Shabbat Schedule, Shabbat Parshat Vayechi Dynasties Friday 4:21 pm Candle Lighting 4:29 pm Mincha in the Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue Shabbat 9:39 am Sof Zman Kriyat Sh’ma 7:30 am Hashkama Minyan, Annette Adler Young Adult Beit Midrash followed by a Shiur 8:30 am Beit Medrash Minyan in the Gluck-Gelnick Beit Midrash. 9:00 am Main Minyan in the Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue 9:15 am Youth Groups in the Rochelle & Melly Lifshitz Youth Center 9:30 am Minyan in the Rabbi Morris Friedman Beit Midrash 1:30 pm 1st Mincha in the Annette Adler Young Adult Beit Midrash 3:15 pm Masechet Ketuvot Shiur with Rabbi Teitelbaum 4:05 pm 2nd Mincha in the Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue 5:24 pm Ma’ariv 5:31 pm Shabbat Ends 6:15 pm Father-son learning Mazal Tov to: ♦ Debra and Mendy Tepler upon the engagement of their daughter, Mindy to Jeremy Bistricer ♦ Barbara and Alan Weichselbaum upon the birth of their grandson ♦ Deby and Sam Weissman upon the marriage of their daughter, Chaya to Yehudah Davis ♦ Brenda and Lawrence Levitan upon the birth of their granddaughter ♦ Carol and Joshua Kalowitz upon the marriage of their daughter, Amy to Jason Bieber ♦ Patricia and Leon Siegel upon the birth of their grandson Condolences to: Elisse Ginsberg upon the loss of her beloved mother, Mrs. Tzirel Kramer, A”H Yaakov Avinu was fortunate enough to know that his life was nearing an end. As a result, he blessed his sons, each in accordance with the strengths of that particular tribe’s destiny, One of those sons was blessed with something that will never end! The blessings granted Yehudah were very far reaching. Yaakov proclaimed that the great kings, leaders and teachers of the Jewish People would, forever, be Yehudah’s descendants. Because Yaakov’s blessing grant an everlasting mandate to Yehudah’s family alone, the kings of any other tribe were not to be anointed with Shemen Hamishchah - oil of anointing. The permanence of dynasty is learned from passages in Sifrei Hanevi`im and from the nature of Shemen Hamishcha as described in the Torah. Anointment was granted the first Kohanim but would not be needed thereafter. The subsequent generations of Kohanim would not need to be anointed, as they would be born into the Kehunah. Merely donning the vestments of Kehunah would allow them to conduct Avodah if they were of age and properly trained and versed in the Laws of Avodah. The perpetuation of reign among the descendants of Yehudah follows this same pattern. Once Dovid was anointed all descendants of Dovid were viable candidates to lead and serve Am Yisrael if qualified. YOUTH GROUPS ARE ON REGULAR SCHEDULE!! ‰MISHEBERACH L’CHOLIM” Zev Eliezer ben Chaya Shaindel Avraham Yehuda ben Davida Yehudit Leah bat Brina Brina bat Sarah Esther Liat Leorah bat Berachah Meir Moshe ben Shayndl Rivka bat Sara Rachel bat Tziporah Elimelech Shmuel ben Miriam Dov Ber ben Fradl Rochel Leah bat Chana Yehoshua Chaim ben Vita Chaya bas Menya Chana Shaindel bat Chaya Lifsha Leah bat Sarah Shana bat Nurit Henna Leah bat Devorah Shimon Shlomo HaLevi ben Esther Etta Rivka bat Zahava Tziporah Bas Scheindel Pinchas Aharon ben Golda Reva Chaim Shlomo ben Rochel Asher Chanan ben Ilana Leah Emmanuel Moshe ben Yehudis Yoel Yaakov ben Gittel Henia Dov Nechemia ben Rachel Chaya Sara Shayna bat Hinda Rivka David Yitzchak ben Rivka Rachel Yaakov Avraham ben Michla Rachel Mariyam bat Shifra Yenta Reuven Yisrael ben Vita Shmuel Zev ben Shoshana Zelda bat Mala Malka Esther Malka bat Eidel Shoshana bat Simcha To submit a name visit our website, or call the Shul office at 569-3324 YILC Sisterhood Book club Monday, January 5th Happy Birthday To Our Children: December 27th December 28th January 2nd - Racheli Hamburger - Isaac Bernstein - Jacob Mael Yahrzeits Observed This Coming Week: Ruth Jacobson– Mother of Vivian Fuller Aaron Kohn – Father of Barry Kohn Hannah Kriger– Mother of Morty Kriger Norbert Preminger– Father of Ben Preminger Leo Small– Father of Sheldon Small Devorah Englander – Mother of Saul Englander Sarah Hamlet - Mother of Yonayh Hamlet Melvin Kramer– Father of Nancy Karp Dora Wininger – Mother of Charles Wininger Moe Bassiur – Mother of Gladys Bindiger William Litfin– Father of Cheryl Fried THE YILC ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY, JANUARY 4TH FROM 8:00AM – 12:30PM IN THE BALLROOM. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT AUTUMN MAEL AT 371 3727 YILC Sisterhood Shabbat Shiur with Rabbi Yaakov Trump Shabbat, Parshat Shemot, Shemot, January 10th IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HOST OR SPONSOR A FUTURE SHIUR PLEASE CONTACT MARJORIE AT 569-1025 The selection is: The storied life of A.J. Fikry By: Gabrielle Zevin For more information please contact: Hillary at 516-812-7990 or If you are aware of any new families who moved into the neighborhood, please contact the Shul office or: Rachel & Gregg Duftler at 280-3032 Alissa & David Pomerantz at 374-2680
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