This week: 5775 * 2015 TERUMAH B”H Kehilat Mogen David Feb 20-26, 2015 Weekly Prayer Schedule EREV SHABBOS Light Candles Mincha SHABBOS Shiur R’Grama Ashkenazi Minyan Mincha Ma’ariv Havdalah Shacharis SUNDAY Mon – Fri MINCHA Sun – Thurs EREV SHABBOS Feb 27 Light Candles Mincha Important Halalhic Times Earliest Talit & Tefillin Last Time for Shema Last time for Shacharis Earliest time for Mincha 5:26pm 5:30pm 8:55am 9:15am 5:22pm 6:10pm 6:18pm 8:00am 6:30am 5:30pm 5:31pm 5:35pm 5:46am 9:20am 10:15am 12:36pm 1 – 7 ADAR Kollel and Classes are Sponsored by Avy and Sandra Azeroual; dedicated in memory of Ada bat Hanna Azeroual; and dedication to the memory of JACK E. GINDI and ESKANDAR RASHIDI DOOST יעקב בן ר" שמעון FEB 22-26 Weekday Classes Mon – Fri 7:30am Daily- Chok L’Israel (daily) w/H.Dayan Weekly Classes SUN 8:45am Chok L’Israel w/H.Dayan 9:00am Daf Yomi w/R’Baalhaness 9:30am Guide to Belief w/David Sacks MON 7:30am CLASS at Pico Café - w/R’Elias WED 12pm LUNCH & LEARN w/R’Elias EVENING CLASSES Sun – Thurs 9:00pm Daf Yomi w/R’Baalhanes Mon 7:15pm Gemara w/R’Moses Mon 9:00pm Gemara w/R’Grama Mon – Thurs 8:00pm beginners Gemara w/R’Raffi Mon – Thurs 9:00pm Class w’ R’Daniel Cavalier IN MEMORIAM: FEB 20-26 / 1 – 7 ADAR PARASHAT TETZAVEH FRIDAY, FEB. 27 KMD Presents PRE-PURIM DINNER & COMEDY SHOW with comedian MARK SCHIFF MINCHA 5:30pm/ Sit-down DINNER catered by Lieder's 6:30pm; OPEN BAR for adults sponsored by Aaron Robin & Family, specialty drinks by "Mr. Bartender" professionals CHILDREN WELCOME & Child care for kid's 3-12 in the school building; includes Special kid's buffet and counselors under Mogen David Youth Director, Johnathan Ravanshenas Reservations on-line only at: WWW.MOGENDAVIDLA.COM Members-Adult:$40/person; Kids:$12/person; Non-Mber Adults:$45/person What are your kids doing this summer? SUMMER CAMP KMD JUNE 22 – AUGUST 7 1/2 DAY or FULL DAY AVAILABLE AGES 2-5 SUMMER FUN IN THE SUN, SINGING, DANCING, COOKING, PLANTING, SWIMMING, SPORTS, SPECIAL PROGRAMS, PIZZA, AND MORE! CO-DIRECTORS: MOJGAN and KAYLA at MOJGANNELIASSIAN@YAHOO.COM or K.WIZENFELD@YAHOO.COM HAPPY ☺ BIRTHDAY: FEBRUARY Alan Abelson, Yaron Hazani, David Silver, Zachary Hecht, Daphna Katz, Binyamin Shaool HAPPY ♥ ANNIVERSARY in FEBRUARY Leonard & Frieda Korobkin, David & Nourian Bollag, Rafael & Silvia Maya, Victor Mellon & Chavee Lerer, Levi & Shterny Plotkin, Dan & Jessica Krief, Nissim and Rivkah Afriat This week: Kiddush and Seudah Shlishit are sponsored by the Shul Sarah Pariser, Rose Nurkin, Albert Mann, Rita Ordin, Bertha Pinchoff, Doris Weinberg, Arthur Adelman, Joseph David Feldman, Rabbi Dr. Isaac Nathan Lerer, Jessie Joseph, Anna Kronick, Margaret Wolf, Ida, Kubernick, Eliyahu Adelman, Paul Joseph, Selma Konitz, Juta Jagerman, Irving Kopelman, Sophie Maron REFUAH SHLEIMAH: Please call the office to add any Name needing your prayers. We will gladly list those names to be included in our prayers, so that each one may be granted a Refuah Shleimah. Cantor Leopold Szneer Mordechai ben Simcha Efriam ben Ida Avraham ben Dolat Raphael David ben Ella Ruven ben Raisel Shlomo ben Raizel Levi Yakov Hakohen ben Maytal Shimon Dov ben Shifra Aaron Yosef ben Chana Haim Menacham ben Hena Raizel Moshe Mordechai ben Rachel Baruch Pelech ben Chana Eitan ben Sorah Randy Stone Yoel ben Avraham Ha’Kohen Rochel bat Miriam Shahla Chaya bat Shoshana Esther bat Chana Matana bat Rachel Habiba bat Rahel Elana bat Rachel Bracha Hena bat Rivka Rachel bat Chana Rebbeca bat Sarah Mary Ellen Brett Linda Russo Rivkah bas Chemda PURIM is Coming !! Do you have your Costume and Groggers? Come Join us Wednesday evening March 4th for the Reading of the Megillah at 6:30pm and then join in the fun at our Purim Carnival at 7:30pm Kehilat Mogen David ∙ 9717 West Pico Blvd, Los Angeles,90035 ∙ 310-556-5609 ∙ ∙ Gabriel Elias, Rabbi ∙ Daniel Grama, Rabbi ∙ Alex Katz, Cantor ∙ Yehuda Moses, Rabbi ∙ Michael Abraham, Rabbi∙Cantor ∙ Phil Seelig-Haim Dayan, co-Presidents ERUV: Please check the Eruv status each week before Candle Lighting : or 877-ERUV-INFO OU KOSHER FOR PASSOVER RALPHS MARKET TOURS MAR 12—Pico/Beverwil & La Brea/3rd; MAR 19—Beverly Blvd/Doheny JVS and The Ezra Network can help you conduct an effective job search. The Ezra Network an initiative of the Jewish Federation LA in partnership with Jewish Family Service, Bet-Tzedek Legal Services and Jewish Vocational Service offers a FREE synagogue-based program with career coaching and resources to lead you through your next step in your job search campaign including interview techniques, resume development, networking strategies and career branding. To schedule an appointment with a JVS career coach call: (323) 761-8888 x 8998 and for more info go to: WED: EZRA Network, Jewish Family free social services @ KMD— for appointments call: Rochelle, Soc’l Worker 323-229-0235; Giselle, Jobs 323-761-8888 X8998; Emily, Legal Counslr 323-549-5827 SAVE THE DATE Watch for these UPCOMING EVENTS Bnei Akiva Events: Moshava Malibu in Running Springs, CA; Info-application at or call 855-MOSHAVA. Feb. 21st - No Snif this Shabbat. For more Bnei Akiva info call: Eyal 310-220-1459 EREV GEVURA: An Evening of Jewish Heroism presented BA-LA on March 7th, 8:30pm at the Wiltern Theatre as we honor a truly inspiring and heroic Jewish organization. IsraAID has helped people all over the world overcome extreme crises and provided millions with the vital support needed to move from destruction to reconstruction, and, to sustainable living. We look forward to your participation and support. For more information, call at (310) 248-2450 or email us at NCSY Summer Programs are filling up fast, Visit for info. Save the date! Feb 22 is NCSY / JSU 5K run for Jewish Education! Open Registration for OU Israel Free Spirit: Taglit-Birthright Israel trips. Free for men & women ages 18-26 Options include single gender Orthodox trips, coed modern Orthodox trips, and general trips for unaffiliated applicants. info at Sun. Mar 22, 10:30am-12:00 OU’s Womens Torah Network presents a 30 minute chevruta and 1 hour shiur with S-I-R Shoshana Schechter, Assistant Professor of Bible and Director of the Mechina program, Stern College, NY. At YULA Girls School, $18 p/p, $10 p/p for students, includes breakfast buffet. RSVP: or 310-229-9000 ext 200 DVAR TORAH – TERUMAH And the Lord spoke unto Moshe, saying: "Speak unto the children of Israel that they take for me an offering: of every man whose heart maketh him willing ye shall take My offering." WEtoARE STILL MISSING INFO FROM MANY OFMe OUR MEMBERS Hashem spoke Moshe, "Speak unto theDATABASE children of Israel...and let them make a sanctuary, thatAND I mayASSOCIATES dwell among them." In form, the sanctuary Please help (the Mishkan) us to update was a portable our files. structure, Call the because officeitor was print to accompany the info form the Hebrews and email in their towandering the office through the desert. The Torah describes the Mishkan as a magnificent structure. Every item that went into it was of the finest artistry and craftsmanship. Gold and silver, skins and the finest woods, spices and oils, incense and onyx stones, linens and furniture with glorious colors of blue, purple and scarlet were used. However, no sum of money is specified by the Torah as a standard contribution. The exceedingly rich could give a great deal (and should). The poor could give a penny (and do). Provided that each gift was motivated by a "willing heart", the gift of the poor man was as acceptable as that of the very rich. Our sages, basing themselves on the prophet Isaiah (49:17) "He shall put on charity as a coat of armor", declare: "This is to teach that just as each and every component in the suit combines to make a single coat of armor, so does each and every penny combine to make a charity significant" (Bava Batra 9b). Rav Mordechai HaCohen points out that if a single component is missing the coat of armor cannot offer failsafe protection. Similarly, if a single gift is rejected because it appears too small, the entire charitable enterprise becomes defective. Moreover, the Torah requires "a willing heart". A penny sometimes more accurately reflects a willing heart than a huge gift which is given grudgingly or for the wrong reasons. This is a very important lesson for us today in every shul, school and community. Money is vital to our survival but must be donated with a "willing heart" and without coercion. Every penny along with every major donation is valuable and needed to keep our shuls, schools and community thriving. The sages relate that that word "VeNatnu", is a palindrome, those that give will receive equally in return. Only Hashem knows the heart, we have to show appreciation for every act of Kindness. Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Gabe Elias
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