project cameo research and development facility / gehl / west

R E S E A R C H A N D D E V E LO P M E N T FA C I L I T Y / G E H L / W E S T B E N D, W I
Project Value: $7,638,639
ACS Services:
ACS held a single-source contract for design and
Project Overview:
construction management; equipment specification,
This new facility was built to develop the next
procurement and installation; integration of
generation of compact construction equipment.
equipment and facility systems; and commissioning.
This provides GEHL with the capability to test their
equipment related to noise, structural integrity, power
Project Duration: 14 months
capability, and operation in cold and hot weather.
Key Performance Features:
The sound room is designed for a 63 Hz
Reused existing 73,000 sq. ft. manufacturing
1/3-octaveband center frequency. The background
facility and retrofit to house 70 engineering
noise level for the room when there is no activity in
offices and testing facility.
the space is NC 20. The air handling unit with supply
and return air plenums is designed to deliver air to
the hemi-anechoic room while not exceeding a NC
engineering office space.
25 noise level. Additionally, the room is designed to
exhaust extraction are running is NC 45.
Modified building skin to match the
headquarters. Installed new mechanical
have an exhaust extraction system. The designed
performance of the room when the HVAC and the
Approximately 24,000 sq. ft. made into
building and testing systems.
Built a testing facility which includes a
hemi-anechoic chamber, climate test room,
dynamometer test room, setup areas,
component test areas, mechanical space, and a
hydraulic test lab.
Headquarters - Madison, WI - USA / Greenville, SC - USA / Troy, MI - USA / TEDA Tianjin, China / Leicester, UK / /