RU US ST T BR RO OS S. FA AR RM M EQ QU UIIP PM ME EN NT T Thurs. April 16 Thursday, April 16, 2015 • 10:30 a.m. Retirement auction to be held at 618 Hwy #36, west edge of Kensington, Kansas. Lunch Served by Red’s Country Catering EXTRA CLEAN JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT NOTE: These items are very low hour, clean and in excellent shape!! The Rust Brothers are retiring from farming. Plan to Attend!! 2007 John Deere 9320 4WD Tractor, 620/70-R42 Firestone Tires including duals, 4 remotes, no 3 pt. no PTO, Starfire ITC Guidance system, 2570 hours, bought new; 2004 John Deere #1895 air seeder, 36 ft., 3 row disc, sells w/John Deere 1910 Tender w/3 hoppers, very clean unit; 2006 John Deere 9760STS combine, 2500 engine hours, 1600 separator hours, Contour feeder house, chopper, no custom, believed no corn acres; John Deere 635F Flex Head, low acres; Maur M34 adjustable header trailer, lights, like new; 4 wheel header trailer for 30 ft. platform; John Deere bat reel for 30 ft. head, very good TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 1999 John Deere #637 Wheatland Disc, 32’, 1”, 22 1/2-23” blades, 9” spacing, auto leveler, Harrow, used very little, bought new; Richardson model 3671-35 V-Blade, 35 ft. cut, hard surfaced pickers, NH3 setup, and good shape; Richardson model 3660-30 V-Blade, 30 ft. cut, pickers, NH3 setup, good shape; Sunflower model 5531 34 ft. Field Cultivator, Walking tandems, 2 bar harrow; Case IH #5700 Chisel Plow, 18 ft. pull type, used very little; John Deere F145 5-16 semi-mount plow TRUCKS - TRAILERS - GRAIN CART 1998 Jetco 26’ steel hopper grain trailer, 11X22.5 virgin original rubber, roll over tarp, extra good condition; 1992 IHC single axle semi-tractor, Cummins Diesel, Air Conditioning, 9 speed, 24.5 rubber, sells separate from trailer; 1979 Ford 9000 truck, Cummins engine, 6 speed, twin screw, good 24.5 rubber, Parkhurst 24 ft. steel box w/52” sided, twin cylinder hoist, roll over tarp; 1979 IHC single axle truck, 3208 Cat engine, less 10,000 miles on new engine, 5 speed, 2 speed, 10:00X20 rubber, Knapheide 18 ft. steel box, 52” sides, roll over tarp, extra hyd for drill fill auger; 1977 Ford Tandem truck Cummins engine, 9 speed, Air Conditioning, 2.5 rubber, twin screw, 22 ft. steel box, 52” sides, and Twin cyl. Hoist, roll over tarp; 1984 Chevrolet C70 tandem truck, 427 V-8 gas engine, 10 speed, 10:00X20 rubber, Omaha Standard 20 ft. steel box, 52” sides, twin cyl. Hoist, roll over tarp, 69,931 ACTUAL miles; 1996 Dodge 3500 1 ton pickup, 2WD Cummins Diesel motor, 5 speed manual trans., dual wheel, good tires, 10 1/2 ft. flatbed w/toolbox; United Farm tools model #625 grain cart, 1000 PTO, 24.5X32 tires, folding auger, shut off, clean unit; Schabaden 1000 gallon nurse tank trailer, tandem wheels, Honda model #160 motor & pump; Schabden 2-3000 gallon portable fertilizer storage tanks, 2 wheel frame, pump and motor AUGERS & MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Batco #1314 belt conveyor for truck hopper, Hyd. drive; Fertel 8”X30’ transport auger, PTO drive; Mayrath 8”x5O’ grain auger, PTO drive; Woods model MD184 shredder, 3 pt, 7 ft. 540 PTO; 700 Gallon Diesel tank w/2 pumps; 2 14.9X24 tires-wheels-hubs-spindles for JD 9600 combine VERY FEW SMALL ITEMS, SALE WILL LAST 2 - 2 1/2 HOURS, BE ON TIME!!! RUST BROS- ROGER, DAVID & STEVE FOR INFORMATION CALL ROGER RUST • 785-476-7455 Frieling Realty & Auction, Inc. Al Frieling, Auctioneer & Real Estate Broker 105 S. Main, Box 284, Smith Center, KS 66967 Phone: 785-282-6405 or 785-282-0538, cell Terms of Sale: Cash or good check day of auction. Nothing removed until settled for. Property at bidder’s risk after bid off. The Best effort for year & model, hours, condition, mileage have been taken, but all items sell “AS IS, WHERE IS”. Owners & auction staff not responsible for accidents or theft. AUCTION & REALTY 1141 HIGHWAY 78 GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA Roy Montgomery, Auctioneer/Real Estate Broker Hm: 402-257-2335, Cell: 402-746-3823, Website: Email:
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