MONTE NIDO VALLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION A Dark Sky Community E-NEWSLETTER March/April 2015 WHAT’S IN THIS ISSUE Backbone Trail Community hike event April 18 Local land development on Piuma and legal fund to oppose approval of submitted plans Equestrian properties and new, time-sensitive permitting processes Fire Safe Council Workshop May 2 First in a series of interviews with the MNVCA Board members by Ann Monahan Minutes of March 2015 Board meeting Please note the invitation sent out on Nextdoor Monte Nido and posted around the neighborhood. This hike is for anyone in the community who would like to enjoy the springtime natural beauty of Monte Nido and observe first hand some of the areas in danger of intrusion by the Vintage Pacific Properties development plan. Monte Nido Valley Community Association invites you to hike a section of the beautiful Backbone Trail See why Monte Nido is such a unique environment. Learn how you can help preserve it! Saturday, April 18th 8:30 am – park/meet at Piuma & Woodbluff 9am prompt – car shuttles will depart 2 hour hike (approx.), moderately strenuous, mostly downhill Wear appropriate shoes Bring water No dogs, no small children (unless you are prepared to carry them) Those with limited mobility are welcome to meet up with hikers at the end of the trail (Backbone Trailhead at 1st hairpin curve on Piuma ) @ 11am for coffee, juice, and bagels Vintage Pacific Properties Development on Piuma Rd As noted in earlier Newsletters, plans for the building of very large, multistory homes covering the lots on Piuma near the first hairpin turn by Vintage Pacific Co. continues to be a threat to Monte Nido ambiance and to nearby parkland. MNVCA has formally appealed approvals issued to date and a legal fund has been established to enable our voices to be heard in the County Planning and permitting processes that are to come. An important hearing on this topic is scheduled for April 8. We believe that we are on sound legal and environmental grounds and that our chances are good to mitigate possible damage to the character and environmental quality of our community. We have a good start, but additional resources are needed to run the gauntlet of the legal process Please review the information sent out on this topic and join us at the April 18 hike (see above) and consider donating to this fund in any amount. The address for mailing a donation is MNVCA at PO Box 8054, Calabasas 91372. Judy Goldin, Treasurer Include a notation that the donation is for the legal fund. Implications of new permitting requirements for equestrian properties Please take note of the message sent out by Stephanie Abronson, local champion of horses and horse lovers, on the implications of regulations contained within the recently passed local land use regulations. To maintain or establish permits for keeping horses and making use of equestrian properties in Monte Nido it will be necessary to go through a new, and potentially expensive permit process. Stephanie’s message is reprinted as an addendum to this Newsletter below. It contains important background information, links to County documents, recommendations for steps to be taken, County official contact points, and an email address where further inquires can be sent. There is a plan to hold a question/answer meeting with an appropriate County official on this topic in the future. When this is scheduled the meeting details will be sent out to the community. Monte Nido Fire Safe Council Workshop Scheduled Look also at the addenda to this Newsletter for information on an upcoming workshop (May 2) on strategies and methods for preparing your home and property for maximum safety during wild fire seasons in Monte Nido. Many thanks to Jo Powe, Mark Mehner and the rest of the Council members who volunteer their time and expertise on ongoing projects and education and outreach programs that make us and our community safer. More Monte Nido Stories by Ann Monahan In recent months Ann has collected and written local stories from long time and newly arrived Monte Nido residents for this Newsletter. Along these lines, she plans to do a series of interviews of current MNVCA Board members and tell their stories starting with our invaluable MNVCA Board Secretary, Jill Reiss. below. " I LOVE THE COMMUNITY OF MONTE NIDO... THE COMMUNITY OF FRIENDS WHO TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER... IT’S A REAL COMMUNITY FAR FROM THE URBAN NIGHTMARE" THIS IS A QUOTE FROM JILL REISS, THE SECRETARY OF THE MONTE NIDO VALLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION FOR THE LAST SEVEN YEARS. SHE IS A NATIVE NEW YORKER, AND USED TO LIVE IN CONNETICUT, OHIO AND NORTHRIDGE. YEARS AGO, SHE ATTENDED A BIRTHDAY PARTY WHEN HER DAUGHTER, MELYSA, WAS IN THE 8TH GRADE. THE PARTY WAS AT KINSLEY CARNAHAN'S HOUSE HERE IN MONTE NIDO. THAT'S HOW SHE DISCOVERED OUR LITTLE VILLAGE. A DECADE LATER, WHEN THEY RETURNED FROM CT, HER HUSBAND WORKED ON MUREAU RD. HE TOOK A MAP AND CIRCLED THE AREA WHERE THEY SHOULD LOOK FOR HOMES. IN THAT CIRCLE, WAS A LITTLE AREA CALLED "MONTE NIDO". THE REST IS HISTORY. THEY HAVE BEEN RESIDENTS FOR THE PAST 12 YEARS. SHE SAYS SHE LOVES THE GOOD CLEAN AIR AND THE COUNTRY LIVING, BUT REITERATED THAT THE PEOPLE ARE THE KINDEST, THEY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER AND LOOK OUT FOR EACH OTHER. JILL IS AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MATH SPECIALIST, CURRENTLY TEACHING 3,4,5,6 GRADES IN ENCINO. IT’S A 20-MILE TRIP EACH WAY, BUT WELL WORTH IT. HER FAMILY PLANS THEIR DAYS AROUND "WHEN WE CAN BE HOME". CURRENTLY, THE HOME HOUSES JILL, HER HUSBAND AND RUFUS, THE CAT. BUT THIS FALL, WHILE HER SON-IN-LAW, A NAVY LIEUTENANT, IS DEPLOYED, MELYSA AND HER BABY, GRAY, WILL BE JOINING THEM ALONG WITH ANOTHER 3 CATS AND A DOG, SO THE "FRENCH CHALET TYPE" HOME WILL BE HOPPING. ON THE SUBJECT OF THE PROPOSED "HERITAGE HOMES" PROJECT ON PIUMA RD, HERE ARE JILL'S THOUGHTS: "I RESPECT PEOPLE'S RIGHT TO DEVELOP THEIR PROPERTY, AND I DON'T THINK WE CAN STAND IN THE WAY OF MORE DEVELOPMENT AND SAY "NO MORE..EVER". THAT'S A PIPE DREAM AND UNREALISTIC. HOWEVER, THIS PARTICULAR DEVELOPER HAS ABUSED OUR TRUST. HE INITIALLY PROPOSED A WHOLE DIFFERENT SET OF PARAMETERS AND HOW HE WOULD CONFORM TO OUR STYLE OF LIVING HERE. WHAT HE HAS PROPOSED ARE VERY BEAUTIFUL HOMES, BUT TOO LARGE FOR THEIR LOTS AND WAY OUT OF CHARACTER WITH THE NEIGHBORHOOD, AND WILL FEEL LIKE A SUB-DEVELOPMENT OF TRACT HOMES WHICH IS NOT WHAT WE ARE. MONTE NIDO HOMES ARE CUSTOM, WHICH ARE ALL INDIVIDUAL. THEY ARE NOT COOKIE CUTTER HOMES, THE VINTAGE DEVELOPMENT WILL FEEL LIKE A SUBURBAN VALLEY DEVELOPMENT. AND THEN THERE ARE THE INFRINGEMENTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT. I DON'T LIKE TO SEE THE ENVIROMENT BLIGHTED OR OVERLY DEVELOPED, AND I NO LONGER TRUST HIM. IF HE WOULD SCALE IT BACK, SO THAT THEY ARE PROPORTIONATE TO THE LOT AND FIT IN A LITTLE BIT BETTER WITH THE SURROUNDINGS, I WOULD BE FAR MORE SUPPORTIVE. IT TAKES A CERTAIN TYPE OF PERSON TO LIVE HERE. WE HAVE BEEN HERE 12 YEARS. WHEN WE FIRST MOVED IN THERE WAS A SERIOUS EL NINO AND PIUMA FLOODED. THAT'S HOW I DISCOVERED THAT THERE WAS A CREEK HERE. I TURNED OFF LAS VIRGENES ONTO PIUMA AND WENT "WHERE IS ALL THE WATER COMING FROM? " TO SUM UP LIVING HERE IN MONTE NIDO. WE DON'T COME AND GO. WE PLAN OUR DAY AROUND WHEN WE CAN BE HOME. IT’S A FANTASTIC PLACE. Thank you MNVCA Members Board members and community volunteers organize annual events such as July 4 parade and picnic, October Square Dance, and Holiday Pot Lucks as well as the Adopt-AHighway cleanup, Fire Safe Council, the Bulletin Board and this Newsletter. They represent our interests at Las Virgenes Homeowners Federation and at County Supervisor and Coastal Commission meetings to protect our rural character and our trails. The membership drive for 2015 is now underway. We encourage all our local residents to join MNVCA . In anticipation of some increased costs, the annual membership fee is increased from $50 to $75 starting in 2015 ($25 for first time members). You can send in your membership (checks made out to MNVCA) addressed to MNVCA at PO Box 8054, Calabasas 91372. Judy Goldin, Treasurer Backbone Trail to raise awareness of the scenic beauty that will be impacted by the development. Minutes of the MNVCA Board Meeting of March 10, 2015 Meeting was held at the home of Judy Goldin. Joan Slimocosky called the meeting to order at 7:11PM, in the absence of Carrie Baltin. Present from the Board: Presiding VP Joan Slimocosky, Alicia Gonzalez, Ann Monahan, Mary Helen Young, Sheila Rosenthal, Maria Ioan, Jill Reiss, Gary Wooller, Judy Goldin, Ilda Jacobsen, Megan Wolflick Present from the Community: Alex and Lana Kravetz, Jane Cudworth, Shari Pevsner, Jo Powe, Suze Randall A quorum of Board members was established Minutes from the Feb 2015 meeting were approved. Treasurer’s Report: Judy Goldin reported – The IRS reinstated our 501c4 status. CA State Franchise Tax Board non-profit approval is still pending, but all paperwork is being prepared. Membership – 84 households have paid their membership dues from the latest membership appeal. This is a very typical/usual response level. People frequently believe they’ve already paid dues because they have joined their smaller, local neighborhood groups. Suggestion was made to send a second appeal offering PayPal payment through the email account Ilda opened. Motion passed to authorize Judy Goldin to pay 2015 membership dues to Federation. Motion passed to authorize Judy Goldin to reimburse Carrie Baltin for expenses she incurred for the Installation Pot Luck dinner meeting in February 2015. Federation – no meeting. Old Business Osgood/Vintage: The Board moved to executive session for an update on status. Motion passed that on April 18, 2015 (rain day April 25) we will have a community hike on the Motion passed that the association access our marketing fund for $200 to purchase 50 street signs to create awareness of opposition to the development. Subcommittee will decide how to distribute/sell. Directory – Cathy Sieling says everything is complete and she is awaiting direction about binding. Joan Slimocosky has given her instructions about the printing company and spiral binding. Water Main – is fixed on Cold Canyon. New Business – LIP, Jo Powe Reported: Local Implementation Plan (LIP) – This portion of the LCP outlines the specifics of how the LUP (Land Use Plan) will be implemented. LA County was successful in getting CCC to include that there would be a path to compliance for residents in the mountains with existing horse facilities who do not have an existing coastal permit. Facilities built before 1976 are grandfathered in. If you created an unpermitted facility after 2001 you are ineligible to participate. Facilities without permits created between ‘76 and ‘01 are eligible to participate. There are two categories: One category for facilities that comply with all rules and regulations but have no permit. Those facility owners can fill out an application and present the required information. Then the County will inspect and if it says you are in compliance, you will pay a fee and receive your permit. The second category is for unpermitted facilities that violate the strict requirements of the LCP (for ex. too close to creek, under oaks). They have to apply for a coastal development permit and the County will determine if you can relocate the facility to another location on the property that would be in compliance. If the only possible location on your property violates the rules and regulations, the County may allow you to keep it if you agree to impose best management practices. Then you will receive an 8-year permit, renewable only 2 more times for a total of 24 years. After 24 years, you cannot renew. At that time, you will have to remove the facility and restore the native vegetation to its original state. If you sell the property, the 24 years is shortened and the new buyer has to re-apply. The 24-year countdown started on Oct 11, 2014. And there is a two-year application window – you must file the application before Oct 2016. If Coastal has already cited you for violations, you only have 1 year: that deadline ends Oct 11, 2015. However, LA County has not yet drafted the applications for distribution and is not yet ready to receive applications. Efforts are underway to get LA County to agree to re-start the 2-year window after the County begins to accept applications. Stephanie Abronson will send notices to ETI and other horse people about outreach meetings and information to guide them in completing applications. Motion passed to forward Stephanie’s information about LIP requirements regarding horse facilities to our email distribution list. Meeting adjourned at 8:58PM The Next MNVCA Board of Directors Meeting will be held on April 14 at the home of Joan Slimocosky. Respectfully submitted, Jill Reiss Secretary The Next MNVCA Board Meeting will be on April 14, 2015 at the home of Joan Slimocosky 25632 Buckhorn Dr. at 7:00 PM. Members of the Community are invited and encouraged to attend. How to reach us: Send your email address to Jill Reiss, the MNVCA secretary, at, to receive announcements of meetings, community activities, and the time and location of our Board meetings. President: Carrie Baltin 818-224-4696 Vice Pres: Joan Slimocosky 818-591-1082 Treasurer: Judy Goldin 818-983-1910 Secretary: Jill Reiss 818-222-1995 Contributions to the newsletter can be sent to the editor Mary Helen Young at Stephanie Abronson’s Message on Equestrian Property Permitting: If you live in Monte Nido, and have property that could/does have facilities for horses including a corral fence, or if you wish in the future to increase your property value because your property could have horses on it --- this is why you may have received the ETI Corral 36 April Newsletter. It contains very important information for you to follow if you wish to apply to L.A. County for a CUP under the "Special Compliance Program" (SPC). You can apply before Oct. 10, 2016. The more neighbors we gather to apply early to the County SCP, the more leverage we may have to lower costs to each individual. NOTICE: As of April 4, 2015: If you live in Monte Nido, and have property that could/does have facilities for horses including a corral fence, or if you wish in the future to increase your property value because your property could have horses on it --- this is why you may have received the ETI Corral 36 April Newsletter. It contains very important information for you to follow if you wish to apply to L.A. County for a CUP under the "Special Compliance Program" (SPC). You can apply before Oct. 10, 2016. The more neighbors we gather to apply early to the County SCP, the more leverage we may have to lower costs to each individual. ATTENTION STA. MONICA MTNS. PROPERTY OWNERS THE CLOCK IS TICKING…for the “SPECIAL COMPLIANCE PROGRAM” EVERY EQUESTRIAN PROPERTY IN THE SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS IS AFFECTED We are several months into the “SPECIAL COMPLIANCE PROGRAM” of the Coastal Development Program (CDP), which impacts ALL property owners in the Santa Monica Mountains Local Coastal Plan (SMM LCP), however property owners have received very little information on how to proceed. It was our impression that the County would hold a Community Outreach Meeting soon after the first of the year to provide key information, and therefore, property owners needed to be patient before starting the application process for the “Special Compliance Program”. Unfortunately, it seems that this community meeting is not likely to take place anytime soon! We have obtained information which indicates it will be some time before the L. A. County Regional Planning department will be ready to hold a Community Outreach Meeting with Monte Nido, or other communities in the SMM. Apparently the County has a complicated consultant hiring system so that is what is taking the time. This County consultant will be in charge of all “outreach” meetings. According to sources, this consultant is not yet hired. We have been told that some other administrative part of the County, not Regional Planning, has to designate the job description, and must go through specific political steps to complete this process before advertising and accepting applications from candidates for the “outreach” job. With this new information, we recommend that property owners should not delay any longer, and should commencing the application process as soon as possible. seriously consider KEY INFORMATION: Deadline to file application*: October 10, 2016 Where to obtain application and checklist: It appears that the County has published the CDP application on their web site under “Santa Monica Mountains Local Coastal Program (LCP).” The site is Certificate of Compliance Certificate of Compliance Information (English) (PDF) Certificate of Compliance Information (Spanish) (PDF) Certificate of Compliance Application (PDF or Word) Certificate of Compliance Checklist (PDF or Word) Certificate of Compliance Legal Description (PDF or Word) Fees: Application Fee $9,600 Other fees to be accrued: Environmental Review Fee Biological Survey Fees Property Drawings (if you have the original CCC and LA County Regional Planning Permits & drawings, you may not need a property survey). Who to Contact for Additional Information: OR: Joshua Huntington, AICP Principal Planner, Zoning Permits West Section Department of Regional Planning 320 W. Temple Street Los Angeles CA 90012 213-974-6462 Email: Website: Leonard Erlanger, Land Div. Research Section 213. 974.6458 Email: Viewing your property: L. A. County Department of Regional Planning has a Resource Overlay Map program - an interactive website: Look for the Santa Monica Mountains Local Coastal Program; Look for information regarding biological resources, scenic resources, zoning, land use, etc. for properties within the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone. Use this tool to VIEW this information for properties within the Coastal Zone. There are overlays to fill out all of the information that will be required for your application. It is important to have a Biological Survey done in the spring while plants are blooming and birds are nesting. The Abronson’s recommend Dan Cooper, Cooper Ecological; email:; (323) 397-3562. Call Dan for a quick look at your property and he will follow up with a quote. *There are 18 people in the community who fall into the 1-year category who have received a California Coastal Commission Notice of Violation for the “Special Compliance Program”. According to sources, all 18 have received notice and their deadline to file an application is OCTOBER 10, 2015. We strongly suggest these folks get on the phone with the County and demand to know how they are to comply with the special compliance program – there are only a few months remaining for these 18 property owners! ~~ Article provided by ETI Corral 36 members Kimber Gustafson and Stephanie Abronson, Editor, ETI Corral 36 Newsletter If you have general questions about the LCP and the “Special Compliance Program” please send them to the email address below and we will respond to them as quickly as possible, depending on the volume of requests. Email address – MONTE NIDO FIRE SAFE COUNCIL WORKSHOP DON’T LET THIS BE YOUR HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 2 9 a.m. – noon RSVP to or (310) 745-3642 Meet at the Edenwild Bridge at 9 a.m. We will tour 4 homes with risk assessors to learn more about how best to protect our homes ahead of a wildfire. Funding provided by a grant from the Community Assistance Program of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, National Park Service, Department of the Interior, through the California Fire Safe Council.
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