Seat Announcements

Beth Jacob Congregation
We Welcome You To
Shabbat, January 17, 2015
26 Tevet, 5775
Parshat Vaera pg. 318, Haftorah pg. 1149
4:50 pm
Hashkama Minyan 7:10 am Schoenfeld Beit Midrash; Rabbi Topp’s Parsha Shiur 8 am Eisenstat Beit Midrash;
Benny’s Minyan 8:30 am Eisenstat Beit Midrash; Main Service 9 am Shapell Sanctuary; Jr. Congregation 9 am Schoenfeld Beit Midrash;
Teen Minyan 9:30 am Ives Teen Lounge; Young Professionals 9:30 am Bayer Hall
Mincha 4:35 pm • Seudah 4:55 pm • Havdallah 5:51 pm
Je Suis Juif and We Are Shevet Levi
Marvin Goldsmith, William Goldstein, Martin Shandling
Cantor Wollheim
Jay Braun
Yona Conzevoy
Lipton and Sheilah & Dr. Donald Miller in honor of the birth
of their son and grandson, Ezra Zion Lipton.
In Jacob’s Garden.
SEUDAH In Bayer Hall.
Mazal tov!
► To Fela & David Shapell on the birth of a great
grandson born to their grandchildren, Elisheva & Adam
Shapell of Israel: to grandparents Susan & Benjamin
Shapell and Minnie & Brian Frohlinger.
► To Judy & Allan Kandel on the birth of a grandson; to
parents Tali & Eli Cole of Israel; to aunts & uncles
Charlotte & Stanley Kandel, Jeff Kandel, Dodie & David
Herskovitz, and George Herskovitz and great aunt
Ernestine Brass.
► To Lynn & Marc Rohatiner on the birth of a grandson;
to parents Tamar & Cheski Bendheim of Israel; to
grandparents Donna & Philip Bendheim; to great
grandparents Rosalie & Ed Zalis.
► To Eliana & Micah Katz and the entire family on the
birth of their son, Max Nathaniel.
► To Eddie Delshad on his engagement to Iris Reyhan;
to parents Mahvash & Sion Delshad and Jenia & Nader
► To our new member David Granovitz.
Expand your mind
Learn Torah With Us This Week!
Rabbi Topp’s Chumash Shiur this Shabbat morning,
Jan 17, 8 am. Sponsored by Paul Venze to commemorate the
upcoming shloshim of his daughter, Claire "Cookie” Gebler a”h.
Rabbi Posy’s Pre Mincha Shiur, this Shabbat at 4:05 pm. Topic:
Contemporary Halacha.
Weekly Classes
Conversational Hebrew, Mon., Jan. 19 at 9:45 am. If you can read
and write basic Hebrew, come and join our friendly group.
Monday Classes, given by Rabbi Posy, Jan. 19 at 11 am The
Intersection of Judaism and the Modern World, 12 pm Bread & Bible.
BMW - Beit Midrash for Women, Monday, January 19 at 7:30 pm.
All women of any age or background encouraged to come learn &
grow with us. Bring your own chavruta or join our 3rd Monday of the
month chabura with Marcie Meier.
Gemara Gems with Rabbi Arye Sufrin, Tues., Jan. 20 at 7:30 pm.
Learn Masechet Bava Kamma in depth.
Ulpan, Wed., Jan. 21, 7 pm. With Dalia Golan. Please register by
calling the office or visiting
Treasures of the Alef Bet, Thurs., Jan. 22, 12 pm. With Rabbi
Posy. In the Ives Lounge.
Congregational Meeting to Discuss Security
& Vote on Special Security Assessment
Sunday, February 1, 9 am in Shapell Sanctuary
We will discuss security at Shul, including new protocols
and measures, and will vote on a special security
assessment of $50 per member family to cover costs.
We are our first line of defense. If you notice anyone or anything
suspicious in or about the Shul, please alert one
of our security personnel.
Thank you!
► Sincere thanks to Rabbi Topp and Rabbi Posy for their
personal trips while we were sitting shiva in Sharon, MA.
To members of Beth Jacob, as I consider all of you, my
family, for your concern, tears, calls, and contributions for
my beloved daughter, Claire “Cookie” Gebler a”h, wife,
mother, and sister.
~ Paul Venze
► To Paul & Stuart Cohen on the loss of their beloved
mother Esther Cohen, a”h.
Calendar of Events - At a Glance
Movie Night: Follow Me, The Yoni Netanyahu Story,
This Saturday Night, Jan. 17, 7:30 pm
Sisterhood Brunch, Sunday, January 25, 9:30 am
Super Bowl Party, Sunday, February 1 at 3 pm
Movie Night: The Quarrel, Sat. Night, Feb. 7, 7:30 pm. Q&A with writer
& producer David Brandes
Annual Blood Drive, Sunday, February 8
Movie Night This Saturday Night 7:30 pm
Follow Me: The Yoni Netanyahu Story
At Beth Jacob, in Bayer Hall
Popcorn, snacks and drinks will be served.
Movie and refreshments free of charge.
Family Tu B’Shvat Nature Hike Sunday, February 8, 10 am
Genetic Screening, Sunday, February 22
AIPAC Policy Conference, March 1-3
Scholar in Residence Rabbi Yehuda Gilad Shabbat, March 14
Tiferet Award Banquet Sunday, March 22, 5 pm
Beth Jacob’s Kestenbaum family
youth department
Shabbat Youth groups begin at 9 am and run until
services end. Exciting activities include davening, snack,
games and Torah learning.
6 months to 2 years old; 2 to 4
years old; 4 to 6 years old
7 to 8 years old; 9 to 12 years old
(Junior Congregation)
Our Shabbat Youth Groups are nut sensitive. We can't
guarantee that we're nut free, but we make a sincere effort to
serve only nut-free snacks. Please refrain from sending nut
products with your child to Shul.
Young Professionals Corner
Divrei Torah: If you would like to give next month’s five
minute vort, please contact
YP Beth Jacob is now live on Facebook! Please friend
us and look online for future shiurim, programs, and
events. If you would like to get more involved, please email
Looking to get inspired during Kabbalat Shabbat? YP
is excited to kick off "Friday Night Inspire" monthly davening program that will include beautiful singing, inspiration,
and meaningful D'var Torah. The first davening will be
hosted by Jared Sichel on Friday night, Feb. 6th at 5:15 PM.
The address is 1415 Rexford Drive #102. Kindly RSVP with Jared
Sichel at
Upcoming Events
Family Tu B’Shvat Nature Hike, Sunday February 8, 10:00
am. All are invited as we immerse ourselves in nature and
learn about the holiday of the trees together.
We invite you and your daughter to Beth Jacob’s
Torat Imecha Bat Mitzvah Program
For more information on our youth programs, please contact
Rabbi Eli Broner at
Led by Rebbetzin Jordana Topp
Sundays February 1 & 8. 10:00-11:30 am
Teen Programs
BILU Thursday evenings 5:30 – 7:30 pm. BILU is a
weekly after-school program for public high school students
who want to develop their Jewish identity.
Beth Jacob Teens! Beth Jacob is an amazing place for
teens, with a weekly Shabbat minyan at 9:30 am and
exciting field trips and events throughout the year.
For more information contact
This seminar connects girls and their mothers to the chain
across the generations through text study, dance, drama,
art or music. For more information, please email or visit
Dor L’Dor Breakfasts!
For teens, parents & grandparents
Includes davening, light breakfast, and
30 minutes of parent/teen learning.
Attend 4 out of 5 breakfasts, and receive a
Clippers game box-seat with dinner from PKD!
Remaining Sessions:
Sunday mornings:
February 1, 22, at 9 am.
For more information please contact Rabbi Swigard at
818-800-3646 or
AIPAC Policy Conference 2015
March 11-3 in Washington DC!
We invite you to join
Carrol & Jack Fenigstein, Rabbi Topp, and dozens of
other Beth Jacob members for three of the most
important days of impact for Israel’s future!
Beth Jacob has a limited number of discounted tickets
at the rate of $399 (regular rate $599).
Call the AIPAC office asap at 323-937-1184 and ask for Rachael Ripps to request the special
Beth Jacob ticket rate before they are sold out. Sign up today to participate in a transformational
experience. We thank all those who have already signed up!
Susan & Daniel Benyowitz, Cindy & Larry Berger, David Bollag, Gilat & Joseph Englanoff, Carrol & Jack Fenigstein, Alec
Fields, Samantha & Jeremy Garelick, Carri Garelick, Glynis & Selwyn Gerber, Aryeh Goldberg, Eva Tashman Kaplan & Abe
Kaplan, Phyllis & David Katzin, Lauren & Wayne Klitofsky , Arlene & Moshe Kupietzky, Agy & Robert Levine, Doris &
Joshua Levy, Myrna Matsa, Jeremy Mittman, Debra & Brian Mund, Michele Poltorak, Daniel Reich, Miri & Reuben Robin,
Marc Rohatiner, Danielle Rohatiner, Tamar Rosenfeld, Leah & Arnie Rotter, Esther & Allen Samson, Lee Samson, David
Schlacht, Tali Schlacht, Alice Schoenfeld, Rachel Sentchuk, Rebecca Sentchuk, Rina Scott-Cowan, Debbie & Steve
Shrier, Alison Snyder, Helen & Howard Szabo, Kalman Topp, Tzippora Topp, Harold Walt, Michele Weiss
The Gottesman Family and
Harkham Hillel Hebrew
Academy invite the entire
community to a
Shloshim Memorial
Service for
Rabbi Menachem Gottesman zt”l
January 31, 2015, 8:00 PM at Beth Jacob. Limited
parking available in the Hillel garage. For more
information please contact
Jewish Genetic Disease Prevention Community Screening
Sunday, February 22, 2015, 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM
At Beth Jacob
To register:
For more information about ways to get involved, contact
Stacy Sharf at,Heidi Bendetson at, or Rachel Shapira at or 1-844-GENE-TEST.
In Partnership with Genetestnow
Ponevez Yeshiva/BatayAvoth will hold its 49th Annual West Coast Dinner, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. DovBer Abel (Parents of Dana and Chuck
Thank you for not wearing perfumes in consideration of those with
Abel), on Monday, February 9, at the Sofitel LA. We will also be honoring
asthma or allergies.
Mr. and Mrs. Dory Frank – Community Service Award, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff
Women's Tehillim Group, Mondays 9-10 am, Mellon home, 1148
Wysocki –HakorasHatov Award. Guest Speaker – Rabbi Asher Brander.
Beverwil Dr. Newcomers welcome. Hebrew skills not required.
For more information –call 212-675-9260 or email
Project M.O.T. sending holiday care packages to our deployed American YULA boys & girls schools PTA presents MAJ & Martinis Sat., night Feb.
Jewish troops, far from home and loved ones. Contact Joan Rimmon at
7, 7:15 pm at 1918 S. Roxbury Drive, Los Angeles. Cost $36 per person. or 310 476 4193.
Memorial Serrvice in honor of the shloshim of Dr. Esther Lowy, Sun.,
NEED HELP WITH YOUR OLDER TEEN?Is your teen or young adult in
Jan. 18, 4 pm at Sapper Hall, 1317 N. Crescent Heights Blvd., West
trouble? Do you need support or counseling? Professional assistance is
Hollywood, CA 90046. For info call 323-822-9700 x85155.
just a phone call away. Please contact Aish Tamid of Los Angeles at 323The Tikvah Fund is now accepting applications for its Institute for High
634-0505 today. All inquiries and conversations are confidential.
School Students at Yale University. The program runs from June 21 to
NCSY Summer Program applications are open and filling up fast,
July 2, and is open to current high school juniors and seniors. Tuition and Visit for more info. Save the date! Feb 22nd is our anall on-site expenses are fully subsidized.
nual JSU 5K run for Jewish Education! Monday night 7:00pm @ Pizza
Peter Faber announces his production of “TRYING” a poignant yet
World on Fairfax for DNL! Thursday nights 7PM HotSpot
comical look at the last year of Judge Francis Biddle’s life. At Pat’s Next
Bnei Akiva Events: Shabbat Afternoon SNIF Program: THIS
Door on January 22, thru February 1 at 7:30pm. Drinks will be offered
before the reading, dessert/coffee and tea will be served following. For
Teen Minyan @ the Rodan home, 5010 Otis Avenue, Tarzana. WINTER
tickets and info. go to or call
BREAK NO SNIF! For more Bnei Akiva info call: Eyal 310-220-1459 or
Avi 818-442-8608. Registration for Moshava Malibu is going on now!
AMIT presents a screening of "Beneath the Helmet" a coming-of-age
Information and application available at or call
story which follows the journey of five Israeli high school graduates who
us 855-MOSHAVA.
are drafted into the army to defend their country. Only $18, all welcome.
Thu. Jan 29th. More info at
L.A. – Beverly Hills Community
Introducing a New Class Series
Beginning February 3
The Worldview of
Rabbi Joseph B. Solveitchik
Tuesday Evenings at 8:00 pm
Given by Rabbi Topp
A six part series exploring the
books and essays of the Rav.
Class dates: February 3, 10, 17, 24; March 10, 17
Refuah Shleimah
Names will remain on the list until Shabbat Mevorchim unless
otherwise instructed. If you or someone you know is a choleh and you
would like the name included, please call Debora at the office.
Ilan Ashkenazi, Gavriel Akiva ben Esther Hanah • Dr. Sheldon
Michel, Shalom ben Uri • Jerome Schechter, Yosef Shalom
Halevi ben Elka • Shalom Raphael Yitzchak ben Chana Gittel •
Avraham Yisrael ben Devorah Gittel • Chana Tzivea bat
Chava Tziporah • Benzion ben Chaya Yehudit • Faige
Channah bat Bayla Rachel • Pesel Hencha bat Leah • Debora
bat Yehudit • Sarah Gittel bat Chava Raitzel • Miriam bat
Malka • Ber Laib ben Malka Nicha • Eliyahu Menachem ben
Toba • Melech ben Miriam • Betzalel Mordechai ben Raizel
Rochol • Yochevet Tova bat Beila Ita • Hinda bat Malka •
Shimon Dov ben Shifra • Chaim Yehuda ben Chana
Rachel • Chaim ben Mahin • Mordechai Yitzchak ben Rifka •
Rivka Mishket bat Serel • Eliot Klugman-Eliezer David ben
Rifka • Reuven Halevi ben Ratza • Shoshanah bat Esther •
Giora ben Ester • Darla bat Peggy • Sarah bat Yetta •
Pinchas ben Gittel • Avner ben Simcha • Pesha Malka bat
Benyamin • Dick Weiner, Israel Shimon ben Yaakov
Nachum • Dovid ben Leah Esther
Davening - Next Week
Shacharit: Sunday 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 am
Monday & Thursday 6:00, 6:45, 7:40 am
Tuesday & Friday 6:15, 7:00, 7:40 am
Wednesday 5:45,6:30, 7:30 am
Mincha/Maariv: Sunday – Friday 4:55 pm
Zumba Fitness at Beth Jacob!
Tuesday Nights 7 pm in Bayer Hall
For Teens & Women of All Ages
$10 per class for 10 class series or $15 drop-ins.
Remaining Class Dates: Jan. 20, 27 and Feb. 10
For more information, or to sign up, contact Melissa
Gruenfeld (424) 666-8167 or
Not Meeting; Rabbi Topp’s Tuesday night shiur will not meet
on Jan., 20, Parenting & Parsha will not meet on Wed., Jan.
21, BILU will not meet on Thurs., Jan. 22.
A Pair of Tefillin were left recently at a Beit Avel. If you think
they are yours, please call the shul office to claim them.
Reinforce your memory. Please join us for bridge every
Tuesday from 1 pm to 3 pm.
Security: To ensure everyone’s safety, no unattended items
are to be left anywhere at any time. If you see something
suspicious, say something!
Areivim Opportunities
Shabbat Hospitality The Shalom Aleichem team strives to
make our shul a welcoming place. If there’s a Shabbat or
Holiday meal when you could have extra guests, email or
Bikur Cholim If you or someone you know is unfortunately ill
or homebound, or if you want to participate in the mitzvah of
Bikur Cholim, email Rabbi Topp at, or Michelle Dolgin at, or call 278-1911.