restaurant registration

JANUARY 30 & 31, 2016
Alternate Contact Name
Alternate Contact Telephone
First Name
Alternate Contact Cell Phone
Last Name
Alternate Contact Email
Street Address
Company Website Address
Company Facebook Page Address
Company Twitter Username
Enclose check payable to
“The Mohegan Tribe of Indians of CT”
and mail with a copy of this form to:
Mohegan Sun
Attn: Public Events
1 Mohegan Sun Boulevard
Uncasville, CT 06382
or complete the Credit Card information.
Credit Card
Name as it appears on card
Credit Card #
Security Code
Expiration Date
Billing Address
An insurance certificate evidencing coverage through January 31, 2016 is REQUIRED. However, depending on your
policy renewal date, you may submit at a time closer to the event. An additional certificate must name Mohegan Sun,
One Mohegan Sun Boulevard, Uncasville, CT 06382 as the certificate holder. The certificates must evidence a minimum
of $1,000,000 coverage per incident for General Liability & Property Damage as well as for Workers Compensation &
Employers Liability. Certificates must be submitted to Samantha Plack –
Please complete your registration and return with the signed Contract Rules to Samantha Plack,
or email by August 28, 2015. If you need an invoice to process payment,
JANUARY 30 & 31, 2016
TABLE PACKAGE: $500 BY APRIL 1, 2015 / $650 AFTER APRIL 1, 2015
Total # of Tables
Total Cost
• Logo and Link to your Website on
• Two 6-ft. Tables
• Linen Tablecloths
• Cleaning Services
• Standard 500-watt Electric Service
• You will receive 90% of your sales; 10% is donated to selected charity
• Signage Suspended Above your Tables with Restaurant Logo and Menu Item
• Four Working Credentials for your Staff (Value $300)
• Complimentary Breakfast Buffet for 4 on Saturday and Sunday
• Credential Access to the Exhibitors’ Lounge with Complimentary
Snacks & Beverages
• Discounted Ticket Rate for Selected Events
• Preferred Exhibitor Rate at Mohegan Sun’s Hotel
(first-come, first-served) or Preferred Rate at Additional Property
JANUARY 30 & 31, 2016
1. The “Tribe” shall mean The Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut.
2. E ligible Exhibits. The Tribe reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company or product
for inclusion in the Events. No Exhibitor shall exhibit in the space allocated to such Exhibitor or
merchandise other than that specified in received application.
3. Music. No music of any kind shall be utilized by an Exhibitor without written consent of The Tribe.
4. L imitation of Liability. The Exhibitor hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and protect
The Tribe and the facility against, and hold and save them harmless from, any and all claims,
demands, suits, liabilities, damage, loss, costs, attorney fees and expenses of whatever kind or
nature which might arise out of any action or failure to act of the Exhibitor or any of its officers,
agents, employees, or other representatives, including but not limited to claims of damage, or loss
to property, or harm or injury to a person or persons. The Exhibitor agrees to make no claim for any
reason whatsoever, including negligence against The Tribe, its members or gents or employees,
or the sponsors, or the lessors or owners of the exhibit premises or facility for loss, theft, damage
or destruction of property; nor any injury to said Exhibitors, its employees, agents, independent
contractors while in the exhibit area.
5. B
uilding Regulations. It is understood that the Exhibitor shall not deface the premises in any way.
Exhibitors will not be permitted to drive nails, hooks, tacks, or put up decorations or adhesive that
would deface the premises. Rules and Regulations outlining Exhibitor set-up will be provided by
The Tribe prior to the show. All materials used must be non-flammable to conform to the appropriate
building stands and the health and safety codes of The Tribe, The Mohegan Tribal Fire Department
must approve any exceptions to this matter.
6. D
isplay Characteristics. Facility lighting may not illuminate all areas evenly and effectively, and
The Tribe assumes no responsibility for providing additional lighting. If available, an Exhibitor may
order additional lighting, at its own expense. All booth and/or table and pavilion arrangements shall
conform in all respects to the dimensional and height requirements as indicated in the Exhibitor
information packet.
7. R
ejected. Exhibitor agrees that exhibits shall be admitted and shall remain from day to day solely
on strict compliance with the rules herein laid down and those outlined in the Exhibitor information
packet. The Tribe reserves the right to reject, eject or prohibit any exhibit in whole or in part, or any
Exhibitor or his representatives, with or without giving cause. If cause is not given, liability shall not
exceed the return to the Exhibitor of the amount of rental unearned at the time of rejection. If an
exhibit or Exhibitor is ejected for violation of these rules or for any other stated reason, no return
of rental shall be made.
8. I nsurance. The Tribe is not responsible for loss or damage to Exhibitor’s property and such property
is on or at the premises at Exhibitor’s full risk and expense. If the Exhibitor desires to have the goods,
samples and other property brought upon the exhibition premises insured against loss or damage
due to any cause, Exhibitor shall obtain such insurance at his own expense. The Exhibitor shall, at
no cost to The Tribe obtain and provide certificate(s) of 1. $1,000,000. General Liability and property
damage insurance from responsible insurance companies authorized to sell this insurance, and
include the broad form liability evidencing bodily injury. 2. Workers compensation up to the statutory
limits, employers liability insurance for his own employees enforced in the state of Connecticut
naming the Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority, the Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut and as
additional insureds along with a waiver of subrogation in favor of the additional insureds; and obtain
all other insurance necessary for the conduct of business or related to the business marketed and
promoted through the exhibit in the amount of at least $1,000,000 per incident. Said certificates must
be provided within 7 days prior to the date of the event.
9. L abor. Connecticut is a right to work state, therefore union labor and drayage fees do not apply.
The Exhibitor is responsible for Exhibitor’s own labor to move in/out Exhibitor’s displays, which they
can provide themselves or hire out to a third party of Exhibitor’s choosing. If, however, the Exhibitor
needs heavy equipment like a forklift or other machinery to move in/out its display, then facility labor
charges may apply and the Exhibitor will be responsible for such payment directly to the facility.
10. T he use of Exhibitor-Appointed Show Contractors. The Tribe shall require written notification from
any Exhibitor using the services of a company other than the official contractor. This notification
should include the name and address of the contractor, name of the supervisor to be in attendance,
a certificate of insurance, and a statement that the contractor will comply with all rules and
regulations of the exhibition including observation of local labor rules. This information should be
provided to The Tribe at least 30 days in advance of the first day of move-in. The Tribe assumes no
responsibility for failure of performance by a contractor or subcontractor or The Tribe’s employees.
11. E xhibit Logistics. Detailed data, in the form of an Exhibitors’ Information packet will be delivered to
each Exhibitor in ample time for advance planning. The information packet will contain information
regarding shipment, labor, electrical services, rental items, exhibit hours, etc. Service order forms
for all available services will be included and should be returned promptly.
12 A
mendment to the Rules. The Tribe reserves the right to adopt, orally or in writing, any additional
rule or regulation, move or remove an exhibit, or take any further action if The Tribe deems such
action necessary for the good of the Show. Said action shall have the same force and authority
as though fully incorporated in the agreement herein.
13. S
ubleasing/Sharing. Assignment (in whole or in part), subletting or licensing of space by the
Exhibitor or use of the space not authorized in writing by The Tribe is prohibited.
14. C
ancellation Policy. If an Exhibitor fails to make payments due hereunder on the date or dates
specified, then The Tribe may cancel this agreement or change such Exhibitor’s space assignment
at The Tribe’s sole discretion and without further notice.
15. A
cts of God, Fire, Strikes, Etc. In the event that any outside cause, such as war, fire, strike,
government action, or other emergency, or event of “force majeure” prevents the exhibit from
being held, The Tribe will retain such part of Exhibitor’s rental as shall be required to compensate
The Tribe for expenses incurred up to the time such contingency shall have occurred and The
Tribe shall not be responsible for any of Exhibitor’s expenses or damages resulting from such a
cancellation or postponement of the exhibit.
16. C
ompliance with Laws. Exhibitors must comply with all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances
in force.
17. S
how Location. If for any reason, The Tribe determines that the location of the Show should
be changed or the dates of the Show changed, no refund will be due the Exhibitor, but The Tribe
shall assign to the Exhibitor, in lieu of the original space, such other space as The Tribe deems
appropriate and the Exhibitor agrees to use such space under the terms of this agreement.
The Tribe or the facility owner shall not be financially liable or otherwise obligated in the event
the Show is postponed or relocated.
18. T axes and Licenses. Exhibitor shall be responsible for obtaining any licenses, permits or approvals
required under local, state, or federal law applicable to their activity at the exhibition. Exhibitor
shall be responsible for obtaining any tax identification numbers and paying all taxes, license fees
or other charges that shall become due to any governmental authorities at the exhibition.
19. C
onnecticut Law. This Agreement shall be deemed made in the State of Connecticut and shall be
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut applicable to contracts entirely
made and performed therein.
20. T he Entire Agreement. This agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties hereto
with respect to the matters embraced herein and may not be modified, discharged or terminated,
except by a written instrument, signed by the party to be charged.
21. Cancellations. All sponsorship contracts are final, non-cancelable and non-refundable.
22. T he Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut, Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority, or Mohegan Sun
or the logo of the event known as Brew Fest along with a variation or compilation of the name
Brew Fest with any other name along with the name and design alone or in combination with these
marks are trademarks, brand logos, label designs, product identification, decals and artwork owned
and/or developed as a work for hire are the property of The Tribe and may not be used by Exhibitor
or any of its agents, employees without the prior written consent of The Tribe.
Having read the terms of this contract, it is understood and agreed that the sponsor/exhibitor shall be bound by all rules, regulations and requirements as set forth herein.
SIGNATURE:—————————————————————————————————————— DATE:——————————————
COMPANY:——————————————————————————————————————— TITLE:——————————————
SIGNATURE:—————————————————————————————————————— DATE:——————————————