project cameo advanced engine development test center

A D VA N C E D E N G I N E D E V E LO PM E N T T E S T C E N T E R - A E DTC / E M D / L AG R A N G E , I L
Project Value: $23,000,000
ACS Services:
Project Overview:
construction management; equipment specification,
ACS provided single source, turnkey delivery of a
procurement and installation; integration of
new development test center for EMD, a locomotive
equipment and facility systems; and commissioning.
ACS held a single-source contract for design and
engine manufacturer in LaGrange, IL. The 26,000SF
facility is used for new product development as
Project Duration:
well as development and testing of aftertreatment
Design: November 2011
systems (ATS) to meet Tier 4 and higher emissions
Construction: April 2012
requirements. The two test cells are capable
of handling diesel engines up to 8000HP, with
Completion Date: May 2013
capabilities for alternative fuels.
Key Performance Features:
Two cells, each capable of running engines up
to 8000HP
offsite fabrication of mechanical pipe and
Engine support systems including, Lube
ductwork in controlled shop conditions while
Oil, Fuel Conditioning, EGR (Exhaust Gas
concrete and steel work was in progress onsite.
Recirculation), Inter Cooler, After Cooler, Jacket
Result was better trade coordination, fewer
change orders, and cost savings
Water, Engine Exhaust
Synchronous Generator Dynamometer 6000KW
EMD and ACS commissioning team worked
side-by-side to accomplish an aggressive
commissioning schedule
Creation of 3-D model of the facility allowed
Precast concrete walls to meet the aggressive
construction schedule
Cell ventilation system capable of air flow up to
200,000 cfm
Load bank installation challenges minimized
by conducting a field visit to the supplier
manufacturing facility to witness and identify
potential field challenges
Headquarters - Madison, WI - USA / Greenville, SC - USA / Troy, MI - USA / TEDA Tianjin, China / Leicester, UK / /