Elastic Drums - Manual Version 1.3 This is a very first version of a manual. Things might be incomplete or missing and badly written. Main Navigation Top Menu On the very top of your iPhone screen you have the following interaction buttons (from left to right): - Play/Stop: Start/Stop the sequencer - Record: Opens a recording overlay screen, where you have different recording and export options - Pattern/Song switch: When filled out and rotating you are in song mode. The patterns (you organize in screen 2) run through in loop. When not filled out you play a single pattern only - Overview screen: Swipe left/right to quickly change to the next or previous pattern - Options: Opens another overlay view with some probable additional setting for the current screen you are in actually - Help: Get a short explanation for the functionality of the current screen you are in actually Bottom Menu On the bottom of your iPhone screen you have the following interaction buttons (from left to right): - Instrument (instr) screen: Here you you create your percussion sounds and the sequencer data - Pattern (patt) screen: Here you arrange your pattern, via copy, paste, etc. into a „Song“ - Effect (fx) screen: Here you record or set the values of your effects - Mixer (mix) screen: A classic mixer screen and some general settings, like the main tempo - File (file) screen: Here you can load and save preset files and set some master effects 1. Sequencer/Instruments (inst. screen) With the 6 button of the top right you switch between your 6 instrument channels. If a sound gets triggered, a white light will blink on these buttons. On the left top you have a classic 4x4 grid, where you set your steps on/off. If you choose a velocity target, like here volume - symbolized by a yellow outline on the knob - this velocity target will be affected by the value (y position) of an activated step. If you have no velocity target chosen the steps of the step sequencer will be filled out completely. The synth button opens the synthesizer sound presets window, where you can load, randomize and save sound presets. The time knob multiplies the tempo for the chosen channel in relation to the master tempo (set in mix screen). The len knob sets the length of the selected channel (between 1 and 16). Volumen and pan set the volume and pan of the channel. The first effects knob blends in mono effect 1 to the left and mono effect 2 to the right. Knob on 12 o’clock means dry signal, no sound goes to the effect units. The second effect knob works similar with the stereo effects 3 and 4. Due to limited cpu performance on iPhone 4s and iPad 2 you only have one mono and one stereo effect available there. By clicking the autom button, the button will start blinking, indicating that you are in automate mode: In automate mode you can record your fiddling with the synthesizer parameter knobs. By clicking the velocity button you can choose one synthesizer parameter knob, that will then be affected by the velocity (y height) values of the sequencer. Solo will solo a sound, to pre listen to it. This does not get recorded. Mute will mute a sound. This information get’s recorded for a pattern, so in song mode, a channel could be muted on one pattern and un-muted in another pattern. By clicking the arrow on the right side, you will see all (hidden) synth parameters of a chosen percussion synth, like in the picture below. All synth parameters There are 4 global synth parameters, that are the same for all different percussion types. These global parameters can also be affected in the file screen via an xy input field. Here are the parameters for all the available percussion synthesizer: All Instruments: pitch: overall pitch of the instrument. tone: EQ: going from lowpass, neutral, and then highpass. decay: time for the initial attack / hit / body of the instrument. release: time for the 'tail' of the sound. Kick: The pitch of a single oscillator is dropped quickly to provide the classic electronic kick sound. freq - the initial pitch of the drum. curve - the time taken by the pitch curve from initial to final pitch. square - sinewave to squarewave shaping of the drum synth oscillator. lowpass - a lowpass filter on the drum oscillator, effective BEFORE the overdrive section. This can be used to tame some of the harmonics introduced by increased 'square' level. overdrive - distorted gain stage. use a little bit to add a bit of oomph to a standard kick, or crank it right up for big, pounding gabber kicks. noise - the colour of the initial noise hit. warble speed warble depth - quite subtle 'warbling' of the pitch, to simulate the random fluctuations of true analogue machines. Hihat: triangle oscillators are modulated to provide the metallic body of the hat, and a pitched noise source is added to simulate the diffused tail sound. body gain - the volume of the initial hit / body. body time - diffusion time of the initial hit / body (can be further shaped with the overall decay parameter, too). highpass - highpass filter tone control. (can also be further shaped with the overall tone parameter). osc_xfade - crossfade between the metallic 'pitched' oscillators and the noise oscillator. detune - pitched oscillators detune amount. FM - pitched oscillators frequency modulation amount. noise A - pitched oscillators noise modulation. noise B - noise oscillator tone control. Snare: Two detuned oscillators form the 'body' of the drum. A pitched noise source forms the snare 'rattle' tail section. noise A - tone of the noise source. noise 'pitch'. noise B - tone of the noise source. noise 'randomness'. noise+++ - noise source gain. overdrive - overall gain / distortion of the snare drum. body time - length of the snare hit / body. body+++ - hit / body section gain. shaper A shaper B - non-linear waveshaping distortion. Clap: A noise burst oscillator creates short bursts of noise, which are repeated in succession to create the effect of a clap echoing in a room. The noise bursts are then passed through a bandpass filter to simulate the rounded sound of cupped hands as they clap. echo - time between successive noise bursts. amp_env - decay time on each noise burst. Increasing this time has an effect similar to adding reverb to the sound. tone 2 - tone of the noise burst oscillator tone 3 - frequency of the noise burst oscillator vcf high - filter high frequency vcf res - filter resonance vcf env - filter envelope shape overdrive - how hard you're clapping Square: a fairly simple 2 oscillator synthesizer running through a bandpass filter. Both the pitch of the oscillators and the frequency of the filter are modulated by their own envelopes. A variety of percussive and synth effects are possible. env1 depth - pitch envelope modulation. 0 = rising pitch, 50% = no modulation, 100% = falling pitch env1 time - pitch envelope decay time detune - detune amount of second oscillator noise - noise modulation of oscillator pitch filter - cutoff frequency overdrive - oscillator distortion (before filter) env2 depth - filter envelope modulation amount env2 time - filter envelope decay time FM: a simple 2 oscillator (carrier + modulator) FM synth, with a waveshaper filter. There is a 2 stage decay + release envelope for the pitch and FM amount. Good for 'fuzzy' sounds. FM ratio - carrier to modulator pitch ratio FM amount - depth of the oscillator modulation FM env - pitch envelope to FM depth overdrive - gain distortion of the oscillator pitch env1 - pitch envelope decay (first stage) pitch env2 - pitch envelope release (second stage) shaper A shaper B - non-linear waveshaping distortion. 4 op FM: a 4 operator FM synth, configured especially for percussive sounds. Good for metallic sounds, but can do a wide range of FM based percussion. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 - ratio of oscillator pitches to the master pitch Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 3 - modulation depths of each oscillator env ratio - ratio between the noisy attack envelope section, and the pitched tail section op3 <-> 4 - crossfade between FM operators 3 and 4. Its effect will depend on your settings for ratios and mod depths. Wobble: More of a synth than a percussion effect, this is a simple 2 oscillator affair, with a retriggered LFO to wobble the pitch, and then some overdrive and waveshaping distortion. Most suited for bass sounds. detune - detune amount of oscillator 2 overdrive - gain distortion shaper A shaper B - non-linear waveshaping distortion. LFO depth - amount of LFO used to modulate the oscillators pitches. LFO rate - from slow to fast LFO phase - initial phase offset (reset on every hit) LFO shape - 0 = triangle 1 = squareGrain: A non-sample based granular synth. Small segments of sound, each with their own envelope and filter are played back together to form a type of grain cloud. This is more of an abstract synth, a while not particularly useful for emulating traditional instruments, it can make some interesting sounds that fit well in an electronic kit. detune - second oscillator detune. grainsize - the frequency at which new grains are produced. noise - noise to FM amount. overdrive - gain distortion. pitch env - grain pitch envelope time grain vcf - filter cutoff vcf env - grain filter envelope shape vcf res - grain filter resonance Tom: The pitches of 3 detuned oscillators are dropped quickly by an envelope. The result is mixed and filtered, and then finally sent through a VCA. A click is added to simulate the initial hit. tom type - floor tom, low tom, mid tom, high tom click - initial click volume att pitch - (attack pitch) the initial pitch of the drum before the pitch envelope is triggered. decay1 - body section decay time body depth - ratio of the enveloped attack sound to the resonating body sound overdrive - how hard the tom is hit env time - the overall envelope time for the tom (affects pitch and volume). env depth - the overall envelope depth (affects pitch and volume). Recording: - Record synced with a give length of 1, 2, 4, 8 pattern Record with a manual start (press play to end recording) Play your record Email your recording Upload your recording to your Soundcloud account Copy/Share your recording with Audioshare software Options: </>: Move all steps from the actual sequence to the left or right Randomize: Randomize sequencer data Randomize Instr+Seq: Randomizes sequencer data and Instruments data Randomize everything: Randomizes sequencer data and Instruments data of all 6 channels When you use the Randomize everything function in the first pattern, also the instrument types will get randomized. When you are not in the first pattern the instrument types will not get randomized. This is to get more similar results, that fit to the first pattern. 2. Pattern/Song setup (patt screen): Here you can arrange patterns to a „Song“: Each cell in the grid is representing a unique pattern. Empty patterns with no sequencer data yet set will be plain black. Pattern with existing sequencer data will look similar to the above 2 first lines (not plain black). With activated song mode (song mode button pressed, and filled square at the top menu) the app will play pattern after pattern in loop mode. Copy a pattern: a)choose a pattern (by clicking on it) b)press the copy button c)choose a cell in the grid to copy a pattern you just selected to that position Delete a pattern: a)choose a pattern/cell (by clicking on it) b)press the delete button, and the chosen cell will be emptied (no sequencer data) + / - changes the length of a song with a step size of 4 3. Effect setup (fx screen): Each circle in the xy fx drag view represents the 2 settings of an effect. Click on a table to select an effect and to activate the selected effect for recording/automation your tweaking inside the xy drag view. If you want no automation in your effects (but just static fx settings) you can switch automation off in the options screen. In the options screen you can also set the amount that gets routed from fx1 (mono) into fx (stereo) directly. Due to performance reasons there will be only 2 effects available on older devices with a weaker processor (iPhone 4s, iPad 2). These are the available 11 mono effects: - Distortion (disto) - Mono Flanger (flanger) - Bit Crusher (bcrush) - Shaper (shaper) - Comb filter (comb) - Frequency shifter (fshift) - Lopass-/Highpass-Filter (filter) - Ring Modulator (ringm) - Pitch Shifter (pshifter) - Strobe effect (strobe) - Mono Stutter effect (stutter) These are the available 9 stereo effects: - Reverb, based on Miller Pucket’s reverb (mverb) - Standard Reverb from the pure data library (pureverb) - Gated Reverb (gateverb) - Filtered Delay (vcfdel) - Dow Echo (dowecho) - Stereo Chorus (chorus) - Stereo Flanger (flanger) - Dual Filter (dualvcf) - Autopan (autopan) Options: Send fx1to3: Amount of fx1 effected sound, that goes into fx3 Send fx2to4: Amount of fx2 effected sound, that goes into fx4 Autom off: Toggle fx automation on/off (standard:on) 4. Mixer setup (mix screen): The mixer screen shows the most basic channel settings, similar to what you would expect in a classic mixing console. You can set volume, pan, mute states and the effects sends (only in newer devices with a higher screen size). In contrary to the inst screen, you can not automate values there, but mute states get „remembered“. On the very top of the screen you set your global volume and bpm. Temp x multiplies you bmp tempo settings with a certain amount, so one pattern can have a doubled tempo compared to the pattern before, etc. Audio & Midi settings: Background audio is disabled by default, but your settings will get stored. Deactivate background audio, to switch audio off, when quitting the app and save battery power. Change Audio buffer size to change latency (response) of your app. Smaller values decrease latency, but also increase the cpu power your app will need. Enable Midi clock in to start/stop ED tempo synced to any external midi device, sending midi clock and midi start/stop signals, be it a computer or hardware. BPM detect will detect the tempo by incoming Midi clock signals. This works currently rather imprecise and will be improved in an update. Midi interfaces lists all available midi ports. Here you switch on the midi port, you want to receive midi messages (start/ stop/clock/note on/controller). Midi Controller support is just at it’s very beginning and will get improved in coming updates. So far ED will play the 6 instruments with the following (GM compatible) notes on Midi channel 1: 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44. With Midi clock out enabled, ED will send start/stop/clock signals to all connected midi ports. No further settings are needed to do. Just be sure Midi clock in is not enabled at the same time, because this could cause event loops. ED sending clock signals should be more tight than the other way round - ED getting clock signals. iOS and Mac OS X supports MIDI routing over network. But we recommend either some separate midi for iOS devices (like iRig Midi or similar) or some midi via lightning cable software (like Midimux, Midi LE USB, Music IO), because these are much more stable and have faster Midi response (therefore send tighter clock signals). 5. File/master fx settings (file screen): The file screen is divided into 2 sections: In the top half of the screen you can choose, save, delete and email presets. In the bottom half of the screen you have some additional master effects, affecting all channels: - swing sets the swing factor for all pattern. With a setting in the center (x:0.5, y:0.5), there is no swing at all. Moving left and right increases the swing amount and moving up and down changes the swing size (2,4,8,16) - param will change the „global parameters“ of all instruments at the same time: vertical moves will affect the pitch/tone of all effects, horizontal moves will affect the decay/release rate of all sounds - freeze is a stutter effect (horizontal movement, faster to the left) combined with a filter effect (vertical movement) - stop emulates a tape stop effect. the more right you touch the xy pad the longer the stop effect will be, the more left you touch the xy pad the faster the stop effect will be - comp will show a compressor with 5 classic compressor parameters to change - delay is the very last master effect. horizontal movements will change the delay time, vertical movements will set the delay mix level. y at the very bottom is a completely dry signal, y at the very top, is full wet effect amount A double click into the xy drag view will most of the time reset an effect (effect settings at zero, xy drag at center position) In the option screen you get some additional informations about Elastic Drums and the possibility to rate the app in the iTunes store (which is very appreciated). Options: Here are all kinds of informations about the app, for example the Manual! Rate the app in iTunes, if you like it or spread the word. This will help us to work on further improvements and updates.
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