversary to Celebrate ? Call the office to sponsor Kiddush or Seudah Shlishit JUNE ♥ HAPPY ♥ ANNIVERSARY Sammy & Melissa Rbibo, Natan & Laurie Minc, George Zaoui & Veronique Brami, Adrian & Taly Engel, Ramin & Liorah Namvar, Michael & Yisca Abraham, Oscar & Miriam Krater, Mark & Ann Deutsch, Geoffrey & Melanie Anderson, Jake & Nina Bruck, Moshe & Arlene Kupietzky, Eli & Ayala Satrashans UPCOMING EVENTS and SAVE THE DATE JEWISH GENETIC DISEASES ARE PREVENTABLE. Sunday, June 14, 2015; 9:30am-2pm at Sinai Temple 10400 Wilshire Bl. Screening is for anyone 18-49 who has even one Jewish grandparent. Breakthroughs in genetic research and technology now detect or screen for 38 diseases. 25-30% of participants carries at least 1 of the known diseases. If you have been screened at a community screening in LA, update your screening, otherwise screen now. Screening/Insurance questions, call 650-433-8930 x5000. Bnei Akiva: Bnei Akiva: Mazal tov to all the Bnei Akiva graduates - see you in Israel! for info call: Eyal 310-220-1459 . LA SPORTS WORLDS SPORTS SUMMER CAMP !! 40% off for all pre-1 and 1st graders. Offering sports and weekly activities Need to register this week for this promotion. Contact David Ouaknine at 818-259-9340 or email SUMMER CAMP KMD JUNE 22 – AUGUST 7. 1/2 or FULL DAY AVAILABLE AGES 2-5 Summer Fun, Special Programs, Pizza, And More! co-directors: MOJGAN and KAYLA at MOJGANNELIASSIAN@YAHOO.COM or K.WIZENFELD@YAHOO.COM SUMMER 2015 MJ SPORTS CAMP June 22-Aug 21, 2015 Boys & Girls Ages 2-6 & 7-13. Summer Schedule 9am-3pm. New Location at 1046 S. Robertson Blvd. LA. Info call Michael Karpeles or Jonathan Ravanshenas; 310-497-4923 or 323-395-2479 or DVAR TORAH – SHELACH The story of the twelve spies and how the people lost their way and were relegated to forty years in the desert, is the story of a missed opportunity. We were about to enter the land of Israel as Hashem had promised our forefathers and Moshe. But we erred and placed our trust not in Hashem but in our military capabilities to overcome our enemies. The scouts reported to the people with an inaccurate and biased position on what they personally felt was our inability to conquer our enemies. Therefore, the Jews would sojourn in the desert for thirty nine years and only later does the Torah enumerate the status for the time when we will dwell in the Promised Land. We come upon the after two difficult yearsINFO of wandering in the desert, at last atAND theASSOCIATES borders of the Promised WEpeople ARE STILL MISSING DATABASE FROM MANY OF OUR MEMBERS Land. Although Hashem hasus kept his promise and ledthe them safely outthe ofinfo Egypt and desert, the people Please help to update our files. Call office or print form andthrough email to the the office were fearful and apprehensive. They had no great faith that they were fulfilling Hashem's purpose, no resolve to face bravely whatever might be Hashem's will. On the contrary; they were like balky children being forced, whether they like it or not, to do what was good for them. They were afraid of what awaited them in the Promised Land so Hashem, to reassure them, allows Moshe to send scouts into the land of Canaan. Twelve prominent and respected men are chosen, one from each tribe so that the decision would be one, representing all the people as one nation. (This really wasn’t necessary as Hashem’s word should have sufficed. But, people being people, they wanted control over their own destiny and made a mistake.) Moshe instructs them; see the land and the people who dwell there. Are they strong or weak; few or many? Is the land good? On their return they offer a report predicated on their subjective opinions (except for Kalev and Yehoshua) and frighten the people from entering the land as promised by Hashem. Thus, resulting in forty years of Israel's wandering through the desert and the leaders of the ten tribes eliminated. All the generations that did not believe, would have to die except Kalev and Yehoshua. But, their children would enter Canaan. Only a generation born in freedom and trained in independence would be equal to the task of conquering our enemies and inhabiting the Promised Land, our land of Israel. Hashem has once again given us our land and we must have faith that we can keep it. Heaven forbid we miss this opportunity. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Gabe Elias
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