May 2015 - Monsignor O`Donoghue Elementary School

Monsignor O’Donoghue
Catholic Elementary School
Monsignor O’Donoghue
Catholic Elementary
2400 Marsdale Drive
Peterborough • ON
K9L 1Z2
Tel: (705)743-9851
Fax: (705)743-1838
School Bell Times
Start Bell - 8:55 a.m.
AM Recess
10:25 - 10:40 am
12:05 - 1:05 pm
PM Recess
2:30 - 2:45 pm
Dismissal Bell-3:25 pm
Visit the Board Website:
Message from the Principal . . . K. Procyk
May 2015
the month of May, the Liturgical Season of the Church is Easter and the Li-
turgical Colour is white until Pentecost Sunday. After the solemnity of Pentecost, the
Church moves into Ordinary Time with the Liturgical Colour of green until next Advent. Every school in the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington
Catholic District School Board will be learning, praying and talking about the Fruit of
the Holy Spirit called
. In the month of May as we contemplate
gentleness, we keep the example and model of Mary, our Heavenly Mother in our
hearts, as she exemplifies in her life. In our schools, homes and parishes, let us
teach and model gentleness so that our students will become active examples of
living the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Inside this issue:
Online $ Payments
Bike Safety
Family Literacy Night
Environmental Club
Leaders of Today
Boys/Girls Basketball
FDK Registration
Jk Orientation
From the Library
Sub-themes for the week of May 3-8:
Motivational Speaker 5
Summer School
News from IMCC
Pope‟s Message
Pedal for Hope
CSC News
CMH Week
May Calendar
Monday ─ Walking Together and
Sharing our Story
Tuesday ─ Opening the Scriptures
Wednesday ─
Welcoming Others to the Table
Thursday ─ Recognizing Jesus in the
Breaking of the Bread
Friday ─
Proclaiming the Good News
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Monsignor O’Donoghue Catholic School
Coming Soon
Monsignor O‟Donoghue will be implementing a School Cash Online
method of paying for school trips, hot
lunches, etc.
Our kindergarten
students are required to bring a
bicycle helmet to school for outdoor recesses when
riding bicycles in the designated area. Bike riding is a lot
of fun, but accidents happen. A head injury can
Catholic Education Week ─ May 03
03--08, 2015
mean brain injury. That's why it's so important to wear
your bike helmet. Wearing one doesn't mean you can be
reckless, but a helmet will provide some protection for
your face, head, and brain in case you fall down.
Provincial Testing (EQAO)
Education Quality and Accountability Office
The Grade 3 Assessment will take place on Tuesday, May 27 to
Thursday, May 29 inclusive. The Grade 6 Assessment will take
place on Monday, June 03 to Wednesday, June 05 inclusive. We
would appreciate all students be in full attendance on these dates.
Please do not schedule appointments during
this Assessment period.
Also, it is important that your child has plenty of rest and eats a
healthy breakfast. The results of this assessment will be available
in the fall of 2015.
Family Literacy Night─Wed., May 06, 6-7:00 p.m.
An invitation for the families of our Primary grade students (FDK-3)
Come out and join the fun … It all happens in the School Library
You won't believe how fabulous you sound!
with Award-winning Author & Illustrator
Loris Lesynski
is an award-winning
author and illustrator
who's in love with the
rhythm and beat of language. Her 5 storybooks and 9 collections of lively, kid-based poems all have a good beat and
surprising rhyming. Boy Soup, her first book, was selected
by TD Bank for the Grade One Giveaway in 2013, over half
a million copies going out across Canada. She always
hopes to inspire students to try their own hands at creative
writing. See her website for How To Write Your Own Poems,
Monsignor O’Donoghue Catholic School
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Environmental Club
was a busy month for our Environmental Club and school community. During Earth week, members
of the club did announcements and prayers each morning. Our school participated in the
Earth Day clean-up. We have been doing crafts such as bird feeders, bug crafts and planting seeds indoors. We are excited to be receiving the painted lady butterfly larvae from
Lucy‟s Butterfly farm in early May. It will be amazing to watch the beautiful cycle again this year as the larvae transform into butterflies and are released into our butterfly garden. We would like to thank Mr. Condon
and some members of the environmental club for spring cleaning our beautiful garden. Thank you to
Melanie Doricott and her crew for weeding and mulching our gardens. They look beautiful.
The spring
bulbs are starting to bloom!
Leaders of Today
EDUCATION WEEK, Leaders of Today will be hosting an
Outdoor Adventure Day on Monday, May 04.
Leaders members will organize exciting
activities in the spirit of gathering together as a school community. Further details forthcoming.
We will also be running a Gently-Used Book Donation campaign during the week of Monday, May
04-08. We are asking our MOD families to check their bookshelves and see if they can donate gently
used books for all ages. All donations will go to support St. Vincent De Paul. As always, our Clothing Drive continues
to go strong! It is time to start Spring Cleaning so feel free to bring your donations to our front foyer (St. Vincent De Paul
bins) and help out local families in need! Thank you for your continued support MOD!
Your MOD Leaders Today have been busy in April! It was Autism Awareness month and in support MOD wore blue tshirts each Friday in April! Great school spirit MOD! We also organized our 1st Kernels Popcorn Day Fundraiser held on
April 22 & 28th! With the support of our awesome school we raised
Children Centre and Autism Ontario ─ Peterborough Chapter.
$590 that we plan to donate to Five Counties
My Leaders are an amazing group of individuals who show strong
leadership and teamwork skills throughout the year for many great causes!
I am always so impressed with their level of support for social justice. A special thank you to all my members for your
hard work and dedication to our Popcorn Days!
“Super proud of you" - Mrs. Skinner
Boys/Girls Basketball Teams
Congratulations to the Boys Basketball team on their 6th place finish. The team made it
to the B finals and lost a close game 21-18. The boys played very well all day and represented MOD with great pride! Thank you to all the hard working, dedicated team members. And thank you to Mr. Cowie for running the tournament at St. Peter‟s.
Congratulations to the Senior Girls Basketball team making it to the „C‟ Championship
Finals. Thank you to all the hardworking girls and to coaches Mrs. Naylor and
Mr. Marsella.
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Monsignor O’Donoghue
Reminder to Register for Full Day Early Learning
Kindergarten September 2015
Starting school is an exciting time of many firsts for all children. Monsignor O‟Donoghue provides a rich learning environment with support from caring, competent teachers and early child
educators, where every child can learn, grow, and experience success. In the Kindergarten
program, your child will participate in all kinds of exciting activities, planned, taught, and supported by caring adults. This is the beginning of a lifelong adventure. We look forward to working together with you to plant the seeds for a love of learning. Please call the school at (705)
743-9851 and we will arrange a time. Please bring the following information with you: Baptismal Certificate, Birth Certificate, and proof of Separate School Taxes.
We look forward to sharing this journey with you and your child.
Welcome to Kindergarten Orientation Evening
Monsignor O‟Donoghue School is having a Welcome
to Kindergarten Orientation Evening on Wednesday, May 27 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. to
welcome all new Junior Kindergarten students to the Early Learning Program for
September 2015. Please bring your child for this special evening of fun learning
activities. It is recommended that parents leave younger siblings at home.
From the Library
Our Scholastic
Book Fair was another success! Thank you to all who were able to make a purchase and who came to say hello on Family Night. We love having your families
in the school!! The winners of our Family Night Draw were Reed Logan and Mrs. Fuller‟s Kindergarten classroom. Reed said “it
was his best day ever!”
On Wednesday, May 13th award-winning Canadian author Sigmund Brouwer will be visiting
with our grade 4 to grade 8 students. Sigmund brings his unique sense of play to the serious
business of learning to read and write. Armed with music, humor and heart, he connects the
dots for kids to cultivate their reading and writing skills. He visits 80,000 students per year at
schools across North America drawing on the theme that great stories, like great songs, engage our feelings.
On Monday, June 01 both our grade one classes will be visiting the Peterborough Public Library for story time and a tour with Mrs. Hiltz.
Monsignor O’Donoghue Catholic School
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News from IMCC
May 03-08: Catholic Education Week
May 09-10: Bundle Sunday
May 14:
March for Life in Ottawa
May 16:
Ice-Cream Sunday
May 17:
Ice-Cream Sunday
May 22:
Raise the Roof 8-10:00 pm
May 24:
1st Communion Prep
May 30:
Ordination E.Mason 7:00 pm
May 30:
Taste of Poland 6:00 pm
Bundle Sunday: The Society of
the St. Vincent de Paul of Immaculate Conception Church will be hosting a Bundle Sunday on May 09 &
10. The truck from Vinnies‟ Store
will be in the Church parking lot and
will open before and after Mass. So
as to not impact on the annual
Church Yard Sale we are asking
donations of clothing, shoes, purses
and textiles such and bedding and
curtains. Call Mardi Ayotte, 705742-9835 or e-mail to learn more
about the rewarding role by becoming a Vincentian.
Parish Weekend at Camp Northern Lights: Sat/Sun, July 11 &
12—or you can come for just for the
Saturday or spend the night. Lots
of activities planned. Cabins are
available or you can bring tents.
Call Fr. Bill at 705-742-5466 to register if you have any questions.
Neighbourhood Celebrations:
This summer the parish is planning
for Friday evening masses in backyards with a “pot luck” barbeque to
follow. If you would like to volunteer
to host one of these neighbourhood
celebrations please call Fr. Bill at
Monsignor O’Donoghue Catholic School
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Sunday, May 17, 2015
Theme: “Communicating the Family: A Privileged Placed of Encounter
with the Gift of Love”.
is in the context of the family that we first learn how to communicate. The family is where we learn to live with others
despite our differences. The diversity of the family is the context where we learn communication. We learn about
“bond”. It was in our families that the majority of us learned the religious dimension of communication. More than anywhere else, the family is where we daily experience our own limits and those of others, the problems great and small entailed in living peacefully with others. We should not be fearful of imperfections, weakness or even conflict, but rather
learn how to deal with them constructively. Forgiveness is itself a process of communication. When contrition is expressed and accepted, it becomes possible to restore and rebuild the communication which broke down. In a world where
people often curse, use foul language, speak badly of others, sow discord and poison our human environment by gossip,
the family can teach us to understand communication as a blessing. In situations apparently dominated by hatred and violence, where families are separated by stone walls or the no less impenetrable walls of prejudice and resentment, where
there seem to be good reasons for saying “enough is enough”, it is only by blessing rather than cursing, by visiting rather
than repelling, and by accepting rather than fighting, that we can break the spiral of evil, show that goodness is always
possible, and educate our children to fellowship. The media can be a hindrance if they become a way to avoid listening to
others, to evade physical contact, to fill up every moment of silence and rest, so that we forget that “silence is an integral
element of communication; in its absence, words rich in content cannot exist.” The great challenge facing us today is
to learn once again how to talk to one another, not simply how to generate and consume information. The latter is a tendency which our important and influential modern communications media can encourage. Information is important, but it is
not enough. All too often things get simplified, different positions and viewpoints are pitted against one another, and people are invited to take sides, rather than to see things as a whole. By growing daily in our awareness of the vital importance
of encountering others, these “new possibilities”, we will employ technology wisely, rather than letting ourselves be dominated by it. Here too, parents are the primary educators, but they cannot be left to their own devices. [PVNC INVITATION –
Ask the school about and explore Samaritans on the Digital Road – a resource to help students to use the social media
responsibly. Go through this resource and discuss it with your child(ren).]
Model hopeful and positive communication with and among each other.
Seek to address conflicts constructively and work toward forgiveness.
Ask open-ended questions to open up topics and to create room for understanding among family members.
Always remember and speak about relationship, love, commitment and loyalty in the family.
Take time to reflect; be silent and nurture a prayerful spirit trusting in God’s graces for the family.
Teach your children to apply these same messages to the social media.
MOD Pedal for Hope 2015
Cancer Sur
Boden Bullo
Congratulations to the MOD Hair Donors!
Monsignor O’Donoghue Catholic School
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Greetings from the Catholic School Council
you to the Catholic School Council for the motions passed at last
month‟s Council meeting. The motions are as follows: $500 was
donated to the Breakfast Program and $800 was donated towards
the beautification of our school gardens. The next CSC meeting is Tuesday, May 26 at
6:30 p.m. This will be the last meeting for the year. Thank you for the generous donations
supporting our school and community all year! And, not to forget our wonderful VOLUNTEERS that endlessly donate their valuable time to our students! We could not provide
our breakfast program without you!
Samantha Crowley, Chair, Christal Stanley, Co-chair
Mental Health
Children’s Mental Health Week, May 3-9, 2015
BeWell is the motto
for PVNCDSB‟s Strategy for Mental Health and Well-Being. BeWellis not only
Good mental health is important for everyone! That is why
our hope for everyone, that they should experience a sense of well-being in their lives. It
is a challenge to all of us to actively foster and maintain well-being for ourselves, our
schools, and our communities. To learn more about what PVNCCDSB is doing to promote mental health and well-being, check out the Mental Health section under Our Board
M ay 2 0 1 5
“Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on the road?”
Luke 24:32
Pizza Lunch
Catholic Ed. Week
CMH Week
Outdoor Adventure Day
Trent Enrichment
Program Gr. 7/8
Family Literacy
Night 6:00 pm
Heritage Centre
K. Cowie, JkSk
Gr. 3 EQAO
Gr. 3 EQAO
Camp Kawartha
Gr. 1, Mackey/Moloney
CSC Mtg. 6:30 pm
Gr. 3 EQAO
New Kindergarten
Orientation Night
6:00 pm
Symposium, Eco Club
Pizza Lunch
Gr. 3 EQAO
Ice Cream after
Mass @ IMCC
Pizza Lunch
VEYO Confirmation Retreat
Pizza Lunch
Author, Sigmund
Brouwer Visit
Gr. 4-8
Ice Cream after
Mass @ IMCC
1st Communion
Prep @ IMCC
Mass @ IMCC
10:30 a.m.
Pizza Lunch
Taste of Poland
Dinner @ IMCC