Seat Announcements

Beth Jacob Congregation
We Welcome You To
Shabbat, February 7, 2015
18 Sh’vat, 5775
Parshat Yitro pg. 394, Haftorah pg. 1154
5:11 pm
Hashkama Minyan 7:10 am Schoenfeld Beit Midrash; Rabbi Topp’s Parsha Shiur 8 am Eisenstat Beit Midrash;
Benny’s Minyan 8:30 am Eisenstat Beit Midrash; Main Service 9 am Shapell Sanctuary; Jr. Congregation 9 am Schoenfeld Beit Midrash;
Teen Minyan 9:30 am Ives Teen Lounge; Young Professionals 9:30 am Bayer Hall
Mincha 4:55 pm • Seudah 5:15 pm • Havdallah 6:12 pm
Expand your mind
Yitro: Upgrading Your Operating System
Learn Torah With Us This Week!
Asher Arom, Jon Wine
Cantor Wollheim
Jay Braun
Joshua Klugman
Sandy, Elaine and Suzanne Mermelstein in honor of
Noa’s Bat Mitzvah. In Jacob’s Garden.
Rabbi Topp’s Chumash Shiur this Shabbat morning Feb. 7, 8 am.
Rabbi Posy’s Pre Mincha Shiur, this Shabbat at 4:30 pm. Topic:
Contemporary Halacha.
Weekly Classes
Conversational Hebrew, Mon., Feb. 9 at 9:45 am. If you can read
and write basic Hebrew, come and join our friendly group.
Monday Classes, given by Rabbi Topp, Feb. 9 at 11 am The
Intersection of Judaism and the Modern World, 12 pm Bread & Bible.
SEUDAH SPEAKER Yosi Ives CEO, Tag International
Development. Topic: What Israel can Offer the World, and
Why it Matters. In Bayer Hall.
BMW - Beit Midrash for Women, Monday, February 9 at 7:30 pm.
All women of any age or background encouraged to come learn &
grow with us. Bring your own chavruta or join our 2nd Monday of the
month chabura led by Tamar Rothenberg, R.D., who will be
discussing Rambam's View on Health & Its Relevance Today.
Mazal Tov!
Gemara Gems with Rabbi Arye Sufrin, Tues., Feb. 10 at 7:30 pm.
Learn Masechet Bava Kamma in depth.
► To Elisa & Meir Keller on the Bat Mitzvah of their
daughter Noa Keller; to grandparents Ella & Steven
Mermelstein a”h and Rabbi Michael Keller of Jerusalem;
to the Mermelstein & Keller families on this simcha.
► To Judy & Allen Ishakis on the birth of a granddaughter
born to their children Susie & David Ozeri of Brooklyn, NY.
► To Shirley & Saul Turteltaub on the birth of a
granddaughter, Arabella Rose Eldon Turteltaub;
to parents Amy & Jon Turteltaub.
► To Paulie & Dr. Barry Kramer on the birth of a
grandson; to parents Shiffy & Yaakov Yosef Kramer;
to Aunt & Uncle Madeline & Daniel Kramer.
► To Anita Wincelberg on the birth of a great
granddaughter; to parents Yehudis & Jacob Kon;
to grandparents Gittel & Rabbi Yaakov Wincelberg.
► To Alan Jacobs on the birth of a granddaughter;
to parents Laurie & Dr. Steven Eagle.
► To our members, Dani & Rivkie Samson, honorees
at Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy's Annual Banquet
Gala at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Feb. 11.
► To Carmelith & Allan Arfa on the engagement of their
daughter Sarah to Max Spielberg; to parents Janet & Gil
Spielberg; to grandmother Hannah Arfa.
► To our new members Stephanie Levi; Arik Gordon.
► To Elias Lucien Cadji and Lewis Cadji on the loss of
their beloved mother Sarita Cadji Tepper a”h.
► To Jared Sichel on the loss of his beloved brother Aaron
Zvi Sichel a”h.
Series with Rabbi Topp: The Worldview of Rabbi Joseph B.
Soloveitchik, Tuesday, February 10, 8:00 pm. A six part series
exploring the books and essays of the Rav. The class on the 10th will
discuss Halachic Man.
Parenting & Parsha Shiur, Wed., Feb. 11, 9 am. A joint program of
Beth Jacob & Harkham Hillel. Given this week by Rabbi Y. Boruch
Treasures of the Alef Bet, Thurs., Feb. 12, 12 pm. With Rabbi
Posy. In the Ives Lounge.
BILU Thursday evenings 5:30 – 7:30 pm. BILU is a weekly afterschool program for public high school students.
Calendar of Events - At a Glance
This Weekend
Movie Night: The Quarrel, Sat. Night, Feb. 7, 7:30 pm
Annual Blood Drive, Sunday, February 8, 9 am- 2:30 pm
Tu B’Shvat Kids Seder & Scavenger Hunt, Sunday, Feb. 8, 10 am
Teen Paintball Trip, Sunday February 8, 10 am
Bat Mitzvah Seminar, Sunday February 7, 10 am
Seudah Shlishit With The Ramaz Choir, Shabbat February 14
New Modern Minds Series Begins, Wed., Feb. 18, 7:30 pm
Next YP Friday Night Dinner, February 20
Genetic Screening, Sunday, February 22
AIPAC Policy Conference, March 1-3
Scholar in Residence Rabbi Yehuda Gilad, Shabbat, March 14
Beth Jacob Mishloach Manot
If you’d like to help pack or deliver please call
278-1911 or email
Third Annual Harmony Shabbat, March 21
Tiferet Award Banquet, Sunday, March 22, 5 pm at Sinai Temple
Shiur by Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Monday Evening, March 23
Young Professionals Corner
Beth Jacob’s Kestenbaum family
youth department
Shabbat Youth groups begin at 9 am and run until
services end. Exciting activities include davening, snack,
games and Torah learning.
Divrei Torah: If you would like to give next month’s five
minute vort, please contact
YP Beth Jacob is now live on Facebook! Please friend
us and look online for future shiurim, programs, and
events. If you would like to get more involved, please email
6 months to 2 years old; 2 to 4
years old; 4 to 6 years old
7 to 8 years old; 9 to 12 years old
(Junior Congregation)
Our Shabbat Youth Groups are nut sensitive. We can't
guarantee that we're nut free, but we make a sincere effort to
serve only nut-free snacks. Please refrain from sending nut
products with your child to Shul.
Looking to get inspired during Kabbalat Shabbat? YP
is excited to kick off a monthly "Friday Night Inspire"
Minyan that will include beautiful singing, inspiration, and
meaningful Divrei Torah. The first minyan has been
postponed. Please stay tuned for the new date.
Upcoming Events
Tu B’Shvat Kids Seder & Scavenger Hunt, this Sunday
Feb. 8, 10:00 am. All are invited as we immerse ourselves in
nature and learn about the holiday of the trees together.
For more information on our youth programs, please contact
Rabbi Eli Broner at
We invite you and your daughter to Beth Jacob’s
Torat Imecha Bat Mitzvah Program
Led by Rebbetzin Jordana Topp
Teen Programs
BILU Thursday evenings 5:30 – 7:30 pm. BILU is a
weekly after-school program for public high school students
who want to develop their Jewish identity.
Beth Jacob Teens! Beth Jacob is an amazing place for
teens, with a weekly Shabbat minyan at 9:30 am and
exciting field trips and events throughout the year.
This Sunday, February 8, 10am– 2pm: Paintball trip. $55.
Includes admission, gun rental, mask rental, unlimited air
fills, 500 paintballs, ammo pouch and chest protector. Meet
at Beth Jacob. See our Facebook and Instagram pages for
more details.
For more information contact
Sunday February 8. 10:00-11:30 am
This seminar connects girls and their mothers to the chain
across the generations through text study, dance, drama,
art or music. For more information, please email or visit
Dor L’Dor Breakfasts
For teens, parents & grandparents
Includes davening, light breakfast, and
30 minutes of parent/teen learning.
Attend 4 out of 5 breakfasts, and receive a
Clippers game box-seat with dinner from PKD!
Sunday, Feb. 22 is our last program for the series.
Our topic will be
Does G-d care who won the Super Bowl?
For more information please contact Rabbi Swigard at 818-800-3646 or
AIPAC Policy Conference 2015
March 11-3 in Washington DC!
Jewish Genetic Disease Prevention
Community Screening
We invite you to join Carrol & Jack Fenigstein, Rabbi
Topp, and dozens of other Beth Jacob members for three
of the most important days of impact for Israel’s future!
Beth Jacob has only six discounted tickets remaining
at the rate of $399 (regular rate $599).
Call the AIPAC office asap at 323-937-1184 and ask for
Rachael Ripps to request the special Beth Jacob ticket rate
before they are sold out. Sign up today to participate in a
transformational experience.
We thank all those who have already signed up!
Susan Benyowitz, Cindy & Larry Berger, David Bollag, Gilat &
Joseph Englanoff, Carrol & Jack Fenigstein, Alec Fields,
Samantha & Jeremy Garelick, Carri Garelick, Liebe & Ivor
Geft, Glynis & Selwyn Gerber, Aryeh Goldberg, Eva
Tashman Kaplan & Abe Kaplan, Phyllis & David Katzin,
Lauren & Wayne Klitofsky, Arlene & Moshe Kupietzky, Agy &
Robert Levine, Doris & Joshua Levy, Myrna Matsa, Debra &
Brian Mund, Ron Nussbaum, Michele Poltorak, Daniel
Reich, Miri & Reuben Robin, Marc Rohatiner, Danielle
Rohatiner, Tamar Rosenfeld, Leah & Arnie Rotter, Esther
& Allen Samson, Lee Samson, David Schlacht, Tali Schlacht,
Alice Schoenfeld, Rachel Sentchuk, Rebecca Sentchuk, Rina
Scott-Cowan, Debbie & Steve Shrier, Alison Snyder, Helen &
Howard Szabo, Kalman Topp, Tzippora Topp, Harold Walt,
Michele Weiss
L.A. – Beverly Hills Community
Thank you for not wearing perfumes in consideration of those
with asthma or allergies.
Women's Tehillim Group, Mondays 9-10 am, Mellon home, 1148
Beverwil Dr. Newcomers welcome. Hebrew skills not required.
Do you knit / crochet? Help us make hats & mittens for newborns at
Shaare Zedek Hospital, Jerusalem. Supplies provided. Call for more info
ACSZ office 310-229-0915 / Terry 310-552-9174.
Project M.O.T. sending holiday care packages to our deployed American
Jewish troops, far from home and loved ones. Contact Joan Rimmon at or 310 476 4193.
The Tikvah Fund is now accepting applications for its Institute for High
School Students at Yale University. The program runs from June 21 to July
2, and is open to current high school juniors and seniors. Tuition and all onsite expenses are fully subsidized.
Ponevez Yeshiva/BatayAvoth will hold its 49th Annual West Coast
Dinner, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. DovBer Abel (Parents of Dana and
Chuck Abel), on Monday, February 9, at the Sofitel LA. We will also be
honoring Mr. and Mrs. Dory Frank – Community Service Award, For info.
call 212-675-9260 or email
YULA boys & girls schools PTA presents MAJ & Martinis Sat., night Feb.
7, 7:15 pm at 1918 S. Roxbury Drive, Los Angeles. Cost $36 per person.
Join Get Jewish Divorce Justice for a benefit screening of the acclaimed
Israeli film “Gett – The Trial of Viviane Amsalem” Sunday morning Feb. 15,
at 10:00a.m. Panel discussion to immediately follow : Laemmle Royal
Theatre 11523 Santa Monica Blvd. L. A. 90025. For details and tickets visit
Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy Annual PTA Purim Carnival Sunday,
Sunday, February 22, 2015, 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM
At Beth Jacob
To register:
For more information about ways to get involved,
contact Stacy Sharf at,
Heidi Bendetson at, or Rachel Shapira at or
In Association with Genetestnow.
From Ungvar to Beverly Hills
A book by member Alice
Neuman Schoenfeld, on her
inspiring story of emerging from
one of history’s darkest chapters
and forging a new life in a new land.
Call the office at 278-1911
to order for $18.
February 22, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 9120 Olympic Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA
90212. Rides, games, BBQ, and prizes! Valet parking available
Sponsorship opportunities:
StandWithUs International Conference Combating The Boycott
Movement Against Israel March 21-23 at the Century Plaza Hotel. For
more info and to register call 836-6140 ext. 130 or email
A Krav Maga Self-Defense course is being formed in our community.
Taught by Self-Defense expert Amir Peretz, this four part seminar will cover
self defence in a variety of scenarios. For information and pricing please
call Avishay at 818 262 9344
NEED HELP WITH YOUR OLDER TEEN?Is your teen or young adult in
trouble? Do you need support or counseling? Professional assistance is
just a phone call away. Please contact Aish Tamid of Los Angeles at 323634-0505 today. All inquiries and conversations are confidential.
NCSY Summer Program applications are open and filling up fast,
Visit for more info. Save the date! Feb 22nd is our
annual JSU 5K run for Jewish Education! Visit to register and
donate. Monday night 7:00pm @ Pizza World on Fairfax for DNL!
Bnei Akiva Events: THIS WEEK Shabbat Feb. 7th SNIF Saad meets at
4:30pm at Yavneh. SNIF Tirat Zvi meets at 4:30pm at Shaarey
Zedek. Upcoming Events: Feb 20-22: High School Ski Shabbaton in Big
Bear. March 7th @ 8:30pm: Join Bnei Akiva of Los Angeles at The Wiltern
for Erev Gevura as we honor the work of IsraAID. For more information and
to RSVP: or For
more Bnei Akiva info call: Eyal 310-220-1459 or Avi 818-442-8608.
EXPERIENCE Moshava Malibu! Have the summer of a lifetime at our new
home in Running Springs, CA. Camp application and information available
at or call 855-MOSHAVA.
The Worldview of
Rabbi Joseph B.
Tuesday Evenings
8:00 pm
Given by Rabbi Topp
Now in Session
Join us this Tuesday, February 10 for the next class,
which will discuss Halachic Man.
Rabbi Soloveitchik, known as the Rav, was a brilliant
Talmudic scholar, teacher and philosopher who
shaped modern orthodoxy in America. This six part
series will explore the multi-faceted thought of the
Rav through the study of his books and essays.
Remaining class dates:
February 10, 24; March 10, 17, 24
In the News…
Beth Jacob Completes Program to Better
Integrate Children with Special Needs
Beth Jacob is one of three synagogues to have successfully
completed Vista Del Mar's Vista Inspire Community Inclusion
Program, which gives synagogues the tools to integrate
children with special needs and their families into shul life.
Rabbi Topp on New RCA Commission to
Review Conversion Process
Rabbi Topp has been chosen as a member of a new
commission of rabbis, converts and mental health
professionals who are reviewing the Orthodox conversion
process in order to create safeguards against abuse. The
committee has been tasked with standardizing conversion
protocols, providing oversight of Beit Din procedures, and
improving the overall process.
For more information about the goals of this committee,
please visit’s “In the News” section.
Zumba Fitness at Beth Jacob!
Tuesday Nights 7 pm in Bayer Hall
For Women of All Ages
Refuah Shleimah
Names will remain on the list until Shabbat Mevorchim unless
otherwise instructed. If you or someone you know is a choleh and you
would like the name included, please call Debora at the office.
Ilan Ashkenazi, Gavriel Akiva ben Esther Hanah • Dr. Sheldon
Michel, Shalom ben Uri • Jerome Schechter, Yosef Shalom
Halevi ben Elka • Shalom Raphael Yitzchak ben Chana Gittel •
Avraham Yisrael ben Devorah Gittel • Chana Tzivea bat
Chava Tziporah • Benzion ben Chaya Yehudit • Faige
Channah bat Bayla Rachel • Pesel Hencha bat Leah • Debora
bat Yehudit • Sarah Gittel bat Chava Raitzel • Miriam bat
Malka • Ber Laib ben Malka Nicha • Eliyahu Menachem ben
Toba • Betzalel Mordechai ben Raizel Rochol • Yochevet
Tova bat Beila Ita • Hinda bat Malka • Shimon Dov ben
Shifra • Chaim Yehuda ben Chana Rachel • Chaim ben
Mahin • Mordechai Yitzchak ben Rifka • Rivka Mishket bat
Serel • Eliot Klugman-Eliezer David ben Rifka • Reuven
Halevi ben Ratza • Shoshanah bat Esther • Giora ben Ester •
Darla bat Peggy • Sarah bat Yetta • Pinchas ben Gittel • Avner
ben Simcha • Pesha Malka bat Benyamin • Dovid ben Leah
Esther • Yehudit Esther bat Miriam Sarah • Shlomo
ben Pauline • Rochel Emunah bat Rifka Devorah Bryna
$10 per class for 10 class series or $15 drop-ins.
Class Dates: Feb. 10, 17, 24, March 10, 17, 24,
April 14, 21, 28, May 5,12
For more information, or to sign up, contact Melissa
Gruenfeld (424) 666-8167 or
A Musical Seudah Shlishit Next
Shabbat, February 14
The community is invited to join us as the Ramaz High School
Choir of Manhattan sings at our Seudah.
Seudah will be sponsore by Sarah & Tzvika Nissel.
A Pair of Tefillin were left recently at a Beit Avel. If you think
they are yours, please call the shul office to claim them.
Reinforce your memory. Please join us for bridge every
Tuesday from 1 pm to 3 pm.
Security: To ensure everyone’s safety, no unattended items
are to be left anywhere at any time. If you see something
suspicious, say something!
Davening - Next Week
Shacharit: Sunday 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 am
Monday & Thursday 6:00, 6:45, 7:40 am
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 6:15, 7:00, 7:40 am
Mincha/Maariv: Sunday – Friday 5:20 pm
Areivim Opportunities
Shabbat Hospitality The Shalom Aleichem team strives to
make our shul a welcoming place. If there’s a Shabbat or
Holiday meal when you could have extra guests, email or
Bikur Cholim If you or someone you know is unfortunately ill
or homebound, or if you want to participate in the mitzvah of
Bikur Cholim, email Rabbi Topp at,
or Michelle Dolgin at, or call 278-1911.